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namespace BootPress\Bootstrap;

use BootPress\Page\Component as Page;
use BootPress\Form\Component as BPForm;

class Common
    use Base;

    /** @var object A BootPress\Page\Component instance. */
    protected $page;

    /** @var object A BootPress\Bootstrap\Table instance. */
    private $table;

    /** @var object A BootPress\Bootstrap\Navbar instance. */
    private $navbar;

    /** @var object A BootPress\Bootstrap\Pagination instance. */
    private $pagination;

    public function __construct()
        $this->page = Page::html();

     * Instantiates objects upon demand.
     * @param string $name The private property object
     * @return object
    public function __get($name)
        switch ($name) {
            case 'table':
            case 'navbar':
            case 'pagination':
                if (is_null($this->$name)) {
                    $class = 'BootPress\\Bootstrap\\'.ucfirst($name);
                    $this->$name = new $class();

                return $this->$name;

     * Determines if the private property is available.
     * @param string $name
     * @return bool
    public function __isset($name)
        return (in_array($name, array('table', 'navbar', 'pagination'))) ? true : false;

     * This method works in conjunction with ``$bp->col()`` below.  It makes things a little less verbose, but much easier to edit, modify, and see at a glance what in the world is going on.
     * @param string $size    This value can be either '**xs**' < 768px, '**sm**' >= 768px, '**md**' >= 992 , or '**lg**' >= 1200. This is the point at which your grid will break, if no smaller size is indicated. With this method you can indicate multiple sizes by simply inserting another argument. All of your ``$size``'s must correspond with the values given in the ``$bp->col()``'s or ``$columns`` below.
     * @param array  $columns An array of ``$bp->col()``'s.  This argument does not need to be the second one in line.  It is merely the last one given.
     * @return string
     * @example
     * ```php
     * echo $bp->row('sm', array(
     *     $bp->col(3, 'left'),
     *     $bp->col(6, 'center'),
     *     $bp->col(3, 'right'),
     * ));
     * ```
    public function row($size, $columns)
        $html = '';
        $prefix = array();
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; ++$i) {
            $prefix[] = 'offset-'.$i;
            $prefix[] = 'push-'.$i;
            $prefix[] = 'pull-'.$i;
            $prefix[] = $i;
        $sizes = func_get_args();
        $columns = array_pop($sizes);
        foreach ($columns as $cols) {
            if (is_string($cols)) {
                $html .= $cols;
            } else {
                $content = array_pop($cols);
                foreach ($cols as $key => $classes) {
                    $cols[$key] = $this->prefixClasses("col-{$sizes[$key]}", $prefix, $classes, 'exclude_base');
                $html .= '<div class="'.implode(' ', $cols).'">'.$content.'</div>';

        return '<div class="row">'.$html.'</div>';

     * This is a helper method for ``$bp->row()`` above.  It only returns it's own arguments, but it helps to keep things straight.  Including arrays within arrays can get to be a little unwieldly, just take a look at the ``$bp->media()`` method.
     * @param mixed  $number This parameter must correspond with it's parent ``$bp->row($size)``. It can be an integer between 1 and 12, as long as all of the ``$bp->col()``'s respective numbers add up to 12 or less. To get fancy you can add a space, then an '**offset-**', '**push-**', or '**pull-**' followed by the number of columns that you would like to affect. All of these will be preceded by ``col-{$size}-...``. To include additional classes just keep on going with a space in between each.
     * @param string $column The actual html content you would like to be placed in this column.
     * @return array The parameters passed to it.
     * @example
     * ```php
     * echo $bp->row('sm', 'md', 'lg', array(
     *     $bp->col(12, '9 push-3', '10 push-2', 'content'),
     *     $bp->col('6 offset-3 clearfix', '3 pull-9', '2 pull-10', 'sidebar'),
     * ));
     * ```
    public function col($number, $column)
        return func_get_args();

     * This assists you in making Ordered, Unordered, and Definition lists. It is especially useful when you are nesting lists within lists. Your code almost looks exactly like you would expect to see it on the big screen. It would have been nice if we could have named this method 'list', but someone has taken that already.
     * @param string $tag Either an '**ol**' (Ordered list), '**ul**' (Unordered list), or a '**dl**' (Definition list). You can add any other classes you like (or not), but the special ones that Bootstrap has blessed us with are:
     * - '**list-inline**' - For an unordered list to be displayed horizontally.
     * - '**list-unstyled**' - For an unordered list to be unbulleted.
     * - '**dl-horizontal**' - For a definition to be displayed beside it's title rather than below.
     * @param array $list For Ordered and Unordered lists this is an ``array($li, $li, ...)``, and to nest another list just make the ``$li`` another array.
     * For Definition Lists this is an ``array($title => $definition, ...)``. If you have multiple ``$definition``'s, then just make ``$title`` an array of them.
     * @return string
     * @example
     * ```php
     * echo $bp->lister('ol', array(
     *     'Coffee',
     *     'Tea' => array(
     *         'Black tea',
     *         'Green tea',
     *     ),
     *     'Milk',
     * ));
     * echo $bp->lister('ul list-inline', array(
     *     'Coffee',
     *     'Tea',
     *     'Milk',
     * ));
     * echo $bp->lister('dl dl-horizontal', array(
     *     'Coffee' => array(
     *         'Black hot drink',
     *         'Caffeinated beverage',
     *     ),
     *     'Milk' => 'White cold drink',
     * ));
     * ```
    public function lister($tag, array $list)
        $html = '';
        $class = '';
        if ($space = strpos($tag, ' ')) {
            $class = trim(substr($tag, $space));
            $tag = substr($tag, 0, $space);
        foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
            if ($tag == 'dl') {
                $html .= '<dt>'.$key.'</dt>';
                $html .= '<dd>'.(is_array($value) ? implode('</dd><dd>', $value) : $value).'</dd>';
            } else {
                $html .= '<li>'.(is_array($value) ? $key.$this->lister($tag, $value) : $value).'</li>';

        return $this->page->tag($tag, array('class' => $class), $html);

