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      subroutine frame2d(d,ul,xl,ix,s,p,ndf,ndm,nst,isw)

!      * * F E A P * * A Finite Element Analysis Program

!....  Copyright (c) 1984-2021: Regents of the University of California
!                               All rights reserved


!     Two dimensional frame element

!     Control Information:

!       ndm  - Spatial dimension of problem       = 2
!       ndf  - Number degree-of-freedoms at node >= 3
!              ( 1 = u_1 ; 2 = u_2 ; 3 = theta )
!       nen  - Two node element (nel = 2)        >= 2

      implicit  none

      include  'debugs.h'

      include  'bdata.h'
      include  'cdata.h'
      include  'eldata.h'
      include  'eltran.h'
      include  'hdata.h'
      include  'iofile.h'
      include  'prld1.h'

      include  'comblk.h'

      integer       :: ndf,ndm,nst,isw,tdof,i
      real (kind=8) :: cs,sn,le

      integer       :: ix(*)
      real (kind=8) :: d(*),ul(ndf,nen,*),xl(ndm,*),s(nst,*),p(*)


      if(isw.eq.1) then
        if(ior.lt.0) write(*,2000)
        call inmate(d,tdof,3*2,3)

!       Set plot sequence
        pstyp = 1

!       Check dimensions
        if(ndm.ne.2 .or. ndf.lt.3 .or. nen.lt.2) then
          write(iow,3000) ndm,ndf,nen
          call plstop(.true.)

!       Deactivate dof in element for dof > 3
        do i = 4,ndf
          ix(i) = 0
        end do

!       Check for geometric storage for finite deformation element
        if(d(18).lt.0.0d0 ) then
          if(d(79).eq.0.0d0) then
            call framf2d(d,ul,xl,ix,s,p,ndf,ndm,nst,isw)
            call franf2d(d,ul,xl,ix,s,p,ndf,ndm,nst,isw)

      elseif(isw.eq.2) then

        cs = xl(1,2) - xl(1,1)
        sn = xl(2,2) - xl(2,1)
        le = sqrt(cs*cs+sn*sn)

        if(ix(1).le.0 .or. ix(2).le.0 .or. ix(1).eq.ix(2)) then
          write(iow,4000) n_el,ix(1),ix(2)
          if(ior.lt.0) write(*,4000) n_el,ix(1),ix(2)
        if(le.le.0.0d0) then
          write(iow,4001) n_el
          if(ior.lt.0) write(*,4001) n_el


!       Small deformaion
        if(d(18).gt.0.0d0 ) then

!         Shear deformable (2-node: linear interpolations)
          if(d(79).eq.0.0d0) then
            call frams2d(d,ul,xl,ix,s,p,ndf,ndm,nst,isw)

!         Euler-Bernoulli  (2-node: cubic interpolations)
            call frans2d(d,ul,xl,s,p,ndf,ndm,nst,isw)

!       Finite deformation (2-node: linear interpolations)

!         Shear deformable (2-node: linear, finite displacements)
          if(d(79).eq.0.0d0) then

            call framf2d(d,ul,xl,ix,s,p,ndf,ndm,nst,isw)

!         No shear case    (2-node: cubic, 2-nd order displacements)

            call franf2d(d,ul,xl,ix,s,p,ndf,ndm,nst,isw)

        if(debug) then
          call mprint(p, 1 ,nst, 1 ,'P_frame')
          call mprint(s,nst,nst,nst,'S_frame')

!     Formats

2000  format(5x,'T w o    D i m e n s i o n a l    F r a m e'/)

3000  format(/' *ERROR* Problem control values incorrect. Set as:'/
     &        '         ndm = ',i2,': (Should be 2)'/
     &        '         ndf = ',i2,': (Minimum = 3)'/
     &        '         nen = ',i2,': (Minimum = 2)'/)

4000  format(' *ERROR* Element',i7,' has unspecified node: ix =',2i7)
4001  format(' *ERROR* Element',i7,' has zero length')

      end subroutine frame2d

      subroutine frams2d(d,ul,xl,ix,s,p,ndf,ndm,nst,isw)

!     Purpose: Two dimensional small displacement frame element

      implicit  none

      include  'bdata.h'
      include  'bm2com.h'
      include  'cdata.h'
      include  'cdat1.h'
      include  'eldata.h'
      include  'eltran.h'
      include  'hdata.h'
      include  'iofile.h'
      include  'prld1.h'
      include  'prstrs.h'
      include  'ptdat6.h'
      include  'tdata.h'

      include  'comblk.h'

      integer       :: ndf,ndm,nst,isw
      integer       :: i,ii, j,jj, ll,lint, mm,nn
      real (kind=8) :: cs,sn,a1,a2,a3,a4,le,b1,b2,dx,xjac
      real (kind=8) :: energy

      integer       :: ix(*)

      real (kind=8) :: aa(4,4,2),shp(2,3),sg(2,3),forc(4,2),xx(2),b(2)
      real (kind=8) :: xl(ndm,*),ul(ndf,nen,*),mass(2,2),rhoa(3),dva(3)
      real (kind=8) :: d(*),p(ndf,*),s(nst,nst)


!     Small deformation BEAM element.
!     d(21)*d(32)       = EA
!     d(37)*d(27)*d(32) = kappa*GA
!     d(21)*d(33)       = EI
!     d( 4)*d(32)       = rho*A
!     d( 4)*d(33)       = rho*I

!     Compute element length and direction cosines
      if(isw.ge.2) then
        cs = xl(1,nel) - xl(1,1)
        sn = xl(2,nel) - xl(2,1)
        le = sqrt(cs*cs + sn*sn)
        cs = cs/le
        sn = sn/le

        rhoa(1:2) = d(4)*d(32)
        rhoa( 3 ) = d(4)*d(33)*d(69)

!     Read data
      if(isw.eq.1) then

!       Increment history storage if necessary

!     Compute residual & tangent arrays
      elseif(isw.eq.3 .or. isw.eq.6) then

        lint = nel - 1
        call int1d(lint,sg)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,1),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,2),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,4),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,5),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (xl       ,cs,sn,ndm*nel,ndm,2)
        call mprint(ctan,1,3,1,'CTAN')
        do ll = 1,lint
          call shp1db(sg(1,ll),xl,shp,ndm,nel,xjac)
          dx = sg(2,ll)*xjac
          call b2mods (d,ul,forc,aa,energy,shp,ndf,nen,isw)

!         Multiply moduli by solution parameter: ctan(1)
          aa(:,:,1) = aa(:,:,1)*ctan(1)

!         Mechanical tangent terms
          mm = 0
          do ii = 1,nel
            b1 = shp(1,ii)*dx
            b2 = shp(2,ii)*dx
            if(isw.eq.3) then
              nn = 0
              do jj = 1,nel
                a1 = b1*shp(1,jj)
                a2 = b1*shp(2,jj)
                a3 = b2*shp(1,jj)
                a4 = b2*shp(2,jj)
                do i = 1,3
                  s(i+mm,3+nn)   = s(i+mm,3+nn) + a2*aa(i,4,1)
                  s(3+mm,i+nn)   = s(3+mm,i+nn) + a3*aa(4,i,1)
                  do j = 1,3
                    s(i+mm,j+nn) = s(i+mm,j+nn) + a1*aa(i,j,1)
                  end do ! j
                end do ! i
                s(3+mm,3+nn) = s(3+mm,3+nn) + a4*aa(4,4,1)
                nn = nn + ndf
              end do ! jj
            do i = 1,3
              p(i,ii)   = p(i,ii)   - forc(i,1)*b1
            end do ! i
            p(3,ii)   = p(3,ii) - forc(4,1)*b2
            mm = mm + ndf
          end do ! ii
        end do ! ll
        call mprint(s,nst,nst,nst,'S_static')

