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package codegen

import (


var protocVersion = "unknown"

var packageReplacement = regexp.MustCompile(`\.([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\.(.*)`)

// At time of writing, the only feature that can be marked as supported is restoring the "optional" keyword to proto3, still an experimental feature that is out of scope for this project.
var support uint64 = uint64(pluginpb.CodeGeneratorResponse_FEATURE_NONE)

// Run performs code generation on the input data
func Run(request *pluginpb.CodeGeneratorRequest) (response *pluginpb.CodeGeneratorResponse) {
    defer func() {
        if r := recover(); r != nil {
            response = &pluginpb.CodeGeneratorResponse{
                SupportedFeatures: &support,
                Error:             proto.String(fmt.Sprintf("caught panic in protoc-gen-tsjson: %v", r)),
    // Set runtime version of protoc
    protocVersion = version.FormatProtocVersion(request.GetCompilerVersion())
    // Create a basic response with our feature support (none, see above)
    response = &pluginpb.CodeGeneratorResponse{
        SupportedFeatures: &support,
    // Make sure the request actually exists as a safeguard
    if request == nil {
        response.Error = proto.String("cannot generate from nil input")
    // Generate the files (do the thing)
    generatedFiles, err := generateAllFiles(request)
    if err != nil {
        // It didn't work, ignore any data we generated and only return the error
        response.Error = proto.String(fmt.Sprintf("failed to generate files: %v", err))
    // It worked, set the response data
    response.File = generatedFiles

const googlePrefix = "google."
const googleProtobufPrefix = "google.protobuf"

type exportDetails struct {
    npmPackage   string
    importPath   string
    protoPackage string

// Naive approach to codegen, creates output files for every message/service in every linked file, not just the parts depended on by the "to generate" files
func generateAllFiles(request *pluginpb.CodeGeneratorRequest) (outfiles []*pluginpb.CodeGeneratorResponse_File, err error) {
    var out *pluginpb.CodeGeneratorResponse_File
    var impexp importsExports
    impexp, err = buildImportsAndTypes(request.GetProtoFile())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    for _, file := range request.GetProtoFile() {
        if len(file.GetService()) <= 0 {
        for _, toGen := range request.GetFileToGenerate() {
            if file.GetName() == toGen {
                out, err = generateFullFile(file, impexp)
                if err != nil {
                outfiles = append(outfiles, out)

type importsExports struct {
    exportMap   map[string]exportDetails
    typeMap     map[string]map[string]exportDetails
    fileTypeMap map[string][]string

func buildImportsAndTypes(files []*descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto) (impexp importsExports, err error) {
    // Map of file names to input paths
    impexp.exportMap = make(map[string]exportDetails, len(files))
    // Map of package names to type names to import details
    impexp.typeMap = make(map[string]map[string]exportDetails, len(files)) // Length here is just a starting value, not expected to be accurate
    // Map of file names to type names
    impexp.fileTypeMap = make(map[string][]string, len(files))
    // Map of
    // Check all files except google ones have both npm_package and import_path options set
    for _, file := range files {
        fileName := file.GetName()
        pkgName := file.GetPackage()
        if len(pkgName) >= len(googlePrefix) && pkgName[:len(googlePrefix)] == googlePrefix {
            // Google files are allowed to not have the options, we handle them differently
        npmPackage, ok := proto.GetExtension(file.GetOptions(), tsjsonpb.E_NpmPackage).(string)
        if !ok || npmPackage == "" {
            err = fmt.Errorf("all non-google imports must specify the option (tsjson.npm_package), file %s did not", fileName)
        importPath, _ := proto.GetExtension(file.GetOptions(), tsjsonpb.E_ImportPath).(string)
        pkg := file.GetPackage()
        details := exportDetails{
            npmPackage:   npmPackage,
            importPath:   importPath,
            protoPackage: pkg,
        impexp.exportMap[fileName] = details
        pkgTypes, ok := impexp.typeMap[pkg]
        if !ok {
            pkgTypes = make(map[string]exportDetails, len(file.GetEnumType())+len(file.GetMessageType()))
            impexp.typeMap[pkg] = pkgTypes
        // Map out type defintions to packages for lookup later
        for _, enum := range file.GetEnumType() {
            parsedName := strings.ReplaceAll(enum.GetName(), ".", "__")
            pkgTypes[parsedName] = details
            impexp.fileTypeMap[fileName] = append(impexp.fileTypeMap[fileName], parsedName)
        for _, msg := range file.GetMessageType() {
            parsedName := strings.ReplaceAll(msg.GetName(), ".", "__")
            pkgTypes[parsedName] = details
            impexp.fileTypeMap[fileName] = append(impexp.fileTypeMap[fileName], parsedName)
            for _, innerMsg := range msg.GetNestedType() {
                innerName := fmt.Sprintf("%s__%s", parsedName, strings.ReplaceAll(innerMsg.GetName(), ".", "__"))
                pkgTypes[innerName] = details
                impexp.fileTypeMap[fileName] = append(impexp.fileTypeMap[fileName], innerName)
    return impexp, nil