     * This will assist you in creating a search bar for your site.
     * @param string $url  This is the url that you would like the search term to be sent to
     * @param array  $form To customize the form, you can submit an array with any of the following keys:
     * - '**name**' - The name of the input field. The default is '**search**'.
     * - '**placeholder**' - Subtle text to indicate what sort of field it is. The default is '**Search**'.
     * - '**button**' - The button itself with tags and all, or just a name. The default is ``$bp->icon('search')``.
     *   - If you don't want a button at all then just give this an empty value.
     * - '**class**' - Any special class(es) to give the ``<form>`` tag. The default is '**form-horizontal**'.
     * - '**size**' - Either '**sm**', '**md**' (the default), or '**lg**'.
     * @return string
     * @example
     * ```php
     * echo $bp->search('');
     * ```
    public function search($url, array $form = array())
        $html = '';
        $form = array_merge(array(
            'name' => 'search',
            'role' => 'search',
            'class' => 'form-horizontal',
            'placeholder' => 'Search',
            'button' => $this->icon('search'),
            'size' => '',
        ), $form);
        $form['method'] = 'get';
        $form['action'] = $url;
        $input = array('class' => 'form-control', 'placeholder' => $form['placeholder']);
        $button = $form['button'];
        $size = $form['size'];
        unset($form['placeholder'], $form['button'], $form['size']);
        $form = new BPForm($form);
        $form->validator->set($form->header['name'], 'required');
        if (!empty($button)) {
            if (strpos($button, '<button') === false) {
                $button = '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" title="Search">'.$button.'</button>';
            $html .= '<div class="'.$this->prefixClasses('input-group', array('sm', 'md', 'lg'), $size).'">';
            $html .= $form->text($form->header['name'], $input);
            $html .= '<div class="input-group-btn">'.$button.'</div>';
            $html .= '</div>';
        } else {
            if (!empty($size) && in_array($size, array('sm', 'md', 'lg'))) {
                $input['class'] .= " input-{$size}";
            $html .= $form->text($form->header['name'], $input);

        return $form->header().$html.$form->close();

     * Create a Bootstrapped good looking form.
     * @param string $name   The name of your form.
     * @param string $method How you would like the form to be sent ie. '**post**' or '**get**'.
     * @return object A BootPress\Bootstrap\Form instance.
     * @example
     * ```php
     * $form = $bp->form('sign_in');
     * $form->menu('remember', array('Y' => 'Remember me'));
     * $form->validator->set(array(
     *     'email' => 'required|email',
     *     'password' => 'required|minLength[5]|noWhiteSpace',
     *     'remember' => 'yesNo',
     * ));
     * if ($vars = $form->validator->certified()) {
     *     $form->message('info', 'Good job, you are doing great!');
     *     $form->eject();
     * }
     * $form->size('lg'); // oversize the inputs
     * $form->align('collapse'); // default is horizontal
     * echo $form->header();
     * echo $form->fieldset('Sign In', array(
     *     $form->field('Email address', $form->group($bp->icon('user'), '', $form->text('email'))),
     *     $form->field('Password', $form->group($bp->icon('lock'), '', $form->password('password'))),
     *     $form->field('', $form->checkbox('remember'),
     *     $form->submit(),
     * ));
     * echo $form->close();
     * ```
    public function form($name, $method = 'post')
        return new Form($name, $method, $this);

     * Create an icon without the verbosity.
     * @param string $symbol The icon you would like to display without the base and icon class prefix.
     * @param string $prefix The base and icon class prefix. The default is a Bootstrap icon, but this can be used with any icon font by simply entering their prefix value here.
     * @param string $tag    The tag to use for displaying your font. Everyone uses the ``<i>`` tag, so that is the default. If ``$prefix == 'glyphicon'`` (the default for Bootstrap) then we will use a span element. Why? I don't know, but since v.2 that seems to be what they prefer to use now. If you want to style an icon further then you can do so here. eg. ``'i style="font-size:16px;"'``.
     * @return string
     * @example
     * ```php
     * echo $bp->icon('asterisk');
     * ```
    public function icon($symbol, $prefix = 'glyphicon', $tag = 'i')
        $base = $prefix;
        $classes = explode(' ', $symbol);
        $prefix = array($classes[0]); // ie. only prefix the first class
        $params = '';
        if ($space = strpos($tag, ' ')) {
            $params = ' '.trim(substr($tag, $space));
            $tag = substr($tag, 0, $space);
        if ($base == 'glyphicon') {
            $tag = 'span';

        return $this->addClass("<{$tag}{$params}></{$tag}>", array(
            $tag => $this->prefixClasses($base, $prefix, $classes),

