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Test Coverage
const db = require('../../data/db-config');
const { formatTeam } = require('../../lib');
const { points, faceoff } = require('./gameHelpers');

 * Takes a child ID and returns the child's current squad
 * @param {number} ChildID unique integer id of a child
 * @returns {Promise} returns a promise that resovles to an ID
const getSquadIDFromChildID = (ChildID) => {
  return db('Squads AS S')
    .join('Teams AS T', 'S.ID', 'T.SquadID')
    .join('Members AS M', 'T.ID', 'M.TeamID')
    .join('Submissions AS Sub', 'Sub.ID', 'M.SubmissionID')
    .join('Children AS C', 'C.ID', 'Sub.ChildID')
    .where('C.ID', ChildID)
    .select(['S.ID', 'M.ID AS MemberID']);

 * Attempts to query the database for all submissions from a given child's team
 * @param {number} ChildID integer ID of a child
 * @returns {Promise} a promise that resolves to a formatted team object (documented on GET /game/team endpoint)
const getFormattedTeam = (ChildID) => {
  return db.transaction(async (trx) => {
    try {
      const team = await points.getTeamIDByChild(trx, ChildID);
      const submissions = await points.getTeamByID(trx, team.TeamID);
      return formatTeam(submissions);
    } catch (err) {
      console.log({ err: err.message });
      throw new Error(err.message);

 * This query allows children to assign points to submissions in their team
 * @param {Object} points an object representing the amount of points
 * @param {number} points.MemberID the unique ID of the member who is voting
 * @param {number} points.SubmissionID the unique ID of the submission being voted on
 * @param {number} points.WritingPoints the # of points for the written submission
 * @param {number} points.DrawingPoints the # of points for the drawn submission
 * @returns {Promise} returns a promise resolving to the new ID
const assignPoints = (points) => {
  return db('Points').insert(points).returning('ID');

// From Team E
 * The goal of this query is to get all the 
 * submissions from the entire database, join
 * the squads table and submissions table together
 * only adding submissions from squads that are not 
 * in the current squad
 * @param {number} SquadID 
 * @returns {Promise} returns a problems that resolves to an ID
const getSquadIDForBots = (SquadID) => {
  return db('Submissions as Sub')
    .join('Squads as S', 'Sub.ID', '=', 'S.ID' )
      ID: SquadID

const getAllFaceOffs = () =>{
  return db('Faceoffs AS F')

const getFaceOffByID = (ID) =>{
  return db('Faceoffs AS F')
    .where('F.ID', ID)

 * This query returns the matchups for a given squad.
 * @param {number} SquadID unique integer ID of the squad to retrieve data for
 * @param {number} ChildID (optional) unique integer ID of the child to retrieve emoji feedback for
 * @returns {Array} returns an array of 4 faceoffs that will be documented in swagger
const getFaceoffsForSquad = (SquadID, ChildID = null) => {
  // return db.transaction(async (trx) => {
  //   try {
  //     // Get the faceoffs from the Faceoffs table in the db
  //     const faceoffs = await faceoff.getSubIdsForFaceoffs(trx, SquadID);
  //     if (faceoffs.length <= 0) throw new Error('NotFound');
  //     // Add submission data to the faceoffs pulled from the DB
  //     await faceoff.addSubmissionsToFaceoffs(trx, faceoffs);

  //     return faceoffs;
  //   } catch (err) {
  //     throw new Error(err.message);
  //   }
  // });

  // From Team E
  return db.transaction(async (trx) => {
    try {
      // Get the faceoffs from the Faceoffs table in the db
      const faceoffs = await faceoff.getSubIdsForFaceoffs(trx, SquadID, ChildID);

      // Check the length of faceoffs if it is less than 0 return an error
      if (faceoffs.length <= 0) {
        throw new Error('NotFound');
        // if the length is less than 4 
        // return the difference between the length and 4
        // the number of ghost users to add is the difference 
        // between the length and 4
      } else {
        if (faceoffs.length < 4) {
          const faceoffLengthDifference = (4 - faceoffs.length);

          // generate the ghost users and add the number of ghost users
          // equal to the value of faceoffLengthDifference
          for (let i = 0; i <= faceoffLengthDifference; i++) {



