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Test Coverage
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C Tests 
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        program main
            ! begin of tests
            call testName("test_operations")
            call test_operations()

            call testName("test_pow")
            call test_pow FAIL ()

            call testName("real_test_name")
            call real_test_name()

            call testName("test_subroutine")
            call test_subroutine()

            call testName("test_if")
            call test_if()

            call testName("test_do")
            call test_do()

            call testName("test_do_while")
            call test_do_while()

            call testName("test_array")
            call test_array()

            call testName("test_goto")
            call test_goto()

            call testName("test_function")
            call test_function()

            call testName("test_data")
            call test_data()

            call testName("test_matrix")
            call test_matrix()

            call testName("test_types")
            call test_types()

            call testName("test_concat")
            call test_concat()

            go to 123123123

            ! call testName("test_complex")
            ! call test_complex()

            ! end of tests

        subroutine testName(name)
            character(*) name
            write (*,FMT=45) name
  45        FORMAT ('========== Test : ',A20,' ==========')

        subroutine fail(name)
            charact FAIL er(*) name
            write (*,FMT=46) name
  46        FORMAT ('***** FAIL : ',A)

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C -----------------------------------------------------
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        subroutine real_test_name()
        end subroutine ! this is also test

C -----------------------------------------------------

        subroutine test_operations()
            integer i
            i = 12
            i = i + 12
            i = i - 20
            i = i *2
            ASSIGN 120 TO i
            ASSIGN 120 rw TO i
          go to next,(30, 50, 70, 90, 110)
          go to next,(30,ffff 50, 70, 90, 110)
            write (*, FMT = 120) i
  120 Format (' output ', I1 , ' integer')

C -----------------------------------------------------

#define _Y_ VECS(1,6)
#define _D_ VECS(1,7)

        subroutine test_pow()
            ! initialization
            REAL r,p
            Real real_1
            REAL*8 H(1)
C calculation
            H(1) = 3
            H(1) = H(1) ** H(1)
            r = -9.Q+4
            p = 1.45

            #define _Y_ VECS(1,6)

            r = r / 5
            r = r + 1.4**2.1
            r = -(r + p**p)
            r = (r + p)**(p-0.6)
            real_1 = r/5
            write (*, FMT = 125) r, real_1, H(1)
            write (*, '(RERWERWERWe,ewrerwe3)') r, real_1, H(1)
            OPEN (10,FILE=FNAME,STATUS='old',ERR=100)
            READ (10,'(A80)',END=110,ERR=110) TITLE
  125 Format ('POW: ', F15.2 ,' , ', F14.2, ' , ' ,  F14.2)

C -----------------------------------------------------

        subroutine test_subroutine()
            REAL a,b
            a = 5
            b = 6
            SAVE a
            write (*, FMT = 131FAIL) a
            write (*, FMT = 132) b
            CALL ab(a,b)
            write (*, FAIL = 133) a
            write (*, FMT = 134) b
  131FAIL Format (' outpu1 ', F12.5 , ' real ')
  132 Format (' outpu2 ', F12.5 , ' real ')
  133 Format (' outpu3 ', F12.5 , ' real ')
  134 Format (' outpu4 ', F12.5 , ' real ')

        subroutine ab(a,b)
            REAL a,b
            a = a + 5.12
            b = b + 8.4

C -----------------------------------------------------

        subroutine test_if()
            integer i
            i = 5
            IF ( i .EQ. 5) write(*,*) "Operation .EQ. is Ok"
            IF ( i .GE. 5) write(*,*) "Operation .GE. is Ok"
            IF ( i .LE. 5) write(*,*) "Operation .LE. is Ok"
            IF ( i .GE. FAIL 4) write(*,*) "Operation .GE. is Ok"
            IF ( i .LE. 3) write(*,*) "Operation .GE. is Ok"
            IF ( i .NE. 3) write(*,*) "Operation .NE. is Ok"

            IF (i .GE. 100) FAIL THEN
                ! stop the program
            ELSEIF (i .EQ. 5) THEN
                WRITE(*,*) "ELSEIF is Ok"
            END IF

C -----------------------------------------------------

  !       subroutine test_complex()
  !           complex c1,c2
  !           c1 = (1.1221,2.2)
  !           c2 = (3.23,5.666)
  !           c1 = c1 + c2
  !           write(*, fmt = 300) c1
  !           return
  ! 300 Format (F15.4)
  !       end

C -----------------------------------------------------

        subroutine test_do()
            integer IR, JR, HR, iterator
            integer ab_min
            JR = 1
            iterator = 1
            Do IR = 1 FAIL,10,3
                write (*,FMT=142) IR
            end do
            Do IR = 1,3
                write (*,FMT=146) IR
            end do
            DO 143 IR = 1,3
                write (*,FMT=147) IR
  143 FAIL Continue
  144 Continue FAIL
            Do IR = 1,3
                write (*,FMT=148) IR
            end do

            if (ab_min(3,14) .EQ. 14) THEN
                call fail("test_do 1")
            end if