func generateFullFile(f *descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto, impexp importsExports) (out *pluginpb.CodeGeneratorResponse_File, err error) {
    fileName := f.GetName()
    if f.GetSyntax() != "proto3" {
        err = fmt.Errorf("proto3 is the only syntax supported by protoc-gen-tsjson, found %s in %s", f.GetSyntax(), fileName)
    parsedName := filenameFromProto(fileName)
    details, _ := impexp.exportMap[fileName]
    outName := details.importPath
    if outName == "" {
        outName = parsedName.fullWithoutExtension
    out = &pluginpb.CodeGeneratorResponse_File{
        Name: proto.String(outName + "_mercury.ts"),
    content := &strings.Builder{}
    content.WriteString(getCodeGenmarker(version.GetVersionString(), protocVersion, fileName))

    parsedMethods := map[string]map[string]parsedMethod{}
    for _, service := range f.GetService() {
        for _, method := range service.GetMethod() {
            httpMethod, proc, valid := proxy.MatchAndStripMethodName(method.GetName())
            if !valid {
                log.Printf("Service %s did not match exposed patterns, skipping client generation for this service.\n", service.GetName())
                continue SERVICE_CHECK_LOOP
            srvMethods, exists := parsedMethods[service.GetName()]
            if !exists {
                srvMethods = make(map[string]parsedMethod)
            srvMethods[method.GetName()] = parsedMethod{
                method: httpMethod,
                proc:   proc,
            parsedMethods[service.GetName()] = srvMethods
    // Imports
    generateImports(f, content, impexp, parsedMethods)
    // Services
    generateServices(f, content, impexp, parsedMethods)
    // Comments? unclear how to link them back to other elements
    generateComments(f.GetSourceCodeInfo(), content)
    out.Content = proto.String(content.String())

func generateImports(f *descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto, content *strings.Builder, impexp importsExports, parsedMethods map[string]map[string]parsedMethod) {
    if len(f.GetService()) > 0 {
        // All messages need the common imports
        content.WriteString("import * as mercury from \"@llkennedy/mercury\";\n")
    importMap := make(map[string][]string)
    useGoogle := false
    for _, service := range f.GetService() {
        _, ok := parsedMethods[service.GetName()]
        if !ok {
        for _, method := range service.GetMethod() {
            useGoogle = generateImportsForMethod(method, f.GetPackage(), f.GetName(), importMap, content, impexp) || useGoogle
    if useGoogle {
        content.WriteString("import { google } from \"@llkennedy/protoc-gen-tsjson\";\n")
    prefix := "./"
    currentParts := strings.Split(f.GetName(), "/")
    if len(currentParts) > 1 {
        prefix = ""
    for i := 1; i < len(currentParts); i++ {
        prefix += "../"
    for importPath, imports := range importMap {
        fullImportList := &strings.Builder{}
        for i, imp := range imports {
            if i != 0 {
            fullImportList.WriteString("\n    ")
        content.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("import { %s\n} from \"%s%s\";\n", fullImportList.String(), prefix, importPath))

func generateServices(f *descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto, content *strings.Builder, impexp importsExports, parsedMethods map[string]map[string]parsedMethod) {
    for _, service := range f.GetService() {
        srvMethods, ok := parsedMethods[service.GetName()]
        if ok {
            generateService(f, service, content, impexp, srvMethods)

// import * as mercury from "@llkennedy/mercury";
// import { RandomRequest, RandomResponse, UploadPhotoRequest, UploadPhotoResponse, FeedData, FeedResponse, BroadcastRequest, BroadcastData, ConvertInput, ConvertOutput } from "service";

