const db = require('../../data/db-config');
const { hashPin } = require('../../lib');
* A method to get all children from the database
* @returns {Promise} promise that resolves to array of all children
const getAll = () => {
return db('Children AS C')
.join('Avatars AS A', 'C.AvatarID', 'A.ID')
.join('GradeLevels AS G', 'C.GradeLevelID', 'G.ID')
* Search the database for child with the given ID
* @param {number} ID the unique ID to search the database on
* @returns {Promise} promise that resolves to array of users with matching ID, empty if none found
const getById = (ID) => {
return db('Children AS C')
.where('C.ID', ID)
.join('Avatars AS A', 'C.AvatarID', 'A.ID')
.join('GradeLevels AS G', 'C.GradeLevelID', 'G.ID')
* Adds a child to the database
* @param {Object} child contains the child's info
* @param {string} child.Name child's name stored in a string
* @param {string} child.PIN hashed string of child's 4-digit PIN
* @param {number} child.ParentID foreign key pointing to an existing parent's ID
* @param {number} child.AvatarID foreign key pointing to an existing ID in Avatars table
* @returns {Promise} promise that resolves to ID of new child or an error message
const add = (child) => {
return db('Children')
PIN: hashPin(child.PIN),
* Attempts to update the row in Children table that matched the ID witht eh given changes
* @param {number} ID
* @param {Object} changes contains the child's info to be changed
* @param {string} [child.Name] new child's name stored in a string
* @param {string} [child.PIN] new hashed string of child's 4-digit PIN
* @param {number} [child.AvatarID] foreign key pointing to a different ID in Avatars table
* @returns {Promise} promise that resolves to a count of # of rows updated
const update = (ID, changes) => {
return db('Children').where({ ID }).update(changes);
* Attempts to delete row in Children table with matching ID
* @param {number} ID ID of the child to delete
* @returns {Promise} promise that resolves to a count of # of rows deleted
const remove = (ID) => {
return db('Children').where({ ID }).del();
* Attempts to get the complexities of all of a child's submissions
* @param {number} ChildID the ID of the child whose data you want to view
* @returns {Promise} returns a promise that resolves to an array of child submission complexities
const getComplexityList = (ChildID) => {
return db('Submissions')
.where({ ChildID })
.orderBy('ID', 'desc')
.select(['ID', 'Complexity']);
module.exports = {