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namespace Laragear\Refine;

use Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent\Builder as EloquentBuilder;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Query\Builder;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Factory as ValidationFactory;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Precognition;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Laragear\Refine\Contracts\ValidatesRefiner;
use ReflectionMethod;
use ReflectionObject;

use function app;
use function array_flip;
use function array_values;
use function get_class;
use function get_class_methods;
use function is_string;

 * @internal
 * @phpstan-consistent-constructor
class RefineQuery
     * The array of cached methods list for the Refiner classes.
     * @var array<class-string,string[]>
    protected static array $cachedMethods = [];

     * The Refiner abstract class internal methods.
     * @var string[]|null
    protected static ?array $uncallableBaseRefinerMethods = null;

     * Create a new refine query instance.
    public function __construct(
        protected Builder|EloquentBuilder $builder,
        protected Request $request,
        protected Refiner $refiner
    ) {

     * Refine the database query using the HTTP Request query.
     * @param  string[]|null  $keys
    public function match(array $keys = null): void
        $this->refiner->runBefore($this->builder, $this->request);

        if ($this->refiner instanceof ValidatesRefiner) {

        // Take only the query keys that are going to be matched and run them.

        $this->refiner->runAfter($this->builder, $this->request);

     * Validate the refiner.
    protected function validateRefiner(): void
        $validator = app(ValidationFactory::class)->make(

        if ($this->request->isPrecognitive()) {


     * Retrieve all the query values from the keys to look for.
     * @param  string[]|null  $keys
    protected function queryValuesFromRequest(?array $keys): void
        Collection::make($keys ?? $this->getKeysFromRefiner($this->request))
            // Transforms all items to $method => $key
            ->mapWithKeys(static function (string $key): array {
                return [Str::camel($key) => $key];
            // Remove all keys that are not present in the request query.
            ->filter(function (string $key): bool {
                // @phpstan-ignore-next-line
                return ($placeholder = (object) []) !== $this->request->query($key, $placeholder);
            // Add "obligatory" keys set by the refiner that will always run.
            // Keep all items which method is present in the refiner object.
            // Remove all items which method are part of the abstract refiner object.
            // Run each method using the query value that matches.
            ->each(function (string $key, string $method): void {
                $this->refiner->{$method}($this->builder, $this->request->query($key), $this->request);

     * Retrieves the key to use from the Refiner instance.
     * @return string[]
    protected function getKeysFromRefiner(Request $request): array
        // Get the array of keys without taking into account the internal methods.
        return array_values($this->refiner->getKeys($request));

     * Return the obligatory keys from the refiner.
     * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection<string, string>
    protected function getObligatoryKeysFromRefiner(): Collection
        return Collection::make($this->refiner->getObligatoryKeys($this->request))
            ->mapWithKeys(static function (string $key): array {
                return [Str::camel($key) => $key];

     * Return the methods already used for the Refiner class.
     * @return string[]
    protected function getRefinerClassMethods(): array
        return static::$uncallableBaseRefinerMethods ??= get_class_methods(Refiner::class);

     * Return the public methods from the refiner to be called.
     * @return string[]
    protected function getPublicMethodsFromRefiner(): array
        $class = get_class($this->refiner);

        if (! isset(static::$cachedMethods[$class])) {
            static::$cachedMethods[$class] = Collection::make(
                (new ReflectionObject($this->refiner))->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC)
                ->filter(static function (ReflectionMethod $method): bool {
                    return $method->isUserDefined()
                        && ! $method->isStatic()
                        && ! $method->isAbstract();
                ->map(static function (ReflectionMethod $method): string {
                    return $method->name;

        return static::$cachedMethods[$class];

     * Flushes the cache of refiner methods.
    public static function flushCachedRefinerMethods(): void
        static::$cachedMethods[] = [];

     * Create a new refine query instance.
     * @param  \Laragear\Refine\Refiner|class-string|string  $refiner
     * @param  string[]|null  $keys
    public static function refine(
        Builder|EloquentBuilder $builder,
        Refiner|string $refiner,
        array $keys = null
    ): Builder|EloquentBuilder {
        $instance = new static($builder, app('request'), is_string($refiner) ? app($refiner) : $refiner);


        return $builder;