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Test Coverage
      subroutine inmate(d,tdof,ndv,eltype)

!      * * F E A P * * A Finite Element Analysis Program

!....  Copyright (c) 1984-2021: Regents of the University of California
!                               All rights reserved

!      Purpose: Input material parameters for material models

!      Inputs:
!         ietype    - Element type indicator
!                     1: Mechanical solid
!                     2: Truss
!                     3: Frame
!                     4: Plate
!                     5: Shell/Membrane
!                     6: Thermal solid
!                     7: Three-dimensional
!                     8: Unspecified
!      Outputs:
!         d(*)      - Material set parameters
!         tdof      - Dof to specify temperature location in
!                     coupled thermo-mechanical problems
!         ndv       - Number of element history variables
      implicit  none

      include  'cdata.h'
      include  'cdat1.h'
      include  'chdata.h'
      include  'eldata.h'
      include  'elplot.h'
      include  'hdata.h'
      include  'iofile.h'
      include  'pglob1.h'
      include  'pmod2d.h'
      include  'refnd.h'
      include  'refng.h'
      include  'sdata.h'
      include  'setups.h'

      character (len=15) :: text(2)
      character (len=13) :: wd(8)

      logical       :: pcomp,erflag, errck, tinput, inputs
      logical       :: cflag,eflag,fflag,iflag,sflag,tflag,uflag, oned
      logical       :: efl,flg
      integer       :: eltype,ietype,imat,ndv,nvis,tdof,i,ii,j,jj,nn
      integer       :: n1,n3,nseg,nhd,ntm,naug,tmat,umat,uprm
      real (kind=8) :: bulk,e1,e2,e3,nu12,nu23,nu31,g12,g23,g31,rad,t1
      real (kind=8) :: ev(10),dd(6,6),alp(3),d(*)


      data      wd/'Plane Stress' ,'Plane Strain' ,'Axisymmetric',
     &             'Plate & Shell','Truss & Frame','Thermal',
     &             '3-Dimensional','Unspecified'   /

!     PART 1: Set default values
      tdof   = gtdof
      etype  = 1
      dtype  = gdtype
      ietype = abs(eltype)

      if(dtype.gt.0 .or. ietype.ne.1) then
        fflag  = .false.
        sflag  = .true.
        fflag  = .true.
        sflag  = .false.

!     Number of stress/strain history terms/pt
      if(ndm.eq.3) then
        ntm = 6
      elseif(ndm.eq.2) then
        ntm = 4
        ntm = 1

      cflag  = .false.
      eflag  = .false.
      erflag = .false.
      hflag  = .false.
      iflag  = .false.
      oned   = .false.
      plasfl = .false.
      tflag  = .false.
      uflag  = .false.
      viscfl = .false.
      if(nen.gt.4 .and. ndm.eq.2 .or.
     &   nen.gt.8 .and. ndm.eq.3 ) then
        ii = 3
        ii = 2
      jj   = ii - 1
      imat = 1
      lref = 0
      naug = 0
      nvis = 0
      nseg = 0

!     Default Mass: Consistent
      d( 7) = 1.d0

!     Default augmenting on
      d(185) = 1.d0

!     Default angle in degrees
      rad  = atan(1.d0)/45.d0
      d(31)= d(31)/rad

!     Solid type
      if(ietype.eq.1 .or. ietype.eq.6) then
        stype = g2type

!     Truss/frame type
      elseif(ietype.eq.2 .or.ietype.eq.3) then
        if(ietype.eq.2) oned   = .true.
        stype = 5
        lref  = gref
        sref  = 0
        if(lref.eq.1) then
          do i = 1,ndm
            refx(i) = grefx(i)
            tref(i) = 0.0d0
          end do
          do i = 1,ndm
            refx(i) = gtref(i)
            tref(i) = 0.0d0
          end do
        end if

!     Plate/shell type
      elseif(ietype.eq.4) then
        stype = 4
        ii    = 3
      elseif(ietype.eq.5) then
        stype = 4
        ii    = 2
      elseif(ietype.eq.7) then
        stype = 7

!     Rayleigh damping set
      if(ietype.ne.6) then
        d(77) = gray(1)
        d(78) = gray(2)

      d(5)   = ii
      d(6)   = jj
      d(14)  = 1.d0
      alp(1) = 0.d0

!     PART 2: Poll for legal input records: Stop on blank record
      inputs = .true.

      do while(inputs)

!       Input record
        errck = .true.
        do while(errck)
          errck = tinput(text,2,ev,9)
        end do ! while

!       Plate/Shell Thickness
        if    (ietype.ne.2.and.ietype.ne.3
     &                    .and. pcomp(text(1),'thic',4)) then
          d(14) = ev(1)
          if(ev(2).eq.0.0d0) then
            d(10) = 5.d0/6.d0
            d(10) = ev(2)
          d(102) = ev(3)

!       Mass density
        elseif(pcomp(text(1),'dens',4)) then
          d(4)  = ev(1)
          if(ev(2).eq.0.0d0) then
            d(69) = 1.d0
            d(69) = ev(2)

!       Damping factor
        elseif(pcomp(text(1),'damp',4)) then
          if(pcomp(text(2),'rayl',4)) then
            d(77) = ev(1)
            d(78) = ev(2)
            d(70) = ev(1)

!       Mass matrix type
        elseif(pcomp(text(1),'mass',4)) then
          if(pcomp(text(2),'lump',4)) then
            d(7) = 0.0d0
          elseif(pcomp(text(2),'cons',4)) then
            d(7) = 1.0d0
          elseif(pcomp(text(2),'off',3)) then
            d(7) = -1.0d0
            d(7) = ev(1)

!       Normal surface loading
     &                    .and. pcomp(text(1),'load',4)) then

          d(8)  = ev(1)

!       Solid material body forces, b,  and heat source term Q
        elseif(pcomp(text(1),'body',4)) then

          if(pcomp(text(2),'heat',4)) then
            d(66) = ev(1)
            d(11) = ev(1)
            d(12) = ev(2)
            d(13) = ev(3)

!       Orthotropic material principal direction angle
     &                    .and. pcomp(text(1),'angl',4)) then

          d(31) = ev(1)

!       Frame/Truss: Cross section properties
     &                    .and. pcomp(text(1),'cros',4)) then

          cflag = .true.

          do i = 1,7
            d(31+i) = ev(i)
          end do

          if(ev(5).eq.0.0d0) then
            d(36) = d(33) + d(34)
          if(ev(6).eq.0.0d0) then
            d(37) = 5.d0/6.d0
          if(ev(7).eq.0.0d0) then
            d(38) = 5.d0/6.d0

!       Frame: Reference node/vector set
        elseif(pcomp(text(1),'refe',4)) then

          if    (pcomp(text(2),'node',4)) then
            lref = 1
            do i = 1,ndm
              refx(i) = ev(i)
            end do
          elseif(pcomp(text(2),'vect',4)) then
            lref = 2
            do i = 1,ndm
              refx(i) = ev(i)
            end do
          elseif(pcomp(text(2),'shea',4)) then
            sref = 1
            do i = 1,ndm
              tref(i) = ev(i)
            end do
            lref = 0
            if(ior.lt.0) then
            end if

!       Frame: No Shear Option
        elseif(ietype.eq.3 .and. pcomp(text(1),'shea',4)) then

          if(pcomp(text(2),'off',3)) then
            d(79) = 1.0d0
            d(79) = 0.0d0

!       Truss/Frame: Nonlinear flag
     &                    .and. pcomp(text(1),'nonl',4)) then

          if(ev(1).eq.0.0d0) then
            d(39) = 1.0d0
            d(39) = 0.0d0

!       Kinematics type: Small deformation
        elseif(pcomp(text(1),'smal',4)) then

          dtype = 1
          if(ietype.eq.1) then
            sflag = .true.
            fflag = .false.

!       Kinematics type: Finite deformation
        elseif(pcomp(text(1),'fini',4)) then

          dtype = -1
          if(ietype.eq.1) then
            fflag = .true.
            sflag = .false.

!       Element type: Displacement
        elseif(pcomp(text(1),'disp',4)) then

          etype = 1

!       Element type: Mixed (B-Bar)
        elseif(pcomp(text(1),'mixe',4)) then

          etype = 2

!       Element type: Enhanced Strain
        elseif(pcomp(text(1),'enha',4)) then

          etype = 3

!       Interpolation type: Nurbs
        elseif(pcomp(text(1),'nurb',4)) then

          d(189) = 1.0d0
          do i = 1,3
            if(ev(i).gt.0.0d0) then
              d(189+i) = ev(i)
            elseif(ev(i).lt.0.0d0) then
              d(189+i) = 0.0d0
              d(189+i) = 5.d0
          end do ! i

!       Interpolation type: VEM
        elseif(pcomp(text(1),'vem',3)) then

          d(189) = 8.0d0
          nh1    = nh1 + 1

!       Initial data
        elseif(pcomp(text(1),'init',4)) then

!         Constant initial stress state
          if( pcomp(text(2),'stre',4)) then
            d(160) = 1
            do i = 1,6
              d(160+i) = ev(i)
            end do ! i
          elseif( pcomp(text(2),'augm',4)) then
            d(160) = 2

!       Quadrature data
     &              .and. pcomp(text(1),'quad',4)) then

!         Limit quadrature for built-in elements
          if(eltype.gt.0) then
            ii = max(-1,min(3,nint(ev(1))))
            jj = max( 1,min(3,nint(ev(2))))
            ii = nint(ev(1))
            jj = nint(ev(2))

          d(5) = ii

          d(6) = jj

!       Temperature dof
        elseif(ietype.ne.6 .and.
     &     (pcomp(text(1),'temp',4) .or. pcomp(text(1),'volt',4))) then

          tdof = nint(ev(1))

!       Input solution type
        elseif((ietype.eq.1 .or. ietype.eq.6)  .and.
     &                     pcomp(text(1),'plan',4)) then
          if( pcomp(text(2),'stre',4)) then
            stype = 1
            stype = 2

        elseif((ietype.eq.1 .or. ietype.eq.6)  .and.
     &                     pcomp(text(1),'axis',4)) then
          stype = 3

!       Penalty parameter
        elseif(pcomp(text(1),'pena',4)) then

          d(60) = ev(1)

!       Augmentation switch
        elseif(pcomp(text(1),'augm',4)) then

          if(pcomp(text(2),'off',3)) then
            d(185) = 0.0d0
            d(185) = 1.0d0

!       Thermal properties
        elseif(ietype.ne.6 .and. pcomp(text(1),'ther',4)) then

          tflag = .true.

!         Orthotropic inputs
          if(pcomp(text(2),'orth',4)) then

            alp(1) = ev(1)
            alp(2) = ev(2)
            alp(3) = ev(3)
            d(9)   = ev(4)

!         Isotropic inputs

            alp(1) = ev(1)
            alp(2) = ev(1)
            alp(3) = ev(1)
            d(9)   = ev(2)


!       Elastic properties
        elseif(ietype.ne.6 .and. pcomp(text(1),'elas',4)) then

          eflag  = .true.

!         Transverse isotropy inputs
          if(pcomp(text(2),'tran',4)) then

            iflag = .false.
            imat  =  2

            e1   = ev(1)
            e2   = ev(2)
            e3   = ev(1)
            nu12 = ev(3)
            nu23 = ev(3)
            nu31 = ev(4)
            g12  = ev(1)/(2.d0 + nu31 + nu31)
            g23  = ev(5)
            g31  = ev(5)

!         Orthotropic inputs
          elseif(pcomp(text(2),'orth',4)) then

            iflag = .false.
            imat  =  2

            e1   = ev(1)
            e2   = ev(2)
            e3   = ev(3)
            nu12 = ev(4)
            nu23 = ev(5)
            nu31 = ev(6)
            g12  = ev(7)
            g23  = ev(8)
            g31  = ev(9)

!         Finite Elastic Models
!         Regular compressible Neo-Hookean

          elseif(ietype.eq.1 .and. pcomp(text(2),'neoh',4)) then

            imat  =  1
            dtype = -1
            fflag = .true.
            sflag = .false.

            e1    = ev(1)
            nu12  = ev(2)

!         Isotropic inputs

            imat  = 2
            if(pcomp(text(2),'stve',4).or.pcomp(text(2),'stvk',4)) then
              dtype = -1
              fflag = .true.
              sflag = .false.
            iflag = .true.

            e1    = ev(1)
            e2    = e1
            e3    = e1
            nu12  = ev(2)

            nu23  = nu12
            nu31  = nu12
            g12   = 0.5d0*e1/(1.d0 + nu12)
            g23   = g12
            g31   = g12
            bulk  = e1/(1.d0 - 2.d0*min(0.49999999d0,nu12))/3.d0

!       Solid Mechanics Representative Volume Material behavior
        elseif(ietype.ne.6 .and. (pcomp(text(1),'srve',4)   .or.
     &                            pcomp(text(1),'frve',4)   .or.
     &                            pcomp(text(1),'rve' ,3))) then

          if(ntasks.le.1) then
            write(iow,*) ' *ERROR* Use RVE material only for np > 1'
            if(rank.eq.0) then
              write(*,*) ' *ERROR* Use RVE material only for np > 1'
            call plstop(.true.)

          elseif(rank.eq.0) then

            nrve = nrve + 1
            if(nrve.gt.ntasks-1) then
              write(iow,*) ' *ERROR* Number RVEs > processors available'
              if(rank.eq.0) then
                write(*,*) ' *ERROR* Number RVEs > processors available'
              call plstop(.true.)
            prtyp(1,ma) = 2
            if(pcomp(text(1),'srve',4)) then  ! Small deformation
              d(40) = 4.0d0 ! Stres  RVE
              prtyp(2,ma) =  1
            else                              ! Finite deformation
              dtype = -1
              prtyp(2,ma) = -1
            imat = 13
            e1   = 1.0d0 ! Prevents error message
            d(1) = e1
            nh1  = nh1 + 6 + 1 ! Store stresses plus one

            if(.not.pcomp(text(2),'    ',4)) then
              i = index(xxx,',')
              if(i.eq.0) then
                i = index(xxx,' ')

              do j = i+1,i+20
                if( xxx(j:j).ne.' ' ) then
              end do ! j
              i = index(xxx(j:j+70),' ')
              matfile(ma)   = xxx(j:j+i)


!       Thermal Representative Volume Material behavior
        elseif(ietype.eq.6 .and. pcomp(text(1),'rve' ,3)) then

          if(ntasks.le.1) then
            write(iow,*) ' *ERROR* Use RVE material only for np > 1'
            if(rank.eq.0) then
              write(*,*) ' *ERROR* Use RVE material only for np > 1'
            call plstop(.true.)

          elseif(rank.eq.0) then

            nrve = nrve + 1
            if(nrve.gt.ntasks-1) then
              write(iow,*) ' *ERROR* Number RVEs > processors available'
             if(rank.eq.0) then
                write(*,*) ' *ERROR* Number RVEs > processors available'
              call plstop(.true.)

            prtyp(1,ma) = 1
            prtyp(2,ma) = 1
            d(40)       = 5.0d0 ! Thermal RVE
            tmat = 1
            t1   = 1.0d0 ! Prevents error message
            nh1  = nh1 + 4 + 1 ! Store temperature and gradient

            if(.not.pcomp(text(2),'    ',4)) then
              i = index(xxx,',')
              if(i.eq.0) then
                i = index(xxx,' ')

              do j = i+1,i+20
                if( xxx(j:j).ne.' ' ) then
              end do ! j
              i = index(xxx(j:j+70),' ')
              matfile(ma)   = xxx(j:j+i)

!       Viscoelastic properties
        elseif(ietype.ne.6 .and. pcomp(text(1),'visc',4)) then

          viscfl = .true.
          plasfl = .false.
          d(40)  = 2.d0  ! Constitution is now Viscoelastic
          nvis   = nvis + 1
          if(nvis.le.3) then
            d(50+2*nvis-1) = ev(1)
            d(50+2*nvis  ) = ev(2)
            d(57)          = nvis
            call plstop(.true.)

