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Test Coverage
 * Copyright © 2017-2023  Kynetics  LLC
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made
 * available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
 * which is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0


import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json

 * This class represent the [] configuration
 * @property tenant the tenant
 * @property controllerId id of the controller
 * @property url of update server
 * @property targetToken target token
 * @property gatewayToken gateway token
 * @property isApiMode true to handle authorization via service messages
 *  [], false to use service
 *  built-in dialog
 * @property isEnable true to enable the service, false to disable it
 * @property isUpdateFactoryServe true when the server is Update Factory, false when the server
 *  is hawkBit
 * @property targetAttributes target metadata sent to the server
 * @property timeWindows configuration parameters for forced updates with time windows
data class UFServiceConfigurationV2(
     * The tenant
    val tenant: String,

     * Id of the controller
    val controllerId: String,

     * The Update Server URL
    val url: String,

     * Target token
    val targetToken: String,

     * Gateway token
    val gatewayToken: String,

     * true to handle authorization via service messages, false to use service built-in dialog
     * @see
    val isApiMode: Boolean,

     * true to enable the service, false otherwise
    val isEnable: Boolean,

     * true when the server is Update Factory, false when the server is hawkBit
    val isUpdateFactoryServe: Boolean,

     * target metadata sent to the server
    val targetAttributes: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(),

     * configuration parameters for forced updates with time windows
    val timeWindows: TimeWindows = TimeWindows()
     * Class to configure the time windows behaviour. It defines when a forced update can be applied
     * based on a schedule defined as cron expression (QUARTZ) and a duration in seconds.
     * @property cronExpression, a cron expression (QUARTZ) that defines the time windows
     *  beginning time.
     * @property duration, duration of time windows in seconds. Min value is 1.
    data class TimeWindows(
         * A cron expression (QUARTZ) that defines when the time windows begin.
         * Default value: * * * ? * *
        val cronExpression:String = ALWAYS,
         * Duration of time windows in seconds. Min value is 1.
         * Default value: 3600
        val duration: Long = DEFAULT_WINDOW_DURATION
    ) {
        companion object{
            const val ALWAYS:String = "* * * ? * *"
            const val DEFAULT_WINDOW_DURATION: Long = 3600
        val isValid:Boolean = duration > 1

     * True if the configuration is valid
    val isValid:Boolean by lazy{
        tenant.isNotEmpty() &&
                url.isNotEmpty() &&
                controllerId.isNotEmpty() &&
                (targetToken.isNotEmpty() || gatewayToken.isNotEmpty()) &&

     * Json serialization
    fun toJson(): String {
        return json.encodeToString(serializer(), this)

    companion object{
        private val json = Json { encodeDefaults = true }

         * Deserializes given json [data] into a corresponding object of type [UFServiceConfigurationV2].
         * @throws [JsonException] in case of malformed json
         * @throws [SerializationException] if given input can not be deserialized
         * @return the [UFServiceConfigurationV2] parsed from [data]
        fun fromJson(data: String): UFServiceConfigurationV2 {
            return json.decodeFromString(serializer(), data)