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Test Coverage
Weekly Workflow:


-Standup meetings to assign tasks for the week.

    -1.Issues will be found on the repository’s Projects board.
    -2.Mark Assignees on each issues card and move card to In Progress.
    -3.Determine a deadline for the issue to be completed and create a task on the Calendar for when the issue is due.

-Once tasks have been assigned:
     -1.Create a branch for your 1st issue - name this issueNumber-yourLastName eg. 123-Doe
     -2.Create a Pull Request Draft for this issue.
     -3.Begin working on issue.

-Make at least 1 commit at the end of the day.
    -1.If you worked in/on multiple files, commit your work 1 file at a time.
    -2.Describe what you did to the file in each of your commit messages.


-Begin your day getting help if you are stuck.

-Continue to work on your task if it isn’t complete

-If you have finished your task:

    1.Mark your Pull Request ready for review.
    2.Request a *review from a Team-member*
        +Once the PR has been closed:
            i.Move Issue card to Done.
            ii.Mark Issue as Closed.
    3.Pick an Issue from the Repository Board
        i.Assign it to yourself.
        ii.Move Card to In-Progress
        iii.Determine a deadline for the issue to be completed and create a task on the Calendar for when the issue is due.
    4.Create a New Branch - use the Naming Convention.
    5.Open a Pull Request Draft

-Make at least 1 commit at the end of the day.

    1.If you worked in/on multiple files, commit your work 1 file at a time.
    2.Describe what you did to the file in each of your commit messages.

*if you are asked to Review a Pull Request, switch your local branch to the branch you are reviewing. Run the branch locally and explore the changes your teammate has made as well as reviewing the code.*


-Review your work for the week with your TL.

    1.Close All completed Pull Requests
    2A.If your PR still needs work, you will have the weekend to finish it.
    2B.If your PR is closed, pick a Bug from the repository’s Issues to fix on your 5th day.

-End of week standup:

    1.If there was a bug in your PR, share it with the team and add the Issue to the Repository board.
    2.Discuss goals for the following week.
        +Add tasks to be completed the following week to the calendar. Place them all on Monday - deadlines will be assigned at the beginning of the week.

**5th Day:**

-Work on your task for the day.

-Make your commits.

-Mark PR as ready for review.