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namespace BootPress\Auth;

use BootPress\Page\Component as Page;
use BootPress\SQLite\Component as SQLite;
use BootPress\Validator\Component as Validator;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;

    - Store token hash (a weak one is fine) in database, and original in cookie
    - Query database on a unique id (and not the token) for speed, and to thwart a timing attack
Charles Miller -
    - Change token with each new session to give attacker a smaller window of opportunity to exploit a stolen cookie
    - If an id (username) and token do not match, then remove all of the users persistent logins
    - Do not allow access to sensitive actions on a cookie-based login, but only through typing a valid password
Barry Jaspan -
    - If attacker steals cookie, he becomes the legitimate user (with an updated token), whilst the victim must login again
    - Deleting all sessions for a user submitting an invalid token (only) makes it too easy for an attacker to log everyone out
    - If a series (constant) token is submitted with an invalid (variable) token, then a theft has occurred
    - If anything is missing from the cookie, then just ignore it
    - In the Barry Jaspan improved plan, an attacker can fly under the radar if they delete the original cookie

class Component
    /** @var object Gives you access to the SQLite3 (or custom) users database. */
    public $db;

    /** @var object A BootPress\Page\Component instance. */
    private $page;

    /** @var null|string The HTTP Authenticated username or null. */
    private $basic;

    /** @var array Password hashing options. */
    private $password;

    /** $var array  Information we use to sanity check with a cookie.  Has '**id**', '**series**', '**token**', '**time**', and '**user_agent**' keys. */
    private $session = array();

     * Establishes the authentication settings, and runs all of our security checks.  Authentication is either session-based, or via HTTP Basic Auth.  Session-based authentication relies on the user database.  HTTP Basic Auth can use either the database, an array, or a YAML file of usernames and passwords.  A user can be both HTTP and session authenticated as long as Basic Auth is not using the database.  This allows an administrator to be logged in as a regular user, yet still retain super admin privileges.
     * @param array $options Allows you to customize the authorization settings.  You can set the:
     * - '**db**' - A custom BootPress\Database\Component instance.  The default is an SQLite Users.db we will automatically create.
     * - '**basic**' - Either ``null`` (the default) to use the users database, an ``array('username'=>'password', ...)`` of users, or a YAML file of username's and password's.
     * - '**password**' - '**algo**' and '**options**' for ``password_hash()``
    public function __construct(array $options = array())
            'db' => null,
            'basic' => null,
            'password' => array(),
        ), $options));
        $this->password = array_merge(array(
            'algo' => \PASSWORD_DEFAULT,
            'options' => array(),
        ), (array) $password);
        $this->page = Page::html();
        $this->db = ($db instanceof \BootPress\Database\Component) ? $db : null;
        if (is_null($this->db)) {
            $this->db = new SQLite($this->page->dir['page'].'Users.db');
            if ($this->db->created) {
                $this->db->create('user_sessions', array(
                    'id' => 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY',
                    'user_id' => 'INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0',
                    'adjourn' => 'INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', // 'last_activity' + 'relapse'
                    'relapse' => 'INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', // unsigned integer
                    'last_activity' => 'INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', // time()
                    'ip_address' => 'TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ""', // of last updated session
                    'user_agent' => 'TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ""', // up to 255 varchar constant
                    'series' => 'TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ""', // sha1(salt) constant
                    'token' => 'TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ""', // sha1(salt) updated
                    'login' => 'TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', // original date('Y-m-d H:i:s')
                ), 'user_id, adjourn');
                $this->db->create('users', array(
                    'id' => 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY',
                    'name' => 'TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ""',
                    'email' => 'TEXT UNIQUE COLLATE NOCASE',
                    'admin' => 'INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', // unsigned integer
                    'password' => 'TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ""', // up to 255 varchar hash
                    'approved' => 'TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT "Y"', // 'Y' or 'N' char
                    'registered' => 'TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', // date('Y-m-d H:i:s')
                    'last_activity' => 'INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0', // time()
        $username = $this->page->request->getUser();
        $password = $this->page->request->getPassword();
        if (!empty($username) && !empty($password)) {
            if (is_null($basic)) { // use the user database (default)
                if ($user_id = $this->check($username, $password, 'approved = "Y"')) {
                    $this->setSession($this->db->row('SELECT id, name, email, admin FROM users WHERE id = ?', $user_id, 'assoc'));
            } elseif (is_array($basic)) { // an array of users
                if (isset($basic[$username]) && $password == $basic[$username]) {
                    $this->basic = $username;
            } elseif (substr($basic, -4) == '.yml' && is_file($basic)) { // a YAML file of users
                $users = array();
                $current = (array) Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($basic));
                foreach ($current as $name => $pw) {
                    if (!is_numeric($name) && !empty($name) && !empty($pw)) {
                        $users[$name] = (substr($pw, 0, 4) == '$2y$') ? $pw : password_hash($pw, $this->password['algo'], $this->password['options']);
                if (isset($users[$username]) && password_verify($password, $users[$username])) {
                    if (password_needs_rehash($users[$username], $this->password['algo'], $this->password['options'])) {
                        $users[$username] = password_hash($password, $this->password['algo'], $this->password['options']);
                    $this->basic = $username;
                if ($users != $current) {
                    file_put_contents($basic, Yaml::dump($users));

