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<h2 align="center">UFAndroidClient</h2>
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The [Update Factory Android Client]( is an open-source project by [Kynetics]( that provides an Android application that applies app (apk) and system (single copy or double copy OTA) software updates received from an [UpdateFactory]( or [hawkBit]( server.

Links to official documentation:
- [Overview](
- [Installation](
- [Configuration file](
- [Third-party integration](
- [Troubleshooting](
- [API documentation](

## uf-client-service
uf-client-service is an Android service that runs in the background and manages the updates.

uf-client-service must be install as **SYSTEM** application.

### State diagrams
#### Main
![UF STM Main](
#### Update
![UF STM Update](

## Modules
- **uf-client-service**: service implementation that applies the updates received by the Update Factory server
- **uf-client-service-api**: service API used by the third-party applications to communicate with the *uf-client-service*
- **os-mock**: mock implementation of the Android hidden api used by the *uf-client-service*
- **uf-ddiclient**: customization of hara-ddiclient library for Android and Update Factory

## Third-Party Libraries
* [hara-ddiclient]( - [Eclipse Public License 2.0](
* [slf4j-android-logger]( - [Apache License 2.0](
* [gson]( - [Apache License 2.0](
* [Retrofit]( - [Apache License 2.0](
* [OkHttp]( - [Apache License 2.0](
* [cron-utils]( - [Apache License 2.0](

## Authors
* [Daniele Sergio]( - *Initial work*
* [Andrea Zoleo]( 
* [Diego Rondini](
* [Alberto Battiston](

See also the list of [contributors]( who participated in this project.

## License
Copyright © 2017-2023, [Kynetics LLC](

Released under the [EPLv2 License](