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Test Coverage
// Copyright 2019 Stanford University see LICENSE for license

import config from "config"
import fs from "fs"
import * as exporter from "../src/exporter"
import * as sinopia_client from "../src/sinopia_client"

// Import fixtures
const resource1 = require("./__fixtures__/004c0602-f3c2-4800-9a21-a14c1a70f3c6.json")
const resource2 = require("./__fixtures__/6d9e3c1b-fc26-4ff2-9951-435ff86e4971.json")
const resource3 = require("./__fixtures__/6f30cb1a-676d-4d5d-9f54-32162c9ab573.json")

const groups = [
  { id: "group1", label: "Group 1" },
  { id: "group2", label: "Group 2" },
  { id: "group3", label: "Group 3" },

afterAll(async () => {
  // according to:  https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_fs_rmdirsync_path_options
  //  "Recursive removal is experimental", and is considered "Stability: 1" (https://nodejs.org/api/documentation.html#documentation_stability_index).
  //  but it seems to work fine for me locally (JM 2019-10-19), and cleanup is nice.
  //  Note: Comment out the next line to avoid deleting export files while testing
  // fs.rmdirSync(config.get('exportBasePath'), { recursive: true})

describe("getGroupRDF", () => {
  describe("exportGroup", () => {
    it("retrieves the RDF resources for the specified group, and saves the RDF text (one file per resource, in a dated sub-directory per group)", async () => {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-import-assign
      sinopia_client.query = jest
        .mockResolvedValue({ data: [resource1, resource2, resource3] })
      const dlDateLowerBound = new Date()
      await exporter.exportGroup("group1")
      const dlDateUpperBound = new Date()

      const exportBaseDirContents = fs.readdirSync(config.get("exportBasePath"))
      const groupDirName = exportBaseDirContents
        .filter((dirName) => dirName.match(/^group1_.*$/))

      // RDF for group exported to subdirectory with name like 'group1_2019-08-05T01:34:13.143Z'
      const groupDirDate = new Date(/^group1_(.*)$/.exec(groupDirName)[1])
      // .toBeGreaterThan and .toBeLessThan only work for numbers
        dlDateLowerBound <= groupDirDate && groupDirDate <= dlDateUpperBound

      const groupDirPath = `${config.get("exportBasePath")}/${groupDirName}`
      const groupDirContents = fs.readdirSync(groupDirPath)

      const completionLogText = fs
      // completion log text should have date, should fall between group dir creation and downloadAllRdfForGroup resolving
      const completionLogDate = new Date(
        /^completed export of group1 at (.*)$/.exec(completionLogText)[1]
        groupDirDate <= completionLogDate &&
          completionLogDate <= dlDateUpperBound

  describe("exportAllGroups", () => {
    it("retrieves the RDF resources for all groups, and saves the RDF text (one file per resource, in a dated sub-directory per group, in a dated containing folder)", async () => {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-import-assign
      sinopia_client.query = jest
        .mockResolvedValue({ data: [resource1, resource2, resource3] })
        .mockResolvedValueOnce({ data: groups })

      const dlDateLowerBound = new Date()
      await exporter.exportAllGroups()
      const dlDateUpperBound = new Date()

      const exportBaseDirContents = fs.readdirSync(config.get("exportBasePath"))
      const containingDirName = exportBaseDirContents
        .filter((dirName) => dirName.match(/^sinopia_export_all_.*$/))

      // containing directory for all exported RDF with name like 'sinopia_export_all_2019-10-18T02:15:41.670Z'
      const containingDirDate = new Date(
      // .toBeGreaterThan and .toBeLessThan only work for numbers
        dlDateLowerBound <= containingDirDate &&
          containingDirDate <= dlDateUpperBound

      // list the group subdirectories in the containing directory.  should have as many entries as there are groups
      const containingDirPath = `${config.get(
      const exportAllDirContents = fs.readdirSync(containingDirPath)

      // TODO: update test to allow async
      // groups.map((group) => {
      //   const groupName = group.id
      //   const groupDir = `${containingDirPath}/${groupName}/`
      //   const groupDirContents = fs.readdirSync(groupDir)
      //   expect(groupDirContents.length).toEqual(4) // 3 resource + complete.log
      //   expect(groupDirContents).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining(['004c0602-f3c2-4800-9a21-a14c1a70f3c6', '6d9e3c1b-fc26-4ff2-9951-435ff86e4971', '6f30cb1a-676d-4d5d-9f54-32162c9ab573', 'complete.log']))
      // })

      const completionLogText = fs
      // completion log text should have date, should fall between group dir creation and downloadAllRdfForGroup resolving
      const completionLogDate = new Date(
        /^completed export of all groups at (.*)$/.exec(completionLogText)[1]
        containingDirDate <= completionLogDate &&
          completionLogDate <= dlDateUpperBound