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      subroutine srvemat(d,eps,ta,hn,hn1,nh, sig,dd,isw)

!      * * F E A P * * A Finite Element Analysis Program

!....  Copyright (c) 1984-2021: Regents of the University of California
!                               All rights reserved

!     Modification log                                Date (dd/mm/year)
!       Original version                                    01/05/2018
!     Purpose: RVE Constitutive Model for Small Strain Exchanges

!     Input:
!          eps(6)  -  Strain at point (small deformation)
!          ta      -  Temperature change
!          hn(nh)  -  History terms at point: t_n
!          nh      -  Number of history terms
!          isw     -  Solution option from element

!     Output:
!          hn1(nh) -  History terms at point: t_n+1
!          sig(*)  -  Stresses at point.
!                     N.B. 1-d models use only sig(1)
!          dd(6,*) -  Current material tangent moduli
!                     N.B. 1-d models use only dd(1,1) and dd(2,1)
      implicit   none

      include   'cdata.h'
      include   'counts.h'
      include   'debugs.h'
      include   'eldata.h'
      include   'elpers.h'
      include   'hdatam.h'
      include   'iofile.h'
      include   'sdata.h'
      include   'setups.h'
      include   'tdata.h'

      include   'mpif.h'

      include   'pointer.h'
      include   'comblk.h'

      logical       :: setval,palloc
      integer       :: nh,isw
      real (kind=8) :: ta
      real (kind=8) :: d(*),eps(6),hn(nh), hn1(nh), sig(6),dd(6,6)

!     Compute and output stress (sig) and (moduli)


      if(debug) then
        call udebug('   srvemat',isw)

!     Set values of isw to send information to micro-scale problem

      if(isw.eq.14) then

!       Store material number for each send

        setval = palloc(269,'RVEMA',nsend+1, 1)
        mr(np(269)+nsend) = ma

!       Count number of sends

        sendfl = .true.
        nsend  = nsend + 1

!       Set send receive sizes

        dsend = max(dsend,15)
        drecv = max(drecv,45)

      elseif(isw.eq.4 .or. isw.eq.8) then

        sig(1:6) = hn1(1:6)

      elseif(isw.eq.3 .or. isw.eq.6 .or. isw.eq.12) then

!       Use current value of stress from array

        if(pltmfl) then

          sig(1:6) = hn1(1:6)

!       Move deformation gradient to send buffer

        elseif(sendfl) then

          rvetyp = max(1,nint(d(297)))
          call usstore(hr(np(260)),opar, n_el, dsend,nrecv, rvetyp,
     &                 eps, ta)

          if(debug) then
            call mprint(eps,1,6,1,'eps_send_4')

!         This is a set to prevent adding non-zeros to tangent/residual

          sig(:)  = 0.0d0
          dd(:,:) = 0.0d0

!       Put Cauchy stress and moduli in arrays

        elseif(recvfl) then

          call usrecv(d,hr(np(261)), drecv,nrecv, sig,dd)

!         Save stress for outputs

          if(hflgu) then
            hn1(1:6) = sig(1:6)

          if(debug) then
            call mprint(sig,1,6,1,'SIG_recv_4')
            call mprint(dd,6,6,6,'D_recv_4')

        endif ! Receive


      end subroutine srvemat

      subroutine usstore(frvel, hpar,n, dsend,nsend, rvetyp, eps, ta)

      implicit   none

      include   'iofile.h'

      integer    n,dsend,nsend, rvetyp
      real*8     hpar(*)
      real*8     ta, frvel(dsend,*), eps(6)


      nsend            = nsend + 1
      frvel(1,nsend)   = n
      frvel(2,nsend)   = rvetyp
      frvel(3:8,nsend) = eps(1:6)
      frvel(12,nsend)  = 1.0d0
      frvel(13,nsend)  = ta
      frvel(14,nsend)  = hpar(1)
      frvel(15,nsend)  = hpar(2)

      end subroutine usstore

      subroutine usrecv(d,srvel, drecv,nsend, tau,ctau)

      implicit   none

      include   'debugs.h'
      include   'eldata.h'

      integer    drecv,nsend,a,b,k
      real*8     d(*),srvel(drecv,*), tau(*),ctau(6,6)


      nsend = nsend + 1
      tau(1:6) = srvel(2:7,nsend)
      k = 7
      do a = 1,6
        do b = 1,6
          k = k + 1
          ctau(b,a) = srvel(k,nsend)
        end do ! b
      end do ! a

!     Set density

      d(4) = srvel(44,nsend)

      if(debug) then
        call mprint( tau,1,6,1,'SIG_rve')
        call mprint(ctau,6,6,6,'DD_rve')

      end subroutine usrecv