// export class ExposedAppClient extends mercury.Client {
//     constructor(basePath: string | undefined = "localhost/api/ExposedApp", useTLS: boolean | undefined = true, client: mercury.AxiosInstance | undefined = undefined) {
//         super(basePath, useTLS, client);
//     }
//     public async Random(req: RandomRequest): Promise<RandomResponse> {
//         return this.SendUnary("Random", mercury.HTTPMethod.GET, req, RandomResponse.Parse);
//     }
//     public async UploadPhoto(req: UploadPhotoRequest): Promise<UploadPhotoResponse> {
//         return this.SendUnary("UploadPhoto", mercury.HTTPMethod.POST, req, UploadPhotoResponse.Parse);
//     }
//     public async Feed(): Promise<mercury.ClientStream<FeedData, FeedResponse>> {
//         return this.StartClientStream<FeedData, FeedResponse>("Feed", FeedResponse.Parse);
//     }
//     public async Broadcast(req: BroadcastRequest): Promise<mercury.ServerStream<BroadcastRequest, BroadcastData>> {
//         return this.StartServerStream<BroadcastRequest, BroadcastData>("Broadcast", req, BroadcastData.Parse);
//     }
//     public async ConvertToString(): Promise<mercury.DualStream<ConvertInput, ConvertOutput>> {
//         return this.StartDualStream<ConvertInput, ConvertOutput>("ConvertToString", ConvertOutput.Parse);
//     }
// }

type parsedMethod struct {
    method string
    proc   string

func generateService(f *descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto, service *descriptorpb.ServiceDescriptorProto, content *strings.Builder, impexp importsExports, parsedMethods map[string]parsedMethod) {
    name := service.GetName()
    // Create class definition and constructor
    content.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`export class %sClient extends mercury.Client {
    constructor(basePath: string | undefined = "localhost/api/%s", useTLS: boolean | undefined = true, client: mercury.AxiosInstance | undefined = undefined) {
        super(basePath, useTLS, client);
`, name, name))
    for _, method := range service.GetMethod() {
        parseMethodTypeName := func(name string) string {
            typeName := strings.TrimLeft(name, ".")
            if len(typeName) >= len(googleProtobufPrefix) && typeName[:len(googleProtobufPrefix)] == googleProtobufPrefix {
                // This is a google well-known type
                return typeName
            parts := strings.Split(name, ".")
            pkg := ""
            if len(parts) > 0 {
                pkg = strings.Join(parts[1:len(parts)-1], "__") + "__"
            return pkg + parts[len(parts)-1]
        reqT := parseMethodTypeName(method.GetInputType())
        resT := parseMethodTypeName(method.GetOutputType())
        methodName := method.GetName()
        clientStreaming := method.GetClientStreaming()
        serverStreaming := method.GetServerStreaming()
        parsed := parsedMethods[methodName]
        switch {
        case clientStreaming && serverStreaming:
            // Dual stream
            content.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`    public async %s(): Promise<mercury.DualStream<%s, %s>> {
        return this.StartDualStream<%s, %s>("%s", %s.Parse);
`, parsed.proc, reqT, resT, reqT, resT, parsed.proc, resT))
        case clientStreaming:
            // Client stream
            content.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`    public async %s(): Promise<mercury.ClientStream<%s, %s>> {
        return this.StartClientStream<%s, %s>("%s", %s.Parse);
`, parsed.proc, reqT, resT, reqT, resT, parsed.proc, resT))
        case serverStreaming:
            // Server stream
            content.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`    public async %s(req: %s): Promise<mercury.ServerStream<%s, %s>> {
        return this.StartServerStream<%s, %s>("%s", req, %s.Parse);
`, parsed.proc, reqT, reqT, resT, reqT, resT, parsed.proc, resT))
            // Unary stream
            content.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`    public async %s(req: %s): Promise<%s> {
        return this.SendUnary("%s", mercury.HTTPMethod.%s, req, %s.Parse);
`, parsed.proc, reqT, resT, parsed.proc, strings.ToUpper(parsed.method), resT))