     * A button by itself is easy enough, but when you start including dropdowns and groups your markup can get ugly quick. Follow the examples. We'll start simple and go from there.
     * @param string $class   The classes: '**xs**', '**sm**', '**lg**', '**block**', '**default**', '**primary**', '**success**', '**info**', '**warning**', '**danger**', and '**link**' will all be prefixed with '**btn-...**', and we include the '**btn**' class too. Notice how we left out the '**btn-group**' option? Don't worry about that one. Feel free to add any more that you like such as '**disabled**'.
     * @param string $name    The text of your button. You may also include badges, labels, icons, etc, but leave the caret up to us. If you are including a dropdown menu and you would like to split the button from the menu, then you can make this an ``array('split' => $name)``.
     * @param array  $options These are all of the attributes that you would like to include in the ``<button>`` tag, except if you include an '**href**' key then it will be an ``<a>`` tag. Other potential options include: '**id**', '**style**', '**title**', '**type**', '**data-...**', etc, but the ones we take notice of and do special things with are:
     * - '**dropdown**' => This is an ``array($name => $link, ...)`` of names and their associated links.
     *   - If the **$name** is numeric (ie. not specified) then the **$link** will be a header (if it is not empty), or a divider if it is.
     * - '**dropup**' => The same as dropdown, only the caret and menu goes up instead of down.
     * - '**active**' => This is to specify a **$link** that will receive the "**active**" class. You can set this value to either the **$name** or the **$link** of your dropdown menu, or an **integer** (starting from 1). If you just want it to select the current page then you can specify '**url**' which will match the current url and path, or '**urlquery**' which will match the current url, path, and query string.
     * - '**disabled**' => This is to specify a link that will receive the "disabled" class. You can set this value to either the **$name** or the **$link** of your dropdown menu.
     * - '**pull**' => Either '**left**' (default) or '**right**'. Where you would like the dropdown to be positioned, relative to the parent.
     * @return string
     * @example
     * ```php
     * echo $bp->button('primary', 'Primary');
     * echo $bp->button('lg success', 'Link', array('href'=>'#'));
     * echo $bp->button('default', 'Dropdown', array(
     *     'dropdown' => array(
     *         'Header',
     *         'Action' => '#',
     *         'Another action' => '#',
     *         'Active link' => '#',
     *         '',
     *         'Separated link' => '#',
     *         'Disabled link' => '#',
     *     ),
     *     'active' => 'Active link',
     *     'disabled' => 'Disabled link',
     * ));
     * ```
    public function button($class, $name, array $options = array())
        $attributes = array('type' => 'button');
        foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
            if (!in_array($key, array('dropdown', 'dropup', 'active', 'disabled', 'pull'))) {
                $attributes[$key] = $value;
        $attributes['class'] = $this->prefixClasses('btn', array('block', 'xs', 'sm', 'lg', 'default', 'primary', 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', 'link'), $class);
        if (isset($options['dropdown']) || isset($options['dropup'])) {
            $html = '';
            $class = (isset($options['dropup'])) ? 'btn-group dropup' : 'btn-group';
            $links = (isset($options['dropup'])) ? $options['dropup'] : $options['dropdown'];
            $html .= '<div class="'.$class.'">';
            list($dropdown, $id) = $this->dropdown($links, $options);
            if (is_array($name) && isset($name['split'])) {
                $html .= $this->page->tag('button', $attributes, $name['split']);
                $attributes['id'] = $id;
                $attributes['class'] .= ' dropdown-toggle';
                $attributes['data-toggle'] = 'dropdown';
                $attributes['aria-haspopup'] = 'true';
                $attributes['aria-expanded'] = 'false';
                $html .= $this->page->tag('button', $attributes, '<span class="caret"></span>', '<span class="sr-only">Toggle Dropdown</span>');
            } else {
                $attributes['id'] = $id;
                $attributes['class'] .= ' dropdown-toggle';
                $attributes['data-toggle'] = 'dropdown';
                $attributes['aria-haspopup'] = 'true';
                $attributes['aria-expanded'] = 'false';
                $html .= $this->page->tag('button', $attributes, $name, '<span class="caret"></span>');
            $html .= $dropdown;
            $html .= '</div>';

            return $html;
        } elseif (isset($options['href'])) {

            return $this->page->tag('a', $attributes, $name);
        } else {
            return $this->page->tag('button', $attributes, $name);

     * Group your buttons together.
     * @param string $class   The classes: '**xs**', '**sm**', '**lg**', '**justified**', and '**vertical**' will all be prefixed with '**btn-group-...**', and we include the '**btn-group**' class too. When you size a group up, then don't size the individual buttons.
     * @param array  $buttons An ``array($bp->button(), ...)`` of buttons.
     * @param string $form    This can be either '**checkbox**' or '**radio**' and your button group will act accordingly.
     * @return string
     * @example
     * ```php
     * echo $bp->group('', array(
     *     $bp->button('default', 'Left'),
     *     $bp->button('default', 'Middle'),
     *     $bp->button('default', array('split'=>'Right'), array(
     *         'dropdown' => array(
     *             'Works' => '#',
     *             'Here' => '#',
     *             'Too' => '#',
     *         ),
     *         'pull' => 'right',
     *     )),
     * ));
     * ```
    public function group($class, array $buttons, $form = '')
        $attributes = array('class' => $this->prefixClasses('btn-group', array('xs', 'sm', 'lg', 'justified', 'vertical'), $class));
        if ($form == 'checkbox' || $form == 'radio') {
            $attributes['data-toggle'] = 'buttons-'.$form;
        if (strpos($class, 'justified') !== false) {
            $buttons = '<div class="btn-group" role="group">'.implode('</div><div class="btn-group" role="group">', $buttons).'</div>';
        } else {
            $buttons = implode('', $buttons);
        $attributes['role'] = 'group';

        return $this->page->tag('div', $attributes, $buttons);

