namespace Laragear\Alerts\Facades;
use Closure;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
use Laragear\Alerts\Bag;
use Laragear\Alerts\Testing\Fakes\BagFake;
* @method static \Illuminate\Support\Collection<int, \Laragear\Alerts\Alert> collect()
* @method static \Laragear\Alerts\Alert persistAs(string $key)
* @method static bool abandon(string $key)
* @method static bool hasPersistent(string $key)
* @method static void flush()
* @method static \Laragear\Alerts\Alert message(string $message)
* @method static \Laragear\Alerts\Alert raw(string $message)
* @method static \Laragear\Alerts\Alert trans(string $key, array $replace = [], string $locale = null)
* @method static \Laragear\Alerts\Alert transChoice(string $key, \Countable|int|array $number, array $replace = [], string $locale = null)
* @method static \Laragear\Alerts\Alert types(string ...$types)
* @method static \Laragear\Alerts\Alert dismiss(bool $dismissible = true)
* @method static \Laragear\Alerts\Alert when(Closure|bool $condition)
* @method static \Laragear\Alerts\Alert unless(Closure|bool $condition)
* @method static \Laragear\Alerts\Alert away(string $replace, string $url, bool $blank = true)
* @method static \Laragear\Alerts\Alert to(string $replace, string $url, bool $blank = false)
* @method static \Laragear\Alerts\Alert route(string $replace, string $name, array $parameters = [], bool $blank = false)
* @method static \Laragear\Alerts\Alert action(string $replace, string|array $action, array $parameters = [], bool $blank = false)
* @method static \Laragear\Alerts\Alert tags(string ...$tags)
* @method static \Laragear\Alerts\Alert fromJson(string $alert, int $options = 0)
* @method static \Laragear\Alerts\Bag getFacadeRoot()
class Alert extends Facade
* Get the registered name of the component.
* @return string
protected static function getFacadeAccessor(): string
return Bag::class;
* Creates a fake Alert Bag.
* @return \Laragear\Alerts\Testing\Fakes\BagFake
public static function fake(): BagFake
$fake = static::getFacadeApplication()->make(BagFake::class, [
'tags' => Arr::wrap(Config::get('alerts.tags')),
return $fake;