            return; // HTTP Basic Authentication takes precedence
        $user = false;
        if ($cookie = $this->page->request->cookies->get('_bp')) {
            $cookie = base64_decode($cookie);
        // These two must match if they both exist
        if (
            ($session = $this->page->session->get('auth.cookie')) &&
            implode(' ', $session) != $cookie
        ) {
            // We set the $session so we know that's good, but ...
            // if $session doesn't equal $cookie then it has been compromised
            // if $session and no $cookie, then it's assumed to have been stolen and deleted
            $this->logout($this->db->value('SELECT user_id FROM user_sessions WHERE id = ?', strstr($session['id'], ' ', true)));

            return $this->setCookie();
        // We can have a $cookie and no $session (just log them in again)
        if ($cookie) {
            list($id, $series, $token) = explode(' ', $cookie.'   ');
            if (!$user = $this->db->row(array(
                'SELECT,,, u.admin, s.login, s.user_agent, s.last_activity, s.relapse, s.adjourn, s.token, u.approved',
                'FROM user_sessions AS s',
                'INNER JOIN users AS u ON s.user_id =',
                'WHERE = ? AND s.series = ?',
            ), array($id, sha1($series)), 'assoc')) {
                // Unset the cookie - it is defective, but not necessarily malicious
                return $this->setCookie();
            $session = array(
                'id' => $id,
                'series' => $series,
                'token' => $token,
                'time' => time(),
                'user_agent' => trim(substr($this->page->request->headers->get('User-Agent'), 0, 255)),
            if ($user['user_agent'] != $session['user_agent'] ||
                $user['token'] != sha1($session['token']) ||
                $user['adjourn'] <= $session['time'] ||
                $user['approved'] != 'Y'
            ) { // Something we take seriously has been changed

                return $this->setCookie();
            // Update records every 5 minutes
            if (($user['last_activity'] + 300) <= $session['time'] && !$this->page->request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
                $session['token'] = $this->salt();
                $this->db->update('user_sessions', 'id', array($session['id'] => array(
                    'ip_address' => $this->page->request->getClientIp(),
                    'last_activity' => $session['time'],
                    'adjourn' => $session['time'] + $user['relapse'],
                    'token' => sha1($session['token']),
                $this->db->update('users', 'id', array(
                    $user['id'] => array('last_activity' => $session['time']),
                $this->setCookie(implode(' ', array(
                )), $user['relapse']);
            $this->session = $session; // 'id', 'series', 'token', 'time', 'user_agent'
            $user['login'] = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d H:i:s', $user['login'])->getTimestamp();
            $user['login'] = $session['time'] - $user['login']; // the number of seconds since
            $this->setSession(array_slice($user, 0, 5, true)); // 'id', 'name', 'email', 'admin', 'login'

     * @return null|string The basic username if HTTP authenticated, or null if not
    public function http()
        return $this->basic;

     * HTTP Authenticate a user for current directory and all subdirectories whether they are signed in or not.
     * @param string $name Identifies the set of resources to which the username and password will apply
     * @see
     * @example
     * ```php
     * if (!$auth->http()) {
     *     $auth->realm('Website');
     * }
     * ```
    public function realm($name, $message = null)
        $content = $message ?: '<h1>401 Unauthorized</h1><p>Access Denied</p>';
        $this->page->send($content, 401, array(
            'WWW-Authenticate' => 'Basic realm="'.htmlspecialchars($name).'"',

     * Retrieve some information about the signed in user.
     * @param string $param Can be any of the following:
     * - '**id**' - From the database's user table.
     * - '**name**' - Of the user.
     * - '**email**' - Of the user.
     * - '**admin**' level - The default is 0 meaning they have no admin privileges.
     * - '**login**' - The number of seconds ago that they actually signed in with a username and password for the current session.  If using HTTP Basic Authentication, this will always be 0
     * @return mixed An array if you don't specify any **$param**, a string if the user is logged in and the **$param** exists, or null if not
     * @example
     * ```php
     * echo 'Hello '.$auth->user('name');
     * ```
    public function user($param = null)
        if (!$user = $this->page->session->get('auth.user')) {
            $user = array();
        if (is_null($param)) {
            return $user;

        return (isset($user[$param])) ? $user[$param] : null;