!       Lumped and consistent inertia contributions
        if(nint(d(7)).eq.1) then
          mass(1,1) = 1.0d0/3.0d0
          mass(1,2) = 1.0d0/6.0d0
          mass(1,1) = 0.5d0
          mass(1,2) = 0.0d0
        mass(2,1) = mass(1,2)
        mass(2,2) = mass(1,1)

!       Form diagonal terms
        dva(:)  = rhoa(:)*le
        p(1:3,1) = p(1:3,1)
     &   - dva(:)*(mass(1,1)*(ul(1:3,1,5)+d(77)*ul(1:3,1,4))
     &           + mass(1,2)*(ul(1:3,2,5)+d(77)*ul(1:3,2,4)))
        p(1:3,2) = p(1:3,2)
     &   - dva(:)*(mass(2,1)*(ul(1:3,1,5)+d(77)*ul(1:3,1,4))
     &           + mass(2,2)*(ul(1:3,2,5)+d(77)*ul(1:3,2,4)))

        dva(:)  = dva(:)*(ctan(3) + d(77)*ctan(2))
        jj    = 0
        do j = 1,2
          ii = 0
          do i = 1,2
            s(ii+1,jj+1) = s(ii+1,jj+1) + dva(1)*mass(i,j)
            s(ii+2,jj+2) = s(ii+2,jj+2) + dva(2)*mass(i,j)
            s(ii+3,jj+3) = s(ii+3,jj+3) + dva(3)*mass(i,j)
            ii           = ii + ndf
          end do ! ii
          jj           = jj + ndf
        end do ! jj

!       Transform stiffness & residual to global coordinates
        if(isw.eq.3) then
          call bm2trn (s,cs,sn,nst,ndf,1)
        call bm2trn ( p,cs,-sn,nst,ndf,2)

!       Set body loading factors
        if(int(d(74)).gt.0) then
          b(1) = 0.5*le*(d(11) + prldv(int(d(74)))*d(71))
          b(1) = 0.5*le*d(11)*dm
        if(int(d(75)).gt.0) then
          b(2) = 0.5*le*(d(12) + prldv(int(d(75)))*d(72))
          b(2) = 0.5*le*d(12)*dm

!       Add body force components
        p(1,1) = p(1,1) + b(1)
        p(1,2) = p(1,2) + b(1)
        p(2,1) = p(2,1) + b(2)
        p(2,2) = p(2,2) + b(2)

        call mprint(p,ndf, 2 ,ndf,'P_frams2d')
        call mprint(s,nst,nst,nst,'S_frams2d')

!     Output forces
      elseif(isw.eq.4 .or. isw.eq.8) then
        lint = nel - 1
        call int1d(lint,sg)

!       Loop over quadrature points
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,1),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,2),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,5),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (xl,cs,sn,ndm*nel,ndm,2)
        do ll = 1,lint
          call shp1db(sg(1,ll),xl,shp,ndm,nel,xjac)

!         Output forces
          call b2mods (d,ul,forc,aa,energy,shp,ndf,nen,isw)
          if(isw.eq.4) then
            do i = 1,ndm
              xx(i) = 0.
              do ii = 1,nel
                xx(i) = xx(i) + xl(i,ii)*shp(2,ii)
              end do ! ii
            end do ! i
            mct = mct - 3
            if (mct.le.0) then
              write(iow,2001) o,head,ttim
              if(ior.lt.0) write(*,2001) o,head,ttim
              mct = 50
            write(iow,2002) n_el,ma,(xx(i),i=1,2),
     &                      (strs(i,1),i=1,3),(defa(i,1),i=1,3)
            if(ior.lt.0) then
              write(*,2002) n_el,ma,(xx(i),i=1,2),
     &                      (strs(i,1),i=1,3),(defa(i,1),i=1,3)

!         Stress projections save

            dx = sg(2,ll)*xjac
            do ii = 1,nel
              b1 = shp(1,ii)*dx
              do i = 1,3
                p(i,ii)   = p(i,ii)   - forc(i,1)*b1
              end do ! i
              p(3,ii)   = p(3,ii) - forc(4,1)*shp(2,ii)*dx
            end do ! ii


        end do ! ll

        if(isw.eq.8) then
          do i = 1,3
            p(i,2) = -p(i,2)
          end do
          call frcn2d(ix,p,ndf,hr(nph),hr(nph+numnp),numnp)

!     Compute mass array
      elseif(isw.eq.5) then

!       Lumped and consistent inertia contributions
        if(nint(d(7)).eq.1) then
          mass(1,1) = 1.0d0/3.0d0
          mass(1,2) = 1.0d0/6.0d0
          mass(1,1) = 0.5d0
          mass(1,2) = 0.0d0
        mass(2,1) = mass(1,2)
        mass(2,2) = mass(1,1)
        dva(:)    = rhoa(:)*le

!       Form diagonal mass
        p(1:3,1) = dva(:)*0.5d0
        p(1:3,2) = dva(:)*0.5d0

!       Form consistent or lumped mass
        jj = 0
        do j = 1,2
          ii = 0
          do i = 1,2
            s(ii+1,jj+1) = s(ii+1,jj+1) + dva(1)*mass(i,j)
            s(ii+2,jj+2) = s(ii+2,jj+2) + dva(2)*mass(i,j)
            s(ii+3,jj+3) = s(ii+3,jj+3) + dva(3)*mass(i,j)
            ii           = ii + ndf
          end do ! ii
          jj = jj + ndf
        end do ! jj

!     Update cross sectional data
      elseif(isw.eq.12) then

        lint = nel - 1
        call int1d(lint,sg)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,1),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,2),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (xl       ,cs,sn,ndm*nel,ndm,2)
        do ll = 1,lint
          call shp1db(sg(1,ll),xl,shp,ndm,nel,xjac)
          call b2mods (d,ul,forc,aa,energy,shp,ndf,nen,isw)
        end do ! ll

!     Compute energy
      elseif(isw.eq.13) then

        lint = nel - 1
        call int1d(lint,sg)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,1),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,2),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,4),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (xl       ,cs,sn,ndm*nel,ndm,2)
        dva(:) = 0.25d0*rhoa(:)*le

!       Compute internal energy
        do ll = 1,lint

!         Compute energy density from stress and deformation
          call shp1db(sg(1,ll),xl,shp,ndm,nel,xjac)
          dx = sg(2,ll)*xjac
          call b2mods (d,ul,forc,aa,energy,shp,ndf,nen,isw)

!         Accumulate energy
          epl(8) = epl(8) + 0.5d0*energy*dx

        end do ! ll

!       Compute kinetic energy for lumped mass
        epl(7) = epl(7) + dva(1)*(ul(1,1,4)**2 + ul(1,2,4)**2)
     &                  + dva(2)*(ul(2,1,4)**2 + ul(2,2,4)**2)
     &                  + dva(3)*(ul(3,1,4)**2 + ul(3,2,4)**2)


!     Formats

2001  format(a1,20a4/5x,'Time',e13.5,5x,' Element Forces '//
     &  43x,'*********  FORCE / STRAIN  *********'/
     &   3x,'Element  Matl',
     &  5x,'1-Coord',5x,'2-Coord',6x,'n-Dir',8x,'s-Dir',8x,'m-Dir'/)

2002  format(i10,i6,1p,2e12.4,1p,3e13.4/40x,1p,3e13.4)

      end subroutine frams2d

      subroutine b2mods (d,ul,forca,aa,energy,shp,ndf,nen,isw)

      implicit  none

      include  'bm2com.h'
      include  'ddata.h'
      include  'eldata.h'
      include  'tdata.h'

      integer       :: ndf,nen, i,ii,isw

      real (kind=8) :: d(*),ul(ndf,nen,*),cc(3,3,2)
      real (kind=8) :: forca(4,2),aa(4,4,2), shp(2,3), energy


