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package render

import (

type conditionalOperator string

const (
    equals         conditionalOperator = "equals"
    contains       conditionalOperator = "contains"
    startswith     conditionalOperator = "startswith"
    endswith       conditionalOperator = "endswith"
    ciEquals       conditionalOperator = "ci_equals"
    ciContains     conditionalOperator = "ci_contains"
    ciStartswith   conditionalOperator = "ci_startswith"
    ciEndswith     conditionalOperator = "ci_endswith"
    numequals      conditionalOperator = "=="
    lessthan       conditionalOperator = "<"
    greaterthan    conditionalOperator = ">"
    lessorequal    conditionalOperator = "<="
    greaterorequal conditionalOperator = ">="

type groupOperator string

const (
    or   groupOperator = "or"
    and  groupOperator = "and"
    nor  groupOperator = "nor"
    nand groupOperator = "nand"
    xor  groupOperator = "xor"

/*ComponentConditional enables or disables a component based on named properties.

All properties will be assumed to be either strings or floats based on the operator.

String operators: "equals", "contains", "startswith", "endswith", "ci_equals", "ci_contains", "ci_startswith", "ci_endswith". Operators including "ci_" are case-insensitive variants.

Float operators: "=", ">", "<", "<=", ">=".

Group operators can be "and", "or", "nand", "nor", "xor".*/
type ComponentConditional struct {
    // Name is the variable to check against the specified value.
    Name string `json:"name"`
    // Not determines whether to negate the final result of the boolean operation.
    Not bool `json:"boolNot"`
    // Operator specifies which comparison operation to perform.
    Operator conditionalOperator `json:"operator"`
    // Value is the condition to operate against with the variable specified by Name.
    Value string `json:"value"`
    // Group is an optional set of other conditionals to check along with this one.
    Group conditionalGroup `json:"group"`
        valueSet represents whether this individual component has had its value set
        and its condition evaluated at least once.
    valueSet bool
        validated represents whether this individual component at this level is
        validated. Use ComponentConditional.Validate() to evaluate the logic of
        entire groups.
    validated bool

type conditionalGroup struct {
    Operator     groupOperator          `json:"groupOperator"`
    Conditionals []ComponentConditional `json:"conditionals"`

// SetValue sets the value of a specific named property through this conditional chain, evaluating any conditions along the way.
func (c ComponentConditional) SetValue(name string, value interface{}) (conditional ComponentConditional, err error) {
    conditional = c
    for conIndex, con := range conditional.Group.Conditionals {
        conditional.Group.Conditionals[conIndex], err = con.SetValue(name, value)
        if err != nil {
            return c, err
    if conditional.Name == "" && !conditional.valueSet {
        conditional.validated = true
        conditional.valueSet = true
        return conditional, nil
    if conditional.Name == name {
        conditional, err = conditional.setConditionalValue(value)
    return conditional, err

func (c ComponentConditional) setConditionalValue(value interface{}) (conditional ComponentConditional, err error) {
    conditional = c
    switch conditional.Operator {
    case equals, contains, startswith, endswith, ciEquals, ciContains, ciStartswith, ciEndswith:
        conditional, err = conditional.setString(value)
    case numequals, lessthan, greaterthan, lessorequal, greaterorequal:
        conditional, err = conditional.setNum(value)
        err = fmt.Errorf("invalid conditional operator %v", conditional.Operator)
    if err != nil {
        return c, err
    if conditional.Not {
        conditional.validated = !conditional.validated
    conditional.valueSet = true
    return conditional, nil

func (c ComponentConditional) setString(value interface{}) (conditional ComponentConditional, err error) {
    conditional = c
    // Handle string operators
    stringVal, ok := value.(string)
    if !ok {
        return c, fmt.Errorf("invalid value for string operator: %v", value)
    conVal := conditional.Value
    switch conditional.Operator {
    case ciEquals:
        conVal = strings.ToLower(conVal)
        stringVal = strings.ToLower(stringVal)
    case equals:
        conditional.validated = conVal == stringVal
    case ciContains:
        conVal = strings.ToLower(conVal)
        stringVal = strings.ToLower(stringVal)
    case contains:
        conditional.validated = strings.Contains(stringVal, conVal)
    case ciStartswith:
        conVal = strings.ToLower(conVal)
        stringVal = strings.ToLower(stringVal)
    case startswith:
        if len(conVal) > len(stringVal) {
            conditional.validated = false
        conditional.validated = stringVal[:len(conVal)] == conVal
    case ciEndswith:
        conVal = strings.ToLower(conVal)
        stringVal = strings.ToLower(stringVal)
    case endswith:
        if len(conVal) > len(stringVal) {
            conditional.validated = false
        conditional.validated = stringVal[len(stringVal)-len(conVal):] == conVal
    return conditional, nil

func (c ComponentConditional) setNum(value interface{}) (conditional ComponentConditional, err error) {
    conditional = c
    // Handle float operators
    floatVal, ok := value.(float64)
    if !ok {
        intVal, ok := value.(int)
        if !ok {
            return c, fmt.Errorf("invalid value for float operator: %v", value)
        floatVal = float64(intVal)
    conVal, err := strconv.ParseFloat(conditional.Value, 64)
    if err != nil {
        return c, fmt.Errorf("failed to convert conditional value to float: %v", conditional.Value)
    switch conditional.Operator {
    case numequals:
        conditional.validated = floatVal == conVal
    case lessthan:
        conditional.validated = floatVal < conVal
    case greaterthan:
        conditional.validated = floatVal > conVal
    case lessorequal:
        conditional.validated = floatVal <= conVal
    case greaterorequal:
        conditional.validated = floatVal >= conVal
    return conditional, nil

// Validate validates this conditional chain, erroring if a value down the line has not been set and evaluated.
func (c ComponentConditional) Validate() (result bool, err error) {
    if !c.valueSet && c.Name != "" {
        return false, fmt.Errorf("attempted to validate conditional %v %v %v without setting %v", c.Name, c.Operator, c.Value, c.Name)
    var negate bool
    group := c.Group.Conditionals
    if len(group) == 0 {
        return c.validated, nil
    op := c.Group.Operator
    switch op {
    case xor:
        result, err = c.validateXor()
    case nand, nor:
        negate = true
    case and, or:
        result, err = c.validateAndOr(negate)
        result = false
        err = fmt.Errorf("invalid group operator %v", op)

func (c ComponentConditional) validateXor() (bool, error) {
    //Evaluate XOR on a group as meaning only one of all results in the list can be true, and one must be true.
    trueCount := 0
    if c.validated {
    for _, subConditional := range c.Group.Conditionals {
        result, err := subConditional.Validate()
        if err != nil {
            return false, err
        if result {
    return trueCount == 1, nil

func (c ComponentConditional) validateAndOr(negate bool) (bool, error) {
    result := c.validated
    for _, subConditional := range c.Group.Conditionals {
        subResult, err := subConditional.Validate()
        if err != nil {
            return false, err
        if c.Group.Operator == and || c.Group.Operator == nand {
            result = result && subResult
        } else {
            result = result || subResult
    if negate {
        result = !result
    return result, nil

// GetNamedPropertiesList returns a list of all named props found in the conditional.
func (c ComponentConditional) GetNamedPropertiesList() NamedProperties {
    results := NamedProperties{}
    if c.Name == "" && len(c.Group.Conditionals) == 0 {
        return results
    results[c.Name] = struct {
        Message string
    }{Message: "Please replace this struct with real data"}
    for _, subConditional := range c.Group.Conditionals {
        subResults := subConditional.GetNamedPropertiesList()
        for key, value := range subResults {
            results[key] = value
    return results