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### Overview of `utils` content:

#### `clustering` subfolder:
- ``: Contains two functions: 1) `cluster`, which takes in a dictionary of one cohort's submissions, orders by complexity score, and clusters submission IDs into groups of 4 by score, duplicating 1-3 submission IDs as needed to ensure all clusters contain 4 IDs. Returns a list of lists. 2) `batch_cluster`, which takes a dictionary of nested dictionaries of all the cohort's submission scores for a week and runs them all through the `cluster` function. Returns a JSON object of the returns from each cohort.
- Work for this `.py` file can be found in this [notebook](../../../notebooks/clustering.ipynb).

#### `complexity` subfolder:
- ``: Contains two functions: `metrics`, which generates a single row DataFrame of complexity metrics from a transcription string, and `squad_score` which takes a transcription string, runs it through `metrics`, then generates a complexity metric integer, or "Squad Score."
- Work for this `.py` file can be found in this [notebook](../../../notebooks/squad_score_mvp.ipynb).

#### `img_processing` subfolder:
- ``: Utilizes the Google Cloud Vision API and their `document_text_detection` method to transcribe text from a given image
- ``: Utilizes the Google Cloud Vision API and their `safe_search` method to perform moderation of user uploaded illustrations
- ``: Utilizes methods from `` and `` to provide the DS API with an Object Oriented Programming interface to the Google API and to prepare the google credentials for parsing by the Google API
- ``: Utilizes the Google Cloud Vision API to calculate a confidence level for each page transcription. Will return a flag if the confidence level is below 0.85. Work for this `.py` file can be found in this [notebook](../../../notebooks/transcription_confidence.ipynb).

#### `visualization` subfolder:
- ``: Creates a Plotly histogram to show the distribution of `squad_scores` of a specified grade level for the current week. Additionally plots a vertical line with the most recent `squad_score` for the specified user to compare against their grade level.
- ``: Creates a Plotly line graph to show the history of a specified user's `squad scores`. 
- Accompanying exploration work for both visuals can be found in the `score_visual` [notebook](../../../notebooks/score_visual.ipynb).