# Studium App Backend
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## Badges
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## POST to Register User
### api/auth/register
"username": "string", required unique
"first_name": "string", required
"last_name": "string", required
"email": "string", required unique
"password": "string" required
## POST Login
### api/auth/login
"username": "user's username", required
"password": "user's password" required
## GET all decks
### api/decks
Returns array of all decks.
## GET deck by ID
### api/decks/:id
Returns the specific deck object with the ID.
## POST new deck
### api/decks
"user_id": uuid, required
"deck_name": "string", required
"category": "string",
"description": "string",
"public": boolean, false
"deck_img": "string"
## GET cards by deck ID
### api/decks/:id/cards
Gets all cards within a certain deck.
## PUT update existing deck by ID
### api/decks/:id
"user_id": uuid, edit any of these fields
"deck_name": "string",
"category": "string",
"description": "string",
"public": boolean,
"deck_img": "string"
## DELETE an existing deck by ID
### api/decks/:id
Returns a successful response.
## GET all cards
### api/cards
Returns array of all cards, no matter the deck.
## GET specific card
### api/cards/:id
Returns a specific card, no matter the deck, based on the ID.
## POST new card
### api/cards
"deck_id": uuid, required
"card_front": "string", required
"card_back": "string", required
"notes": "string",
"created_at": bigint,
"updated_at": bigint,
"comfort_level": integer, 0, required
"is_starred": boolean, false
"next_due": bigint,
"card_img": "string"
## PUT update existing card by ID
### api/cards/:id
"deck_id": uuid, edit any of these fields
"card_front": "string",
"card_back": "string",
"notes": "string",
"created_at": bigint,
"updated_at": bigint,
"comfort_level": integer,
"is_starred": boolean,
"next_due": bigint,
"card_img": "string"
## DELETE an existing card by ID
### api/cards/:id
Returns a successful response.
## GET all sessions
### api/sessions
Returns an array of sessions.
## GET existing session by ID
### api/sessions/:id
Returns a specific session by ID.
## POST new session
### api/sessions
"deck_id": uuid, required
"user_id": uuid, required
"total_looked_at": integer, 0, required
"session_start": bigint, required
"session_end": bigint
## PUT an existing session
### api/session/:id
"id": uuid edit any of these fields
"deck_id": uuid,
"user_id": uuid,
"total_looked_at": integer,
"session_start": bigint,
"session_end": bigint
## DELETE an existing session
### api/session/:id
Returns a successful response.