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 * Copyright (C) 2015 Laverna project Authors.
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/* global define */
], function($, Q, _, Marionette, Radio) {
    'use strict';

     * Title helper. It is used to build title from provided arguments and
     * to change document title.
     * Replies to:
     * 1. channel: `global`, request: `get:title`
     * Replies to:
     * 1. channel: `global`, request: `set:title`
    var Controller = Marionette.Object.extend({

        title: {
            page : '',
            main : '',
            db   : '',
            app  : 'Laverna'

        initialize: function() {
            _.bindAll(this, '_makeTitle');

            this.title.db = Radio.request('uri', 'profile');
            this.title.db = this.title.db === 'notes-db' ? '' : this.title.db;

            this.vent ='global');
            this.vent.reply('get:title', this.getTitle, this);
            this.vent.reply('set:title', this.setTitle, this);

        onDestroy: function() {
            .stopReplying('get:title set:title');

         * Updates document title.
        setTitle: function(title, type) {
             * If main title needs to be changed, it probably means
             * that a user is not browsing a note. And that means we
             * need to reset page title.
            if (type === 'main' && this.title.main !== '') {
       = '';

            type = type || 'page';
            this.title[type] = title;

            // Prepare an array of titles and remove empty ones
            title = _.compact(_.values(this.title));
            document.title = _.cleanXSS(title.join(' - '));

        getTitle: function(args) {
            // Filter has additional logic
            if (args.query && this['_' + args.filter + 'Title']) {
                return this['_' + args.filter + 'Title'](args)
            else {
                return new Q(this._makeTitle(args));

        _makeTitle: function(args) {
            // Translate the title to other languages
            var title = args.title || (args.filter && args.filter !== 'active' ? args.filter : 'All notes');
            title = $.t(title.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + title.substr(1));

            if (!args.title && args.query && args.filter !== 'search') {
                title = args.query;

            // Change document.title and return the title
            this.vent.request('set:title', title, 'main');
            return title;

         * Use notebook name as a title instead of ID.
        _notebookTitle: function(args) {
   = args.query;

            return Radio.request('notebooks', 'get:model', args)
            .then(function(model) {
                args.title = model.get('name');
                return args;


    Radio.request('init', 'add', 'app:before', function() {
        new Controller();

    return Controller;