!     Compute beam strains

      do i = 1,3
        defa(i,1) = 0.0d0
        defa(i,2) = 0.0d0
        do ii = 1,nel
          defa(i,1) = defa(i,1) + ul(i,ii,1)*shp(1,ii)
          defa(i,2) = defa(i,2) + ul(i,ii,4)*shp(1,ii)
        end do ! ii
      end do ! i

      do ii = 1,nel
        defa(2,1) = defa(2,1) - ul(3,ii,1)*shp(2,ii)
        defa(2,2) = defa(2,2) - ul(3,ii,4)*shp(2,ii)
      end do ! ii

!     Compute forces

      call bm2con (d,cc,strs,defa,isw)

!     Compute stored energy density

      if(isw.eq.13) then

        energy = strs(1,1)*defa(1,1)
     &         + strs(2,1)*defa(2,1)
     &         + strs(3,1)*defa(3,1)

      elseif(isw.ne.12) then

        do ii = 1,2

!         Compute first Piola-material frame

          forca(1,ii) =  strs(1,ii)
          forca(2,ii) =  strs(2,ii)
          forca(3,ii) =  strs(3,ii)
          forca(4,ii) = -forca(2,ii)

!         Compute tangent tensor

          aa(1,1,ii) = cc(1,1,ii)
          aa(1,2,ii) = cc(1,2,ii)
          aa(1,3,ii) = cc(1,3,ii)

          aa(2,1,ii) = cc(1,2,ii)
          aa(2,2,ii) = cc(2,2,ii)
          aa(2,3,ii) = cc(2,3,ii)

          aa(3,1,ii) = cc(1,3,ii)
          aa(3,2,ii) = cc(2,3,ii)
          aa(3,3,ii) = cc(3,3,ii)

          aa(1,4,ii) = -cc(1,2,ii)
          aa(2,4,ii) = -cc(2,2,ii)
          aa(3,4,ii) = -cc(2,3,ii)

          aa(4,1,ii) = aa(1,4,ii)
          aa(4,2,ii) = aa(2,4,ii)
          aa(4,3,ii) = aa(3,4,ii)

          aa(4,4,ii) = cc(2,2,ii)
        end do ! ii


      end subroutine b2mods

      subroutine framf2d(d,ul,xl,ix,s,p,ndf,ndm,nst,isw)

!     Purpose: 2-d finite deformation frame element

      implicit  none

      include  'augdat.h'
      include  'bdata.h'
      include  'bm2com.h'
      include  'cdata.h'
      include  'cdat1.h'
      include  'eldata.h'
      include  'eltran.h'
      include  'hdata.h'
      include  'iofile.h'
      include  'prld1.h'
      include  'prstrs.h'
      include  'ptdat6.h'
      include  'tdata.h'

      include  'comblk.h'

      integer       :: ndf,ndm,nst,isw
      integer       :: i,ii, j,jj,j1, ll,lint, mm,nn
      real (kind=8) :: cs,sn,a1,a2,a3,a4,b1,b2,dx,dva,dvi,xjac, energy
      real (kind=8) :: rhoa, rhoi

      integer       :: ix(*)

      real (kind=8) :: a(4,4),shp(2,3),sg(2,3),forc(4),xx(2)
      real (kind=8) :: xl(ndm,*),ul(ndf,nen,*)
      real (kind=8) :: d(*),p(ndf,*),s(nst,nst)


!     Finite deformation visco-plastic BEAM element.

!     d(1)*d(32)                  = EA
!     d(37)*d(2)*d(32)/2/(1+d(2)) = kappa*GA
!     d(1)*d(33)                  = EI
!     d(4)*d(32)                  = rho*A
!     d(4)*d(33)                  = rho*I

      if(isw.eq.1) then
        if(nint(d(160)).eq.2) then
          nh1    = nh1 + 1 ! Augmented storage
          d(166) = 1
          d(166) = 0

!     Compute element length and direction cosines

      elseif(isw.ge.2) then
        cs = xl(1,nel) - xl(1,1)
        sn = xl(2,nel) - xl(2,1)
        a1 = sqrt(cs*cs + sn*sn)
        cs = cs/a1
        sn = sn/a1

        rhoa = d(4)*d(32)
        rhoi = d(4)*d(33)

!     Read data

      if(isw.eq.1) then

!       History storage for rotation parameters

        nh1 = nh1 + 2

      elseif(isw.eq.3 .or. isw.eq.6) then

        lint = nel - 1
        call int1d(lint,sg)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,1),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,2),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,5),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (xl       ,cs,sn,ndm*nel,ndm,2)
        dva = 0.5d0*rhoa*a1
        dvi  =0.5d0*rhoi*d(69)*a1
        do ll = 1,lint
          call shp1db(sg(1,ll),xl,shp,ndm,nel,xjac)
          dx  = sg(2,ll)*xjac
          call b2modl (d,ul,forc,a,energy,shp,ndf,nen,isw)

!         Multiply moduli by solution parameter: ctan(1)
          do jj = 1,4
            do ii = 1,4
              a(ii,jj) = a(ii,jj)*ctan(1)
            end do ! ii
          end do ! jj

!         Compute residual and tangent

!         Mechanical and Geometric tangent terms

          mm = 0
          do ii = 1,nel
            b1 = shp(1,ii)*dx
            b2 = shp(2,ii)*dx
            if(isw.eq.3) then
              nn = 0
              do jj = 1,nel
                a1 = b1*shp(1,jj)
                a2 = b1*shp(2,jj)
                a3 = b2*shp(1,jj)
                a4 = b2*shp(2,jj)
                do i = 1,3
                  s(i+mm,3+nn)   = s(i+mm,3+nn) + a2*a(i,4)
                  s(3+mm,i+nn)   = s(3+mm,i+nn) + a3*a(4,i)
                  do j = 1,3
                    s(i+mm,j+nn) = s(i+mm,j+nn) + a1*a(i,j)
                  end do ! j
                end do ! i
                s(3+mm,3+nn) = s(3+mm,3+nn) + a4*a(4,4)
                nn = nn + ndf
              end do ! jj
            do i = 1,3
              p(i,ii)   = p(i,ii)   - forc(i)*b1
            end do ! i
            p(3,ii)   = p(3,ii) - forc(4)*b2
            mm = mm + ndf
          end do ! ii
        end do ! ll

!       Lumped inertia contributions

        jj = 0
        do ii = 1,nel
          p(1,ii)      = p(1,ii)      - dva*ul(1,ii,5)
          p(2,ii)      = p(2,ii)      - dva*ul(2,ii,5)
          p(3,ii)      = p(3,ii)      - dvi*ul(3,ii,5)
          s(jj+1,jj+1) = s(jj+1,jj+1) + dva*ctan(3)
          s(jj+2,jj+2) = s(jj+2,jj+2) + dva*ctan(3)
          s(jj+3,jj+3) = s(jj+3,jj+3) + dvi*ctan(3)
          jj           = jj + ndf
        end do

!       Transform stiffness and residual to global coordinates

        if(isw.eq.3) then
          call bm2trn (s,cs,sn,nst,ndf,1)
        call bm2trn ( p,cs,-sn,nst,ndf,2)

!       Set body loading factors

        if(int(d(74)).gt.0) then
          b1 = d(11) + prldv(int(d(74)))*d(71)
          b1 = d(11)*dm
        if(int(d(75)).gt.0) then
          b2 = d(12) + prldv(int(d(75)))*d(72)
          b2 = d(12)*dm