func generateImportsForMethod(f *descriptorpb.MethodDescriptorProto, ownPkg string, fileName string, importMap map[string][]string, content *strings.Builder, impexp importsExports) (useGoogle bool) {
    for _, typeName := range []string{f.GetInputType(), f.GetOutputType()} {
        if typeName == "" {
        typeName = strings.TrimLeft(typeName, ".")
        typeNameParts := strings.Split(typeName, ".")
        trueName := typeNameParts[len(typeNameParts)-1]
        pkgName := strings.TrimSuffix(typeName, "."+trueName)
        var importPath string
        if len(pkgName) >= len(ownPkg) && pkgName[:len(ownPkg)] == ownPkg {
            pkgName = ownPkg
            pkg, ok := impexp.typeMap[ownPkg]
            if !ok {
                panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to find own package %s in imports for file %s", ownPkg, fileName))
            trueName = typeName[len(ownPkg)+1:]
            parsedName := strings.ReplaceAll(trueName, ".", "__")
            // Exclude local messages/enums from import
            details, ok := pkg[parsedName]
            if !ok {
                panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to find type %s in exports for package %s in file %s", trueName, pkgName, fileName))
            importPath = details.importPath
        } else if pkgName == googleProtobufPrefix {
            useGoogle = true
        } else {
            pkg, ok := impexp.typeMap[pkgName]
            if !ok {
                panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to find package %s in imports for file %s", pkgName, fileName))
            details, ok := pkg[trueName]
            if !ok {
                panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to find type %s in exports for package %s in file %s", trueName, pkgName, fileName))
            importPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", details.npmPackage, details.importPath)
        imports, _ := importMap[importPath]
        uniqueImports := map[string]struct{}{}
        for _, anImport := range imports {
            uniqueImports[anImport] = struct{}{}
        uniqueImports[fmt.Sprintf("%s as %s__%s", trueName, pkgName, trueName)] = struct{}{}
        imports = []string{}
        for anImport := range uniqueImports {
            imports = append(imports, anImport)
        importMap[importPath] = imports

type mapTypeData struct {
    toProtoJSON string
    parse       string
    keyIsString bool

func generateComments(sourceCodeInfo *descriptorpb.SourceCodeInfo, content *strings.Builder) {


func getNativeTypeName(field *descriptorpb.FieldDescriptorProto, message *descriptorpb.DescriptorProto, pkgName string, fileExports []string) string {
    repeatedStr := ""
    if field.GetLabel() == descriptorpb.FieldDescriptorProto_LABEL_REPEATED {
        repeatedStr = "[]"
    switch field.GetType() {
    case descriptorpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_DOUBLE,
        // Javascript only has one number format
        return "number" + repeatedStr
    case descriptorpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_BOOL:
        return "boolean" + repeatedStr
    case descriptorpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_STRING:
        return "string" + repeatedStr
    case descriptorpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_BYTES:
        return "Uint8Array" + repeatedStr
    case descriptorpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_MESSAGE:
        // TODO: this lookup is not efficient, but it'll do for now. building a map of known types by name as we go would be good
        for _, nestedMessage := range message.GetNestedType() {
            // FIXME: it is possible for this to misfire at least sometimes, though we'll see if it particularly matters
            if nestedMessage.GetOptions().GetMapEntry() && strings.Contains(field.GetTypeName(), nestedMessage.GetName()) {
                keyType := getNativeTypeName(nestedMessage.GetField()[0], nil, pkgName, fileExports)
                valType := getNativeTypeName(nestedMessage.GetField()[1], nil, pkgName, fileExports)
                return fmt.Sprintf("ReadonlyMap<%s, %s | null>", keyType, valType)
        fieldTypeName := strings.TrimLeft(field.GetTypeName(), ".")
        if len(fieldTypeName) >= len(googleProtobufPrefix) && fieldTypeName[:len(googleProtobufPrefix)] == googleProtobufPrefix {
            // This is a google well-known type
            return fieldTypeName + repeatedStr
        // Not a map, not a google type
    case descriptorpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_ENUM:
        typeName := field.GetTypeName()
        matches := packageReplacement.FindStringSubmatch(typeName)
        if len(matches) != 3 {
            panic(fmt.Errorf("type name did not match any valid pattern: %s, found %d instead of 3: %s", typeName, len(matches), matches))
        pkgSection := fmt.Sprintf("%s__", matches[1])
        typeSection := strings.ReplaceAll(matches[2], ".", "__")
        fullTypeSection := typeSection + repeatedStr
        for _, exp := range fileExports {
            if exp == typeSection {
                return fullTypeSection
        return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", pkgSection, fullTypeSection)
        panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown field type: %s", field))

func getProtoJSONTypeName(field *descriptorpb.FieldDescriptorProto, nestedTypes []*descriptorpb.DescriptorProto) string {
    panic("not implemented")