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const db = require('../../data/db-config');
const {
} = require('../../lib');

 * A method to get all parents from the database
 * @returns {Promise} promise that resolves to array of all parents in the database
const getAll = () => {
  return db('Parents');

 * Search the database for a parent with the given ID
 * @param {number} ID the unique ID to search for
 * @returns {Promise} promise that resolves to an array of users with matching ID, empty if none found
const getById = (ID) => {
  return db('Parents').where({ ID });

 * Search the database for a parent with the given ID
 * @param {number} ID the unique ID to search for
 * @returns {Promise} promise that resolves to an array of users with matching ID, empty if none found
const getByEmail = (Email) => {
  return db('Parents').where({ Email });

 * Adds a parent to the database
 * @param {Object} parent contains the parent's info
 * @param {string} parent.Name parent's name stored in a string
 * @param {string} parent.Email parent's email in a string
 * @param {string} parent.PIN hashed string of parent's 4-digit PIN
 * @returns {Promise} promise that resolves to results of db query
const add = (parent) => {
  return db('Parents')
    .insert({ ...parent, PIN: hashPin(parent.PIN) })

 * Update the database field that matches ID with the given changes
 * @param {number} ID the unique ID of the parent to update
 * @param {Object} changes the given changes to apply to the parent in the table
 * @param {string} [parent.Name] parent's name stored in a string
 * @param {string} [parent.Email] parent's email in a string
 * @param {string} [parent.PIN] hashed string of parent's 4-digit PIN
 * @returns {Promise} promise that resolves to a count of total rows updated
const update = (ID, changes) => {
  return db('Parents').where({ ID }).update(changes);

 * Deletes the database field that matches the ID
 * @param {number} ID the unique ID of the parent to delete
 * @returns {Promise} promise that resolves to a count of total rows deleted
const remove = (ID) => {
  return db('Parents').where({ ID }).del();

 * Returns a list of all parent and child profiles for an account
 * @param {string} Email unique email of the parent
 * @returns {Promise} promise that resolves to an array with the parent and all of their children
const getProfilesByEmail = async (Email) => {
  const data = await db('Parents AS P')
    .leftJoin('Children AS C', 'P.ID', 'C.ParentID')
    .leftJoin('Avatars AS A', 'C.AvatarID', 'A.ID')
    .leftJoin('GradeLevels AS G', 'C.GradeLevelID', 'G.ID')
    .where('P.Email', Email)
      'C.ID AS ChildID',
      'C.PIN AS ChildPIN',
      'C.Name AS ChildName',
  return formatProfiles(data);

 * This is a specialized query used only in the authMiddleware. It attempts to find a user in the database,
 * and will return the user if found. Otherwise, it will attempt to create that user in the database first,
 * and then will return it.
 * @param {Object} parent contains the parent's info
 * @param {string} parent.Name parent's name stored in a string
 * @param {string} parent.Email parent's email in a string
 * @param {string} parent.PIN hashed string of parent's 4-digit PIN
 * @returns {Object} returns a parent object
/* istanbul ignore next */
const findOrCreate = async (parent) => {
  const foundParent = await getByEmail(parent.Email).then((res) => res);
  if (foundParent.length > 0) {
    return foundParent[0];
  } else {
    const newParent = await db('Parents').insert(parent).returning('*');
    return newParent ? newParent[0] : newParent;

 * Takes in a child's ID and runs a transactional query that pulls info of a child's
 * complexities from their submissions and sends that to the Data Science API along
 * with the child's name.
 * @param {number} ChildID a unique integer ID of a child
 * @returns {Object} returns an object with properties { data, layout } to be plugged
 *                   into a Plotly graph component
const getVisualizations = async (ChildID) => {
  try {
    return db.transaction(async (trx) => {
      // Returns an array of objects with { Name, Complexity }
      const complexities = await trx('Children AS C')
        .join('Submissions AS S', 'C.ID', 'S.ChildID')
        .where('C.ID', ChildID)
        .orderBy('S.ID', 'asc')
        .select(['C.Name', 'Complexity']);
      if (complexities.length <= 0) throw new Error('NotFound');

      // Formats the array into a single object with { StudentName, ScoreHistory: [] }
      const lineGraphData = formatLineGraphBody(complexities);
      // Sends the formatted data to the DS API
      const { data } = await dsApi.getLineGraph(lineGraphData);

      // Parses that data into a JS object and returns it to the client
      const res = JSON.parse(data);
      return res;
  } catch (err) {
    console.log({ err: err.message });
    throw new Error(err.message);

module.exports = {