!       Add body forces

        if(nel.eq.2) then

          p(1,1)   = p(1,1)  + b1*xjac
          p(2,1)   = p(2,1)  + b2*xjac
          p(1,2)   = p(1,2)  + b1*xjac
          p(2,2)   = p(2,2)  + b2*xjac

          do ll = 1,lint
            call shp1db(sg(1,ll),xl,shp,ndm,nel,xjac)
            dx = dm*sg(2,ll)*xjac
            do ii = 1,nel
              a1 = shp(2,ii)*dx
              p(1,ii)   = p(1,ii) + a1*b1
              p(2,ii)   = p(2,ii) + a1*b2
            end do ! ii
          end do ! ll

!     Output forces

      elseif(isw.eq.4 .or. isw.eq.8) then
        lint = nel - 1
        call int1d(lint,sg)

!       Loop over quadrature points

        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,1),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,2),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,5),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (xl,cs,sn,ndm*nel,ndm,2)
        do ll = 1,lint
          call shp1db(sg(1,ll),xl,shp,ndm,nel,xjac)

!         Output forces

          call b2modl (d,ul,forc,a,energy,shp,ndf,nen,isw)
          if(isw.eq.4) then
            do i = 1,ndm
              xx(i) = 0.
              do ii = 1,nel
                xx(i) = xx(i) + xl(i,ii)*shp(2,ii)
              end do ! ii
            end do ! i
            mct = mct - 3
            if (mct.le.0) then
              write(iow,2001) o,head,ttim
              if(ior.lt.0) write(*,2001) o,head,ttim
              mct = 50
            write(iow,2002) n_el,ma,(xx(i),i=1,ndm),
     &                     (strs(i,1),i=1,3),(defa(i,1),i=1,3)
            if(ior.lt.0) then
              write(*,2002) n_el,ma,(xx(i),i=1,ndm),
     &                     (strs(i,1),i=1,3),(defa(i,1),i=1,3)

!         Stress projections save


            dx = sg(2,ll)*xjac
            do ii = 1,nel
              b1 = shp(1,ii)*dx
              do i = 1,3
                p(i,ii)   = p(i,ii)   - forc(i)*b1
              end do ! i
              p(3,ii)   = p(3,ii) - forc(4)*shp(2,ii)*dx
            end do ! ii


        end do ! ll

        if(isw.eq.8) then
          do i = 1,3
            p(i,2) = -p(i,2)
          end do
          call frcn2d(ix,p,ndf,hr(nph),hr(nph+numnp),numnp)

!     Compute mass array

      elseif(isw.eq.5) then

        lint = nel
        call int1d(lint,sg)

!       Compute lumped mass matrix

        call bm2trn (xl,cs,sn,ndm*nel,ndm,2)
        do ll = 1,lint

!         Compute shape functions

          call shp1db(sg(1,ll),xl,shp,ndm,nel,xjac)

          dva  = sg(2,ll)*xjac*rhoa
          dvi  = sg(2,ll)*xjac*rhoi*d(69)

!         For each node j compute db = rho*shape*dv

          j1 = 1
          do j = 1,nel
            b1 = shp(2,j)*dva
            b2 = shp(2,j)*dvi

!           Compute a lumped mass

            p(1,j) = p(1,j) + b1
            p(2,j) = p(2,j) + b1
            p(3,j) = p(3,j) + b2

            s(j1  ,j1  ) = s(j1  ,j1  ) + b1
            s(j1+1,j1+1) = s(j1+1,j1+1) + b1
            s(j1+2,j1+2) = s(j1+2,j1+2) + b2

            j1 = j1 + ndf
          end do ! j
        end do ! ll

!     Augmented update or time update of history variables

      elseif(isw.eq.10 .or. isw.eq.12) then

        lint = nel - 1
        call int1d(lint,sg)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,1),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,2),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (xl       ,cs,sn,ndm*nel,ndm,2)
        do ll = 1,lint
          call shp1db(sg(1,ll),xl,shp,ndm,nel,xjac)
          call b2modl (d,ul,forc,a,energy,shp,ndf,nen,isw)
        end do ! ll

!     Compute energy

      elseif(isw.eq.13) then

        lint = nel - 1
        call int1d(lint,sg)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,1),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,2),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,4),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (xl       ,cs,sn,ndm*nel,ndm,2)
        dva = 0.5d0*rhoa*a1
        dvi  =0.5d0*rhoi*d(69)*a1

!       Compute internal energy

        do ll = 1,lint

!         Compute energy density from stress and deformation

          call shp1db(sg(1,ll),xl,shp,ndm,nel,xjac)
          dx = sg(2,ll)*xjac
          call b2modl (d,ul,forc,a,energy,shp,ndf,nen,isw)

!         Accumulate energy

          epl(8) = epl(8) + 0.5d0*energy*dx

        end do ! ll

!       Compute kinetic energy for lumped mass

        epl(7) = epl(7) + 0.5d0*dva*(ul(1,1,4)**2 + ul(1,2,4)**2
     &                             + ul(2,1,4)**2 + ul(2,2,4)**2)
     &                  + 0.5d0*dvi*(ul(3,1,4)**2 + ul(3,2,4)**2)


!     Formats

2001  format(a1,20a4/5x,'Time',e13.5,5x,' Element Forces '//
     &  43x,'*********  FORCE / STRAIN  *********'/
     &   3x,'Element  Matl',
     &  5x,'1-Coord',5x,'2-Coord',6x,'n-Dir',8x,'s-Dir',8x,'m-Dir'/)

2002  format(i10,i6,1p,2e12.4,1p,3e13.4/40x,1p,3e13.4)

      end subroutine framf2d

      subroutine b2modl (d,ul,forca,a,energy,shp,ndf,nen,isw)

      implicit  none

      include  'bm2com.h'
      include  'ddata.h'
      include  'eldata.h'
      include  'pmod2d.h'
      include  'tdata.h'

      integer       :: ndf,nen, i,ii,isw
      real (kind=8) :: energy, psi, cn,sn, phia1,phia2

      real (kind=8) :: d(*),ul(ndf,nen,*),fa(3),df(3),cc(3,3,2)
      real (kind=8) :: forca(4),a(4,4),b(2,2),shp(2,3)


!     Compute gradient

      do i = 1,3
        fa(i) = 0.0d0
        df(i) = 0.0d0
        do ii = 1,nel
          fa(i) = fa(i) + ul(i,ii,1)*shp(1,ii)
          df(i) = df(i) + ul(i,ii,2)*shp(1,ii)
        end do ! ii
      end do ! i
      fa(1) = fa(1) + 1.d0

!     Generalized mid-point formulation

      psi = 0.d0
      do ii = 1,nel
        psi = psi + ul(3,ii,1)*shp(2,ii)
      end do ! ii
      cn = cos(psi)
      sn = sin(psi)

!     Compute strains and forces in gaussian frame

      defa(1,1) = fa(1)*cn + fa(2)*sn - 1.d0
      defa(2,1) = fa(2)*cn - fa(1)*sn
      defa(3,1) = fa(3)

      call bm2con (d,cc,strs,defa,isw)

!     Compute stored energy density

      if(isw.eq.13) then

        energy = strs(1,1)*defa(1,1)
     &         + strs(2,1)*defa(2,1)
     &         + strs(3,1)*defa(3,1)

      elseif(isw.ne.12) then

!       Compute first Piola-material frame

        forca(1) = cn*strs(1,1) - sn*strs(2,1)
        forca(2) = sn*strs(1,1) + cn*strs(2,1)
        forca(3) = strs(3,1)
        forca(4) = fa(2)*forca(1) - fa(1)*forca(2)