!       Plasticity properties
        elseif(ietype.ne.6 .and. pcomp(text(1),'plas',4)) then

          plasfl = .true.
          viscfl = .false.
          d(40)  = 1.d0  ! Constitution is now Plastic

!         Mises yield/loading function
          if(pcomp(text(2),'mise',4)) then

            d(41) = ev(1)
            d(42) = ev(2)
            d(43) = ev(3)
            if(d(41).eq.0.0d0) d(41) = 1.d+20
            if(d(42).eq.0.0d0) d(42) = d(41)
            if(d(43).eq.0.0d0) d(43) = 1.d0
            d(46) = 1.d0  ! Mises flag

!         Drucker-Prager yield/loading function
          elseif(pcomp(text(2),'druc',4)) then

            d(41) = ev(1)
            d(42) = ev(2)
            if(d(42).eq.0.0d0) d(42) = d(41)
            d(46) = 2.d0  ! Drucker-Prager flag

!         Drucker-Prager yield/loading function
          elseif(pcomp(text(2),'lode',4)) then

            d(41) = ev(1)
            d(42) = ev(2)
            if(d(42).eq.0.0d0) d(42) = d(41)
            d(46) = 3.d0  ! Drucker-Prager flag

!         Hardening parameters
          elseif(pcomp(text(2),'hard',4)) then

            d(44)  = ev(1)
            d(45)  = ev(2)

!         Linear segment hardening parameters
          elseif(pcomp(text(2),'segm',4)) then

            nseg          = nseg + 1
            if(nseg.gt.6) then
              call plstop(.true.)
            d(130)        = nseg
            d(128+3*nseg) = ev(1)
            d(129+3*nseg) = ev(2)
            d(130+3*nseg) = ev(3)


!       Angular velocity: rad/sec
        elseif(ietype.ne.6 .and. pcomp(text(1),'omeg',4)) then

          d(65) = ev(1)

!       Fourier Heat Conduction properties
        elseif(pcomp(text(1),'four',4)) then

          hflag = .true.
          d(30) = 1.0d0 ! Heat constitution added
          tmat  = 2

!         Orthotropic inputs
          if(pcomp(text(2),'orth',4)) then

            d(61) = ev(1)
            d(62) = ev(2)
            d(63) = ev(3)
            d(64) = ev(4)

!         Isotropic inputs

            d(61) = ev(1)
            d(62) = ev(1)
            d(63) = ev(1)
            d(64) = ev(2)


!         Thermal dof for mechanical solid and truss problems
          if(ietype.eq.1 .and. tdof.eq.0 .or. ietype.eq.2) then

            tdof = ndm + 1


!       Ground motion acceleration factors/proportional load numbers
        elseif(ietype.ne.6 .and. pcomp(text(1),'grou',4)) then

          do i = 1,ndm
            d(70+i) = ev(2*i-1)
            d(73+i) = ev(2*i)
          end do

!       Constitutive solution start value (0 = elastic)
        elseif(pcomp(text(1),'star',4)) then

          if(pcomp(text(2),'elas',4)) then
            d(84) = -1.0d0
            d(84) =  1.0d0

!       User Material Model interface
        elseif(pcomp(text(1),'ucon',4)) then

!         Default user constitutive equation number
          umat    = 1
          uprm    = ndd - nud
          n1      = 0
          n3      = 0

          call uconst(text(2),ev,d(1), d(uprm+1),n1,n3, umat)

          d(uprm) = umat + 100

!         Deactivate standard program models
          sflag  = .false.
          fflag  = .false.
          uflag  = .true.

!         Increase number of history terms/quadrature point
          nh1    = nh1 + n1
          nh3    = nh3 + n3
          e1     = 1.0d0

!       Check end of data
        elseif(pcomp(text(1),'    ',4)) then

!         Transfer to sets and checks
          inputs = .false.


      end do ! while

!     PART 3: Set final parameters and output material state

!     Set moduli
      if(ietype.ne.6) then

!       Small deformation options
        if(sflag) then
          d(1)    = e1
          d(2)    = nu12
          d(3)    = alp(1)

          dd(1,1) =  1.d0/e1
          dd(2,2) =  1.d0/e2
          dd(3,3) =  1.d0/e3

          dd(1,2) = -dd(2,2)*nu12
          dd(2,3) = -dd(3,3)*nu23
          dd(3,1) = -dd(1,1)*nu31

!         1-Dimensional Models
          if(stype.eq.5) then
            dd(2,2) =  1.d0
            dd(3,3) =  1.d0
            dd(1,2) =  0.d0
            dd(2,3) =  0.d0
            dd(3,1) =  0.d0

!         Plane Stress Models
          elseif(stype.eq.1 .or. stype .eq.4) then

            d(90)   =  dd(3,1)
            d(91)   =  dd(2,3)

            dd(3,3) =  1.d0
            dd(2,3) =  0.d0
            dd(3,1) =  0.d0


          dd(2,1) = dd(1,2)
          dd(3,2) = dd(2,3)
          dd(1,3) = dd(3,1)

!         Mechanical modulus properties
          call invert(dd,3,6)

!         Save moduli
          d(21) = dd(1,1)
          d(22) = dd(2,2)
          d(23) = dd(3,3)
          d(24) = dd(1,2)
          d(25) = dd(2,3)
          d(26) = dd(3,1)
          d(27) = g12
          d(28) = g23
          d(29) = g31

!         Thermal properties
          d(47) = dd(1,1)*alp(1) + dd(1,2)*alp(2) + dd(1,3)*alp(3)
          d(48) = dd(2,1)*alp(1) + dd(2,2)*alp(2) + dd(2,3)*alp(3)
          d(49) = dd(3,1)*alp(1) + dd(3,2)*alp(2) + dd(3,3)*alp(3)

!         Set for plane stress problems
          if(stype.eq.1 .or. stype .eq.4) then

            d(23) = 0.0d0
            d(49) = 0.0d0

            d(92) = alp(3)


!         Output parameters for element
          if(plasfl) then
            jj   = ii
            d(6) = jj

!         Output elastic properties
          if(eflag) then
            if(stype.eq.5 .or. iflag) then
              write(iow,2000) wd(stype),e1,nu12
              if(ior.lt.0) then
                write(*,2000) wd(stype),e1,nu12
              write(iow,2001) wd(stype),e1,e2,e3,nu12,nu23,nu31,
     &                        g12,g23,g31,d(31)
              if(ior.lt.0) then
                write(*,2001) wd(stype),e1,e2,e3,nu12,nu23,nu31,
     &                        g12,g23,g31,d(31)
            if(stype.ne.5 .and. stype.ne.7) then
              write(iow,2018) d(14)
              if(nint(d(102)).gt.1) write(iow,2051) nint(d(102))
            if(stype.eq.4) then
              write(iow,2021) d(8)
            if(ietype.eq.1 .or.ietype.eq.5) write(iow,2019) ii,jj
            if(ior.lt.0) then
              if(stype.ne.5 .and. stype.ne.7) then
                write(*,2018) d(14)
                if(nint(d(102)).gt.1) write(*,2051) nint(d(102))
              if(stype.eq.4) then
                write(*,2021) d(8)
              if(ietype.eq.1 .or.ietype.eq.5) write(*,2019) ii,jj
          elseif(.not.uflag .and. imat.ne.13) then
            if(ior.lt.0) write(*,4000)
            erflag = .true.

!         Output thermal expansions
          if(tflag) then
            write(iow,2002) alp,d(9),tdof
            if(ior.lt.0) then
              write(*,2002) alp,d(9),tdof

!         Output fourier heat conduction properties
          if(hflag) then
            write(iow,2020) wd(stype),(d(i),i=61,64)
            if(ior.lt.0) then
              write(*,2020) wd(stype),(d(i),i=61,64)

!       Finite deformation options

!         Output Regular NeoHookean
          if(imat.eq.1) then

            bulk = e1/(1.d0 - nu12*2.d0)/3.d0
            g12  = e1/(1.d0 + nu12)/2.d0
            if(ior.lt.0) then
              write(*,2010) ' ',e1,nu12,bulk,g12
            write(iow,2010) ' ',e1,nu12,bulk,g12

!           Compute Lame' parameters
            d(1)  = e1
            d(2)  = nu12
            d(3)  = alp(1)

            d(21) = bulk - 2.d0/3.d0*g12
            d(22) = g12

!         St. Venant-Kirchhoff
          elseif(imat.eq.2) then

            if(iflag) then
              write(iow,2000) wd(stype),e1,nu12
              if(ior.lt.0) then
                write(*,2000) wd(stype),e1,nu12
              write(iow,2001) wd(stype),e1,e2,e3,nu12,nu23,nu31,
     &                        g12,g23,g31,d(31)
              if(ior.lt.0) then
                write(*,2001) wd(stype),e1,e2,e3,nu12,nu23,nu31,
     &                        g12,g23,g31,d(31)

!           Set material parameters
            d(1)    = e1
            d(2)    = nu12
            d(3)    = alp(1)

            dd(1,1) =  1.d0/e1
            dd(2,2) =  1.d0/e2
            dd(3,3) =  1.d0/e3

            dd(1,2) = -dd(2,2)*nu12

            if(stype.eq.1) then          ! Plane stress option
              dd(2,3) = 0.0d0
              dd(3,1) = 0.0d0
            else                         ! Other options
              dd(2,3) = -dd(3,3)*nu23
              dd(3,1) = -dd(1,1)*nu31

            dd(2,1) =  dd(1,2)
            dd(3,2) =  dd(2,3)
            dd(1,3) =  dd(3,1)

!           Mechanical modulus properties
            call invert(dd,3,6)

!           Save moduli
            d(21) = dd(1,1)
            d(22) = dd(2,2)
            d(23) = dd(3,3)
            d(24) = dd(1,2)
            d(25) = dd(2,3)
            d(26) = dd(3,1)
            d(27) = g12
            d(28) = g23
            d(29) = g31

!           Thermal properties
            d(47) = dd(1,1)*alp(1) + dd(1,2)*alp(2) + dd(1,3)*alp(3)
            d(48) = dd(2,1)*alp(1) + dd(2,2)*alp(2) + dd(2,3)*alp(3)
            d(49) = dd(3,1)*alp(1) + dd(3,2)*alp(2) + dd(3,3)*alp(3)


!       Output shell/plate thickness
        if(stype.ne.5 .and. stype.ne.7) then
          write(iow,2018) d(14)
          if(nint(d(102)).gt.1) write(iow,2051) nint(d(102))
        if(stype.eq.4) then
          write(iow,2021) d(8)
        if(ior.lt.0) then
          if(stype.ne.5 .and. stype.ne.7) then
            write(*,2018) d(14)
            if(nint(d(102)).gt.1) write(*,2051) nint(d(102))
          if(stype.eq.4) then
            write(*,2021) d(8)

!       Output density and body loading
        if(ior.lt.0) then
          write(*,2029) d(4),d(11),d(12),d(13)
        write(iow,2029) d(4),d(11),d(12),d(13)

!       Output constant initial stresses
        if(nint(d(160)).eq.1) then
          if(ietype.eq.2 .or. ietype.eq.3) then
            j = 1
            j = 6
          write(iow,2044) (d(160+i),i=1,j)
          if(ior.lt.0) then
            write(*,2044) (d(160+i),i=1,j)
        elseif(nint(d(160)).eq.2) then
          if(ietype.eq.2 .or. ietype.eq.3) then
            naug = 1
            if(ior.lt.0) then

!       Output angular velocity
        if(d(65).ne.0.0d0) then
          if(ior.lt.0) then
            write(*,2030) d(65)
          write(iow,2030) d(65)

!       Output ground acceleration factors
        flg = .false.
        efl = .false.
        do i = 1,ndm
          if(nint(d(73+i)).gt.0 ) flg = .true.
          if(nint(d(73+i)).gt.10) then
            efl = .true.
        end do
        if(flg) then
          write(iow,2023) (d(70+i),nint(d(73+i)),i=1,ndm)
          if(ior.lt.0) then
            write(*,2023) (d(70+i),nint(d(73+i)),i=1,ndm)

        if(efl) then
          if(ior.lt.0) write(*,4007)
          erflag = .true.