     * This used to be a private method that we only used internally for tabs and pills and buttons and so forth, but it is just so useful. Now you can make your own dropdowns with regular ``<a>`` links as well.
     * @param string $tag     If this isn't 'li', then it will be an '**a**'. If you specify 'li' tags then you will need to surround this method's output with your own ``<ul>`` or ``<ol>`` tags. Otherwise you can just use the returned ``<a>`` $links (with dropdowns if any) as is. The ``<a>``'s with dropdowns will be surrounded by a ``<span class="dropdown">``. If one of those dropdown links are active then the ``<span>`` and ``<a>`` tags will receive an additional 'active' class as well. To add any other class(es) to the ``<a>`` or ``<li>`` tags just add them after the $tag here eg. '**a special-class**'.
     * @param array  $links   An ``array($name => $href, ...)`` of links. If **$href** is an array unto itself, then it will be turned into a dropdown menu with the same header and divider rules applied as with ``$bp->buttons()``.
     * @param array  $options The available options are:
     * - '**active**' => **$name**, **$href**, '**url**', '**urlquery**', or an **integer** (starting from 1).
     * - '**disabled**' => **$name**, **$href** or an **integer** (starting from 1).
     * - '**align**' => '**left**' (default) or '**right**' - the direction you would like to pull them towards.
     * @return string
     * @example
     * ```php
     * echo $bp->links('a special-class', array(
     *     'Home' => BASE_URL,
     *     'Dropdown' => array(
     *         'Header',
     *         'Action' => '#',
     *         'Another Action' => '#',
     *     ),
     * ), array(
     *     'active' => 'url',
     * ));
     * ```
    public function links($tag, array $links, array $options = array())
        $html = '';
        $class = null;
        if ($space = strpos($tag, ' ')) {
            $class = ' '.trim(substr($tag, $space));
            $tag = substr($tag, 0, $space);
        if ($tag != 'li') {
            $tag = 'a';
        $count = 1;
        if (isset($options['active'])) {
            if ($options['active'] == 'url') {
                $options['active'] = $this->page->url('delete', '', '?');
            } elseif ($options['active'] == 'urlquery') {
                $options['active'] = $this->page->url();
        foreach ($links as $name => $href) {
            if (is_array($href)) {
                list($dropdown, $id) = $this->dropdown($href, $options, $count);
                $active = (strpos($dropdown, 'class="active"') !== false) ? ' active' : null;
                $link = $this->page->tag('a', array(
                    'id' => $id,
                    'data-target' => '#',
                    'href' => '#',
                    'role' => 'button',
                    'data-toggle' => 'dropdown',
                    'aria-haspopup' => 'true',
                    'aria-expanded' => $active ? 'true' : 'false',
                ), $name, '<span class="caret"></span>');
                if ($tag == 'li') {
                    $html .= $this->page->tag('li', array('class' => 'dropdown'.$active.$class), $link, $dropdown);
                } else {
                    if ($active || $class) {
                        $link = $this->addClass($link, array('a' => $active.$class));
                    $html .= $this->page->tag('span', array('class' => 'dropdown'.$active), $link, $dropdown);
            } else {
                if (is_numeric($name)) {
                    $link = $href;
                } else {
                    $attributes = array('href' => $href);
                    if (isset($options['toggle'])) {
                        if ($href[0] == '#') {
                            $attributes['aria-controls'] = substr($href, 1);
                        $attributes['role'] = $options['toggle'];
                        $attributes['data-toggle'] = $options['toggle'];
                    $link = $this->page->tag('a', $attributes, $name);
                $li = $this->listItem($link, $options, $name, $href, $count);
                if ($tag == 'li') {
                    if ($class) {
                        $li = $this->addClass($li, array('li' => $class));
                    $html .= $li;
                } else {
                    if ($class) {
                        $link = $this->addClass($link, array('a' => $class));
                    if (strpos($li, 'class="active"') !== false) {
                        $link = $this->addClass($link, array('a' => 'active'));
                    } elseif (strpos($li, 'class="disabled"') !== false) {
                        $link = $this->addClass($link, array('a' => 'disabled'));
                    $html .= $link;

        return $html;

     * Creates a Bootstrap tabs nav menu.
     * @param array $links   An ``array($name => $href, ...)`` of links. If **$href** is an array unto itself, then it will be turned into a dropdown menu with the same header and divider rules applied as with ``$bp->buttons()``.
     * @param array $options The available options are:
     * - '**active**' => **$name**, **$href**, '**url**', '**urlquery**', or an **integer** (starting from 1).
     * - '**disabled**' => **$name**, **$href**, or an **integer** (starting from 1).
     * - '**align**' =>
     *   - '**justified**' - So the tabs will horizontally extend the full width.
     *   - '**left**' (default) or '**right**' - The direction you would like to pull them towards.
     * @return string
     * @example
     * ```php
     * echo $bp->tabs(array(
     *     'Nav' => '#',
     *     'Tabs' => '#',
     *     'Justified' => '#',
     * ), array(
     *     'align' => 'justified',
     *     'active' => 1,
     * ));
     * ```
    public function tabs(array $links, array $options = array())
        $class = 'nav nav-tabs';
        if (isset($options['align'])) {
            switch ($options['align']) {
                case 'justified':
                    $class .= ' nav-justified';
                case 'left':
                case 'right':
                    $class .= ' pull-'.$options['align'];

        return $this->page->tag('ul', array('class' => $class), $this->links('li', $links, $options));

     * Creates a Bootstrap pills nav menu.
     * @param array $links   An ``array($name => $href, ...)`` of links. If **$href** is an array unto itself, then it will be turned into a dropdown menu with the same header and divider rules applied as with ``$bp->buttons()``.
     * @param array $options The available options are:
     * - '**active**' => **$name**, **$href**, '**url**', '**urlquery**', or an **integer** (starting from 1).
     * - '**disabled**' => **$name**, **$href** or an **integer** (starting from 1).
     * - '**align**' =>
     *   - '**justified**' - The pills will horizontally extend the full width.
     *   - '**vertical**' or '**stacked**' - Each pill will be stacked on top of the other.
     *   - '**left**' (default) or '**right**' - The direction you would like to pull them towards.
     * @return string
     * @example
     * ```php
     * echo $bp->pills(array(
     *     'Home ' . $bp->badge(42) => '#',
     *     'Profile' . $bp->badge(0) => '#',
     *     'Messages' . $bp->badge(3) => array(
     *         'New! ' . $bp->badge(1) => '#',
     *         'Read ' => '#',
     *         'Trashed ' => '#',
     *         '',
     *         'Spam ' . $bp->badge(2) => '#',
     *     ),
     * ), array(
     *     'active' => 'Home',
     * ));
     * ```
    public function pills(array $links, array $options = array())
        $class = 'nav nav-pills';
        if (isset($options['align'])) {
            switch ($options['align']) {
                case 'justified':
                    $class .= ' nav-justified';
                case 'vertical':
                case 'stacked':
                    $class .= ' nav-stacked';
                case 'left':
                case 'right':
                    $class .= ' pull-'.$options['align'];

        return $this->page->tag('ul', array('class' => $class), $this->links('li', $links, $options));