!       Compute tangent elastic tensor

        b(1,1) = cn*cc(1,1,1) - sn*cc(2,1,1)
        b(1,2) = cn*cc(1,2,1) - sn*cc(2,2,1)
        b(2,1) = sn*cc(1,1,1) + cn*cc(2,1,1)
        b(2,2) = sn*cc(1,2,1) + cn*cc(2,2,1)

        a(1,1) = b(1,1)*cn    - b(1,2)*sn
        a(1,2) = b(1,1)*sn    + b(1,2)*cn
        a(1,3) = cn*cc(1,3,1) - sn*cc(2,3,1)

        a(2,1) = a(1,2)
        a(2,2) = b(2,1)*sn    + b(2,2)*cn
        a(2,3) = sn*cc(1,3,1) + cn*cc(2,3,1)

        a(3,1) = a(1,3)
        a(3,2) = a(2,3)
        a(3,3) = cc(3,3,1)

        phia1  = defa(1,1) + 1.d0
        phia2  = defa(2,1)

        a(1,4) = b(1,1)*phia2    - b(1,2)*phia1
        a(2,4) = b(2,1)*phia2    - b(2,2)*phia1
        a(3,4) = cc(1,3,1)*phia2 - cc(2,3,1)*phia1

        a(4,4) = phia2*(cc(1,1,1)*phia2 - cc(1,2,1)*phia1)
     &         + phia1*(cc(2,2,1)*phia1 - cc(1,2,1)*phia2)

        if(gflag) then
          a(1,4) = a(1,4) - forca(2)
          a(2,4) = a(2,4) + forca(1)
          a(4,4) = a(4,4) - fa(1)*forca(1) - fa(2)*forca(2)

        a(4,1) = a(1,4)
        a(4,2) = a(2,4)
        a(4,3) = a(3,4)


      end subroutine b2modl

      subroutine bm2con(d, cc,strs,def,isw)

      implicit  none

      include  'hdata.h'
      include  'comblk.h'

      integer       :: isw, i

      real (kind=8) :: d(*), cc(3,3,2),strs(3,2),def(3,2), dl(3)


!     Resultant model
      dl(1) = d(1)*d(32)
      dl(2) = d(1)*d(32)*d(37)*0.5d0/(1.d0+d(2))
      dl(3) = d(1)*d(33)

!     Elastic resultant model only
      cc(:,:,:) = 0.0d0
      do i = 1,3
        cc(i,i,1) = dl(i)
        cc(i,i,2) = dl(i)
        strs(i,1) = dl(i)*def(i,1)
        strs(i,2) = dl(i)*def(i,2)
      end do ! i

      if(nint(d(160)).eq.2) then ! Add augmented value
        strs(1,1) = strs(1,1) + hr(nh2)
        if(isw.eq.10) then ! Update for augmentation
          hr(nh2) = strs(1,1)

      end subroutine bm2con

      subroutine shp1db(s,xl,shp,ndm,nel,xaj)

      implicit  none

      integer       :: ndm,nel
      real (kind=8) :: s,s2, xaj, hx1,hx2,h,h2, sh
      real (kind=8) :: xl(ndm,nel), shp(2,nel)


      hx1 = xl(1,nel) - xl(1,1)
      hx2 = xl(2,nel) - xl(2,1)
      h   = sqrt(hx1*hx1 + hx2*hx2)
      sh  = s*0.5

!     Linear element

      if(nel.eq.2) then

        shp(2,1) =  0.5d0 - sh
        shp(2,2) =  0.5d0 + sh
        xaj      =  h*0.5d0
        shp(1,1) = -1.0d0/h
        shp(1,2) = -shp(1,1)

!     Quadratic element

      elseif(nel.eq.3) then

        hx1      =   xl(1,nel) - xl(1,nel-1)
        hx2      =   xl(2,nel) - xl(2,nel-1)
        h2       =   sqrt(hx1*hx1 + hx2*hx2)
        s2       =   s*s*0.5d0
        shp(2,1) =   s2 - sh
        shp(2,2) =   1.0d0 - s2 - s2
        shp(2,3) =   s2 + sh
        xaj      =   h*0.5d0 + s*(h2+h2-h)
        shp(1,1) =  (s-0.5)/xaj
        shp(1,2) = -(s+s)/xaj
        shp(1,3) =  (s+0.5)/xaj


      end subroutine shp1db

      subroutine bm2trn(s,cs,sn,nst,ndf,itype)

!     Itype:

!        1  Transform matrix s(nst,nst)
!        2  Transform vector s(nst,1)

      implicit  none

      integer       :: nst,ndf,itype, nss
      integer       :: i,j,n
      real (kind=8) :: cs,sn,t,tol

      real (kind=8) :: s(nst,*)


      data      tol/ 1.d-12 /

      if(cs.gt.1.0d0-tol) return

      nss = nst - mod(nst,ndf)

      if(itype.eq.1) then

        do i = 1,nss,ndf
          j = i + 1
          do n = 1,nss
            t      = s(n,i)*cs - s(n,j)*sn
            s(n,j) = s(n,i)*sn + s(n,j)*cs
            s(n,i) = t
          end do ! n
        end do ! i
        do i = 1,nss,ndf
          j = i + 1
          do n = 1,nss
            t      = s(i,n)*cs - s(j,n)*sn
            s(j,n) = s(i,n)*sn + s(j,n)*cs
            s(i,n) = t
          end do ! n
        end do ! i


        do i=1,nss,ndf
          j = i + 1
          t      =  s(i,1)*cs + s(j,1)*sn
          s(j,1) = -s(i,1)*sn + s(j,1)*cs
          s(i,1) =  t
        end do ! i


      end subroutine bm2trn

      subroutine frcn2d(ix,p,ndf,dt,st,numnp)

      implicit  none

      integer       :: ndf,numnp
      integer       :: i,j,ll

      integer       :: ix(*)
      real (kind=8) :: dt(numnp),st(numnp,*),p(ndf,*)


      do i = 1,2

        ll = ix(i)
        if(ll.gt.0) then

          dt(ll) = dt(ll) + 1.d0

!         Stress projections

          do j = 1,3
            st(ll,j) = st(ll,j) + p(j,i)
          end do
      end do

      end subroutine frcn2d

      subroutine frans2d(d,ul,xl,s,p,ndf,ndm,nst,isw)

!     Two dimensional Euler-Bernoulli frame element

!     Control Information:

!       ndm  - Spatial dimension of problem       = 2
!       ndf  - Number degree-of-freedoms at node >= 3
!              ( 1 = u_1 ; 2 = u_2 ; 3 = theta )
!       nen  - Two node element (nel = 2)        >= 2
      implicit none

      include   'bdata.h'
      include   'cdata.h'
      include   'eldata.h'
      include   'eltran.h'
      include   'iofile.h'
      include   'prld1.h'

      integer       :: i,j,ii,jj,i1,j1,i2,j2,ndf,ndm,nst,isw
      real (kind=8) :: cs,sn,le,xx,yy,xn,xm,vv,eps,chi,gam,EA,EI,RA,RI
      real (kind=8) :: b1,b2

      real (kind=8) :: d(*),ul(ndf,nen,*),xl(ndm,*),s(nst,*),p(*)
      real (kind=8) :: sm(6,6),pm(6)


      cs = xl(1,2) - xl(1,1)
      sn = xl(2,2) - xl(2,1)
      le = sqrt(cs*cs+sn*sn)
      cs = cs/le
      sn = sn/le

!     Compute elment stiffness/residual arrays
      if(isw.eq.3 .or. isw.eq.6) then

!       Set body loading factors
        if(int(d(81)).gt.0) then
          b1 = 0.5*le*(d(11) + prldv(int(d(81)))*d(71))
          b1 = 0.5*le*d(11)*dm
        if(int(d(82)).gt.0) then
          b2 = 0.5*le*(d(12) + prldv(int(d(82)))*d(72))
          b2 = 0.5*le*d(12)*dm