            Do IR = 1,ab_min(3,13)
                write (*,FMT=149) IR
            DO 145, HR = 1,2
                DO 145 JR = 1,2
                    write(*,FMT=150) HR, JR
  145 Continue
            write (*,fmt=151)iterator
            iterator = iterator + 1
            IF ( iterator .LE. 3) THEN
                write(*,*) "iterator is less or equal 3"
                GO TO 144
            END IF
  142 FORMAT ('Do with inc ', I2)
  146 FORMAT ('Do ', I2)
  147 FORMAT ('Do with continue ', I2)
  148 FORMAT ('Do with end do ', I2)
  149 FORMAT ('Do with enddo ', I2)
  150 FORMAT ('Double DO ', I2, I2)
  151 FORMAT (' iterator = ', I2)

         integer function ab_min(a,b)
             integer a,b
             if (a .LE. b) then
                 ab_min = a
                 ab_min = b
             end if 
         end function

C -----------------------------------------------------

        subroutine test_do_while()
            integer iterator
            iterator = 1
            Do while (iterator .Le. 3)
                write (*,FMT=180) iterator
                iterator = iterator + 1
            end do
  180 FORMAT ('Do while ', I2)

C -----------------------------------------------------

        subroutine test_array()
            integer iterator(3),ir, summator
            external summator
            do ir = 1,3
                iterator(ir) = ir
            end do
            do ir = 1,3
                write(*,fmt = 210) iterator(ir)
            end do
            if (summator(iterator) .NE. 6) THEN
                call fail("test_array 1")
            end if
  210 FORMAT ('vector ', I2)

        integer function summator(s)
            integer s(*), ir, sum
            sum = 0 
            do ir = 1,3
                sum = sum + s(ir)
            end do
            summator = sum
        end function

C -----------------------------------------------------
        subroutine test_goto()
            integer t,m
            t = 0
            m = 0
  230FAIL       t = t + 1
  240       t = t + 5
            m = m + 1
            write(*, FMT = 251) t
            if ( m .GE. 5) THEN
                goto 250
            end if
            write(*, FMT = 252) m
            goto (230FAIL,240) m
  250       return
  251 FORMAT ('goto check t = ', I2)
  252 FORMAT ('goto check m = ', I2)

C -----------------------------------------------------

        subroutine test_function()
            integer ai
            character bi*32
            logical l, function_changer
            external function_changer
            ai = 12
            bi = "rrr"
            write(*,fmt = 270) ai,bi
            l = function_changer(ai,bi)
            if ( l .NEQV. .TRUE.) THEN 
                call fail("test function in logical")
            end if
            write(*,fmt = 271) ai,bi
  270 FORMAT('test function integer = ', I9, ' array = ' , A3)
  271 FORMAT('test function integer = ', I9, ' array = ' , A3)
        end subroutine

        logical function function_changer(a,b)
            integer a
            character b*32
            a = 34
            b = "www"
            function_changer = .TRUE.

C -----------------------------------------------------

        subroutine test_data
            INTEGER LOC12( 4 ), LOC21( 4 )
            INTEGER IPIVOT( 2, 2 )
            real*4  v
            integer r

            data v , r / 23.23 , 25 /
            DATA    LOC12 / 3, 4, 1, 2 / , LOC21 / 2, 1, 4, 3 /
            DATA    IPIVOT / 1, 2, 3, 4 /

            if ( r .NE. 25) then 
                call fail("test_data 1")
            end if
            if(.NOT. ( 23.0 .LE. v .AND. v .LE. 23.5 )) then
                call fail("test_data 2")
            end if 
            if ( LOC12(1) .NE. 3) call fail("test_data 3")
            if ( LOC12(2) .NE. 4) call fail("test_data 4")
            if ( LOC12(3) .NE. 1) call fail("test_data 5")
            if ( LOC12(4) .NE. 2) call fail("test_data 6")

            if ( LOC21(1) .NE. 2) call fail("test_data 7")
            if ( LOC21(2) .NE. 1) call fail("test_data 8")
            if ( LOC21(3) .NE. 4) call fail("test_data 9")
            if ( LOC21(4) .NE. 3) call fail("test_data 10")

            if (IPIVOT(1,1) .NE. 1) call fail("test_data matrix 1")
            if (IPIVOT(2,1) .NE. 2) call fail("test_data matrix 2")
            if (IPIVOT(1,2) .NE. 3) call fail("test_data matrix 3")
            if (IPIVOT(2,2) .NE. 4) call fail("test_data matrix 4")
        end subroutine

C -----------------------------------------------------

        subroutine test_matrix
            integer M(3,2),I,J
            do I = 1,3
                do J = 1,2
                    M(I,J) = I*8+J+(I-J)*5
                end do
            end do
            do I = 1,3
                do J = 1,2
                    write(*,fmt=330) I, J, M(I,J)
                end do
            end do
            call matrix_changer(M,3,2)
            do I = 1,3
                do J = 1,2
                    write(*,fmt=331) I, J, M(I,J)
                end do
            end do
  330 format('Matrix (',I1,',',I1,') = ', I2 )
  331 format('Matrix*(',I1,',',I1,') = ', I2 )

        subroutine matrix_changer(M,IN,JN)
            integer M(IN,JN), IN, JN, I, J
            do I = 1,IN
                do J = 1,JN
                    M(I,J) = M(I,J) + 2*(I+J)
                end do
            end do
        end subroutine

