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# Contributing to this library

I'll keep things simple as this library unfortately is not actively maintained due to lack of people and time.
I will try to keep it up to date as much as I can.

If you find this library useful and want to improve I welcome you very much :)
However I do want to keep quality up as much as possible.

I've added style linting in accordance with PSR2. And unit testing with phpunit v9.
This supports php7.3 and 7.4

## Contribution guidelines

### Commit message

Please style your commit message as following:

(fix|feat|config|chore|tests|docs): Your commit message

When fixing something, describe the problem you've fixed, not what you did to fix it. This can go in the commit body


`fix: Results did not show up when using method x without argument y`

### Pull requests

Pull requests will only be merged if all checks succeed