!       Compute momentum residual and tangent matrix
        call pzero(sm,36)
        EA = d(21)*d(32)
        EI = d(21)*d(33)
        RA = d(4)*d(32)
        RI = d(4)*d(33)*d(69)
        call beam2d(s ,EA,EI,le,cs,sn,nst,ndf)
        call massf2(sm,pm,d(7),RA,RI,le,cs,sn,6,3)

!       Stress and mass modification to residual and stiffness
        i1 = 0
        i2 = 0
        do ii = 1,2
          p(1+i1) = p(1+i1) + b1
          p(2+i1) = p(2+i1) + b2
          do i = 1,ndf
            j1 = 0
            j2 = 0
            do jj = 1,2
              do j = 1,ndf

!               Residual
                p(i+i1)      = p(i+i1) -  s(i+i1,j+j1)*ul(j,jj,1)
     &                                 - sm(i+i2,j+j2)*ul(j,jj,5)

!               Tangent
                s(i+i1,j+j1) =  s(i+i1,j+j1)*ctan(1)
     &                       + sm(i+i2,j+j2)*ctan(3)

              end do
              j1 = j1 + ndf
              j2 = j2 + 3
            end do
          end do
          i1 = i1 + ndf
          i2 = i2 + 3
        end do

!     Compute element output quantities
      elseif(isw.eq.4) then

        xx  = 0.5d0*(xl(1,1)+xl(1,2))
        yy  = 0.5d0*(xl(2,1)+xl(2,2))
        eps = (cs*(ul(1,2,1)-ul(1,1,1))
     &       + sn*(ul(2,2,1)-ul(2,1,1)))/le
        chi = (ul(3,2,1)-ul(3,1,1))/le
        gam =-12.d0*(-sn*(ul(1,1,1)-ul(1,2,1))
     &              + cs*(ul(2,1,1)-ul(2,2,1)))/le**3
     &            - 6.d0*(ul(3,1,1)+ul(3,2,1))/le/le
        xn  = d(21)*d(32)*eps
        xm  = d(21)*d(33)*chi
        vv  = d(21)*d(33)*gam

        mct = mct - 1
        if(mct.le.0) then
          write(iow,2000) o,head
          if(ior.lt.0) write(*,2000) o,head
          mct = 50

        write(iow,2001) n_el,ma,xx,yy,xn,xm,vv,eps,chi,gam
        if(ior.lt.0) write(*,2001) n_el,ma,xx,yy,xn,xm,vv,eps,chi,gam

!     Compute element mass arrays

      elseif(isw.eq.5) then
        RA = d(4)*d(32)
        RI = d(4)*d(33)*d(69)
        call massf2(s,p,d(7),RA,RI,le,cs,sn,nst,ndf)
      end if

!     Formats

2000  format(a1,20a4//5x,'Beam Element Stresses'//
     &     '    Elmt  Matl     x-Coord     y-Coord     ',
     &     ' Force      Moment       Shear'/
     & 43x,'Strain    Curvature      Gamma')

2001  format(i8,i6,1p,5e12.4/38x,1p,3e12.4)

      end subroutine frans2d

      subroutine beam2d(s,ea,ei,le,cs,sn,nst,ndf)

!     Stiffness for frame element

      implicit   none

      integer        :: nst,ndf,i,j,k
      real (kind=8) ::  ea,ei,le,cs,sn,t

      real (kind=8) ::  s(nst,nst)

      i = ndf + 1
      j = ndf + 2
      k = ndf + 3

      t = ea/le
      s(1,1) = t
      s(i,i) = t
      s(1,i) =-t
      s(i,1) =-t

      t = 12.d0*ei/le**3
      s(2,2) = t
      s(j,j) = t
      s(2,j) =-t
      s(j,2) =-t
      t = (ei+ei)/le
      s(3,3) = t + t
      s(k,k) = t + t
      s(3,k) = t
      s(k,3) = t
      t = 6.d0*ei/le**2
      s(2,3) = t
      s(3,2) = t
      s(2,k) = t
      s(k,2) = t
      s(3,j) =-t
      s(j,3) =-t
      s(j,k) =-t
      s(k,j) =-t

      call rotaf2(s,cs,sn,nst,ndf)

      end subroutine beam2d

      subroutine massf2(s,p,cfac,ra,ri,le,cs,sn,nst,ndf)

!     Frame mass matrix

      implicit   none

      integer        :: nst,ndf,i,j,l,ii(4)
      real (kind=8) ::  cfac,lfac,ra,ri,le,cs,sn,t,dv,s1,s2,s3
      real (kind=8) ::  p(nst),s(nst,nst),sg(2,4),bb(4)

      data       ii /2,3,5,6/

      ii(3)    = ndf + 2
      ii(4)    = ndf + 3

!     Lumped mass matrix

      t        = 0.5d0*ra*le
      p(1)     = t
      p(2)     = t
      p(3)     = 0.5d0*ri*le
      p(ndf+1) = t
      p(ndf+2) = t
      p(ndf+3) = 0.5d0*ri*le

!     Consistent mass matrix
      s(:,:)         = 0.0d0
      s(1    ,1    ) = 0.6666666666666667d0*t
      s(1    ,ndf+1) = 0.3333333333333333d0*t
      s(ndf+1,ndf+1) = s(1,1)

      call int1d(4,sg)

      do l = 1,4
        dv     = t*sg(2,l)
        s1     = 0.5d0 + 0.5d0*sg(1,l)
        s2     = s1*s1
        s3     = s1*s2
        bb(3)  = 3.d0*s2 - s3 - s3
        bb(4)  = le*(s3 - s2)
        bb(1)  = 1.d0 - bb(3)
        bb(2)  = le*(s1 - s2) + bb(4)
        do i = 1,4
          s1 = bb(i)*dv
          do j = i,4
            s(ii(i),ii(j)) = s(ii(i),ii(j)) + s1*bb(j)
          end do
        end do
      end do

      do i = 1,6
        do j = 1,i
          s(i,j) = s(j,i)
        end do
      end do

      lfac = 1.d0 - cfac
      do i = 1,6
        do j = 1,6
          s(i,j) = cfac*s(i,j)
        end do
        s(i,i) = s(i,i) + lfac*p(i)
      end do

      call rotaf2(s,cs,sn,nst,ndf)

      end subroutine massf2

      subroutine rotaf2(s,cs,sn,nst,ndf)

!     Rotate arrays from local to global dof's

      implicit   none

      integer        :: nst,ndf,i,j,n
      real (kind=8) ::  cs,sn,t
      real (kind=8) ::  s(nst,nst)

!     Check angle (perform rotation if necessary)

      if(cs.lt.0.99999999d0) then

        do i = 1,nst,ndf
          j = i + 1
          do n = 1,nst
            t      = s(n,i)*cs - s(n,j)*sn
            s(n,j) = s(n,i)*sn + s(n,j)*cs
            s(n,i) = t
          end do
        end do
        do i = 1,nst,ndf
          j = i + 1
          do n = 1,nst
            t      = cs*s(i,n) - sn*s(j,n)
            s(j,n) = sn*s(i,n) + cs*s(j,n)
            s(i,n) = t
          end do
        end do

      end if

      end subroutine rotaf2

      subroutine franf2d(d,ul,xl,ix,s,r,ndf,ndm,nst,isw)