!       Output section properties
        if(cflag) then
          if(ietype.eq.2) then
            j = 32
            j = 38
          write(iow,2015) (d(i),i=32,j)
          if(ior.lt.0) then
            write(*,2015) (d(i),i=32,j)
          ev(1) = 1.d-8*max(abs(d(33)),abs(d(34)))
          ev(2) = d(33)*d(34) - d(35)*d(35)
          if(ev(2).lt.ev(1)) then
            write(iow,4013) ev(2)
            if(ior.lt.0) then
              write(*,4013) ev(2)
            erflag = .true.

!       Output plasticity parameters
        if(plasfl) then

!         Small deformation plasticity (also for one-d problems)
          if(sflag .or. oned) then

            if(nint(d(40)).eq.1) then
              write(iow,2003) (d(i),i=41,45)
              if(ior.lt.0) then
                write(*,2003) (d(i),i=41,45)
              nn  = 1
              nhd = ntm + 1  ! epp, ep(i),i=1,ntm

          endif ! fflag/sflag

!         One dimensional model history storage
          if(oned) then
            if(nseg.eq.0) then
              nh1 = nh1 + nn + 3   ! ep(1); epp; state each layer
              write(iow,2041) (d(i),i=131,130+3*nseg)
              if(ior.lt.0) then
                write(*,2041) (d(i),i=131,130+3*nseg)
              nh1 = nh1 + 4   ! ep(1); alp(1); epp; state each layer

!         Multi dimensional model history storage
            if(ndm.eq.3) then
              nh1 = nh1 + nhd*nn + 1
              if(stype.eq.1) then
!                               ep(3), beta(3), ep; state (plane stress)
                nh1 = nh1 + nn + 7
                if(fflag) then
                  nh1 = nh1 + nhd*nn + 1
                  nh1 = nh1 + 5*nn + 1 ! ep(4); ep; state (plane strain)

        endif ! plasfl

!       Output visco-elastic properties
        if(viscfl) then
          write(iow,2004) (d(i),i=51,50+2*nvis)
          if(ior.lt.0) then
            write(*,2004) (d(i),i=51,50+2*nvis)
          if(fflag) then
            i = 1
            i = 0
          if(oned) then
            nh1 = nh1 + i + 1 + nvis   ! xi; eps_n; hh(*) each point
            if(ndm.eq.3) then
              nh1 = nh1 + i + 6 + 6*nvis !xi; eps_n(6); hh(6) each point
              nh1 = nh1 + i + 4 + 4*nvis !xi; eps_n(4); hh(4) each point
        endif ! viscfl

!       Constitutive start (.ne.0 for nonclassical elastic)
        if(nint(d(84)).lt.0) then
          write(iow,2066) 'Elastic solution'
          if(ior.lt.0) then
            write(*,2066) 'Elastic solution'
        elseif(nint(d(84)).gt.0) then
          write(iow,2066) 'State at last time step'
          if(ior.lt.0) then
            write(*,2066) 'State at last time step'

!       Kinematics type
        if(ietype.ne.6) then
          if(dtype.gt.0) then
            if(ior.lt.0) then
            if(ior.lt.0) then

!       Element type
        if(ietype.eq.1) then
          if(etype.eq.1) then
            if(ior.lt.0) then
          elseif(etype.eq.2) then
            if(ior.lt.0) then
          elseif(etype.eq.3) then
            if(ior.lt.0) then
        elseif(ietype.eq.3) then
          if(d(79).gt.0.0d0 .or. (ndm.eq.3  .and. dtype.ge.0)) then
            if(ior.lt.0) then
            if(ior.lt.0) then

!       Output augmentation option
        if(etype.gt.1) then
          if(d(185).gt.0.0d0) then
            write(iow,2084) 'On'
            if(ior.lt.0) then
              write(*,2084) 'On'
            write(iow,2084) 'Off'
            if(ior.lt.0) then
              write(*,2084) 'Off'

!     Thermal element only
      elseif(ietype.eq.6) then

        write(iow,2020) wd(stype),d(61),d(62),d(63),d(64),d(4)
        write(iow,2019) ii,jj
        if(ior.lt.0) then
          write(*,2020) wd(stype),d(61),d(62),d(63),d(64),d(4)
          write(*,2019) ii,jj


!     Output RVE type
      if(imat.eq.13 .or. tmat.eq.1) then
        write(iow,2091) ' Hill-Mandel ',wd(stype)
        if    (prtyp(1,ma).eq.1) then
          write(iow,2092) 'Thermal ',matfile(ma)
        elseif(prtyp(1,ma).eq.2) then
          write(iow,2092) 'Stress ',matfile(ma)

!     Interpolation type
      if(nint(d(189)).eq.1) then
        write(iow,2090) 'Global NURBS',(i,nint(d(189+i)),i=1,ndm)
        if(ior.lt.0) then
          write(*,2090) 'Global NURBS',(i,nint(d(189+i)),i=1,ndm)

!     Mass type
      if(d(4).gt.0.0d0) then
        if(d(7).eq.0.0d0) then
          if(ior.lt.0) then
        elseif(d(7).eq.1.0d0) then
          if(ior.lt.0) then
          write(iow,2009) d(7)
          if(ior.lt.0) then
            write(*,2009) d(7)
        if(ietype.eq.3 .or. ietype.eq.5.and.dtype.lt.0) then
          write(iow,2032) d(69)
          if(ior.lt.0) then
            write(*,2032) d(69)

!     Damping factor
      if(d(70).gt.0.0d0) then
        write(iow,2046) d(70)
        if(ior.lt.0) then
          write(*,2046) d(70)

!     Rayleigh Damping factors
      if(max(abs(d(77)),abs(d(78))).gt.0.0d0) then
        write(iow,2060) d(77),d(78)
        if(ior.lt.0) then
          write(*,2060) d(77),d(78)

      if(d(39).ne.0.0d0) then

        if(ior.lt.0) then

!     Output penalty value
      if(d(60).ne.0.0d0) then
        write(iow,2022) d(60)
        if(ior.lt.0) then
          write(*,2022) d(60)

!     Multiply parameters by thickness
      if(ietype.eq.1) then
        d( 4) = d( 4)*d(14)
        d(11) = d(11)*d(14)
        d(12) = d(12)*d(14)
        do i = 21,30
          d(i) = d(i)*d(14)
        end do
      elseif(ietype.eq.4 .or. ietype.eq.5.and.dtype.lt.0) then
        write(iow,2017) d(10)
        if(ior.lt.0) then
          write(*,2017) d(10)

!     Output reference coordinate/vector
      if    (sref.eq.1) then

        d(93) = sref
        do i = 1,2
          d(93+i) = tref(i)
        end do

        write(iow,2031) (i,tref(i),i=1,2)
        if(ior.lt.0) then
          write(*,2031) (i,tref(i),i=1,2)


!     Output reference coordinate/vector
      if    (lref.eq.1) then

        d(96) = lref
        do i = 1,3
          d(96+i) = refx(i)
        end do

        write(iow,2025) (i,refx(i),i=1,ndm)
        if(ior.lt.0) then
          write(*,2025) (i,refx(i),i=1,ndm)

      elseif(lref.eq.2) then

        d(96) = lref
        do i = 1,3
          d(96+i) = refx(i)
        end do

        write(iow,2026) (i,refx(i),i=1,ndm)
        if(ior.lt.0) then
          write(*,2026) (i,refx(i),i=1,ndm)


!     Save types
      d(15)  = nh1 + naug
      d(16)  = stype
      d(17)  = etype
      d(18)  = dtype
      d(19)  = tdof
      d(20)  = imat
      d(31)  = d(31)*rad
      d(193) = tmat
      if(ietype.eq.1 .or. ietype.eq.5) then
        i     = int(nh1)
        if(ndm.eq.2) then
          nh1   = nh1*ii*ii
        elseif(ndm.eq.3) then
          nh1   = nh1*ii*ii*ii
        if(etype.eq.3 .and. sflag) nh1 = nh1 + 5  ! linear element
        if(etype.eq.3 .and. fflag) nh1 = nh1 + i  ! extra quadrature
      elseif(ietype.eq.4) then
        nh1   = nh1*ii
      elseif(ietype.eq.7) then
        nh1   = nh1*ii**3

!     Set history for saving element variables
      nh3  = ndv

!     Set augmenting base value
      d(185) = d(185)*d(21)

!     Check for warnings
      if(d(4).eq.0.0d0) then
        if(ior.lt.0) then

!     Check for errors
      if     (ietype.eq.1) then
        if(e1.eq.0.0d0) then
          if(ior.lt.0) then
      elseif (ietype.eq.2) then
        if(e1.eq.0.0d0 .or. d(32).eq.0.0d0) then
          write(iow,4002) e1,d(32)
          if(ior.lt.0) then
            write(*,4002) e1,d(32)
      elseif (ietype.eq.3) then
        if(e1.eq.0.0d0 .or. d(32).eq.0.0d0 .or. d(33).eq.0.0d0) then
          write(iow,4003) e1,d(32),d(33)
          if(ior.lt.0) then
            write(*,4003) e1,d(32),d(33)
      elseif (ietype.eq.4) then
        if(e1.eq.0.0d0 .or. d(10).eq.0.0d0 .or. d(14).eq.0.0d0) then
          write(iow,4004) e1,d(14),d(10)
          if(ior.lt.0) then
            write(*,4004) e1,d(14),d(10)
      elseif (ietype.eq.5) then
        if(e1.eq.0.0d0 .or. d(10).eq.0.0d0 .or. d(14).eq.0.0d0) then
          write(iow,4005) e1,d(14),d(10)
          if(ior.lt.0) then
            write(*,4005) e1,d(14),d(10)
      elseif (ietype.eq.6) then
        if(d(61).eq.0.0d0) then
          write(iow,4006) e1,d(61)
          if(ior.lt.0) then
            write(*,4006) e1,d(61)

!     Errors detected in input data
      if(erflag) call plstop(.true.)

!     I/O Formats

2000  format( 5x,'M e c h a n i c a l   P r o p e r t i e s'//
     & 10x,a,' Analysis'//
     & 10x,'Modulus E       ',1p,1e12.5/
     & 10x,'Poisson ratio   ',0p,1f8.5/)

2001  format( 5x,'M e c h a n i c a l   P r o p e r t i e s'//
     & 10x,a,' Analysis'//
     & 10x,'Modulus E-1     ',1p,1e12.5/
     & 10x,'Modulus E-2     ',1p,1e12.5/
     & 10x,'Modulus E-3     ',1p,1e12.5/
     & 10x,'Poisson ratio 12',0p,1f8.5 /
     & 10x,'Poisson ratio 23',0p,1f8.5 /
     & 10x,'Poisson ratio 31',0p,1f8.5 /
     & 10x,'Modulus G-12    ',1p,1e12.5/
     & 10x,'Modulus G-23    ',1p,1e12.5 /
     & 10x,'Modulus G-31    ',1p,1e12.5/
     & 10x,'Angle (psi)     ',0p,1f8.5/)

2002  format(/5x,'T h e r m a l   E x p a n s i o n s'//
     & 10x,'Th. Alpha-1',1p,1e17.5/10x,'Th. Alpha-2',1p,1e17.5/
     & 10x,'Th. Alpha-3',1p,1e17.5/10x,'T_0        ',1p,1e17.5/
     & 10x,'Th. D.O.F. ',i7/)

2003  format(/5x,'M i s e s   P l a s t i c   P a r a m e t e r s'//
     &  10x,'Yield stress short  ',1p,1e15.5/
     &  10x,'Yield stress infin. ',1p,1e15.5/
     &  10x,'Hardening exponent  ',1p,1e15.5/
     &  8x,'Linear hardening parts'/
     &  10x,'Isotropic hardening ',1p,1e15.5/
     &  10x,'Kinematic hardening ',1p,1e15.5/)

2004  format(/5x,'V i s c o e l a s t i c   P a r a m e t e r s'//
     &   (10x,'nu-i:ratio',1p,1e15.5/10x,'lam-i:time',1p,1e15.5:))

2005  format( 10x,'Formulation : Small deformation.')
2006  format( 10x,'Formulation : Finite deformation.')

2007  format( 10x,'Mass type   : Lumped.')
2008  format( 10x,'Mass type   : Consistent.')
2009  format( 10x,'Mass type   : Interpolated:',1p,1e11.4)

2010  format( 5x,'M e c h a n i c a l   P r o p e r t i e s'//
     &        4x,a,'NeoHookean Stored Energy Function '//
     &       10x,'Modulus E       ',1p,1e12.5/
     &       10x,'Poisson ratio   ',0p,1f8.5/
     &       10x,'Bulk Modulus    ',1p,1e12.5/
     &       10x,'Shear Modulus   ',1p,1e12.5/1x)

2012  format(10x,'Element type: Displacement.')
2013  format(10x,'Element type: Mixed B-Bar.')
2014  format(10x,'Element type: Enhanced Strain.')