     * Retrieve the following information about your user(s).
     * - '**id**'
     * - '**name**'
     * - '**email**'
     * - '**admin**' - Integer.
     * - '**approved**' - Y (yes) or N (no).
     * - '**registered**' - A GMT timestamp.
     * - '**last_activity**' - A GMT timestamp (updated at 5 minute intervals) or 0 if we don't know.
     * @param int|array $user_id An integer, or an ``array($user_id, ...)``` of users whose information you would like
     * @return array An associative array of information about your user(s).  If **$user_id** is an array, then this will be a multidimensional ``array($user_id => $info, ...)``` for every user in the order given.  If there was no record found for a given **$user_id**, then it will be an empty array
    public function info($user_id)
        $single = (is_array($user_id)) ? false : true;
        $ids = ($single) ? array($user_id) : $user_id;
        $users = array();
        foreach ($ids as $id) {
            $users[$id] = array();
        foreach ($this->db->all('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN('.implode(', ', $ids).')', '', 'assoc') as $row) {
            $users[$row['id']] = $row;
            $users[$row['id']]['registered'] = strtotime($row['registered']);

        return ($single) ? array_shift($users) : $users;

     * This takes the submitted parameters and checks to see if they exist in the users database.
     * @param string $email    This is the only required argument.  If you stop here then we are only checking to see if the email already exists
     * @param string $password The submitted password to check if the user is who they are claiming to be.  Encryption is handled in vitro
     * @param string $and      Additional qualifier's to check against
     * @return bool|int Either ``false`` if the record does not exist, or the user's id if we have a match
     * @example
     * ```php
     * if ($user_id = $auth->check('', 'password', 'approved = "Y"')) {
     *     // Then you may proceed with $user_id
     * }
     * ```
    public function check($email, $password = null, $and = null)
        $check = func_get_args();
        $email = array_shift($check);
        if (empty($check)) {
            return $this->db->value('SELECT id FROM users WHERE email = ?', $email);
        $password = array_shift($check);
        $and = (!empty($check)) ? ' AND '.array_shift($check) : '';
        if ($user = $this->db->row('SELECT id, password AS hash FROM users WHERE email = ?'.$and, $email, 'assoc')) {
            if (password_verify($password, $user['hash'])) {
                if (password_needs_rehash($user['hash'], $this->password['algo'], $this->password['options'])) {
                    $this->db->update('users', 'id', array($user['id'] => array(
                        'password' => password_hash($password, $this->password['algo'], $this->password['options']),
                $this->setSession(array('verified' => $user['id']));

                return $user['id'];

        return false;

     * Verifies whether or not an email address looks valid.
     * @param string $address
     * @return bool Whether the **$address** looks like a real email or not
     * @example
     * ```php
     * if ($auth->isEmail('')) {
     *     // Then you may proceed
     * }
     * ```
    public function isEmail($address)
        return Validator::email($address);

     * This creates a random password that you can suggest to a user, or use to reset and email them the new password, or to just create a random unambiguous string for yourself.
     * @param int $length The desired length of your password
     * @return string The random password
    public function randomPassword($length = 8, $pool = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')
        $password = '';
        $chars = str_shuffle(preg_replace('/[B8G6I1l0OQDS5Z2]/', '', $pool));
        $count = mb_strlen($chars) - 1; // for starting at 0
        for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
            $start = mt_rand(0, $count);
            $password .= mb_substr($chars, $start, 1);

        return str_shuffle($password);

     * This will ensure that a user is registered at the site.  If you get someone registering twice for whatever reason, then this will make sure they are in, and you can advise them whether or not they already hold an account with you.  If they are not a $new_user, then the name and password will not be saved (the email of course will remain the same).  You don't want somebody registering themselves access into someone else's account.
     * @param string $name     The user's name
     * @param string $email    The user's email
     * @param string $password The user's password.  Do not encrypt!  We do that for you
     * @return array An ``array((bool) $new_user, (int) $user_id)`` where $new_user is either true or false, and $user_id is either the new or the old id depending
     * @example
     * ```php
     * list($new_user, $user_id) = $auth->register('Joe Blow', '', 'sekrit');
     * ```
    public function register($name, $email, $password)
        $new_user = ($user_id = $this->check($email)) ? false : true;
        if ($new_user) {
            $user_id = $this->db->insert('users', array(
                'name' => $name,
                'email' => $email,
                'password' => password_hash($password, $this->password['algo'], $this->password['options']),
                'admin' => 0,
                'approved' => 'Y',
                'registered' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
                'last_activity' => 0,

        return array($new_user, $user_id);

