

Test Coverage
.. _events:


Kotti has a builtin event system that is based on the `Publish-subscribe pattern`_.

The basic concept is that whenever a specific event occurs, all handler functions that have subscribed to that event will be executed.

There are two different types of events:

    -   Object events…

        …relate to a specific object.  In most cases this object will be a node
        from the content tree (i.e. the same as ``context`` in view callables).

        Events of type :class:`` have ``object`` and
        ``request`` attributes.  ``event.request`` may be ``None`` when no
        request is available.

    -   Generic events…

        …don't have that kind of context.

        Kotti supports such events but doesn't use them anywhere.

The event types provided by Kotti (see API docs for
:mod:``) may be extended with your own event types. Subclass
:class:`` (for object events) or ``object`` (for
generic events) and follow the subscription instructions below, as you would
for Kotti-provided events.

Subscribing to Events

To add a handler for a specific event type, you must implement a function which
takes a single argument ``event`` and associate that to the
appropriate event type by decorating it with the
:class:`` decorator.

That decorator takes up to two arguments that restrict the handler execution
to specific events only.  When called without arguments the handler is
subscribed to *all* events::

  from import subscribe

  def all_events_handler(event):
      print event

To subscribe to a specific event type, supply the desired type as the first
argument to :class:``::

  from import ObjectInsert
  from import subscribe

  def document_insert_handler(event):
      print event.object, event.request

You can further narrow the subscription by adding a second argument that limits
the subscription to specific object types. For example, to subscribe to
:class:`` events of
:class:`~kotti.resources.Document` types, write::

  from import ObjectDelete
  from import subscribe
  from kotti.resources import Document

  @subscribe(ObjectDelete, Document)
  def document_delete_handler(event):
      print event.object, event.request

Triggering Event Handler Execution

Notifying listeners of an event is as simple as calling

  from import notify

Listeners are generally called in the order in which they are

.. _Publish-subscribe pattern: