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# kinesis-events
[![npm](]( [![npm](]( [![David](]( [![Travis](]( [![license](]( [![Beerpay](](

AWS Kinesis event parser and handler for Lambda consumers. Ability to parse kinesis events with error handling and JSON support. Supports Node 8.10+ on AWS Lambda.


## Install
npm i --save kinesis-events

## Usage
const kinesisEvents = require('kinesis-events');

// Lambda function handler
exports.handler = async event => {
    // Parse the records
    const result = kinesisEvents.parse(event);
    // Check for errors (optional)
    if(result.hasErrors) {
        console.error('There are errors while parsing, ending process...');
    result.records.forEach(record => {
        //... iterate through the parsed records


# API Documentation
{{#orphans ~}}

## Transform Function
New in v3.0.0, there is now an option to pass in a transform function that will allow you to transform the record before it is added to the RecordSet. This allows custom functionality or business logic to be implemented at a higher level.

The transform function takes 2 arguments, `record` and `index`. The function must return the transformed record in order for it to be added to the RecordSet. If the record is not returned from the function, it will be ignored.

const { KinesisEvents } = require('kinesis-events');
const kinesisEvents = new KinesisEvents({
    transform: (record, index) => {
        if(record.firstName && record.lastName) {
            // example, remove record if data is missing
            return null;
        record.someCustomProperty = 'some custom value';
        return record;


## Tests
Tests are written and provided as part of the module. It requires mocha to be installed which is included as a `devDependency`. You may run the tests by calling:

$ npm run test

## License
MIT License. See [License]( in the repository.