     * Creates a Bootstrap styled breadcrumb trail. The last link is automatically activated.
     * @param array $links An ``array($name => $href)`` of links to display. The **$href** may also be another ``array($name => $href)`` of dropdown links.
     * @return string
     * @example
     * ```php
     * $bp->breadcrumbs(array(
     *     'Home' => '#',
     *     'Library' => '#',
     *     'Data' => '#',
     * ));
     * ```
    public function breadcrumbs(array $links)
        if (empty($links)) {
            return '';
        foreach ($links as $name => $href) {
            if (is_array($href)) {
                list($dropdown, $id) = $this->dropdown($href);
                $link = $this->page->tag('a', array('href' => '#', 'data-toggle' => 'dropdown', 'id' => $id), $name, '<b class="caret"></b>');
                $links[$name] = '<li class="dropdown">'.$link.$dropdown.'</li>';
            } else {
                $links[$name] = '<li><a href="'.$href.'">'.$name.'</a></li>';
            if ($name === 0) {
                $name = $href; // this should only happen to the last breadcrumb

        return '<ul class="breadcrumb">'.implode(' ', $links).' <li class="active">'.$name.'</li></ul>';

     * Creates a Bootstrap label, and saves you from having to type the label twice.  Awesome, right?
     * @param string $class Either '**default**', '**primary**', '**success**', '**info**', '**warning**', or '**danger**'. The '**label**' class and prefix are automatically included. You can add more classes to it if you like.
     * @param string $text  The label's text.
     * @return string
     * @example
     * ```php
     * echo $bp->label('default', 'New');
     * ```
    public function label($class, $text)
        return $this->page->tag('span', array(
            'class' => $this->prefixClasses('label', array('default', 'primary', 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger'), $class),
        ), $text);

     * Creates a Bootstrap badge, and is a bit more useful than ``$bp->label()``. If **$count** equals 0, or if it's not numeric (null?), then it still includes the tag, but leaves the value empty.
     * @param int    $count The number you would like to display.
     * @param string $align This will pull your badge '**right**' or '**left**' or not (default). In a list group, badges are automatically positioned to the right.
     * @return string
     * @example
     * ```php
     * echo $bp->badge(13, 'right');
     * ```
    public function badge($count, $align = '')
        return $this->page->tag('span', array(
            'class' => !empty($align) ? 'badge pull-'.$align : 'badge',
        ), (is_numeric($count) && $count == 0) ? '' : $count);

     * Creates Bootstrap alert messages.
     * @param string $type        Either '**success**', '**info**', '**warning**', or '**danger**'.
     * @param string $alert       The status message. All ``<h1-6>`` headers and ``<a>`` links will be classed appropriately.
     * @param bool   $dismissable If you set this to false, then the alert will not be dismissable.
     * @return string
     * @example
     * ```php
     * echo $bp->alert('info', '<h3>Heads up!</h3> This alert needs your attention, but it\'s not <a href="#">super important</a>.');
     * echo $bp->alert('danger', '<h3>Oh snap!</h3> Change a few things up and <a href="#">try submitting again</a>.', false);
     * ```
    public function alert($type, $alert, $dismissable = true)
        $html = '';
        $class = 'alert alert-'.$type;
        if ($dismissable) {
            $class .= ' alert-dismissable';
        $html .= '<div class="'.$class.'" role="alert">';
        if ($dismissable) {
            $html .= '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>';
        $html .= $this->addClass($alert, array('h([1-6]){1}' => 'alert-heading', 'a' => 'alert-link'));
        $html .= '</div>';

        return $html;

     * Creates every flavor of progress bar that Bootstrap has to offer.
     * @param int    $percent The amount of progress from 0 to 100. In order to stack multiple values then turn this into an array.
     * @param string $class   You can include one of the four contextual classes: '**success**', '**info**', '**warning**' or '**danger**'. Also '**striped**' and '**active**' if you like the looks of those. These will all be properly prefixed with '**progress-...**'. If you are stacking multiple bars, then turn this into an array and make sure your classes correspond with your percentages.
     * @param mixed  $display If anything but false, then the percentage will be displayed in the progress bar.
     * @return string
     * @example
     * ```php
     * echo $bp->progress(60, 'info', 'display');
     * echo $bp->progress(array(25, 25, 25, 25), array('', 'warning', 'success', 'danger striped'));
     * ```
    public function progress($percent, $class = '', $display = false)
        $html = '';
        $classes = (array) $class;
        foreach ((array) $percent as $key => $progress) {
            $class = (isset($classes[$key])) ? $classes[$key] : '';
            $class = $this->prefixClasses('progress-bar', array('success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', 'striped'), $class);
            $html .= $this->page->tag('div', array(
                'class' => $class,
                'style' => 'width:'.$progress.'%;',
                'role' => 'progressbar',
                'aria-valuenow' => $progress,
                'aria-valuemin' => 0,
                'aria-valuemax' => 100,
            ), $display !== false ? $progress.'%' : '<span class="sr-only">'.$progress.'% Complete</span>');

        return '<div class="progress">'.$html.'</div>';