2015  format(/5x,'C r o s s   S e c t i o n   P a r a m e t e r s'//
     &    10x,'Area      ',1p,1e15.5:/10x,'I_xx      ',1p,1e15.5/
     &    10x,'I_yy      ',1p,1e15.5 /10x,'I_xy      ',1p,1e15.5/
     &    10x,'J_zz      ',1p,1e15.5 /10x,'Kappa_x   ',1p,1e15.5/
     &    10x,'Kappa_y   ',1p,1e15.5 / )

2016  format( 10x,'Non-linear analysis')

2017  format( 10x,'Plate/Shell : Kappa ',1p,1e15.5)

2018  format(10x,'Thickness       ',1p,1e12.5)
2019  format(
     & 10x,'Quadrature: Arrays',i3    /10x,'Quadrature: Output',i3/)

2020  format(/5x,'T h e r m a l   P r o p e r t i e s'//
     & 10x,a,' Analysis'//
     & 10x,'Cond. K-1    ',1p,1e15.5/10x,'Cond. K-2    ',1p,1e15.5/
     & 10x,'Cond. K-3    ',1p,1e15.5/10x,'Specific Heat',1p,1e15.5/
     &:10x,'Density      ',1p,1e15.5)

2021  format( 10x,'Loading - q ',1p,1e16.5)

2022  format( 10x,'Penalty - k ',1p,1e16.5)

2023  format(
     &    /5x,'P r o p o r t i o n a l   B o d y   L o a d i n g s',//
     &    10x,'1-Dir. Factor',1p,1e15.5,': Proportional Load No.',i3/:
     &    10x,'2-Dir. Factor',1p,1e15.5,': Proportional Load No.',i3/:
     &    10x,'3-Dir. Factor',1p,1e15.5,': Proportional Load No.',i3/)

2025  format(/5x,'R e f e r e n c e    C o o r d i n a t e s'//
     &        (10x,'X-',i1,' = ',1p,1e12.5:))

2026  format(/5x,'R e f e r e n c e    V e c t o r'//
     &        (10x,'v-',i1,' = ',1p,1e12.5:))

2029  format(10x,'Density         ',1p,1e12.5//
     &       10x,'1-Gravity Load  ',1p,1e12.5/
     &       10x,'2-Gravity Load  ',1p,1e12.5/
     &       10x,'3-Gravity Load  ',1p,1e12.5/1x)

2030  format(/10x,'Ang. Velocity',1p,1e15.5/)

2031  format(/5x,'S h e a r   C e n t e r   C o o r d i n a t e s'//
     &        (10x,'X-',i1,' = ',1p,1e12.5:))

2032  format( 10x,'Rotational Mass Factor:',1p,1e12.5)

2041  format(/5x,'H a r d e n i n g    P a r a m e t e r s'//
     &    12x,'Strain e_p  Isotropic Yield-Y  Kinematic Hardening-H'/
     &     (1p,1e12.5,1p,1e19.5,1p,1e23.5))

2044  format(/5x,'I n i t i a l   S t r e s s   D a t a'//
     &       10x,'11-Stress         =',1p,e13.4/:
     &       10x,'22-Stress         =',1p,e13.4/
     &       10x,'33-Stress         =',1p,e13.4/
     &       10x,'12-Stress         =',1p,e13.4/
     &       10x,'23-Stress         =',1p,e13.4/
     &       10x,'31-Stress         =',1p,e13.4/)

2046  format( 10x,'Damping     ',1p,1e16.5)

2051  format( 10x,'Thickness pts',i12)

2060  format(/8x,'Rayleigh Damping Ratios'/
     &       10x,'Mass  value: a0',1p,1e14.5/
     &       10x,'Stiff value: a1',1p,1e14.5)

2063  format(/10x,'Augmented Solution for Inextensible Behavior')

2064  format( 24x,'No shear deformation')

2065  format( 24x,'Includes shear deformation')

2066  format(/5x,'C o n s t i t u t i v e   S t a r t   S t a t e'//
     &       10x,a)

2084  format( 10x,'Augmenting   : ',a)

2090  format(10x,'Interpolation: ',a/(15x,'Quadrature ',i1,' = ',i5:))

2091  format( 5x,'M e c h a n i c a l   P r o p e r t i e s'//
     &        4x,a,'Representative Volume Element Model'//
     &       10x,a,'Analysis'/1x)

2092  format(10x,a,'Response'//
     &       10x,'RVE Model Filename: ',a)

3000  format(/10x,'Material density is zero.')

4000  format(/5x,'*ERROR* No elastic properties input.'/)

4001  format(/5x,'*ERROR* Solid Element: Modulus zero.'/)

4002  format(/5x,'*ERROR* Truss Element: Modulus  = ',1p,1e12.5/
     &        5x,'                       Area     = ',1p,1e12.5/)

4003  format(/5x,'*ERROR* Frame Element: Modulus  = ',1p,1e12.5/
     &        5x,'                       Area     = ',1p,1e12.5/
     &        5x,'                       Intertia = ',1p,1e12.5/)

4004  format(/5x,'*ERROR* Plate Element: Modulus  = ',1p,1e12.5/
     &        5x,'                       Thickness= ',1p,1e12.5/
     &        5x,'                       Kappa    = ',1p,1e12.5/)

4005  format(/5x,'*ERROR* Shell Element: Modulus  = ',1p,1e12.5/
     &        5x,'                       Thickness= ',1p,1e12.5/
     &        5x,'                       Kappa    = ',1p,1e12.5/)

4006  format(/5x,'*ERROR* Thermal Element: Conductivity zero.'/)

4007  format(/5x,'*ERROR* Incorrect proportional load number'/)

4008  format(
     & /5x,'*ERROR* Incorrect reference vector or node specification.'/)

4009  format(/5x,'*ERROR* Too many viscoelastic terms: limit = 3.'/)

4012  format(/5x,'*ERROR* Too many hardening segments: limit = 6.'/)

4013  format(/5x,'*ERROR* Inertia determinant is zero or negative'/
     &       13x,'Det = I_xx*I_yy - I_xy*I_xy = ',1p,1e12.5/)

      end subroutine inmate

      subroutine dmat2d(d,psi,dmg,betag)

!      Purpose:  Rotation of material arrays from principal to
!                local element directions

!      Inputs:
!         d        - Array with material properties
!         psi      - Angle from y1-axis (local) to 1-axis (principal)

!      Outputs:
!         dmg(6,6) - Plane modulus matrix
!         betag(6) - global thermal stress/temperature

!           Variables used in subroutine

!         qm(4,4)  - Transformation matrix for plane problems

!         dml(4,4) - Local (orthotropic ) plane modulus matrix
!         dmlqj(4) - intermediate matrix for triple product


      implicit  none

      integer       :: i, j
      real (kind=8) :: psi, si, co, s2, c2, cs

      real (kind=8) :: d(*)
      real (kind=8) :: dml(4,4), qm(4,4), dmlqj(4)
      real (kind=8) :: dmg(6,6), betag(6)


!     Assign material properties

!     No rotation
      if(psi.eq.0.0d0) then

        dmg(1,1) = d(21)
        dmg(2,2) = d(22)
        dmg(3,3) = d(23)

        dmg(1,2) = d(24)
        dmg(2,1) = dmg(1,2)

        dmg(2,3) = d(25)
        dmg(3,2) = dmg(2,3)

        dmg(3,1) = d(26)
        dmg(1,3) = dmg(3,1)

        dmg(4,4) = d(27)
        dmg(5,5) = d(28)
        dmg(6,6) = d(29)

        dmg(1,4) = 0.0d0
        dmg(4,1) = 0.0d0

        dmg(2,4) = 0.0d0
        dmg(4,2) = 0.0d0

        dmg(3,4) = 0.0d0
        dmg(4,3) = 0.0d0

        dmg(4,5) = 0.0d0
        dmg(5,4) = 0.0d0

        dmg(4,6) = 0.0d0
        dmg(6,4) = 0.0d0

        dmg(5,6) = 0.0d0
        dmg(6,5) = 0.0d0

        betag(1) = d(47)
        betag(2) = d(48)
        betag(3) = d(49)
        betag(4) = 0.0d0
        betag(5) = 0.0d0
        betag(6) = 0.0d0

!     Orthotropic material (rotations)

!       Set up constants for transformation
        si = sin(psi)
        co = cos(psi)
        s2 = si*si
        c2 = co*co
        cs = co*si

!       Set up transformation matrix for plane problem
        qm(1,1) =  c2
        qm(1,2) =  s2
        qm(1,3) =  0.0d0
        qm(1,4) =  cs
        qm(2,1) =  s2
        qm(2,2) =  c2
        qm(2,3) =  0.0d0
        qm(2,4) = -cs
        qm(3,1) =  0.0d0
        qm(3,2) =  0.0d0
        qm(3,3) =  1.0d0
        qm(3,4) =  0.0d0
        qm(4,1) = -2.d0 * cs
        qm(4,2) =  2.d0 * cs
        qm(4,3) =  0.0d0
        qm(4,4) =  c2 - s2

!       Set up local (orthotropic) plane matrix
        dml(1,1) = d(21)
        dml(2,2) = d(22)
        dml(3,3) = d(23)

        dml(1,2) = d(24)
        dml(2,1) = dml(1,2)

        dml(2,3) = d(25)
        dml(3,2) = dml(2,3)

        dml(3,1) = d(26)
        dml(1,3) = dml(3,1)

        dml(1,4) = 0.0d0
        dml(4,1) = 0.0d0

        dml(2,4) = 0.0d0
        dml(4,2) = 0.0d0

        dml(3,4) = 0.0d0
        dml(4,3) = 0.0d0

        dml(4,4) = d(27)

!       Convert plane local to global matrix
        do j = 1,4 ! {

          dmlqj(1) = dml(1,1)*qm(1,j) + dml(1,2)*qm(2,j)
     &             + dml(1,3)*qm(3,j) + dml(1,4)*qm(4,j)
          dmlqj(2) = dml(2,1)*qm(1,j) + dml(2,2)*qm(2,j)
     &             + dml(2,3)*qm(3,j) + dml(2,4)*qm(4,j)
          dmlqj(3) = dml(3,1)*qm(1,j) + dml(3,2)*qm(2,j)
     &             + dml(3,3)*qm(3,j) + dml(3,4)*qm(4,j)
          dmlqj(4) = dml(4,4)*qm(4,j)

          do i = 1,4 ! {
            dmg(i,j) = qm(1,i)*dmlqj(1) + qm(2,i)*dmlqj(2)
     &               + qm(3,i)*dmlqj(3) + qm(4,i)*dmlqj(4)
          end do ! i   }

        end do ! j   }

!       Set up global shear matrix
        dmg(5,5) = c2 * d(28) + s2 * d(29)
        dmg(5,6) = cs * ( d(29) - d(28) )
        dmg(6,5) = dmg(5,6)
        dmg(6,6) = s2 * d(28) + c2 * d(29)

!       Global thermal stiffness vector
        betag(1) = c2 * d(47) + s2 * d(48)
        betag(2) = s2 * d(47) + c2 * d(48)
        betag(3) = d(49)
        betag(4) = cs * ( d(47) - d(48) )
        betag(5) = 0.0d0
        betag(6) = 0.0d0


      end subroutine dmat2d

      subroutine elas1d(d,ta, eps, sig,dd)

!      Purpose:  1-D elastic model

!      Inputs:
!        d(*)  - Material property parameters
!        ta    - Thermal strain
!        eps   - Strain

!      Outputs:
!        sig   - Stress
!        dd(2) - Moduli

      implicit  none

      real (kind=8) :: ta,eps, sig,dd(2)
      real (kind=8) :: d(*)


!     Compute stress
      sig   = sig + d(1)*(eps - d(3)*ta)

!     Set modulus
      dd(1) = d(1)
      dd(2) = d(1)

      end subroutine elas1d

      subroutine epps2d(d,eps,epsp,alp,epn,istrt, sig,dd,dr)

!      Purpose:  Elastic plastic plane stress kinematic/isotropic
!                hardening model: Return map solution

!      Inputs:
!         d(*)      - array of material constants
!         eps(*)    - total strain
!         epsp(*)   - plastic strain at t-n
!         alp(*)    - back-stress at t-n
!         epn(*)    - equivalent plastic strain at t-n and state
!         istrt     - start state: 0 = elastic

!      Outputs:
!         sig(*)    - stresses at t-n+1
!         epsp(*)   - plastic strain at t-n+1
!         alp(*)    - back-stresses at t-n+1
!         epn(*)    - equivalent plastic strain at t-n+1
!         dd(*,*)   - material tangent matrix at t-n+1
!         dr(*,*)   - rayleigh damping matrix at t-n+1
      implicit  none

      include  'eldata.h'
      include  'rdata.h'

      logical       :: state
      integer       :: i,j, istrt
      real (kind=8) :: yldtr,rad2,xlam0,fact,a1,a2
      real (kind=8) :: xkprim,hprim,beta, dyld

      real (kind=8) :: eps(*),sig(*),sigtr(3),alp(*)
      real (kind=8) :: d(*),dd(6,6),dr(6,6)
      real (kind=8) :: en(4),eta(3),epsp(*),epn(2),dum(6)

      real (kind=8) :: hard2d,ylds2d,One3


      data  One3 / 0.3333333333333333d0 /

!     Check state for iterations
      if(rnmax.eq.0.0d0) then  ! First iteration in step
        if(istrt.le.0) then
          state = .false.
          dyld  = 0.0d0
          state = .true.
          dyld  = 1.d-08*d(41)
      else                     ! Not first iteration in step
        state = .true.
        dyld  = 0.0d0

!     Set-up elastic moduli
      call dmat2d(d,0.d0,dd,dum)
      do i = 1,4
        do j = 1,4
          dr(j,i) = dd(j,i)
        end do ! j
      end do ! i

!     Compute trial stress
      sigtr(1) = dd(1,1)*(eps(1)-epsp(1)) + dd(1,2)*(eps(2)-epsp(2))
      sigtr(2) = dd(2,1)*(eps(1)-epsp(1)) + dd(2,2)*(eps(2)-epsp(2))
      sigtr(3) = dd(4,4)*(eps(4)-epsp(3))

!     Compute yield state
      eta(1)  = sigtr(1) - alp(1)
      eta(2)  = sigtr(2) - alp(2)
      eta(3)  = sigtr(3) - alp(3)
      yldtr   = (eta(1)**2+eta(2)**2-eta(1)*eta(2))*One3 + eta(3)**2
      rad2    = hard2d(d,epn(1),xkprim,hprim)
      xlam0   = 0.0d0

!     Compute scale factor and compute elastic-plastic tangent
      if (yldtr+dyld.gt.rad2 .and.state) then

        epn(2) = 1.0d0
        dm     = ylds2d(d,sigtr,alp,eta,dd,beta,epn(1),xlam0,hprim)

!       Compute plastic strains
        a1      = (2.d0*eta(1) - eta(2))*One3
        a2      = (2.d0*eta(2) - eta(1))*One3
        epsp(1) = epsp(1) + xlam0*a1
        epsp(2) = epsp(2) + xlam0*a2
        epsp(3) = epsp(3) + xlam0*2.d0*eta(3)

