'use strict';
let PayloadBase = require('./payload_base'),
MessageModel = require('../message/message_model');
* MessagePrivate Handles group messages arrived.
* All messages that match the pattern below, will be instances of this class.
* Also the payload is the gateway to the messages after parsing.
class MessageGroup extends PayloadBase {
* Creates a proper instance of a the message (executed only if pattern matched)
* @param {Object} modelData
* @return {MessageModel} instance
initializeModel(modelData) {
return new MessageModel(modelData);
* Regex pattern for matching a group message format.
* Matching pattern of example: [0987654321000/ 00:59)]:[ABCDEF1234567890000] Hi there, group
* Structure:
* 0987654321000: sent from
* 0123456789000-1234567890: sent to group id
* groups identifier
* 16-01-2016 00:59: date
* ABCDEF1234567890000: msgid
* Hi there, group: text sent
getPattern() {
return /^\[(\d+)\/(\d+)-(\d+)@.*\((.*)\).*\]:\[(.*)\]\t (.*)/;
module.exports = MessageGroup;