     * This is the easiest way I could devise of making Bootstrap media objects as manageable as possible. ``<h1-6>`` headers and ``<img>``es will automatically be classed appropriately.
     * @param array $list A media array row that looks like this: ``array($left, $body, $right)``.
     * - If you don't have an image or whatever for the left side, then set an empty value.
     * - If you have nothing to right align then you can either leave it off, or set an empty value.
     * - If you have a special class and / or id to assign, then you can include them in the array like so:
     *   - ``array('id' => $id, 'class' => 'custom', $left, $body, $right);``
     * - You can pack unlimited $list's (arguments) into this method, each $list being a sibling of the other:
     *   - ``$bp->media(array($left, $body, $right), array($left, $body, $right), array($left, $body, $right));``
     * - To nest media lists in a parent / child relationship, just add another media array row to the parent:
     *   - ``array($left, $body, $right, array($left, $body, $right, array($left, $body, $right)));`` - This would be a parent, child, grandchild arrangement.
     *   - ``array($left, $body, $right, array($left, $body, $right), array($left, $body, $right));`` - A parent, child, child condition.
     *   - ``array($left, $body, $right, array($left, $body, $right, array($left, $body, $right), array($left, $body, $right)), array($left, $body, $right)), array($left, $body, $right));`` - Now I'm just messing with you, but I think you've got the picture (a parent, child, grandchild, grandchild, child, sibling).
     *   - This could go on ad infinitum, but soon your content will become pretty scrunched up if you take it too far.
     * @return string
     * @example
     * ```php
     * echo $bp->media(array(
     *     'Image',
     *     '<h1>Parent</h1> <p>Paragraph</p>',
     *     '<img src="parent.jpg" alt="Family Photo">',
     *     array(
     *         'Image',
     *         '<h2>1st Child</h2>',
     *         array(
     *             'Image',
     *             '<h3>1st Grandchild</h3>',
     *         ),
     *     ),
     *     array(
     *         'Image',
     *         '<h2>2nd Child</h2>',
     *     ),
     * ), array(
     *     'class' => 'special',
     *     'Image',
     *     '<h1>Sibling</h1> <a href="#">Link</a>',
     *     '<img src="sibling.jpg" alt="Family Photo">',
     * ));
     * ```
    public function media(array $list, $parent = 0)
        if (is_numeric($parent) && isset($list[0]) && is_array($list[0])) {
            $media = array();
            foreach ($list[$parent] as $child => $display) {
                if (isset($list[$child])) {
                    $display[] = $this->media($list, $child)[0];
                $media[] = $display;

            return ($parent === 0) ? call_user_func_array(array($this, 'media'), $media) : $media;
        } else {
            $html = '';
            $siblings = func_get_args();
            $parent = array_shift($siblings);
            $children = array();
            foreach ($parent as $key => $value) {
                if (is_array($value)) {
                    $children[] = $value;
            $div = $parent;
            unset($parent['id'], $parent['class']);
            list($left, $body, $right) = array_pad($parent, 3, '');
            $media = '';
            if (!empty($left)) {
                $media .= '<div class="media-left">'.$this->addClass($left, array('img' => 'media-object')).'</div>';
            $media .= '<div class="media-body">';
            if (!empty($body)) {
                $media .= $this->addClass($body, array('h([1-6]){1}' => 'media-heading'));
            if (!empty($children)) {
                $media .= call_user_func_array(array($this, 'media'), $children);
            $media .= '</div>';
            if (!empty($right)) {
                $media .= '<div class="media-right">'.$this->addClass($right, array('img' => 'media-object')).'</div>';

            $html .= $this->page->tag('div', array(
                'id' => isset($div['id']) ? $div['id'] : '',
                'class' => isset($div['class']) ? 'media '.$div['class'] : 'media',
            ), $media);
            if (!empty($siblings)) {
                $html .= call_user_func_array(array($this, 'media'), $siblings);

            return $html;

     * Creates a Bootstrap list group. ``<h1-6>`` Headers and ``<p>`` paragraphs will automatically be classed appropriately.
     * @param array $links  If you would like to create an unordered list, then this is just an array of values. Otherwise this will be an ``array($name => $href, ...)`` of links. **$name** badges will automatically be positioned on the right.
     * @param mixed $active This value can be either the **$name**, **$href** (link), or an **integer** (starting from 1) that you would like to be selected as "**active**".
     * @return string
     * @example
     * ```php
     * $bp->listGroup(array(
     *     'Basic',
     *     'List',
     *     $bp->badge(1) . ' Group',
     * ));
     * $bp->listGroup(array(
     *     'Linked' => '#',
     *     'List' => '#',
     *     'Group ' . $bp->badge(2) => '#',
     * ), 'Linked');
     * $bp->listGroup(array(
     *     '<h4>Custom</h4> <p>List</p>' => '#',
     *     $bp->badge(3) . ' <h4>Group</h4> <p>Linked</p>' => '#',
     * ), 1);
     * ```
    public function listGroup(array $links, $active = false)
        $html = '';
        $tag = 'a';
        $count = 1;
        foreach ($links as $name => $href) {
            if (empty($html) && empty($name)) {
                $tag = 'li';
            $attributes = array('class' => 'list-group-item');
            if ($tag == 'li') {
                $name = $href;
            } else {
                $attributes['href'] = $href;
                if (in_array($active, array($count, $name, $href))) {
                    $attributes['class'] .= ' active';
            $html .= $this->page->tag($tag, $attributes, $this->addClass($name, array(
                'h([1-6]){1}' => 'list-group-item-heading',
                'p' => 'list-group-item-text',

        return $this->page->tag($tag == 'a' ? 'div' : 'ul', array('class' => 'list-group'), $html);

     * Creates a Bootstrap panel component.
     * @param string $class    Either '**default**', '**primary**', '**success**', '**info**', '**warning**', or '**danger**'. The '**panel**' class and prefix are automatically included. You can add more classes to it if you like.
     * @param array  $sections An ``array($panel => $content, ...)`` of sections. If **$panel** equals:
     * - '**head**', '**header**', or '**heading**' => The panel heading **$content**. All ``<h1-6>`` headers will be classed appropriately.
     * - '**body**' => The panel body **$content**.
     * - '**foot**', '**footer**', or '**footing**' => The panel footer **$content**.
     * - Anything else will just be inserted as is. It could be a table, or list group, or ...
     * @return string
     * @example
     * ```php
     * echo $bp->panel('primary', array(
     *     'header' => '<h3>Title</h3>',
     *     'body' => 'Content',
     *     'footer' => '<a href="#">Link</a>',
     * ));
     * echo $bp->panel('default', array(
     *     'header': 'List group',
     *     $bp->listGroup(array(
     *         'One',
     *         'Two',
     *         'Three',
     *     )),
     * ));
     * ```
    public function panel($class, array $sections)
        $html = '';
        foreach ($sections as $panel => $content) {
            if (!is_numeric($panel)) {
                $panel = substr($panel, 0, 4);
            switch ((string) $panel) {
                case 'head':
                    $html .= '<div class="panel-heading">'.$this->addClass($content, array('h([1-6]){1}' => 'panel-title')).'</div>';
                case 'body':
                    $html .= '<div class="panel-body">'.$content.'</div>';
                case 'foot':
                    $html .= '<div class="panel-footer">'.$content.'</div>';
                    $html .= $content;
                    break; // a table, or list group, or ...