!       Compute a "normal" and finish computation of tangent
        en(1) = dd(1,1)*a1 + dd(1,2)*a2
        en(2) = dd(2,1)*a1 + dd(2,2)*a2
        en(3) = 0.0d0
        en(4) = dd(4,4)*eta(3)*2.0d0
        fact  = sqrt(en(1)*a1 + en(2)*a2 + en(4)*eta(3)*2.d0 + beta)
        do i = 1,4
          en(i) = en(i)/fact
        end do
        do i = 1,4
          do j = 1,4
            dd(i,j) = dd(i,j) - en(i)*en(j)
          end do
        end do

        epn(2) = 0.0d0

!     Set stresses
      sig(1) = sigtr(1)
      sig(2) = sigtr(2)
      sig(3) = 0.0d0
      sig(4) = sigtr(3)

      end subroutine epps2d

      subroutine estrsd(d,ta,eps,sig,dd,dr)

!     Linear Elastic Constitutive Model

      implicit  none

      integer       :: i,j
      real (kind=8) :: ta
      real (kind=8) :: d(*), eps(6), sig(6), dd(6,6), dr(6,6), beta(6)


!     Stress:
      call dmat2d(d,d(31),dd,beta)

      do i = 1,6
        sig(i) = sig(i) - beta(i)*ta
        do j = 1,6
          sig(i)  = sig(i) + dd(i,j)*eps(j)
          dr(i,j) = dd(i,j)
        end do
      end do

!     Set plane stress case (dd(3,3) = 0.0d0)
      if(dd(3,3) .eq. 0.0d0 ) then

        eps(3) = d(90)*sig(1) + d(91)*sig(2) + d(92)*ta
        sig(3) = 0.0d0


      end subroutine estrsd

      function hard2d(d,ep,xkprim,hprim)

!      Purpose: Linear-saturation hardeing model for plasticity

!      Inputs:
!         d(*)     - Material parameters
!         ep       - Accumlated plastic strain value

!      Outputs:
!         xkprim   - Kinematic hardening part
!         hprim    - Isotropic hardentin part
!         hard2d   - Value of hardening parameter

      implicit  none

      real (kind=8) :: hard2d

      real (kind=8) :: y0,yinf,ylin,delta,ep,eep,xk,xkprim,hprim
      real (kind=8) :: d(*)


!     Extract constants
      y0     = d(41)
      yinf   = d(42)
      delta  = d(43)
      ylin   = d(44)
      hprim  = d(45)

!     Compute yield function and derivative
      eep    = exp(-delta*ep)
      xk     =  y0 + (yinf - y0)*(1.d0 - eep) + ylin*ep
      xkprim = delta*(yinf - y0)*eep          + ylin

      hard2d = xk*xk*0.3333333333333333d0

      end function hard2d

      function hvisc(x,expx)

!     Purpose: Compute integration factor for viscoelastic material
!              H_visc(x) = [ 1 - exp(-x)]/x

      implicit  none

      real (kind=8) :: hvisc, x, expx

      if(x.lt.1.d-04) then

        hvisc = 1.d0 - 0.5d0*x*(1.d0 - x/3.d0*(1.d0
     &               - 0.25d0*x*(1.d0 - 0.2d0*x)))


        hvisc = (1.d0 - expx)/x


      end function hvisc

      subroutine mises(d,eps,epsp,epp,istrt, sig,dd,dr)

!     Mises (J2) plasticity with isotropic and kinematic hardening

      implicit  none

      include  'rdata.h'
      include  'sdata.h'

      logical       :: conv,state
      integer       :: i, j, ntm, count, istrt
      real (kind=8) :: d(*),eps(*),epsp(*),epp(*),sig(*),dd(6,6),dr(6,6)
      real (kind=8) :: alp(6), ep(6), en(6), xi(6)
      real (kind=8) :: aa,bb,cc, press, theta, dlam, lam, xin
      real (kind=8) :: K, G, Gbar, twoG, Hi,Hi23,His23,Hk,Hk23, dyld
      real (kind=8) :: R0,Rinf,Rn,Rb, beta, expb,expl, Bbar, One3,Two3
      real (kind=8) :: tolc, s23

      real (kind=8) :: dot


      data      tolc / 1.d-10 /
      data      One3 / 0.3333333333333333d0 /
      data      Two3 / 0.6666666666666667d0 /

!     Check state for iterations
      if(rnmax.eq.0.0d0) then    ! First iteration in step
        if(istrt.le.0) then
          state = .false.
          dyld  = 0.0d0
          state = .true.
          dyld  = 1.0d-08*d(41)
      else                       ! Not first iteration
        state = .true.
        dyld  = 0.0d0

!     Set number stress/strain components
      if(ndm.eq.2) then
        ntm = 4
      elseif(ndm.eq.3) then
        ntm = 6
        ntm = 1
      end if

!     Set parameters
      s23   = sqrt(Two3)

      G     = d(27)
      K     = d(21) - 2.d0*Two3*G

      Hi    = d(44)
      Hk    = d(45)

      R0    = s23*d(41)
      Rinf  = s23*d(42)
      beta  =     d(43)

!     Compute constants
      Hk23  = Two3*Hk
      Hi23  = Two3*Hi
      His23 =  s23*Hi

      twoG  = 2.d0*G

      expb  = exp(-beta*epp(1))
      Bbar  =  s23*beta*(Rinf - R0)*expb
      Gbar  = twoG + Hi23 + Hk23

!     Compute volumetric and deviatoric strains
      theta = (eps(1) + eps(2) + eps(3))*One3
      do i = 1,3
        ep(i)   = eps(i) - theta
      end do ! i
      do i = 4,ntm
        ep(i) = eps(i)*0.5d0
      end do ! i

      theta = theta*3.0d0

!     Compute trial values
      do i = 1,ntm
        sig(i) = sig(i) + twoG*(ep(i) - epsp(i))
        alp(i) = Hk23*epsp(i)
        xi(i)  = sig(i) - alp(i)
      end do

!     Compute trial norm of stress - back stress
      xin = sqrt(dot(xi,xi,ntm) + dot(xi(4),xi(4),ntm-3))
      Rn  = Rinf + His23*epp(1)
      Rb  = (R0  - Rinf)*expb

!     Check yield
      if(xin+dyld .gt. (Rn+Rb) .and. state) then

!       Compute consistency
        epp(2) = 1.0d0
        lam    = (xin - Rn - Rb) / (Gbar + Bbar)
        conv   = .false.
        count  =  0
        do while (.not.conv .and. count.le.25)
          expl = exp(-s23*beta*lam)
          dlam = (xin - Rn - Rb*expl - Gbar*lam)/(Gbar + Bbar*expl)
          lam  = lam + dlam
          if(abs(dlam) .lt. tolc*abs(lam) .or.
     &       abs(lam)  .lt. tolc*R0/twoG)          then
            conv = .true.
          count = count + 1
        end do

!       Warning: Not converged
        if(.not.conv) then
          write( *,*) '  *WARNING* No convergence in MISES'
          write(16,*) '  *WARNING* No convergence in MISES'
          write(16,*) '   lam ',lam
          write(16,*) '  dlam ',dlam
          write(16,*) ' count ',count
          call plstop(.true.)

!       Compute normal vector
        do i = 1,ntm
          en(i) = xi(i)/xin
        end do

        bb  = twoG*lam/xin
        aa  = twoG*(1.d0 - bb)
        bb  = twoG*(bb - twoG/(Gbar + Bbar*expl))

!       Compute plastic tangent from normal
        do i = 1,ntm
          cc = bb*en(i)
          do j = 1,ntm
            dd(i,j) = cc*en(j)
          end do
        end do

!     Set for elastic increment

        epp(2) = 0.0d0
        do i = 1,ntm
          en(i) = 0.0d0
        end do

        lam = 0.0d0
        aa  = twoG

        do i = 1,ntm
          do j = 1,ntm
            dd(i,j) = 0.0d0
          end do
        end do


!     Compute deviator stress, plastic strain, and accumulated plastic strain
      do i = 1,ntm
        sig(i)  = sig(i)  - twoG*lam*en(i)
        epsp(i) = epsp(i) + lam*en(i)
      end do
      epp(1) = epp(1) + s23*lam

!     Add pressure
      press = K*theta
      do i = 1,3
        sig(i) = sig(i) + press
      end do

!     Compute tangent moduli
      cc = K - aa*One3
      bb = K - twoG*One3

      do i = 1,3
        do j = 1,3
          dd(i,j) = dd(i,j) + cc
          dr(i,j) =           bb
        end do
        dd(i  ,i  ) = dd(i  ,i  ) + aa
        dr(i  ,i  ) = dr(i  ,i  ) + twoG
      end do
      do i = 4,ntm
        dd(i,i) = dd(i,i) + 0.5d0*aa
        dr(i,i) = G
      end do

      end subroutine mises

      subroutine modl1d(d,ta,eps,hn,h1,nh,ii,istrt,dd,sig,isw)

!     Purpose: Small Deformation 1-d Constitutive Equation Driver

!     Input parameters
!          d(*)    -  up to ndd-nud-1 material parameters
!          eps(2)  -  current strain at point, and strain rate
!          hn(nh)  -  history terms at t_n
!          h1(nh)  -  history terms at t_n+1
!          nh      -  number of history terms
!          ii      -  Number of calls to routine from each element
!          istrt   -  Start for inelastic iteration: 0 = elastic
!          isw     -  element control parameter

!     Ouput parameters
!          dd(2)   -  current material tangent modulus
!          sig(2)  -  stress at point.

      implicit  none

      include  'cdat1.h'
      include  'elcount.h'
      include  'pmod2d.h'

      integer       :: i,ii,istrt,nh, umat,uprm, isw
      real (kind=8) :: ta

      real (kind=8) :: d(*),eps(*),hn(*),h1(*),dd(*),sig(*)


!     Extract analysis type: 1=plane stress; 2=plane strain; 3=axi
      uprm  = ndd - nud
      umat  = int(d(uprm)) - 100

!     Set initial stress and zero tangent modulus
      dd(1)  = 0.0d0
      if(nint(d(160)).eq.1) then
        sig(1) = d(161)
      elseif(nint(d(160)).eq.2) then
        sig(1) = 0.0d0

!     Program material models
      if(umat.lt.0) then

        plasfl = int(d(40)).eq.1
        viscfl = int(d(40)).eq.2

!       Move hn to h1
        do i = 1,nh
          h1(i) = hn(i)
        end do

!       P l a s t i c i t y
        if(plasfl) then

          call plas1d(d,ta,eps(1),h1,istrt, sig(1),dd)
          if(h1(3).eq.0.0d0) then
            nomats(1,2) = nomats(1,2) + 1
            nomats(2,2) = nomats(2,2) + 1

!       V i s c o e l a s t i c i t y
        elseif(viscfl) then

          call visc1d(d,eps(1),h1(1),h1(2), sig(1),dd)
          nomats(1,4) = nomats(1,4) + 1

!       E l a s t i c i t y

          call elas1d(d,ta,eps(1), sig(1),dd)
          nomats(1,1) = nomats(1,1) + 1

        end if

!     U s e r    M o d e l    I n t e r f a c e

        call umod1d(umat,eps(1),ta,d(1),d(uprm+1),hn(1),h1(1),nh,ii,
     &              istrt,sig(1),dd(1), isw)

      end if

!     Rayleigh stress
      sig(2) = dd(2)*eps(2)

      end subroutine modl1d

      subroutine modlsd(ii,d,ta,eps,h1,h2,nh,istrt, dd,sig,isw)

!     Purpose: Small Deformation Constitutive Equation Driver

!     Input parameters
!          ii        -  Point being processed
!          d(*)      -  up to ndd-nud-1 material parameters
!          eps(9,3)  -  current strains and fluxes at point
!          h(nh)     -  history terms at point
!          nh        -  number of history terms
!          istrt     -  Start state: 0 = elastic; 1 = last iterate
!          im        -  material type
!     Ouput parameters
!          dd(6,6,5) -  current material tangent moduli
!                       Coupled problems:    | dd_1   dd_2 |
!                                            | dd_3   dd_4 |
!                       Rayleigh damping: dd_5
!          sig(6)    -  stresses at point.
      implicit  none

      include  'cdat1.h'
      include  'elcount.h'
      include  'pmod2d.h'
      include  'sdata.h'

      integer       :: i,nh,ii,istrt,isw, umat,uprm
      real (kind=8) :: ta

      real (kind=8) :: d(*),eps(9,*),h1(*),h2(*)
      real (kind=8) :: dd(6,6,5),sig(*),theta(3)


!     Extract analysis type: 1=plane stress; 2=plane strain; 3=axi
      stype = nint(d(16))
      uprm  = ndd-nud
      umat  = int(d(uprm)) - 100

!     Zero dd arrays
      dd(:,:,:) = 0.0d0

!     Set constant initial stresses
      if(nint(d(160)).eq.1) then
        sig(1:6) = d(161:166)
        sig(1:6)  = 0.0d0
      end if

!     Program material models
      if(umat.lt.0) then

!       Set model type
        plasfl = nint(d(40)).eq.1
        viscfl = nint(d(40)).eq.2

!       P l a s t i c i t y
        if(plasfl) then

          if(nint(d(40)).eq.1) then

!           Move h1 to h2
            h2(1:nh) = h1(1:nh)

!           Plane stress plasticity
            if (stype.eq.1 .or.stype.eq.4) then

              call epps2d(d,eps,h2,h2(4),h2(7),istrt, sig,dd,dd(1,1,5))
              if(h2(8).eq.0.0d0) then
                nomats(1,2) = nomats(1,2) + 1
                nomats(2,2) = nomats(2,2) + 1

!           Plane strain, axisymmetric or 3D plasticity

              call mises(d,eps,h2(3),h2,istrt, sig,dd,dd(1,1,5))
              if(h2(2).eq.0.0d0) then
                nomats(1,2) = nomats(1,2) + 1
                nomats(2,2) = nomats(2,2) + 1

            end if


!       Representative volume element model (two-scale solutions)
        elseif(nint(d(40)).eq.4) then

          call srvemat(d,eps,ta,h1,h2,nh, sig,dd, isw)

