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The timezone package for Laravel provides an easy bi-directional conversion of DateTime into a variety of formats and locales.

## :rocket: Quick Start

### Installation
Require the package in the `composer.json` of your project.
composer require laralabs/timezone
Publish the configuration file.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=timezone-config
Edit the configuration file and set your desired default display timezone and format.

### Usage
A helper function and facade is available, choose your preferred method.
For the following examples the default timezone will be `Europe/London` and `d/m/Y H:i:s` as the default format.

**Converting from storage**
$date = '2018-09-11 11:00:00';
$result = timezone()->fromStorage($date);

Output: 11/09/2018 12:00:00

**Converting to storage**
$date = '11/09/2018 12:00:00';
$result = timezone()->toStorage($date);

Output: 2018-09-11 11:00:00

The package will check for a `timezone` key in the session before defaulting to the configuration value, alternatively it is possible to override the timezone with a second argument.

**Overriding timezone**
$toTimezone = 'Europe/London';
timezone()->fromStorage($date, $toTimezone);

$fromTimezone = 'Europe/London';
timezone()->toStorage($date, $fromTimezone);

**Model Presenter**

The package also comes with a presenter that can be added to models as a trait, for more information on this see the full documentation available below.

## :orange_book: Documentation
Full documentation can be found [on the docs website](

## :speech_balloon: Support
Please raise an issue on GitHub if there is a problem.

## :key: License
This is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT License](