     * Allows you to update a users account.
     * @param int   $user_id The id of the user you would like to update
     * @param array $user    An associative array of fields you would like to update.  The available fields are:
     * - '**name**' => The users name.
     * - '**email**' => The users email.  If you are changing this, then make sure it is not already in use beforehand.
     * - '**password**' => The new password.  No encryption needed.
     * - '**admin**' => An integer >= 0.
     * - '**approved**' => '**Y**' (yes) or '**N**' (no).  If you set this to '**N**' (no), they will be logged out immediately wherever they may be.
     * - '**registered**' =>
     * - '**last_activity**' =>
     * ... and any other fields that may exist if you have customized the database to suit your needs
     * @example
     * ```php
     * if ($auth->update($user_id, array(
     *     'approved' => 'N', // This will log them out and prevent them from ever signing in again.
     * ));
     * ```
    public function update($user_id, array $user = array())
        $update = array();
        foreach ($user as $key => $value) {
            switch ($key) {
                case 'name':
                    $update[$key] = $value;
                case 'email':
                    if ($this->isEmail($value)) {
                        $update[$key] = $value;
                case 'password':
                    if (!empty($value)) {
                        $update[$key] = password_hash($value, $this->password['algo'], $this->password['options']);
                case 'admin':
                    $update[$key] = (is_numeric($value) && $value > 0) ? (int) $value : 0;
                case 'approved':
                    $update[$key] = (empty($value) || strtoupper($value) == 'N') ? 'N' : 'Y';
                case 'registered':
                    if (is_numeric($value)) {
                        $update[$key] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (int) $value);
                case 'last_activity':
                    if (is_numeric($value)) {
                        $update[$key] = (int) $value;
                    $update[$key] = $value;
        if (!empty($update)) {
            $this->db->update('users', 'id', array($user_id => $update));
            if ($this->isUser($user_id)) {
                foreach (array('name', 'email', 'admin') as $value) {
                    if (isset($update[$value])) {
                        $this->setSession(array($value => $update[$value]));
            if (isset($update['approved']) && $update['approved'] == 'N') {

     * This will login a user to your site for a specified amount of time (of inactivity), and optionally log them out everywhere else.  Session and cookie based.
     * @param int   $user_id Of the user you want to login
     * @param int   $expires The number of days (if less than or equal to 730) or seconds (if greater than 730) of inactivity after which you would like to require the user to sign back into your site
     * @param mixed $single  If you set this to true (or to anything besides false), then they will be logged out of every other session that may be currently active.  Meaning if you sign in on a public computer, then realize you forgot to sign out, you can sign in again on any other computer and be signed out from all previous sessions if you use this feature
     * @example
     * ```php
     * $auth->login($user_id, 30, 'single'); // Sign in $user_id for 30 days here, and log them out everywhere else.
     * ```
    public function login($user_id, $expires = 7200, $single = false)
        if (empty($user_id)) {
        $this->logout(($single !== false) ? $user_id : null);
        if ($user = $this->db->row('SELECT id, name, email, admin FROM users WHERE id = ? AND approved = ?', array($user_id, 'Y'), 'assoc')) {
            $this->session = array(
                'id' => '',
                'series' => $this->salt(),
                'token' => $this->salt(),
                'time' => time(),
                'user_agent' => trim(substr($this->page->request->headers->get('User-Agent'), 0, 255)),
            $relapse = ($expires <= 730) ? $expires * 24 * 60 * 60 : $expires;
            $this->session['id'] = $this->db->insert('user_sessions', array(
                'user_id' => $user['id'],
                'adjourn' => $this->session['time'] + $relapse,
                'relapse' => $relapse,
                'last_activity' => $this->session['time'],
                'ip_address' => $this->page->request->getClientIp(),
                'user_agent' => $this->session['user_agent'],
                'series' => sha1($this->session['series']),
                'token' => sha1($this->session['token']),
                'login' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->session['time']),
            $this->db->update('users', 'id', array($user['id'] => array('last_activity' => $this->session['time'])));
            $this->setCookie(implode(' ', array($this->session['id'], $this->session['series'], $this->session['token'])), $relapse);