!       E l a s t i c i t y

          call estrsd(d,ta,eps,sig,dd,dd(1,1,5))
          nomats(1,1) = nomats(1,1) + 1

        end if

!       V i s c o e l a s t i c i t y
        if(viscfl) then

!         Move h1 to h2
          h2(1:nh) = h1(1:nh)

          if(ndm.le.2) then
            i = 4
            i = 6
          call viscoe(d,eps,h2(1),h2(i+1),i,sig,dd,dd(1,1,5))
          nomats(1,4) = nomats(1,4) + 1

        end if

!     U s e r    M o d e l    I n t e r f a c e

!       Compute trace to pass to user module

        theta(1) = eps(1,1) + eps(2,1) + eps(3,1)
        theta(2) = eps(1,2) + eps(2,2) + eps(3,2)
        theta(3) = eps(1,3) + eps(2,3) + eps(3,3)

        call umodel(umat,eps,theta,ta,d(1),d(uprm+1),h1(1),h2(1),nh,
     &              ii,istrt,sig,dd,isw)

      end if

      end subroutine modlsd

      subroutine plas1d(d,ta, eps,h1,istrt, sig,dd)

!      Purpose: 1-d plasticity constitutive equation

!      Inputs:

!      Outputs:

      implicit  none

      include  'rdata.h'

      logical       :: state
      integer       :: istrt,nseg
      real (kind=8) :: ta,eps, sig,dd(2)
      real (kind=8) :: d(*),h1(*)


!     Check state for iterations (N.B. 'rnmax' zero in first iteration)
      if(rnmax.eq.0.0d0) then
        if(istrt.eq.0) then         ! First iteration in step
          state = .false.
          state = .true.
      else                          ! Not first iteration in step
        state = .true.

      nseg = nint(d(130))
      if(nseg.eq.0) then
        call pllh1d(d,ta, eps,h1, sig,dd, state)
        call plsh1d(d,d(131),nseg, ta, eps,h1, sig,dd, state)

      end subroutine plas1d

      subroutine pllh1d(d,ta, eps,h1, sig,dd, state)

!      Purpose:  1-d linear kinematic, saturation isotropic hardening

!      Inputs:

!      Outputs:

      implicit none

      include  'iofile.h'

      logical       :: noconv, state
      integer       :: count
      real (kind=8) :: ta,eps, sig,dd(2), epp, epn, alp
      real (kind=8) :: epstr,sigtr,cc, dyld,Rs,rf,nn
      real (kind=8) :: ff,yld, etol,det,dsig,dlam,lambda
      real (kind=8) :: d(*),h1(*)


      data     etol /1.d-08/

!     Extract effective plastic strain
      epn   = h1(1)
      epp   = h1(2)

!     Compute trial stress
      sigtr = sig + d(1)*(eps - epn - d(3)*ta)

!     Check yield
      alp   = d(45)*epn
      ff    = abs(sigtr-alp)
      yld   = d(42) + (d(41) - d(42))*exp(-d(43)*epp) + d(44)*epp

!     Plastic state
      if(ff.gt.yld .and. state) then

        lambda =  0.0d0
        sig    =  sigtr

        cc     =  1.d0/d(1)
        epstr  =  cc*sigtr

!       Newton solution for state
        noconv = .true.
        count  =  0

        do while(noconv)

!         Compute Newton parameters
          count =  count + 1
          dyld  = (d(42) - d(41))*exp(-d(43)*epp)
          yld   =  d(42) - dyld + d(44)*epp
          dyld  =  d(43)*dyld + d(44) + d(45)
          ff    = abs(sig - alp)
          nn    = (sig - alp)/ff
          Rs    =  epstr - cc*sig - lambda*nn
          rf    =  yld - ff
          det   =  1.d0/(dyld*cc + nn*nn)

!         Compute increments
          dsig  =  det*(dyld*Rs + nn*rf)
          dlam  =  det*(  nn*Rs - cc*rf)

!         Update variables
          lambda = lambda + dlam
          sig    = sig    + dsig

          epn    = h1(1)  + lambda*nn
          epp    = h1(2)  + lambda
          alp    = d(45)*epn

!         Check convergence
          if(abs(dlam).lt.etol*abs(lambda)) then
            if(abs(dsig).lt.etol*abs(sig))  then
              noconv = .false.
          elseif(count.gt.25) then
            if(ior.lt.0) then
              write(*,*) ' *WARNING* No convergence in PLAS1D'
            write(iow,*) ' *WARNING* No convergence in PLAS1D'
            noconv = .false.
        end do ! while noconv

!       Elasto-plastic modulus
        dd(1) = d(1)*(1.d0 - nn*nn*det)

!       Update history variables
        h1(1) = epn
        h1(2) = epp
        h1(3) = 1.d0

!     Elastic state

!       Elastic modulus

        sig   = sigtr
        dd(1) = d(1)
        h1(3) = 0.d0


      dd(2)  = d(1)

      end subroutine pllh1d

      subroutine plsh1d(d,table,nseg, ta, eps,h1, sig,dd, state)

!     Plasticity: 1-k table lookup hardening/yield

      implicit  none

      include  'iofile.h'

      logical       :: noconv, state
      integer       :: nseg,count,i
      real (kind=8) :: ta,eps, sig,dd(2), epp, epn, alp
      real (kind=8) :: ee,cc, rsig,ralp,rf,nn,det,dsig,dalp,dlam,lambda
      real (kind=8) :: a11,a12,a13,a22,a23
      real (kind=8) :: ff,yld, iso, kin, etol
      real (kind=8) :: d(*),table(3,*),h1(*)


      data      etol /1.d-08/

!     Extract effective plastic strain
      epn   = h1(1)
      epp   = h1(2)
      alp   = h1(4)

!     Compute trial stress
      sig = sig + d(1)*(eps - epn - d(3)*ta)

      i = 1
      call tyld1d(nseg,table, epp, yld, iso, kin, i)

      ff    = abs(sig - alp)

!     Plastic state
      if(ff.gt.yld .and. state) then

        lambda =  0.0d0
        ee     =  d(1)
        cc     =  1.d0/ee

!       Newton solution for state
        noconv = .true.
        count  =  0

        do while(noconv)

!         Compute Newton parameters
          count =  count + 1

!         Compute parameters
          call tyld1d(nseg,table, epp, yld, iso, kin, i)

          ff   =  abs(sig - alp)
          nn   = (sig - alp)/ff
          rsig =  eps - h1(1) - cc*sig - lambda*nn
          if(kin.gt.0.0d0) then
            ralp = -(alp - h1(4))/kin + lambda*nn
            ralp = 0.0d0
          rf   = -ff + yld
          det  =  1.d0/(ee + iso + kin)
          a11  =  ee*(iso + kin)
          a12  =  ee*kin
          a13  =  ee*nn
          a22  =  kin*(ee + iso)
          a23  = -kin*nn

!         Compute increments
          dsig = (a11*rsig + a12*ralp + a13*rf)*det
          dalp = (a12*rsig + a22*ralp + a23*rf)*det
          dlam = (a13*rsig + a23*ralp -1.d0*rf)*det

!         Update variables
          lambda = lambda + dlam
          sig    = sig    + dsig
          alp    = alp    + dalp

          epn    = h1(1)  + lambda*nn
          epp    = h1(2)  + lambda

!         Check convergence
          if(  abs(dlam).lt.etol*abs(lambda)) then
            if(abs(dsig).lt.etol*abs(sig) .and.
     &         abs(dalp).lt.etol*abs(alp))  then
              noconv = .false.
          elseif(count.gt.25) then
            if(ior.lt.0) then
              write(*,*) ' *WARNING* No convergence in PLSH1D'
            write(iow,*) ' *WARNING* No convergence in PLSH1D'
            noconv = .false.
        end do ! while noconv

!       Elasto-plastic modulus
        dd(1) = a11*det

!       Update history variables
        h1(1) = epn
        h1(2) = epp
        h1(3) = 1.d0

!     Elastic state

!       Elastic modulus
        dd(1) = d(1)
        h1(3) = 0.d0

      dd(2) = d(21)

      end subroutine plsh1d

      subroutine tyld1d(nseg,table, epp, yld, iso, kin, i)

!     Table Look-up for Yield and hardening moduli

      implicit  none

      logical       :: flag,case
      integer       :: nseg,i
      real (kind=8) :: epp, del, yld, iso,kin, table(3,*)

!     Check yield
      flag = .true.
      i    = 1
      do while (flag)
        if(epp.lt.table(1,i)) then
          flag = .false.
          case = .true.
        elseif(i.ge.nseg) then
          flag = .false.
          case = .false.
        i = i + 1
      end do

      if(case) then
        del =  1.d0/(table(1,i+1) - table(1,i))
        iso = (table(2,i+1) - table(2,i))*del
        yld = (table(2,i)*table(1,i+1) - table(2,i+1)*table(1,i))*del
     &      +  iso*epp
        kin = (table(3,i)*table(1,i+1) - table(3,i+1)*table(1,i))*del
     &      + (table(3,i+1) - table(3,i))*del *epp
        yld = table(2,nseg)
        kin = table(3,nseg)
        iso = 0.0d0

      end subroutine tyld1d

      subroutine visc1d(d,eps,epsn,q, sig,ee)

!     Purpose: One-dimensional viscoelastic model

!     Inputs:
!       d(*)    - Material parameters
!       epsn    - Strain value at t_n
!       eps     - Strain value at t_n+1
!       q(*)    - Viscoelastic stress components at t_n

!     Outputs
!       sig     - Stress at t_n+1
!       q(*)    - Viscoelastic stress components at t_n+1
!       ee(*)   - Tangent moduli
      implicit  none

      include  'tdata.h'

      integer       :: nv, n
      real (kind=8) :: efac,mu,mu_n,exp_n,dtau,dq, sig,eps,epsn
      real (kind=8) :: d(*),q(*), ee(*)

      real (kind=8) :: hvisc

!     Set initial values
      ee(1) = d(1)
      ee(2) = d(1)
      sig   = 0.0d0
      efac  = 0.0d0
      mu    = 0.0d0

!     Accumulate viscoelastic terms
      nv    = nint(d(57))
      do n = 1,nv

        mu_n  = d(2*n+49)

!       Exact integral
        dtau  = dt/d(2*n+50)
        exp_n = exp( -dtau)
        dq    = mu_n*hvisc(dtau,exp_n)
        q(n)  = exp_n*q(n) + dq*(eps - epsn)

!       Mid-point integral
!       dtau  = dt/d(2*n+50)*0.5d0
!       exp_n = exp( -dtau)
!       dq    = mu_n*exp_n
!       q(n)  = exp_n*exp_n*q(n) + dq*(eps - epsn)

!       Accumulate terms
        sig   = sig  + q(n)
        mu    = mu   + mu_n
        efac  = efac + dq

      end do

!     Set final values and add elastic component
      mu    = 1.d0 - mu
      sig   = ee(1)*(mu*eps + sig)
      ee(1) = ee(1)*(mu + efac)
      epsn  = eps

      end subroutine visc1d

      subroutine viscoe(d,eps,en,qi,ntm,sig,dd,dr)

      implicit  none

      include  'sdata.h'
      include  'tdata.h'

      integer       :: i,j, n,nv,ntm
      real (kind=8) :: G,Gg,K,Kg,Kth
      real (kind=8) :: gfac,exp_n,mu_0,mu_n,dq_n,dtau, theta

      real (kind=8) :: d(*),eps(*),en(*),qi(ntm,*)
      real (kind=8) :: sig(*),dd(6,6),dr(6,6)
      real (kind=8) :: ee(6)

      real (kind=8) :: hvisc


!     Set elastic parameters for G (mu) and lambda
      G = d(1)/(2.d0*(1.d0 + d(2)))
      K = d(1)/(3.d0*(1.d0 - 2.d0*d(2)))

!     Compute volumetric strain and deviatoric components
      theta = (eps(1) + eps(2) + eps(3))*0.3333333333333333d0
      do i = 1,3
        ee(i  ) = eps(i) - theta
      end do ! i
      do i = 4,ntm
        ee(i) = eps(i)*0.5d0
      end do ! i

!     Set properties for integrating the q_i terms
      do i = 1,ntm
        sig(i) = 0.0d0
      end do ! i
      mu_0 = 0.0d0
      gfac = 0.0d0

      nv   = nint(d(57))
      do n = 1,nv
        mu_n  = d(2*n+49)
        dtau  = dt/d(2*n+50)
        exp_n = exp(-dtau)

        dq_n = mu_n * hvisc(dtau,exp_n)
        gfac = gfac + dq_n
        mu_0 = mu_0 + mu_n

!       Update history and compute viscoelastic deviatoric stress
        do i = 1,ntm
          qi(i,n) = exp_n*qi(i,n) + dq_n*(ee(i) - en(i))
          sig(i)  = sig(i) + qi(i,n)
        end do ! i
      end do ! n

!     Finish updates and save the strains
      mu_0 = 1.d0 - mu_0
      gfac = gfac + mu_0
      do i = 1,ntm
        sig(i) = 2.d0*G*(mu_0*ee(i) + sig(i))
        en(i)  = ee(i)
      end do ! i

!     Add elastic bulk term
      Kth = K*theta*3.0d0
      do i = 1,3
        sig(i) = sig(i) + Kth
      end do ! i

!     Set tangent parameters
      Gg = G*gfac
      Kg = K - 0.6666666666666666d0*Gg
      K  = K - 0.6666666666666666d0*G
      do j =1,3
        do i = 1,3
          dd(i,j) = Kg
          dr(i,j) = K
        end do ! i
        dd(j,j) = dd(j,j) + 2.d0*Gg
        dr(j,j) = dr(j,j) + 2.d0*G
      end do ! i

      do i = 4,ntm
        dd(i,i) = Gg
        dr(i,i) = G
      end do ! i

      end subroutine viscoe

      real*8 function yldgpl(ep,salm,saltrm,g,yield,beta,delta,
     &                       hiso,hkin,tt,lambda)

!     Inputs:

!          ep     - Value of plastic strain at time t(n)
!          salm   - Norm of deviator less back stress at time t(n)
!          saltrm - Norm of trial deviator less back stress
!          g      - Shear modulus
!          yield  - Initial yield
!          beta   - Increase to limit yield * sqrt(2/3)
!          delta  - Growth rate * 2/3
!          hiso   - Isotropic hardening
!          hkin   - Kinematic hardening
!          tt     - Sqrt(2/3)

!     Outputs:

!          yldgpl - yield function value for current iterate
!          lambda - consistency parameter (from constitutive model)
      implicit  none

      include  'iofile.h'

      real (kind=8) :: salm,saltrm,ep,g
      real (kind=8) :: yield,beta,delta,hiso,hkin,tt, lambda
      real (kind=8) :: a1,a2,a3,aa,bb,discr,g2, one3,two3


      data      one3 / 0.3333333333333333d0 /
      data      two3 / 0.6666666666666667d0 /

!     Set parameters
      g2  = g + (hiso + hkin)*one3

!     Solution of quadratic equation
      a1 = saltrm - tt * (yield + hiso*ep)
      a2 = saltrm - salm
      a3 = 2.0d0 * g - delta

      aa =   2.0d0 * g2 * a3
      bb = - a1 * a3 - 2.0d0 * a2 * g2
     &     - (delta + two3*(hkin + hiso))*beta

      discr = bb * bb - 4.0d0 * aa * a1 * a2

      if (discr.lt.0.0d0) then
        write(iow,*) ' DISCR ERROR ', discr
      end if

      lambda = -0.5d0 * (bb + sqrt(abs(discr)))/aa
      yldgpl =     tt * (yield + hiso*(ep + tt*lambda))

      end function yldgpl

      function ylds2d(d,sigtr,alp,eta,dd,beta,epn,lam0,hprim)

!     Plane stress plasticity routine for return map algorithm

      implicit  none

      include  'iofile.h'
      include  'rdata.h'

      real (kind=8) :: d(*),sigtr(3),alp(3),eta(3),psi(3),dd(6,6)

      real (kind=8) :: toli,stwo,two3,four3,psi1,psi2,twoh3,e2,e3
      real (kind=8) :: f1,f2,ff1,ff2,phit,ep,rad2,f3,phi,dphi,dlam,lam
      real (kind=8) :: d1,d2,gam1,gam2,beta,lam0,epn,hprim,xkprim

      integer       :: i,icnt

      real (kind=8) :: ylds2d,hard2d


      data      toli  /1.d-8/
      data      stwo  /0.7071067811865475d0/
      data      two3  /0.6666666666666667d0/
      data      four3 /1.3333333333333333d0/

      psi(1) = stwo*( eta(1) + eta(2))
      psi(2) = stwo*(-eta(1) + eta(2))
      psi(3) = eta(3)

!     Compute scale factor
      psi1 = psi(1)*psi(1)*0.3333333333333333d0
      psi2 = psi(2)*psi(2) + psi(3)*psi(3)*2.d0
      twoh3= two3*hprim
      d1   = d(1)/(1.d0 - d(2))*0.3333333333333333d0
      d2   = d(1)/(1.d0 + d(2))
      e3   = d1 + twoh3
      e2   = d2 + twoh3

!     Newton's method for determining correct lambda
      lam  = lam0
      icnt = 0
100   f1   = 1.d0/(1.d0 + e3*lam)
      f2   = 1.d0/(1.d0 + e2*lam)
      ff1  = f1*f1*psi1
      ff2  = f2*f2*psi2
      phit = 0.50d0*(ff1  + ff2)
      ep   = epn + sqrt(four3*phit)*lam
      rad2 = hard2d(d,ep,xkprim,hprim)
      f3   = (1.d0 - lam*two3*xkprim)
      phi  = phit - rad2
      dphi = f3*(e3*ff1*f1 + e2*ff2*f2) + four3*xkprim*phit
      dlam = phi/dphi
      if(dlam.gt.0.0d0.or.abs(dlam).lt.abs(lam)) then
        lam = lam + dlam
        lam = 0.50d0*abs(lam)
      icnt = icnt + 1
      if(icnt.gt.100) go to 110
      if(abs(dlam).gt.toli*abs(lam) .and. rnmax.gt.0.0d0) go to 100
      go to 120
110   write(iow,2000) dlam,lam

!     Scale psi onto yield surface using lambda
120   continue

!     Compute plasticity map dd array
      f1      = 1.d0/(1.d0 + e3*lam)
      f2      = 1.d0/(1.d0 + e2*lam)
      gam1    = 1.d0 + twoh3*lam
      gam2    = 1.d0 - two3*xkprim*lam
      d1      = 1.5d0*d1*f1*gam1
      d2      = 0.5d0*d2*f2*gam1

      dd(1,1) = d1 + d2
      dd(1,2) = d1 - d2
      dd(2,1) = d1 - d2
      dd(2,2) = d1 + d2
      dd(4,4) = d2

!     Compute stresses on yield surface
      psi(1)  = psi(1)*f1
      psi(2)  = psi(2)*f2
      psi(3)  = psi(3)*f2
      eta(1)  = stwo*(psi(1) - psi(2))
      eta(2)  = stwo*(psi(1) + psi(2))
      eta(3)  = psi(3)
      ylds2d  = (eta(1)**2 + eta(2)**2 - eta(1)*eta(2))/3.
     &        +  eta(3)**2
      rad2    = hard2d(d,ep,xkprim,hprim)
      do i = 1,3
        alp(i)  = alp(i) + lam*twoh3*eta(i)
        sigtr(i)= eta(i) + alp(i)
      end do
      beta   = four3*ylds2d*(gam1*xkprim + gam2*hprim)*gam1/gam2
      ylds2d = sqrt(ylds2d*3.d0)/d(41)
      lam0   = lam
      epn    = ep

2000  format(' * * Warning * * Failure to converge in ylds2d'/
     &       '     dlam =',1p,1e12.5,' lam =',1p,1e12.5)

      end function ylds2d

      subroutine dmatdx(dd,sigb,p_bar,p_mix)

!     Purpose: Compute finite deformation mixed D arrays

!     Inputs:
!         dd(7,7)       Modified constitutive array
!         sigb(6)       Constitutive stresses
!         p_bar         Constitutive pressure
!         p_mix         Mixed pressure

!     Outputs:
!         dd(7,7)       Material tangent terms
      implicit  none

      integer       :: i,j
      real (kind=8) :: p_mix, p_bar, fac1, one3, two3
      real (kind=8) :: dd(7,7), sigb(6), sigb_d(6)

      data      one3 / 0.3333333333333333d0 /
      data      two3 / 0.6666666666666667d0 /

!     Compute deviator stress
      do i = 1,3
        sigb_d(i  ) = two3 *(sigb(i  ) - p_bar)
        sigb_d(i+3) = two3 * sigb(i+3)
      end do ! i

!     D_11: B_matrix part
      fac1 = p_mix - two3*p_bar
      do j = 1,3
        do i = 1,3
          dd(i,j) = dd(i,j) + fac1
        end do ! i
      end do ! j

      do j = 1,6
        do i = 1,3
          dd(i,j) = dd(i,j) - sigb_d(j)
          dd(j,i) = dd(j,i) - sigb_d(j)
        end do ! i
      end do ! j

      fac1 = p_bar - p_mix
      do j = 1,3
        dd(j  ,j  ) = dd(j  ,j  ) + fac1*2.d0
        dd(j+3,j+3) = dd(j+3,j+3) + fac1
      end do ! j

!     D_12: Coupling matrix with volume
      do j = 1,6
        dd(7,j) = dd(7,j) + sigb_d(j)
        dd(j,7) = dd(j,7) + sigb_d(j)
      end do ! j

!     D_22: Volumetric part
      dd(7,7) = dd(7,7) - one3*p_bar

      end subroutine dmatdx

      subroutine dmatmx ( aa, dd )

!     Purpose: Project 6x6 AA-matrix onto a 7x7 DD-matrix for mixed model
!              (N.B. Jacobian ratio is in dvol)

!                     | D_11   D_12 |
!                DD = |             |
!                     | D_21   D_22 |

!              where:

!                D_11  = 6 x 6 Deviatoric part of matrix
!                D_12  = 6 x 1 Coupling   part of matrix
!                D_21  = 1 x 6 Coupling   part of matrix
!                D_22  = 1 x 1 Volumetric part of matrix

!     Inputs:
!                                                      _
!        aa(6,6)   - Material tangent matrix (based on F)

!     Outputs:
!        dd(7,7)   - Mixed material tangent for material stiffness
!                    computations.
      implicit  none

      integer       :: i , j
      real (kind=8) :: third
      real (kind=8) :: aa(6,6), dd(7,7)


      data      third/ 0.3333333333333333d0 /

!     Load moduli from constitution
      do i = 1,6
        do j = 1,6
          dd(i,j) = aa(i,j)
        end do
      end do

!     Compute left and right multiples with trace
      do i = 1,6
        dd(i,7) = (aa(i,1) + aa(i,2) + aa(i,3))*third
        dd(7,i) = (aa(1,i) + aa(2,i) + aa(3,i))*third
      end do

!     Convert upper 6 x 6 to a deviatoric D_11
      do i = 1,6
        do j = 1,3
          dd(i,j) = dd(i,j) - dd(i,7)
          dd(j,i) = dd(j,i) - dd(7,i)
        end do
      end do

!     Form last term, D_22
      dd(7,7) = (dd(1,7) + dd(2,7) + dd(3,7))*third

!     Final update to form D_12 and D_21
      do i = 1,3
        dd(i,7) = dd(i,7) - dd(7,7)
        dd(7,i) = dd(7,i) - dd(7,7)
        do j = 1,3
          dd(i,j) = dd(i,j) + dd(7,7)
        end do
      end do

      end subroutine dmatmx

      subroutine fengy3(d,detf,u,up,upp, ha,hp,hpp, isw)

!     Purpose: Compute pressure-entropy function

!     Inputs:
!       d(*)        - Material parameter array
!       detf        - Deformation gradient
!       isw         - Function type: 1 - K*[ 0.5*( J^2 - 1 ) - ln(J) ]
!                                    2 - K*[ 0.5*( J - 1 )^2 ]
!                                    3 - K*[ 0.5*( ln(J) )^2 ]

!     Outputs:
!       u           - Internal energy
!       up          - First derivative of internal energy
!       upp         - Second derivative of internal energy
!       ha          - Augmentation function
!       hp          - First derivative of augmentation function
!       hpp         - Second derivative of augmentation function
      implicit  none

      include  'augdat.h'

      integer       :: isw
      real (kind=8) :: d1, detf, u, up, upp, ha, hp, hpp

      real (kind=8) :: d(*)


!     Perform (augmented) iteration on penalty
      d1    = augf*d(21)

!     Free energy function
!     Psi   = U(J) -3*alpha*J*U'(J)*[T - T_ref]

!     up    = partial_J ( Psi )
!     upp   = [ partial_J ( J partial_J Psi ) - up ]/J
!           =   partial^2_J ( Psi )/J

!     Current volumetric functions are:

!     Model 1.) U(J) = K*0.5*(J^2-1) - K*(log J)
      if    (isw.eq.1) then

        u   = 0.5d0*d1*(0.5d0*detf**2 - 0.5d0 - log(abs(detf)))
        up  = 0.5d0*d1*( detf - 1.d0/detf    )
        upp = 0.5d0*d1*( 1.d0 + 1.d0/detf**2 )

!     Model 2.) U(J) = K*0.5*(J-1)^2
      elseif(isw.eq.2) then

        u   = d1*(detf - 1.d0)**2*0.5d0
        up  = d1*(detf - 1.d0)
        upp = d1

!     Model 3.) U(J) = K*0.5*(log J)^2
      elseif(isw.eq.3) then

!       up  = ( d1*log( detf ) - 3*K*alpha*(T - Tref) )/detf
        u   = d1*log(abs(detf))**2*0.5d0
        up  = d1*log(abs(detf)) / detf
        upp = ( d1/detf  - up )/detf


!     Augmented Lagrangian function and derivatives
!     Current augmented Lagrangian function is

!     Model 1.) h(J) = (J - 1)
      ha  = detf - 1.d0
      hp  = 1.0d0
      hpp = 0.0d0

      end subroutine fengy3

      subroutine modlfd(ii,d,f,df,detf,ta,hn,hn1,nh,istrt, dd,sig,bb,
     &                  xlamd, ha, bbar, isw)

!     Purpose: Driver for finite deformation constitutive models

!     Inputs:
!       ii           - Pointe being processed
!       d(*)         - Material parameters array
!       f(3,3)       - Deformation gradient
!       df(3,3)      - Incremental deformation gradient
!       detf         - Determinant of deformation gradient
!       ta           - Temperature at point
!       hn(*)        - History parameters at t_n
!       istrt        - Start state: 0 = elastic
!       nh           - Number history parameters/stress point
!       bbar         - Flag (true for B-bar, false for others)
!       isw          - Solution option from elements

!     Outputs
!       hn1(*)       - History parameters at t_n+1
!       dd(*,*,5)    - Expanded material moduli for mixed computation
!                      N.B. Computed from spatial tangent, aa(6,6,5);
!                      Otherwise copy of aa.
!       sig(10)      - Cauchy stress values at t_n+1
!       bb(6)        - Left Cauchy-Green deformation tensor
      implicit  none

      include  'cdat1.h'
      include  'debugs.h'
      include  'elcount.h'
      include  'elengy.h'
      include  'elpers.h'
      include  'sdata.h'

      logical       :: bbar, plasfl
      integer       :: nh,istrt,isw, i,j,ii, imat, ntm, uprm,umat
      real (kind=8) :: ta, xlamd, ha

      real (kind=8) :: d(*),  bb(6),  detf(*),f(3,3),df(3,3)
      real (kind=8) :: hn(*), hn1(*), dd(*), sig(*), aa(6,6,5)
      real (kind=8) :: g(3,3)


!     Set finite deformation flag for Hill-Mandel
      finflg = .true.