        return $this->page->tag('div', array(
            'class' => $this->prefixClasses('panel', array('default', 'primary', 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger'), $class),
        ), $html);

     * Creates toggleable tabs and pills for transitioning through panes of local content.
     * @param string $type    Specify either '**tabs**' or '**pills**'.
     * @param array  $links   An ``array($name => $html, ...)`` of content to toggle through. If **$html** is an array unto itself, then it will be turned into a dropdown menu with the same header and divider rules applied as with ``$bp->buttons()``.
     * @param array  $options The available options are:
     * - '**fade**' - No key, just the value. This will give your panes a fade in effect while toggling.
     * - '**active**' => **$name**, **$html** (if you dare), or an **integer** (starting from 1).
     * - '**disabled**' => **$name**, **$html** (if you dare), or an **integer** (starting from 1).
     * - '**align**' => '**justified**', '**left**', or '**right**'.
     * @return string
     * @example
     * ```php
     * echo $bp->toggle('tabs', array(
     *     'Home' => 'One',
     *     'Profile' => 'Two',
     *     'Dropdown' => array(
     *         'This' => 'Three',
     *         'That' => 'Four',
     *     ),
     * ), array(
     *     'active' => 'This',
     *     'fade',
     * ));
     * ```
    public function toggle($type, array $links, array $options = array())
        $count = 1;
        $toggle = array();
        $content = '';
        $class = (in_array('fade', $options)) ? 'tab-pane fade' : 'tab-pane';
        $active = (isset($options['active'])) ? $options['active'] : '';
        $disabled = (isset($options['disabled'])) ? $options['disabled'] : '';
        foreach ($links as $name => $html) {
            if (is_array($html)) {
                foreach ($html as $drop => $down) { // cannot be an array, but can be disabled, active, or empty
                    if (is_numeric($drop)) { // then it is either a header or a divider
                        $toggle[$name][$drop] = $down;
                    } else {
                        $id = $this->page->id('tabs');
                    $toggle[$name][$drop] = '#'.$id;
                    if ($active == $drop || $active == $count) {
                        $options['active'] = '#'.$id;
                        $content .= '<div role="tabpanel" class="'.$class.' in active" id="'.$id.'">'.$down.'</div>';
                    } else {
                        if ($disabled == $drop || $disabled == $count) {
                            $options['disabled'] = '#'.$id;
                        $content .= '<div role="tabpanel" class="'.$class.'" id="'.$id.'">'.$down.'</div>';
            } else { // $name (a tab) cannot be empty
                if ($frag = strpos($name, '#')) { // if it is the first character then it doesn't count
                    $id = substr($name, $frag + 1);
                    $name = substr($name, 0, $frag);
                } else {
                    $id = $this->page->id('tabs');
                $toggle[$name] = '#'.$id;
                if ($active == $name || $active == $count) {
                    $options['active'] = '#'.$id;
                    $content .= '<div role="tabpanel" class="'.$class.' in active" id="'.$id.'">'.$html.'</div>';
                } else {
                    if ($disabled == $name || $disabled == $count) {
                        $options['disabled'] = '#'.$id;
                    $content .= '<div role="tabpanel" class="'.$class.'" id="'.$id.'">'.$html.'</div>';
        if (substr($type, 0, 4) == 'pill') {
            $options['toggle'] = 'pill';
            $class = 'nav nav-pills';
        } else { // tabs
            $options['toggle'] = 'tab';
            $class = 'nav nav-tabs';
        if (isset($options['align']) && $options['align'] == 'justified') {
            $class .= ' nav-justified';

        return '<ul class="'.$class.'" role="tablist">'.$this->links('li', $toggle, $options).'</ul><div class="tab-content">'.$content.'</div>';

     * Bootstrap accordions are basically collapsible panels. That is essentially what you are creating here.
     * @param string $class    Either '**default**', '**primary**', '**success**', '**info**', '**warning**', or '**danger**'. These only apply to the head section, and are passed directly by us into ``$bp->panel()``.
     * @param array  $sections An ``array($heading => $body, ...)`` of sections that will become your accordion. The ``<h1-6>`` headers in the **$heading** will be automatically classed appropriately. Accordions are definitely nestable, but we don't create them via nested arrays through this method. Just add a pre-made accordion to the **$body** you would like it to reside in ie. the **$body** should never be an array.
     * @param int    $open     This is the panel number you would like be open from the get-go (starting at 1). If you don't want any panel to be opened initially, then set this to 0.
     * @return string
     * @example
     * ```php
     * echo $bp->accordion('info', array(
     *     '<h4>Group Item #1</h4>' => 'One',
     *     '<h4>Group Item #2</h4>' => 'Two',
     *     '<h4>Group Item #3</h4>' => 'Three',
     * ), 2);
     * ```
    public function accordion($class, array $sections, $open = 1)
        $html = '';
        $count = 0;
        $id = $this->page->id('accordion');
        foreach ($sections as $head => $body) {
            $heading = $this->page->id('heading');
            $collapse = $this->page->id('collapse');
            $in = ($open == $count) ? ' in' : '';
            $attributes = array(
                'role' => 'button',
                'data-toggle' => 'collapse',
                'data-parent' => '#'.$id,
                'href' => '#'.$collapse,
                'aria-expanded' => !empty($in) ? 'true' : 'false',
                'aria-controls' => $collapse,
            $begin = strpos($head, '>') + 1;
            $end = strrpos($head, '</');
            $head = substr($head, 0, $begin).$this->page->tag('a', $attributes, substr($head, $begin, $end - $begin)).substr($head, $end);
            $head = substr($this->panel($class, array('head' => $head)), 0, -6); // </div>
            $html .= substr_replace($head, ' role="tab" id="'.$heading.'"', strpos($head, 'class="panel-heading"') + 21, 0);
            $html .= $this->page->tag('div', array(
                    'id' => $collapse,
                    'class' => 'panel-collapse collapse'.$in,
                    'role' => 'tabpanel',
                    'aria-labelledby' => $heading,
                ), strpos($body, 'class="list-group"') ? $body : '<div class="panel-body">'.$body.'</div>');
            $html .= '</div>'; // the one we removed from the $head up top

        return $this->page->tag('div', array(
            'class' => 'panel-group',
            'id' => $id,
            'role' => 'tablist',
            'aria-multiselectable' => 'true',
        ), $html);

