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Test Coverage
      subroutine sld2d1(d,ul,xl,ix,tl,s,p,ndf,ndm,nst,isw)

!      * * F E A P * * A Finite Element Analysis Program

!....  Copyright (c) 1984-2021: Regents of the University of California
!                               All rights reserved

!     Purpose: Plane and axisymmetric linear displacement routine

      implicit  none

      include  'bdata.h'
      include  'cdata.h'
      include  'eldata.h'
      include  'eltran.h'
      include  'fdata.h'
      include  'hdata.h'
      include  'iofile.h'
      include  'oelmt.h'
      include  'pmod2d.h'
      include  'prstrs.h'
      include  'qudshp.h'
      include  'strnum.h'
      include  'comblk.h'

      integer       :: ndf,ndm,nst,isw
      integer       :: j,k,l,ii,j1,k1,nhv,nn,istrt

      real (kind=8) :: jac0,dv,ta
      real (kind=8) :: aj1,aj2,aj3,aj0,xx,yy,lfac,cfac,sfac
      real (kind=8) :: bd11,bd21,bd12,bd22,bd13,bd23,bd14,bd24

      integer       :: ix(*)
      real (kind=8) :: d(*),ul(ndf,nen,*),xl(ndm,*),tl(*)
      real (kind=8) :: sig(9,64),eps(9,3),s(nst,nst),p(*)
      real (kind=8) :: dd(6,6,5),mass(64,64),shpr(64)


      data      eps/ 27*0.0d0 /

!     Compute stress-divergence vector (p) and stiffness matrix (s)
      nhv   = nint(d(15))
      istrt = nint(d(84))

!     No action for isw = 1
      if(isw.eq.1) then

      elseif(isw.eq.3  .or. isw.eq.6 .or. isw.eq.14) then

!       Integration order set to static
        if(d(7).lt.0.0d0) then
          cfac = 0.0d0
          lfac = 0.0d0
          cfac = d(7)
          lfac = 1.d0 - cfac

!       Compute gauss quadrature points and weights
        call quadr2d(d,.true.)

!       Zero mass matrix
        mass(:,:) = 0.0d0
        shpr(:)   = 0.0d0

!       Numerical integration loop
        nn = 0
        do l = 1,lint

          call interp2d(l, xl,ix, ndm,nel, .false.)

!         Compute stresses and strains
          call strn2d(d,xl,ul,tl,shp2(1,1,l),ndf,ndm,nel,
     &                xx,yy,ta,eps)
          call modlsd(l,d,ta,eps,hr(nh1+nn),hr(nh2+nn),nhv,istrt,
     &                dd,sig(1,l),isw)

          if(isw.eq.3 .or. isw.eq.6) then

!           Multiply jacobian by radius for axisymmetry
            if(stype.eq.3) then
              jac0   = jac(l)
              jac(l) = jac(l)*xx
              do j = 1,nel
                shpr(j) = shp2(3,j,l)/xx
              end do ! j
              jac0 = 0.0d0
            end if

!           Set element parameters for multiscale
            v_avg  = v_avg + jac(l)
            v_rho  = v_rho + jac(l)*d(4)
            sig_33 = sig_33 + jac(l)*sig(3,l)

!           Rayleigh Damping
            dv = d(4)*(ctan(3) + d(77)*ctan(2))*jac(l)

            if(d(78).ne.0.0d0) then
              call rays2d(d,shp2(1,1,l),sig(1,l),dd(1,1,5),ul(1,1,4),xl,
     &                    ndf,ndm,nel)
              sfac = d(78)*ctan(2)
              sfac = 0.0d0

!           Compute gravity, thermal, inertia, and stress contributions
            call resid2d(cfac,lfac,jac(l),jac0,shp2(1,1,l),eps,sig(1,l),
     &                   d,ul(1,1,4),ul(1,1,5),p,ndf,l)

!           Loop over rows
            if(isw.eq.3) then

!             Modify tangent for stiffness rayleigh damping
              do j = 1,4
                do k = 1,4
                  dd(k,j,1) = dd(k,j,1)*ctan(1) + dd(k,j,5)*sfac
                end do
              end do

              j1     = 1
              do j = 1,nel
                aj1 = shp2(1,j,l)*jac(l)
                aj2 = shp2(2,j,l)*jac(l)
                aj3 = shp2(3,j,l)*jac0

