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import sys
from typing import List

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, validator

class Submission(BaseModel):
    """# Model that handles text submissions to the API `submission/text` endpoint

    ## **Fields:**

    ### SubmissionID - `int`
        SubmissionID used to index the unique student submission to StoryID

    ### StoryId - `int`
        StoryID used to index the writting prompt given to the students

    ### Pages - `dict`
        A dictionary containing page number keys and value dictionaries with the
        following keys:

        "URL": # The url to the file that will be downloaded for transcription
        "Checksum": # Checksum for the file that is downloaded to verify its file integrity

    ## **Validation Functions:**

    ### **check_valid_subid(cls, value)** uses `SubmissionID`

    `Asserts that: 0 < SubmissionID < sys.maxsize`
        Function is used to make sure that the passed value for SubmissionID
        is not negative and does not cause an integer overflow.

    ### **check_sha_len(cls, value)** uses `Pages`

        Function that takes the value of checksum and assert that it's 128
        characters long to ensure that it's the proper length for a SHA512

    SubmissionID: int = Field(..., example=123564)
    StoryId: int = Field(..., example=154478)
    Pages: dict = Field(
            "1": {
                "URL": "",
                "Checksum": "edbd2c0cd247bda620f9a0a3fe5553fb19606929d686ed3440742b1a25df426a8e6d3188b7eec163488764cc72d8cee67faba47e29f7744871d94d2a19dc70de",
            "2": {
                "URL": "",
                "Checksum": "edbd2c0cd247bda620f9a0a3fe5553fb19606929d686ed3440742b1a25df426a8e6d3188b7eec163488764cc72d8cee67faba47e29f7744871d94d2a19dc70de",

    def check_valid_subid(cls, value):
        # no neg numbers and no int overflows
        assert value >= 0
        assert value < sys.maxsize
        return value

    def check_sha_len(cls, value):
        for page in value:
            assert len(value[page]["Checksum"]) == 128
        return value

class ImageSubmission(BaseModel):
    """# Model that handles illustration submissions to the API `submission/illustration` endpoint

    ## **Fields:**

    ### SubmissionID -
        Submission id that is passed to identify the illustration
        for moderation purposes

    ### URL -
        Url to the file that is going to be submitted to Google API

    ### Checksum -
        SHA512 checksum of the file to verify the integrity of the
        downloaded file

    ## **Validation Functions:**

    ### **check_valid_subid(cls, value)** uses `SubmissionID`

    `Asserts that: 0 < SubmissionID < sys.maxsize`

        Function is used to make sure that the passed value for SubmissionID
        is not negative and does not cause an integer overflow.

    ### **check_sha_len(cls, value)** uses `Checksum`

        Function that takes the value of checksum and assert that it's 128
        characters long to ensure that it's the proper length for a SHA512

    SubmissionID: int = Field(..., example=265458)
    URL: str = Field(
    Checksum: str = Field(

    def check_valid_subid(cls, value):
        # no neg numbers and no int overflows
        assert value >= 0
        assert value < sys.maxsize
        return value

    def check_sha_len(cls, value):
        assert len(value) == 128
        return value

class LineGraphRequest(BaseModel):
    """Model that handles LineGraph Request to API"""

    ScoreHistory: List[int] = Field(..., example=[1005, 1500, 9000, 789])
    StudentName: str = Field(..., example="Firstname")

class HistogramRequest(BaseModel):
    """Model that handles Histogram Request to API"""

    GradeList: List[int] = Field(..., example=[1005, 1500, 9000, 789])
    GradeLevel: int = Field(..., example=8)
    StudentName: str = Field(..., example="Firstname")
    StudentScore: int = Field(..., example=1058)

class ClusterSubmission(BaseModel):
    """Model used to psudocode request body"""

    Image: str = Field(..., example="")
    Inappropriate: bool = Field(..., example=False)
    Sensitive: bool = Field(..., example=False)
    Status: str = Field(..., example="APPROVED")
    Complexity: int = Field(..., example=123)
    Pages: dict = Field(
            "1": "",
            "2": "",
        description="A dictionary with page number as keys and url for values",