     * Creates a Bootstrap carousel for cycling through elements. Those elements don't necessarily need to be images, but pretty much they always are.
     * @param array $images  An ``array($image, ...)`` of images to cycle through, starting with the first (logically). To get fancy and add captions, then make this an ``array($image => $caption, ...)`` of images with captions to cycle through. If you have some images with captions and others without, then you can merge these two concepts no problem. Remember, the **$image** is not just a location, it is the entire ``<img>`` tag src and all.
     * @param array $options The available options are:
     * - '**interval**' => The time delay in thousandths of a second between cycles (or frame changes). The default is **5000** ie. 5 seconds.
     * - '**indicators**' => The little circle things at the bottom that show where you are at. If you don't want them, then set this to **false**. The default is **true** ie. include them.
     * - '**controls**' => The clickable arrows on the side for scrolling back and forth.  If you don't want them, then set this to **false**. The default is **true** ie. include them. Also by default we use ``array($bp->icon('chevron-left'), $bp->icon('chevron-right'))`` for the left and right arrows. If you would like something else, then you can make this an array of your preferences.
     * @return string
     * @example
     * ```php
     * echo '<div style="width:500px; height:300px; margin:20px auto;">';
     * echo $bp->carousel(array(
     *     '<img src="" width="500" height="300">',
     *     '<img src="" width="500" height="300">' => '<p>Caption</p>',
     *     '<img src="" width="500" height="300">' => '<h3>Header</h3>',
     * ), array(
     *     'interval' => 3000,
     * ));
     * echo '</div>';
     * ```
    public function carousel(array $images, array $options = array())
        $html = '';
        $id = $this->page->id('carousel');
        $options = array_merge(array(
            'interval' => 5000, // ie. 5 seconds in between frame changes
            'indicators' => true, // set to false if you don't want them
            'controls' => true, // set to false if you don't want them
        ), $options);
        if ($options['indicators']) {
            $indicators = array_keys(array_values($images));
            $html .= '<ol class="carousel-indicators">';
            $html .= '<li data-target="#'.$id.'" data-slide-to="'.array_shift($indicators).'" class="active"></li>';
            foreach ($indicators as $num) {
                $html .= '<li data-target="#'.$id.'" data-slide-to="'.$num.'"></li>';
            $html .= '</ol>';
        $html .= '<div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox">';
        foreach ($images as $key => $value) {
            $class = (isset($class)) ? 'item' : 'item active'; // ie. the first one is active
            $img = (!is_numeric($key)) ? $key : $value;
            $caption = (!is_numeric($key)) ? '<div class="carousel-caption">'.$value.'</div>' : '';
            $html .= '<div class="'.$class.'">'.$img.$caption.'</div>';
        $html .= '</div>';
        if ($options['controls']) {
            if (is_array($options['controls'])) {
                list($left, $right) = $options['controls'];
                if (strpos($left, '<') === false) {
                    $left = $this->icon($left, 'glyphicon', 'span aria-hidden="true"');
                if (strpos($right, '<') === false) {
                    $right = $this->icon($right, 'glyphicon', 'span aria-hidden="true"');
            } else {
                $left = $this->icon('chevron-left', 'glyphicon', 'span aria-hidden="true"');
                $right = $this->icon('chevron-right', 'glyphicon', 'span aria-hidden="true"');
            $html .= $this->page->tag('a', array(
                'class' => 'left carousel-control',
                'href' => '#'.$id,
                'role' => 'button',
                'data-slide' => 'prev',
            ), $left, '<span class="sr-only">Previous</span>');
            $html .= $this->page->tag('a', array(
                'class' => 'right carousel-control',
                'href' => '#'.$id,
                'role' => 'button',
                'data-slide' => 'next',
            ), $right, '<span class="sr-only">Next</span>');

        return $this->page->tag('div', array(
            'id' => $id,
            'class' => 'carousel slide',
            'data-ride' => 'carousel',
            'data-interval' => $options['interval'],
        ), $html);

    protected function dropdown(array $links, array $options = array(), &$count = 1)
        $html = '';
        $toggle = (isset($options['toggle'])) ? ' data-toggle="'.$options['toggle'].'"' : '';
        foreach ($links as $name => $href) {
            if (empty($href)) {
                $html .= '<li role="presentation" class="divider"></li>';
            } elseif (is_numeric($name)) {
                $html .= '<li role="presentation" class="dropdown-header">'.$href.'</li>';
            } else {
                $link = '<a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="'.$href.'"'.$toggle.'>'.$name.'</a>';
                $html .= $this->listItem($link, $options, $name, $href, $count);
        $class = 'dropdown-menu';
        if (isset($options['pull'])) {
            $class .= ' dropdown-menu-'.$options['pull'];
        $id = $this->page->id('dropdown');
        $html = $this->page->tag('ul', array(
            'class' => $class,
            'aria-labelledby' => $id,
        ), $html);

        return array($html, $id);

    protected function listItem($link, $options, $name, $href, $count)
        $name = trim(preg_replace('/(\<[^\<]+\<\/[^\>]+\>)/i', '', $name)); // remove tags and their contents
        $check = array_flip(array($name, $href, $count));
        if (isset($options['active']) && isset($check[$options['active']])) {
            return '<li role="presentation" class="active">'.$link.'</li>';
        } elseif (isset($options['disabled']) && isset($check[$options['disabled']])) {
            return '<li role="presentation" class="disabled">'.$link.'</li>';
        } else {
            return '<li role="presentation">'.$link.'</li>';