      // Add submission data to the faceoffs pulled from the DB
      await faceoff.addSubmissionsToFaceoffs(trx, faceoffs);

      return faceoffs;
    } catch (err) {
      throw new Error(err.message);

 * This function queries the database for an array of votes cast by a user
 * in a specific squad. This is to provide data on what has already been
 * voted on in order to restrict user from voting again on the frontend.
 * It first runs a check to make sure that the given IDs exist in the database,
 * and will throw an error that triggers a 404 if they don't.
 * @param {number} SquadID the unique integer ID of a squad
 * @param {number} MemberID the unique integer ID of the member
 * @returns {Promise} returns a promise that resolves to an array of votes\
 *                    ex. [ { FaceoffID: int, Vote: 1 | 2 }, ... ]
const getVotesBySquad = (SquadID, MemberID) => {
  return db.transaction(async (trx) => {
    try {
      const squads = await trx('Squads').where({ ID: SquadID });
      const members = await trx('Members').where({ ID: MemberID });

      if (squads.length <= 0 || members.length <= 0)
        throw new Error('NotFound');

      return trx('Votes AS V')
        .join('Members AS M', 'M.ID', 'V.MemberID')
        .join('Teams AS T', 'T.ID', 'M.TeamID')
        .join('Squads AS S', 'S.ID', 'T.SquadID')
        .where({ SquadID, MemberID })
        .select(['FaceoffID', 'Vote']);
    } catch (err) {
      throw new Error(err.message);

 * Allows a child's vote to be recorded in the database
 * @param {Object} vote a child's vote on a submission
 * @param {number} vote.Vote a value either (1 | 2) to say if they voted for submission 1 or 2
 * @param {number} vote.FaceoffID the unique integer ID of the faceoff being voted on
 * @param {number} vote.MemberID the unique integer ID of the member voting
 * @param {number} vote.subEmojis1 emoji review given to a writing or drawing #1
 * @param {number} vote.subEmojis2 emoji review given to a writing or drawing #2
 * @returns {Promise} returns a promise that resolves to the newly created Vote ID
const submitVote = (vote) => {
  // return db('Votes').insert(vote).returning('ID');
  return db.transaction(async (trx) => {
    try {
      const { Vote, MemberID, FaceoffID, subEmojis1, subEmojis2 } = vote;
      const returning = await trx('Votes').insert({ Vote, MemberID, FaceoffID }).returning('ID');
      // This is where I need to reference the child voted for and connect the two tables
      // Take faceoffID find the submissionID and then find the ChildId
      const faceoff = await trx('Faceoffs').select("*").where({ ID: FaceoffID }).first();
      let faceoffType = faceoff.Type;
      faceoffType = (faceoffType === "WRITING") ? "Writing" : "Drawing";
      const emojis1 = Object.values(await trx(faceoffType).select('Emoji').where({ SubmissionID: faceoff.SubmissionID1 }).first());
      const emojis2 = Object.values(await trx(faceoffType).select('Emoji').where({ SubmissionID: faceoff.SubmissionID2 }).first());
      // console.log(emojis1);
      // console.log(emojis2);
      const emojiToReturn1 = (emojis1[0] !== "") ? subEmojis1 + emojis1 : subEmojis1;
      const emojiToReturn2 = (emojis2[0] !== "") ? subEmojis2 + emojis2 : subEmojis2;
      await trx(faceoffType).update({ Emoji: emojiToReturn1 }).where({ SubmissionID: faceoff.SubmissionID1 });
      await trx(faceoffType).update({ Emoji: emojiToReturn2 }).where({ SubmissionID: faceoff.SubmissionID2 });
      return returning;
    } catch (error) {

 * Returns the winner/points total of teams for a given squad
 * @param {number} ID the unique integer ID of a squad
 * @returns {Promise} returns a promise that resolves to an array of 2 teams with squad info
const getSquadResults = (ID) => {
  return db.transaction(async (trx) => {
    try {
      const squads = await trx('Squads').where({ ID });
      if (squads.length <= 0) throw new Error('NotFound');

      return trx('Squads AS S')
        .join('Teams AS T', 'S.ID', 'T.SquadID')
        .where('S.ID', ID)
        .orderBy('T.Num', 'asc');
    } catch (err) {
      throw new Error(err.message);

module.exports = {