!     Purpose: Two dimensional Euler-Bernoulli frame element: Second
!              order theory. Includes one enhanced mode for axial and
!              bending strain match.
      implicit  none

      include  'bdata.h'
      include  'bm2com.h'
      include  'cdata.h'
      include  'cdat1.h'
      include  'eldata.h'
      include  'eltran.h'
      include  'hdata.h'
      include  'iofile.h'
      include  'pmod2d.h'
      include  'prld1.h'
      include  'prstrs.h'
      include  'ptdat6.h'
      include  'tdata.h'

      include  'comblk.h'

      logical       :: noconv
      integer       :: ndf,ndm,nst,isw
      integer       :: i,ii,itmax, j,jj, ll,lint, mm,nn
      real (kind=8) :: cs,sn,b1,b2,dva,dvi,xjac, energy
      real (kind=8) :: len, hle
      real (kind=8) :: rhoa, rhoi, ctan1, ctan3

      integer       :: ix(*)

      real (kind=8) :: aa(4,4,2),shpw(4,2,4),shpt(4,2,4),shpu(2,2,4)
      real (kind=8) :: sg(2,4), dudx(4), dwdx(4), eps(4), kap(4), gam(4)
      real (kind=8) :: bmat(2,3,2),baii(4,2),forc(4,5),xx(2),b(2),nxi(3)
      real (kind=8) :: xl(ndm,*),ul(ndf,nen,*),dx(4)
      real (kind=8) :: d(*),r(ndf,*),s(nst,nst), gen(3,2)
      real (kind=8) :: duen, uen, ben, hen, EA, tol


      data      itmax / 20     /
      data      tol   / 1.d-10 /

!     Second order (nonlinear) deformation BEAM element.

!     d(1)*d(32)       = EA
!     d(1)*d(33)       = EI
!     d(4)*d(32)       = rho*A
!     d(4)*d(33)       = rho*I

!     Compute element length and direction cosines

      if(isw.ge.2) then
        cs  = xl(1,nel) - xl(1,1)
        sn  = xl(2,nel) - xl(2,1)
        len = sqrt(cs*cs + sn*sn)
        cs  = cs/len
        sn  = sn/len
        hle = 0.5d0*len

        rhoa = d(4)*d(32)
        rhoi = d(4)*d(33)*d(69)

!     Read data

      if(isw.eq.1) then

!       Increment history storage if necessary

        nh1 = nh1 + 1   ! Enhanced strain parameter

!     Compute mass array

      elseif(isw.eq.5) then

        lint = nel + 1
        call int1d(lint,sg)

!       Compute lumped mass matrix

        call bm2trn (xl,cs,sn,ndm*nel,ndm,2)
        do ll = 1,lint

!         Compute shape functions

          call shp1db(sg(1,ll),xl,shpu,ndm,nel,xjac)

          dva  = sg(2,ll)*xjac*rhoa
          dvi  = sg(2,ll)*xjac*rhoi

!         For each node j compute db = rho*shape*dv

          do j = 1,nel
            b1 = shpu(2,j,ll)*dva
            b2 = shpu(2,j,ll)*dvi

!           Compute a lumped mass

            r(1,j) = r(1,j) + b1
            r(2,j) = r(2,j) + b1
            r(3,j) = r(3,j) + b2
          end do ! j
        end do ! ll

!       Place in consistent mass

        jj = 0
        do j = 1,nel
          s(jj+1,jj+1) = r(1,j)
          s(jj+2,jj+2) = r(2,j)
          s(jj+3,jj+3) = r(3,j)
          jj = jj + ndf
        end do ! j


!       Quadrature terms

        lint = nel + 1
        call int1d(lint,sg)

!       Transform to local coordinates

        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,1),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,2),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,4),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (ul(1,1,5),cs,sn,ndf*nel,ndf,2)
        call bm2trn (xl       ,cs,sn,ndm*nel,ndm,2)
        dva = rhoa*hle
        dvi = rhoi*hle

        do ll = 1,lint

!         Shape functions

          call shp1dh(sg(1,ll),len,shpw(1,1,ll),shpt(1,1,ll))
          shpu(1,1,ll) = -1.d0/len
          shpu(1,2,ll) = -shpu(1,1,ll)
          shpu(2,1,ll) = 0.5d0 - 0.5d0*sg(1,ll)
          shpu(2,2,ll) = 0.5d0 + 0.5d0*sg(1,ll)

          dx(ll)      = sg(2,ll)*hle

!         Form displacement derivatives from nodal displacements

          dwdx(ll) = shpw(1,1,ll)*ul(2,1,1) + shpw(1,2,ll)*ul(2,2,1)
     &             + shpt(1,1,ll)*ul(3,1,1) + shpt(1,2,ll)*ul(3,2,1)

          dudx(ll) = 0.5d0*(ul(1,2,1) - ul(1,1,1))/hle

          eps(ll)  = dudx(ll) + 0.5d0*(dudx(ll)*dudx(ll)
     &                               + dwdx(ll)*dwdx(ll))

          kap(ll)  = shpw(2,1,ll)*ul(2,1,1) + shpw(2,2,ll)*ul(2,2,1)
     &             + shpt(2,1,ll)*ul(3,1,1) + shpt(2,2,ll)*ul(3,2,1)

          gam(ll)  = shpw(3,1,ll)*ul(2,1,1) + shpw(3,2,ll)*ul(2,2,1)
     &             + shpt(3,1,ll)*ul(3,1,1) + shpt(3,2,ll)*ul(3,2,1)
        end do ! ll

!       Enhanced strain computation

        if(etype.eq.3) then
          uen = hr(nh1)
          ii  = 0
          noconv = .true.
          do while(noconv)

            ii  = ii + 1

!           Zero enhanced terms

            ben = 0.0d0
            hen = 0.0d0

            do ll = 1,lint

              EA  = d(1)*d(32)
              hen = hen + sg(1,ll)*EA*sg(1,ll)*dx(ll)*ctan(1)
              ben = ben - sg(1,ll)*EA*(eps(ll) + sg(1,ll)*uen)*dx(ll)

            end do ! ll

            hen  = 1.d0/ hen
            duen = ben * hen
            uen  = uen + duen

            if(abs(duen).le.tol*abs(uen) .or. ben.eq.0.0d0) then
              noconv = .false.
            elseif(ii.gt.itmax) then
              noconv = .false.
              write(*,*) 'WARNING -- No convergence in FRANF2D'
              write(*,*) duen,uen,hen

          end do ! while

!         Save enhance mode parameter

          hr(nh2) = uen


          hen = 0.0d0

        end if ! etype

!       Stiffness and residual computation

        if(isw.eq.3 .or. isw.eq.6) then

!         Zero enhanced coupling array

          do i = 1,3
            gen(i,1) = 0.0d0
            gen(i,2) = 0.0d0
          end do ! i

!         Final tangent form

          do ll = 1,lint

            forc(1,ll) = d(1)*d(32)*(eps(ll) + sg(1,ll)*uen)*dx(ll)
            forc(2,ll) = d(1)*d(33)*kap(ll)*dx(ll)
            aa(1,1,1)  = d(1)*d(32)
            aa(2,2,1)  = d(1)*d(33)
            aa(1,2,1)  = 0.0d0
            aa(2,1,1)  = 0.0d0

            ctan1 = ctan(1)*dx(ll)
            do jj = 1,4
              do ii = 1,4
                aa(ii,jj,1) = aa(ii,jj,1)*ctan1
              end do ! ii
            end do ! jj

!           Compute strain-displacement matrices for two nodes

            do i = 1,2
              bmat(1,1,i) =  shpu(1,i,ll)*(1.d0 + dudx(ll))
              bmat(2,1,i) =  0.0d0
              bmat(1,2,i) =  shpw(1,i,ll)*dwdx(ll)
              bmat(2,2,i) =  shpw(2,i,ll)
              bmat(1,3,i) =  shpt(1,i,ll)*dwdx(ll)
              bmat(2,3,i) =  shpt(2,i,ll)
            end do ! i

