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# await-handler
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Simple signature to ease the paid of catching errors using async/await. This module will allow a simple method of catching errors from an `await` handler without the need to wrap everything in try/catch blocks. This module is a Node.js only version based on [await-to-js]( minus the typescript aspect. Credit for this module goes to [Dima Grossman](, as it was based off the code provided.

You continue to use async/await normally, except to wrap the function you are "awaiting", in this module to allow destructuring the returned array into variables. This is similar to the golang error handling syntax.

**NOTE:** This module works in Node 6+, but in order to use async/await, you need to use Node 8+ or compile with Babel.

## Install
Install via NPM:
npm i await-handler --save

## Usage
const on = require('await-handler');

async function asyncFunctionExample() {
    let [err, result] = await on(myAsyncTask());
    if(err) {
        throw err;
    // ... handle the result

## API

### on(promise[, errorProps])
**Type:** Function

Adds handler to `promise` in order to return an array which can be destructured. Optionally add additional properties to the returned error by providing an Object to `errorProps`.

| Argument   | Required? | Type    | Description                                                |
| promise    | Yes       | Promise | Promise to wrap and return results for.                    |
| errorProps | No        | Object  | Optional object to append to the `Error` if one is thrown. |

async function basicExample() {
    let [err, result] = await on(myAsyncTask());
    if(err) throw err;
    // ... handle the result

async function errorPropsExample() {
    let [err, result] = await on(myAsyncTask(), { customMessage: 'Something failed!' });
    if(err) {
        return process.exit(1);
    // ... handle the result

###### Returns _{Promise<Array>}_
> Returns Promise that resolves with array signature `[error, results]`. If an error is thrown, `error` will be the the rejection from the promise and `results` will be `undefined`. If an error is not thrown, `error` will be `null` and `results` will be the resolved value from the promise.


## Tests
To run the tests:

npm install
npm run test

## License
MIT License. See [License]( in the repository.