!     Set number of active stress components
      if(ndm.eq.1) then
        ntm = 1
      elseif(ndm.eq.2) then
        ntm = 4
      elseif(ndm.eq.3) then
        ntm = 6

!     Set material model type and user material pointers
      uprm  = ndd-nud
      umat  = int(d(uprm)) - 100

!     Zero stress and moduli
      do i = 1,6
        sig(i) = 0.0d0
        do j = 1,6
          aa(j,i,1) = 0.0d0
          aa(j,i,2) = 0.0d0
          aa(j,i,3) = 0.0d0
          aa(j,i,4) = 0.0d0
          aa(j,i,5) = 0.0d0
        end do ! j
      end do ! i

!     Set constant initial stress state
      if(nint(d(160)).eq.1) then
        do i = 1,6
          sig(i) = d(160+i)
        end do ! i

!     Compute Left Cauchy-Green deformation tensor
      bb(1) = f(1,1)*f(1,1) + f(1,2)*f(1,2) + f(1,3)*f(1,3)
      bb(2) = f(2,1)*f(2,1) + f(2,2)*f(2,2) + f(2,3)*f(2,3)
      bb(3) = f(3,1)*f(3,1) + f(3,2)*f(3,2) + f(3,3)*f(3,3)
      bb(4) = f(1,1)*f(2,1) + f(1,2)*f(2,2) + f(1,3)*f(2,3)
      bb(5) = f(2,1)*f(3,1) + f(2,2)*f(3,2) + f(2,3)*f(3,3)
      bb(6) = f(1,1)*f(3,1) + f(1,2)*f(3,2) + f(1,3)*f(3,3)

!     Program material models
      if(umat.lt.0) then

!       Set model type
        plasfl = nint(d(40)).eq.1

        imat = nint(d(20))

!       Compute elastic stress and tangents
        if    (imat.eq.1) then
          call stnh3f(d,detf(1),bb, sig,aa,xlamd,ha,estore)
        elseif(imat.eq.2) then
          call stvk(d,detf(1),f,df,sig,aa, estore)
        elseif(imat.eq.13) then ! RVE model from multi-scale analysis
          g(:,:) = f(:,:)
          do i = 1,3
            g(i,i) = g(i,i) - 1.0d0
          end do ! i
          call rvemat(d,g,detf(1),ta,hn,hn1,nh, sig,aa, isw)

        if(.not.plasfl) then
          nomats(1,1) = nomats(1,1) + 1

!     U s e r    M o d e l    I n t e r f a c e
        call umodel(umat,f,detf,ta,d(1),d(uprm+1),hn(1),hn1(1),nh,
     &              ii,istrt,sig,aa, isw)

      if(debug) then
        call mprint(sig,1,4,1,'SIG')
        call mprint(aa(1,1,1),4,4,6,'AA')

!     Project aa to D-matrix for B-bar
      if(bbar) then
        call dmatmx ( aa, dd )
        call pmove  ( aa, dd, 36 )
      end if

      end subroutine modlfd

      subroutine pushr2(f,s,sig,detf)

!     Purpose: Push forward 2nd rank tensor

!       sigma(i,j) = f(i,k)*s(k,l)*f(j,l)/detf

!     Inputs:
!         s(6)   - material stress (2nd Piola-Kirchhoff)
!         f(3,3) - deformation gradient
!         detf   - determinant of deformation gradient
!     Outputs:
!         sig(6) - spatial stress (Cauchy)

!                       | sig(1)  sig(4)  sig(6) |
!         sigma(i,j) =  | sig(4)  sig(2)  sig(5) |
!                       | sig(6)  sig(5)  sig(3) |
      implicit  none

      integer       :: i
      real (kind=8) :: detf, jrec
      real (kind=8) :: f(3,3), s(6), sig(6), fs(3,3)


!     Reciprocal deformation gradient determinant
      jrec = 1.d0/detf

!     fs = f^t*s
      do i = 1,3
        fs(i,1) = f(i,1)*s(1) + f(i,2)*s(4) + f(i,3)*s(6)
        fs(i,2) = f(i,1)*s(4) + f(i,2)*s(2) + f(i,3)*s(5)
        fs(i,3) = f(i,1)*s(6) + f(i,2)*s(5) + f(i,3)*s(3)
      end do

!     sig = fs*f/j

      sig(1) = (fs(1,1)*f(1,1) + fs(1,2)*f(1,2) + fs(1,3)*f(1,3))*jrec
      sig(2) = (fs(2,1)*f(2,1) + fs(2,2)*f(2,2) + fs(2,3)*f(2,3))*jrec
      sig(3) = (fs(3,1)*f(3,1) + fs(3,2)*f(3,2) + fs(3,3)*f(3,3))*jrec
      sig(4) = (fs(1,1)*f(2,1) + fs(1,2)*f(2,2) + fs(1,3)*f(2,3))*jrec
      sig(5) = (fs(2,1)*f(3,1) + fs(2,2)*f(3,2) + fs(2,3)*f(3,3))*jrec
      sig(6) = (fs(3,1)*f(1,1) + fs(3,2)*f(1,2) + fs(3,3)*f(1,3))*jrec

      end subroutine pushr2

      subroutine pushr4(tl,tr,dm,ds,detf)

!      Purpose:  Push forward 4th rank tensor

!         ds(i,j) = tl(k,i)*dm(k,l)*tr(l,j)/detf

!     Inputs:
!         dm(6,6) - material moduli
!         tl(6,6) - left  transformation array
!         tr(6,6) - right transformation array
!         detf    - determinant of deformation gradient
!     Outputs:
!         ds(6,6) - spatial moduli
      implicit none

      integer       :: i,j,k
      real (kind=8) :: detf, jrec
      real (kind=8) :: tl(6,6), tr(6,6), dm(6,6), ds(6,6), dtj(6)


!     Reciprocal deformation gradient determinant
      jrec = 1.d0/detf

!     Compute matrix product: dtj = dm*tr
      do j = 1,6
        do i = 1,6
          dtj(i) = 0.0d0
          do k = 1,6
            dtj(i) = dtj(i) + dm(i,k)*tr(k,j)
          end do
        end do

!       Compute spatial tensor: ds = tl_trans*dt
        do i = 1,6
          ds(i,j) = 0.0d0
          do k = 1,6
            ds(i,j) = ds(i,j) + tl(k,i)*dtj(k)
          end do
          ds(i,j) = ds(i,j)*jrec
        end do
      end do

      end subroutine pushr4

      subroutine stnh3f(d,detf,bb, sig,aa,xlamd,ha,estore)

!     Finite Deformation Elasticity Neo-Hookean Model

!     INPUT variables

!         d(100)     Material parameters
!           d(21)     Bulk  modulus
!           d(22)     Shear modulus
!         detf       Jacobian determinant at t_n+1
!         bb(6)      Left Cauchy-Green tensor

!     OUTPUT variables

!         sig(6)     CAUCHY stress tensor
!         aa(6,6)    CAUCHY (spatial) elastic moduli
!         estore     Stored energy density
      implicit  none

      integer       :: i
      real (kind=8) :: detf, press,logj,uppj, mu, mu2, estore, xlamd,ha

      real (kind=8) :: d(*),sig(6),aa(6,6),bb(6)


!     Compute pressure and its derivative
      logj  = log(abs(detf))
      press = d(21)*logj/detf + xlamd
      uppj  = d(21)/detf

!     Augment function
      ha    = detf - 1.0d0

!     Set CAUCHY stresses and elastic tangent moduli
      mu  =  d(22)/detf
      mu2 =  mu + mu
      do i = 1,3
        sig(i  )    = mu*bb(i) - mu + press
        sig(i+3)    = mu*bb(i+3)
        aa(i  ,i  ) = mu2 - 2.d0*press + uppj
        aa(i+3,i+3) = mu  - press
      end do

!     Add volumetric correction to aa
      aa(1,2) = aa(1,2) + uppj
      aa(2,1) = aa(1,2)
      aa(1,3) = aa(1,3) + uppj
      aa(3,1) = aa(1,3)
      aa(2,3) = aa(2,3) + uppj
      aa(3,2) = aa(2,3)

!     Compute stored energy
      estore = d(21)*logj*logj*0.5d0
     &       + d(22)*(0.5d0*(bb(1) + bb(2) + bb(3)) - 1.5d0 - logj)

      end subroutine stnh3f

      subroutine stvk(d, detf, fa,df, sig,ds, energy)

!     Purpose St. Venant-Kirchhoff Material: Orthotropic

!     Input:
!       d(*)    - Moduli and Poisson ratios
!       fa(9)   - Deformation gradient at time: t_n+a
!       df(9)   - Incremental Deformation gradient at time: t_n+a

!     Outputs:
!       sig(6)  - Cauchy stress
!       ds(6,6) - Spatial moduli
!       energy  - Energy density
      implicit  none

      include  'debugs.h'
      include  'ddata.h'

      integer       :: i,j
      real (kind=8) :: detf, fac1,fac2, energy, dot
      real (kind=8) :: d(*), fa(9), df(9),  dm(6,6), ss(6), ee(6)
      real (kind=8) :: fn(9),f1(9), sig(6), ds(6,6), tl(6,6),tr(6,6)


!     Set moduli

      do i = 1,6
        do j = 1,6
          dm(i,j) = 0.0d0
        end do
      end do
      do i = 1,3
        dm(i  ,i  ) = d(i+20)
        dm(i+3,i+3) = d(i+26)
      end do

      do i = 1,3
        j       = mod(i,3) + 1
        dm(i,j) = d(i+23)
        dm(j,i) = d(i+23)
      end do

!     Compute factors for updates
      if(energy.ge.0.0d0) then
        fac1 = 0.5d0 * theta(3)
        fac2 = 1.d0/theta(3) - 1.d0
        fac1 = 0.5d0
        fac2 = 0.0d0

!     Compute deformation gradients at t_n and t_n+1
      do i = 1,9
        fn(i) = fa(i) -      df(i)
        f1(i) = fa(i) + fac2*df(i)
      end do

!     Compute Green-Lagrange strains
      fac2  = 0.5d0 - fac1

      ee(1) = fac1*(f1(1)*f1(1) + f1(2)*f1(2) + f1(3)*f1(3))
     &      + fac2*(fn(1)*fn(1) + fn(2)*fn(2) + fn(3)*fn(3)) - 0.5d0
      ee(2) = fac1*(f1(4)*f1(4) + f1(5)*f1(5) + f1(6)*f1(6))
     &      + fac2*(fn(4)*fn(4) + fn(5)*fn(5) + fn(6)*fn(6)) - 0.5d0
      ee(3) = fac1*(f1(7)*f1(7) + f1(8)*f1(8) + f1(9)*f1(9))
     &      + fac2*(fn(7)*fn(7) + fn(8)*fn(8) + fn(9)*fn(9)) - 0.5d0

      fac1  = fac1 + fac1
      fac2  = fac2 + fac2

      ee(4) = fac1*(f1(1)*f1(4) + f1(2)*f1(5) + f1(3)*f1(6))
     &      + fac2*(fn(1)*fn(4) + fn(2)*fn(5) + fn(3)*fn(6))
      ee(5) = fac1*(f1(4)*f1(7) + f1(5)*f1(8) + f1(6)*f1(9))
     &      + fac2*(fn(4)*fn(7) + fn(5)*fn(8) + fn(6)*fn(9))
      ee(6) = fac1*(f1(7)*f1(1) + f1(8)*f1(2) + f1(9)*f1(3))
     &      + fac2*(fn(7)*fn(1) + fn(8)*fn(2) + fn(9)*fn(3))

!     Compute 2nd P-K stress
      do i = 1,6
        ss(i) = 0.0d0
        do j = 1,6
          ss(i) = ss(i) + dm(i,j)*ee(j)
        end do
      end do

!     Push to current configuration
      if(energy.ge.0.0d0) then

        call tranr4(fa,fa,tl)
        call tranr4(f1,fa,tr)
        call pushr4(tl,tr,dm, ds,detf)
        call pushr2(fa,ss,sig,detf)

      if(debug) then
        call mprint(f1,3,3,3,'F1')
        call mprint(fn,3,3,3,'Fn')
        call mprint(tl,6,6,6,'TL')
        call mprint(tr,6,6,6,'TR')
        call mprint(ds,6,6,6,'DS')

!     Compute energy density
        energy = 0.5d0*dot(ss,ee,6)

      end subroutine stvk

      subroutine tranr4(fl,fr,t)

!      Purpose:   Transformation array for 4th rank tensor

!     Input:
!       fl(3,3) - left  deformation gradient
!       fr(3,3) - right deformation gradient
!     Output:
!       t(6,6) - transformation array

!       t(a,b) = fl(i,I)*fr(j,J) : a -> I,J ; b -> i,j

!         a,b  |  1    2    3    4    5    6
!        ------+-----------------------------
!        (I,J) | 1,1  2,2  3,3  1,2  2,3  3,1
!     or (i,j) |                2,1  3,2  1,3
      implicit  none

      integer       :: i,j
      integer       :: i1(6),i2(6)
      real (kind=8) :: fl(3,3),fr(3,3), t(6,6)


      data      i1 /1,2,3,1,2,3/
      data      i2 /1,2,3,2,3,1/

!     Form transformation array for a 4th rank tensor in matrix form
      do i = 1,3
        do j = 1,3
          t(i,j) =  fl(i1(j),i1(i))*fr(i2(j),i2(i))
        end do
        do j = 4,6
          t(i,j) = (fl(i1(j),i1(i))*fr(i2(j),i2(i))
     &           +  fl(i2(j),i2(i))*fr(i1(j),i1(i)))*0.5d0
        end do
      end do

      do i = 4,6
        do j = 1,3
          t(i,j) =  fl(i1(j),i1(i))*fr(i2(j),i2(i))
     &           +  fl(i2(j),i2(i))*fr(i1(j),i1(i))
        end do
        do j = 4,6
          t(i,j) = (fl(i1(j),i1(i))*fr(i2(j),i2(i))
     &           +  fl(i2(j),i1(i))*fr(i1(j),i2(i))
     &           +  fl(i1(j),i2(i))*fr(i2(j),i1(i))
     &           +  fl(i2(j),i2(i))*fr(i1(j),i1(i)))*0.5d0
        end do
      end do

      end subroutine tranr4