!           Mechanical tangent terms

            mm = 0
            do ii = 1,nel

              do i = 1,3

!               B^T * AA

                baii(i,1) = (bmat(1,i,ii)*aa(1,1,1) +
     &                       bmat(2,i,ii)*aa(2,1,1))
                baii(i,2) = (bmat(1,i,ii)*aa(1,2,1) +
     &                       bmat(2,i,ii)*aa(2,2,1))

!               Residual

                r(i,ii) = r(i,ii) - bmat(1,i,ii)*forc(1,ll)
     &                            - bmat(2,i,ii)*forc(2,ll)

!               Enhanced stiffness

                gen(i,ii) = gen(i,ii) + baii(i,1)*sg(1,ll)

              end do ! i

!             Tangent

              if(isw.eq.3) then

                nxi(1) = shpu(1,ii,ll)*forc(1,ll)*ctan(1)
                nxi(2) = shpw(1,ii,ll)*forc(1,ll)*ctan(1)
                nxi(3) = shpt(1,ii,ll)*forc(1,ll)*ctan(1)
                nn = 0
                do jj = 1,nel

!                 Material part

                  do j = 1,3
                    do i = 1,3
                      s(mm+i,nn+j) = s(mm+i,nn+j)
     &                             + baii(i,1)*bmat(1,j,jj)
     &                             + baii(i,2)*bmat(2,j,jj)
                    end do ! i
                  end do ! j

!                 Geometric part

                  s(mm+1,nn+1) = s(mm+1,nn+1) + nxi(1)* shpu(1,jj,ll)
                  s(mm+2,nn+2) = s(mm+2,nn+2) + nxi(2)*shpw(1,jj,ll)
                  s(mm+2,nn+3) = s(mm+2,nn+3) + nxi(2)*shpt(1,jj,ll)
                  s(mm+3,nn+2) = s(mm+3,nn+2) + nxi(3)*shpw(1,jj,ll)
                  s(mm+3,nn+3) = s(mm+3,nn+3) + nxi(3)*shpt(1,jj,ll)

                  nn = nn + ndf
                end do ! jj
              mm = mm + ndf
            end do ! ii
          end do ! ll

!         Lumped inertia contributions

          ctan3 = ctan(3) + d(77)*ctan(2)
          jj    = 0
          do ii = 1,nel
            r(1,ii)      = r(1,ii) - dva*(ul(1,ii,5)+d(77)*ul(1,ii,4))
            r(2,ii)      = r(2,ii) - dva*(ul(2,ii,5)+d(77)*ul(2,ii,4))
            r(3,ii)      = r(3,ii) - dvi*(ul(3,ii,5)+d(77)*ul(3,ii,4))
            s(jj+1,jj+1) = s(jj+1,jj+1) + dva*ctan3
            s(jj+2,jj+2) = s(jj+2,jj+2) + dva*ctan3
            s(jj+3,jj+3) = s(jj+3,jj+3) + dvi*ctan3
            jj           = jj + ndf
          end do

!         Transform stiffness and residual to global coordinates

          if(isw.eq.3) then

!           Static condensation

            nn = 0
            do jj = 1,nel
              do j = 1,3
                duen = gen(j,jj)*hen
                mm = 0
                do ii = 1,nel
                  do i = 1,3
                    s(i+mm,j+nn) = s(i+mm,j+nn) - gen(i,ii)*duen
                  end do ! i
                  mm = mm + ndf
                end do ! ii
              end do ! j
              nn = nn + ndf
            end do ! jj

            call bm2trn (s,cs,sn,nst,ndf,1)
          call bm2trn ( r,cs,-sn,nst,ndf,2)

!         Set body loading factors

          if(int(d(74)).gt.0) then
            b(1) = hle*(d(11) + prldv(int(d(74)))*d(71))
            b(1) = hle*d(11)*dm
          if(int(d(75)).gt.0) then
            b(2) = hle*(d(12) + prldv(int(d(75)))*d(72))
            b(2) = hle*d(12)*dm

!         Add body force components

          r(1,1) = r(1,1) + b(1)
          r(1,2) = r(1,2) + b(1)
          r(2,1) = r(2,1) + b(2)
          r(2,2) = r(2,2) + b(2)

!       Output forces

        elseif(isw.eq.4 .or. isw.eq.8) then

!         Member forces

          do ll = 1,lint

            defa(1,1)  = eps(ll) + sg(1,ll)*uen
            defa(2,1)  = gam(ll)
            defa(3,1)  = kap(ll)

            forc(1,ll) = d(1)*d(32)*defa(1,1)
            forc(2,ll) = d(1)*d(33)*defa(2,1)
            forc(3,ll) = d(1)*d(33)*defa(3,1)

!           Stress output

            if(isw.eq.4) then

              do i = 1,ndm
                xx(i) = 0.
                do ii = 1,nel
                  xx(i) = xx(i) + xl(i,ii)*shpu(2,ii,ll)
                end do ! ii
              end do ! i
              mct = mct - 3
              if (mct.le.0) then
                write(iow,2001) o,head,ttim
                if(ior.lt.0) write(*,2001) o,head,ttim
                mct = 50
              write(iow,2002) n_el,ma,(xx(i),i=1,2),
     &                        (forc(i,ll),i=1,3),(defa(i,1),i=1,3)
              if(ior.lt.0) then
                write(*,2002) n_el,ma,(xx(i),i=1,2),
     &                        (forc(i,ll),i=1,3),(defa(i,1),i=1,3)

!           Stress projections save


!             Compute strain-displacement matrices for two nodes

              do i = 1,2
                bmat(1,1,i) =  shpu(1,i,ll)*(1.d0 + dudx(ll))
                bmat(2,1,i) =  0.0d0
                bmat(1,2,i) =  shpw(1,i,ll)*dwdx(ll)
                bmat(2,2,i) =  shpw(2,i,ll)
                bmat(1,3,i) =  shpt(1,i,ll)*dwdx(ll)
                bmat(2,3,i) =  shpt(2,i,ll)
              end do ! i

!             End forces

              do ii = 1,nel

                do i = 1,3
                  r(i,ii) = r(i,ii) - (bmat(1,i,ii)*forc(1,ll)
     &                              +  bmat(2,i,ii)*forc(3,ll))*dx(ll)
                end do ! i

              end do ! ii
            end if
          end do ! ll

!         Projection on end notes (uses reactions)

          if(isw.eq.8) then
            do i = 1,3
              r(i,2) = -r(i,2)
            end do
            call frcn2d(ix,r,ndf,hr(nph),hr(nph+numnp),numnp)

!       Compute energy

        elseif(isw.eq.13) then

          dva = hle*rhoa
          dvi  =hle*rhoi

!         Compute internal energy

          do ll = 1,lint

!           Compute energy density from stress and deformation

            call shp1db(sg(1,ll),xl,shpu,ndm,nel,xjac)
            dx(ll) = sg(2,ll)*xjac
            call b2mods (d,ul,forc,aa,energy,shpu,ndf,nen,isw)

!           Accumulate energy

            epl(8) = epl(8) + 0.5d0*energy*dx(ll)

          end do ! ll

!         Compute kinetic energy for lumped mass

          epl(7) = epl(7) + 0.5d0*dva*(ul(1,1,4)**2 + ul(1,2,4)**2
     &                               + ul(2,1,4)**2 + ul(2,2,4)**2)
     &                    + 0.5d0*dvi*(ul(3,1,4)**2 + ul(3,2,4)**2)



!     Formats

2001  format(a1,20a4/5x,'Time',e13.5,5x,' Element Forces '//
     &  43x,'*********  FORCE / STRAIN  *********'/
     &   3x,'Element  Matl',
     &  3x,'1-Coord',3x,'2-Coord',6x,'n-Dir',8x,'s-Dir',8x,'m-Dir'/)

2002  format(i10,i6,1p,2e12.4,1p,3e13.4/40x,1p,3e13.4)

      end subroutine franf2d