// Transaction Function Helpers
* This function pulls all voting results and uses that data to calculate
* the winner for each faceoff. It returns an object with the results of
* each faceoff sorted by FaceoffID.
* @param {Object} conn a knex client connection
* @returns {Promise} returns an object with { Points, Winner, SquadID }
const countVotes = async (conn) => {
// Pull all votes from the database and initialize results object
const votes = await getVotingResults(conn);
const res = {};
// Iterate over all of the votes from the database
votes.forEach(({ Vote, ID, Points, SquadID }) => {
// Initialize vote counters for team 1 and 2
if (!res[ID]) res[ID] = { 1: 0, 2: 0 };
// Add points value and squad id for the faceoff
if (!res[ID].Points) res[ID].Points = Points;
if (!res[ID].SquadID) res[ID].SquadID = SquadID;
// Increment the vote for the relevant team
// Iterate over the voting results and conditionally declare a winner
for (let f in res) {
if (res[f][1] > res[f][2]) res[f].Winner = 1;
else if (res[f][1] < res[f][2]) res[f].Winner = 2;
else res[f].Winner = 0;
return res;
* Updates the Faceoffs table in the database with the winner of
* the matchup and then tallies up points for each team in a squad
* based on the children's votes.
* @param {Object} conn a knex client object
* @param {Object} results object returned from countVotes()
* @returns {Object} returns an object of team point totals by squad\
* { [SquadID]: { 1: int, 2: int } }
const updateFaceoffs = async (conn, results) => {
// initialize response object
const squadTotals = {};
// Iterate over voting results
for (let FaceoffID in results) {
const { Winner, SquadID, Points } = results[FaceoffID];
// Update the faceoffs table with the results of each matchup
await updateFaceoffWinner(conn, FaceoffID, Winner);
// Initialize a value in the response object to count points
if (!squadTotals[SquadID]) squadTotals[SquadID] = { 1: 0, 2: 0 };
// Assign points based on the winner of each faceoff
if (Winner === 0) {
squadTotals[SquadID][1] += Points / 2;
squadTotals[SquadID][2] += Points / 2;
} else squadTotals[SquadID][Winner] += Points;
return squadTotals;
* This function does some final state updates in the database, taking
* the results from the previous function and using it to update the
* winning team in the Squads table as well as the points that each team
* was awarded based on the votes.
* @param {Object} conn a knex client object
* @param {Object} squadTotals object returned from updateFaceoffs()
const updateTeamsAndSquads = async (conn, squadTotals) => {
// Iterate over the totals
for (let SquadID in squadTotals) {
// Initialize the winning team to 0 for a tie
let winningTeam = 0;
// Destructure the points for team 1 as p1 and for team 2 as p2
const { 1: p1, 2: p2 } = squadTotals[SquadID];
// If the result was not a tie, update the winningTeam
if (p1 > p2) winningTeam = 1;
if (p1 < p2) winningTeam = 2;
// Update relevant database tables for the squad and both teams
await updatePointsForTeam(conn, SquadID, 1, p1);
await updatePointsForTeam(conn, SquadID, 2, p2);
await updateWinningTeamInSquad(conn, SquadID, winningTeam);
// Database Queries
* Queries database for the results of all child-submitted votes
* @param {Object} conn a knex client object
* @returns {Promise} returns a promise that resolves to array of objects with:\
* { Vote, ID, Points, SquadID }
const getVotingResults = (conn) => {
return conn('Votes AS V')
.join('Faceoffs AS F', 'F.ID', 'V.FaceoffID')
.select(['Vote', 'F.ID', 'Points', 'SquadID'])
* Updated the requested faceoff with the winner, representing whichever
* submission got the most votes
* @param {Object} conn a knex client connection
* @param {number} ID the unique integer ID of the faceoff
* @param {number} Winner a number, must be in [0, 1, 2]
* @returns {Promise}
const updateFaceoffWinner = (conn, ID, Winner) => {
return conn('Faceoffs').update({ Winner }).where({ ID });
* This function selects a team from the database based on the squad id and
* the team number and then updates that team's database row to reflect the
* amount of points they earned that week.
* @param {Object} conn a knex client connection
* @param {number} ID the unique integer ID of the squad
* @param {number} Num the team number, either 1 or 2
* @param {number} Points the number of points earned by the team
* @returns {Promise}
const updatePointsForTeam = (conn, ID, Num, Points) => {
return conn('Teams AS T')
.join('Squads AS S', 'S.ID', 'T.SquadID')
.where('S.ID', ID)
.andWhere('T.Num', Num)
.select('T.ID AS TeamID')
.then(({ TeamID }) =>
// after finding the ID, return a promise that updates that teams's points
.where({ ID: TeamID })
.update({ Points: Math.round(Points) })
* This updates the winner in the Squad table to be either team1, 2, or 0 for a tie
* @param {Object} conn a knex client connection
* @param {number} ID the unique integer ID of the squad
* @param {number} Winner the winning team number [1, 2] or 0 for a tie
* @returns {Promise}
const updateWinningTeamInSquad = (conn, ID, Winner) => {
return conn('Squads').where({ ID }).update({ Winner });
module.exports = {