!               Compute B_trans * D * j * w
                bd11 = aj1*dd(1,1,1) + aj3*dd(3,1,1) + aj2*dd(4,1,1)
                bd12 = aj1*dd(1,2,1) + aj3*dd(3,2,1) + aj2*dd(4,2,1)
                bd13 = aj1*dd(1,3,1) + aj3*dd(3,3,1) + aj2*dd(4,3,1)
                bd14 = aj1*dd(1,4,1) + aj3*dd(3,4,1) + aj2*dd(4,4,1)

                bd21 = aj2*dd(2,1,1) + aj1*dd(4,1,1)
                bd22 = aj2*dd(2,2,1) + aj1*dd(4,2,1)
                bd23 = aj2*dd(2,3,1) + aj1*dd(4,3,1)
                bd24 = aj2*dd(2,4,1) + aj1*dd(4,4,1)

!               Compute lumped mass matrix
                aj0       = shp2(3,j,l)*dv
                mass(j,j) = mass(j,j) + aj0*lfac

!               Loop over columns (symmetry noted)
                k1 = 1
                do k = 1,nel
                  s(j1  ,k1  ) = s(j1  ,k1  ) + bd11*shp2(1,k,l)
     &                                        + bd14*shp2(2,k,l)
     &                                        + bd13*shpr(k)

                  s(j1  ,k1+1) = s(j1  ,k1+1) + bd12*shp2(2,k,l)
     &                                        + bd14*shp2(1,k,l)

                  s(j1+1,k1  ) = s(j1+1,k1  ) + bd21*shp2(1,k,l)
     &                                        + bd24*shp2(2,k,l)
     &                                        + bd23*shpr(k)

                  s(j1+1,k1+1) = s(j1+1,k1+1) + bd22*shp2(2,k,l)
     &                                        + bd24*shp2(1,k,l)

!                 Compute consistent mass matrix
                  mass(j,k)    = mass(j,k)    + cfac*aj0*shp2(3,k,l)
                  k1 = k1 + ndf
                end do ! k
                j1 = j1 + ndf
              end do ! j
            end if
          end if
          nn = nn + nhv
        end do ! l

        if(isw.eq.3) then

!         Assemble mass matrix into tangent
          j1 = 0
          do j = 1,ndf*nel,ndf
            j1 = j1 + 1
            k1 = 0
            do k = 1,ndf*nel,ndf
              k1  = k1 + 1
              s(j  ,k  ) = s(j  ,k  ) + mass(j1,k1)
              s(j+1,k+1) = s(j+1,k+1) + mass(j1,k1)
            end do ! k
          end do ! j

!     Output of element quantities
      elseif(isw.eq.4 .or. isw.eq.8) then

        call quadr2d(d,.true.)

!       Compute element stresses, strains, and forces
        nn = 0
        do l = 1,lint

!         Compute element shape functions
          call interp2d(l, xl,ix, ndm,nel, .false.)

!         Compute strains and coordinates
          call strn2d(d,xl,ul,tl,shp2(1,1,l),ndf,ndm,nel,
     &                xx,yy,ta,eps)
          call modlsd(l,d,ta,eps,hr(nh1+nn),hr(nh2+nn),nhv,istrt,
     &                dd,sig(1,l),isw)

          if(d(14).gt.0.0d0 .and. d(14).ne.1.d0) then
            do ii = 1,4
              sig(ii,l) = sig(ii,l)/d(14)
            end do

          if(isw.eq.4) then

            call pstr2d(sig(1,l),sig(7,l))

!           Output stresses and strains
            mct = mct - 2
            if(mct.le.0) then
            write(iow,2001) o,head
              if(ior.lt.0 .and. pfr) then
                write(*,2001) o,head
              mct = 50
            write(iow,2002) n_el,ma,sig(9,l),sig(1:4,l),sig(7,l),
     &                        xx,yy,eps(1:4,1),sig(8,l)
            if(ior.lt.0 .and. pfr) then
              write(*,2002) n_el,ma,sig(9,l),sig(1:4,l),sig(7,l),
     &                        xx,yy,eps(1:4,1),sig(8,l)
          nn = nn + nhv
        end do ! l

!       Compute nodal stress values
        if(isw.eq.8) then

!         Project stress values to nodes
          call slcn2d(sig,p,s,p(nen+1),nel,9)


!     Formats

2001  format(a1,20a4//5x,'Element Stresses'//'    Elmt Mat Angle',
     &   '   11-stress   22-stress   33-stress   12-stress',
     &   '    1-stress'/'  1-coord  2-coord   11-strain',
     &   '   22-strain   33-strain   12-strain    2-stress')
2002  format(i8,i4,0p,f6.1,1p,5e12.3/0p,2f9.3,1p,5e12.3/1x)

      end subroutine sld2d1