     * This will log a session authenticated user out of your site.
     * @param int $user_id If this is an integer, then **$user_id** will be logged out of all their sessions, everywhere.  If null (or not given), then the current user will be logged out of the current session
     * @example
     * ```php
     * $auth->logout(); // Log out the current user.
     * ```
    public function logout($user_id = null)
        if ($user_id) {
            $this->db->exec('UPDATE user_sessions SET adjourn = last_activity WHERE user_id = ? AND adjourn >= ?', array($user_id, time()));
            if ($user_id == $this->isUser()) {
        } elseif (isset($this->session['id'])) {
            $this->db->exec('UPDATE user_sessions SET adjourn = last_activity WHERE id = ?', $this->session['id']);
            $this->session = array();

     * This will tell you if the person viewing the current page is a specific (optional) user, or not.  This does not apply if the user is HTTP Basic Authenticated from an array or YAML file of users.
     * @param int $user_id If you want to verify that this is a specific user, then you may indicate the user's id here
     * @return bool|int Either ``false`` if nobody is signed in, or ``false`` if **$user_id** is not the current user, or the (integer) id of the user that is signed in
     * @example
     * ```php
     * if ($user_id = $auth->isUser()) {
     *     // Now we may do something specifically for $user_id
     * }
     * if (!$auth->isUser($seller_id)) {
     *     $page->eject(); // not the real seller, get them out of here
     * }
     * if ($auth->isUser()) {
     *     // Display a logout link
     * }
     * ```
    public function isUser($user_id = null)
        if (!$user = $this->user('id')) {
            return false;
        if (empty($user_id)) {
            return (!empty($user)) ? $user : false; // an id > 0 or false

        return (!empty($user) && $user_id == $user) ? $user : false;

     * Allows you to determine if ``$this->isUser()`` submitted a password during the current session, or if we're relying on a remember-me cookie.
     * @return bool|int The current user's id if they submitted a password during the current session, or ``false`` if not
     * @example
     * ```php
     * if ($user_id = $auth->isVerified()) {
     *     // Allow them to change their password, charge their credit card, etc.
     * }
     * ```
    public function isVerified()
        return (($user_id = $this->isUser()) && $user_id === $this->user('verified')) ? $user_id : false;

     * This will tell you if the person viewing the current page has admin access greater than or equal to $level, or not.  There is no need to check if ``$this->isUser()`` first when using this function, unless you also want the $user_id, or to make sure this is a specific admin user.  HTTP Basic Authenticated users (from an array or file) will always pass this test and returns (integer) 1, giving them super-admin privileges.
     * @param int $level The admin user must be greater than or equal to the level you indicate here.  This method manages admin permissions as follows:
     * 1. Is the end all and be all of admins, and can access anything.
     * 2. Does not have level 1 access, but can access 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.
     * 3. Cannot access level 1 or 2 admin pages, but can access 3, 4, 5, 6 ... you get the picture
     * @return bool|int Either ``false`` if they are not even a user in the first place, and ``false`` again if they don't have the level of access you desire, or the (integer) level of access they have
     * @example
     * ```php
     * if ($auth->isAdmin(1) || $auth->isUser($seller)) {
     *     // Now you and the seller can edit their info
     * }
     * if ($level = $auth->isAdmin(2)) {
     *     // Level 1 and level 2 admins can access this
     *     if ($level == 1) {
     *         // Now we are tightening down the hatches
     *     }
     * }
     * ```
    public function isAdmin($level = 1)
        if ($this->basic) {
            return 1;
        } elseif (!$admin = $this->user('admin')) {
            return false;

        return (!empty($admin) && $admin <= $level) ? $admin : false;

     * Sets (or removes if the $value is empty) a cookie to verify the validity of a session.
     * @param string $value   Of the cookie
     * @param int    $expires How long (in seconds) the cookie should exist
    private function setCookie($value = '', $expires = 0)
        if (empty($value)) {
            $expires = 1;
        } else {
            list($id, $series, $token) = explode(' ', $value);
            $this->page->session->set('auth.cookie', array(
                'id' => $id,
                'series' => $series,
                'token' => $token,
            $value = base64_encode($value);
            if ($expires != 0) {
                $expires += time();
        $match = session_get_cookie_params();
        setcookie('_bp', $value, $expires, $match['path'], $match['domain'], $match['secure'], true);

    private function setSession(array $user)
        if (!$current = $this->page->session->get('auth.user')) {
            $current = array(
                'verified' => false,
                'id' => 0,
                'name' => null,
                'email' => null,
                'admin' => 0,
                'login' => 0,
        $this->page->session->set('auth.user', array_merge($current, $user));

     * Generates the series and tokens we use to compare sessions and cookies with.
     * @return string A random, 22 character string
    private function salt()
        return substr(strtr(rtrim(base64_encode(random_bytes(16)), '='), '+', '.'), 0, 22);