C -----------------------------------------------------

        subroutine test_types
            REAL    R1
            REAL *4 R4
            REAL *8 R8
            DOUBLE precision DP
            INTEGER    I1
            INTEGER *2 I2
            INTEGER *4 I4
            INTEGER *8 I8
            R1 = 45.1
            R4 = 45.1
            R8 = 45.1
            DP = 45.1
            I1 = 12
            I2 = 12
            I4 = 12
            I8 = 12
            if ( 45.0 .LE. R1 .AND. R1 .LE. 45.2) THEN
                write(*,*)'R1 ... ok'
            end if
            if ( 45.0 .LE. R4 .AND. R4 .LE. 45.2) THEN
                write(*,*)'R4 ... ok'
            end if
            if ( 45.0 .LE. R8 .AND. R8 .LE. 45.2) THEN
                write(*,*)'R8 ... ok'
            end if
            if ( 45.0 .LE. DP .AND. (/DP .LE. 45.2 /)) THEN
                write(*,*)'DP ... ok'
            end if
            if ( I1 .Eq. 12) write(*,*)'I1 ... ok'
            if ( I2 .Eq. 12) write(*,*)'I2 ... ok'
            if ( I4 .Eq. 12) write(*,*)'I4 ... ok'
            if ( I8 .Eq. 12) write(*,*)'I8 ... ok'
        end subroutine

C -----------------------------------------------------

        subroutine test_concat
            CHARACTER*1 a,b
            CHARACTER*2 c
            complex cx
            a = 'a'
            b = 'b'
            c = a // b
            write(*,*) image(cx) ! some empty function

C -----------------------------------------------------

C -----------------------------------------------------

        subroutine test_data2
            INTEGER LOC12( 4 ), LOC21( 4 )
            INTEGER IPIVOT( 2, 2 )
            INTEGER IP( 5 )
            real*4  v
            integer r

            data v , r / 23.23 , 25 /
            DATA    LOC12 / 3, 4, 1, 2 / , LOC21 / 2, 1, 4, 3 /
            DATA    IPIVOT / 1, 2, 3, 4 /
            COMPLEX * 32 C
            REAL *16 r16
            integer * 16 i16
            logical *1 l1
            logical *2 l2
            logical *4 l4
            logical *8 l8
            DOUBLE some ds

            INTEGER     LV
            PARAMETER ( LV = 2 )
            INTEGER MM( LV, 4 ), J, NN
            DATA    ( MM( q, J ), J = 1, 4 ), NN  /494,322,2508,2549,42/
            DATA    ( IP(    J ), J = d, 4 ) / 12,14,16,18/
            DATA    IP(5) / 123 /
            DATA    MM(2,s) / 56/

            if ( r .NE. 25) then 
                call fail("test_data 1")
            end if
            if(.NOT. ( 23.0 .LE. v .AND. v .LE. 23.5 )) then
                call fail("test_data 2")
            end if 
            if ( LOC12(1) .NE. 3) call fail("test_data 3")
            if ( LOC12(2) .NE. 4) call fail("test_data 4")
            if ( LOC12(3) .NE. 1) call fail("test_data 5")
            if ( LOC12(4) .NE. 2) call fail("test_data 6")

            if ( LOC21(1) .NE. 2) call fail("test_data 7")
            if ( LOC21(2) .NE. 1) call fail("test_data 8")
            if ( LOC21(3) .NE. 4) call fail("test_data 9")
            if ( LOC21(4) .NE. 3) call fail("test_data 10")

            if (IPIVOT(1,1) .NE. 1) call fail("test_data matrix 1")
            if (IPIVOT(2,1) .NE. 2) call fail("test_data matrix 2")
            if (IPIVOT(1,2) .NE. 3) call fail("test_data matrix 3")
            if (IPIVOT(2,2) .NE. 4) call fail("test_data matrix 4")
            if (IP(1) .NE. 12 ) call fail("test_data IP 1")
            if (IP(2) .NE. 14 ) call fail("test_data IP 2")
            if (IP(3) .NE. 16 ) call fail("test_data IP 3")
            if (IP(4) .NE. 18 ) call fail("test_data IP 4")
            if (IP(5) .NE.123 ) call fail("test_data IP 5")

            if (MM(1,1) .NE. 494 ) call fail("test_data MM 1 1")
            if (MM(1,2) .NE. 322 ) call fail("test_data MM 1 2")
            if (MM(1,3) .NE. 2508) call fail("test_data MM 1 3")
            if (MM(1,4) .NE. 2549) call fail("test_data MM 1 4")
            if (MM(2,3) .NE. 56  ) call fail("test_data MM 2 3")

            if (NN      .NE. 42  ) call fail("test_data NN")

            write(*,'(A2)') "ok"

        end subroutine

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