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# Story Squad API
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Welcome to your `Basic Node API Repository`. Use this to start your own Greenfield Project using nodejs, express and common industry standards.

This repository assumes a handful of industry practices and standards. We strive to keep you on the bleeding edge of the industry and as a result, we have made some opinions for you so that you don't have to; you're welcome.

Read more at <>

## Requirements

Labs teams must follow all [Labs Engineering Standards](

## Getting Started

### Environment Variables

- `PORT` - API port (optional, but helpful with FE running as well)
  - The following ports are whitelisted for use with okta
    - 3000
    - 8000
    - 8080
- `DS_API_URL` - URL to a data science api. (eg. <>)
- `DS_API_TOKEN` - authorization header token for data science api (eg. SUPERSECRET)
- `DATABASE_URL` - connection string for postgres database
- `OKTA_URL_ISSUER` - The complete issuer URL for verifying okta access tokens. ``
- `OKTA_CLIENT_ID` - the okta client ID.
- `TEST_DATABASE_URL` - the URL of the testing database
- `OKTA_ORG_URL`  - the URL of your Okta organization
- `NODE_ENV` - The environment to use for knex scripts, should be development on local and production on live server
- `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` - A special access key from AWS
- `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` - A secret AWS access key that should not be shared with anyone
- `CI_DATABASE_URL` - the URL of the web-hosted database (I used [ElephantSQL]( that your CI tests are ran on. This must be set in order to use the `knex:ci` script in the `package.json` !
- `S3_BUCKET` - the name of the S3 bucket used for file storage

See .env.sample for example values

### Setup postgres

There are 3 options to get postgresql installed locally [Choose one]:

1. Use docker. [Install]( for your platform
    - run: `docker-compose up -d` to start up the postgresql database and pgadmin.
    - Open a browser to [pgadmin](http://localhost:5050/) and you should see the Dev server already defined.
    - If you need to start over you will need to delete the folder `$ rm -rf ./data/pg` as this is where all of the server data is stored.
      - if the database `api-dev` was not created then start over.
    > When using Docker, you will need to manually create your test database, called `api-test`
2. Download and install postgresql directly from the [main site](
    - make note of the port, username and password you use to setup the database.
    - Connect your client to the server manually using the values previously mentioned
    - You will need to create a database manually using a client.
    - Make sure to update the DATABASE_URL connection string with the values for username/password, databasename and server port (if not 5432).
    > Make sure you create `api-dev` to run any queries in Postman or through the swagger documentation, as well as a database called `api-test` to run the Jest tests
3. Setup a free account at [ElephantSQL](
    - Sign up for a free `Tiney Turtle` plan
    - copy the URL to the DATABASE_URL .env variable
    - make sure to add `?ssl=true` to the end of this url
    > you'll need separate databases for Jest testing (`api-test`) and Postman/Swagger endpoint testing (`api-dev`)

### Setup the application

- create your project repo by forking or using this as a template.
- run: `npm install` to download all dependencies.
- run: `cp .env.sample .env` and update the enviornment variables to match your local setup.
- run: `npm run knex migrate:latest` to create the starting schema.
- run: `npm run knex seed:run` to populate your db with some data.
- run: `npm run tests` to confirm all is setup and tests pass.
- run: `npm run watch:dev` to start nodemon in local dev enviornment.

> Make sure to update the details of the app name, description and version in
> the `package.json` and `config/jsdoc.js` files.

## Useful Info

- Walkthrough video explaining some of the features can be seen [here](
- View a detailed explanation of the S3 upload middleware [here](
- The S3 upload middleware was designed to play nicely with the frontend UploadDocs component
- Many of the database queries use `knex.transaction()`, something we didn't see in our time at Lambda
- Endpoint request/response data is thoroughly documented using swagger, so once the server is running make sure to check out `localhost:8000/api-docs` to see all server capabilities