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 * Copyright (C) 2015 Laverna project Authors.
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/* global define */
], function(_, Backbone, Radio, Marionette) {
    'use strict';

     * Uri helper. It is a convenient module that we use to navigate
     * or do some URI related stuff.
     * It listens to requests on `uri` channel.
     * Responds to:
     * -----------
     * Requests:
     * 1. request: `profile`
     *    returns current profile name.
     * 2. request: `link:profile`
     *    returns a link to a profile.
     * 3. request: `link`
     *    generates and returns a link to notes list or to a note.
     * 4. request: `link:file`
     *    generate file URL.
     * 5. request: `navigate`
     *    navigate to provided URL.
     * 6. request: `back`
     *    it navigates to the previous page.
    var Uri = Marionette.Object.extend({

        initialize: function() {
            this.vent    ='uri');
            this.profile = this.getProfile();

            _.bindAll(this, 'checkProfile');
            $(window).on('hashchange', this.checkProfile);

            // Replies
                'navigate'      : this.navigate,
                'back'          : this.navigateBack,
                'profile'       : this.getProfile,
                'link:profile'  : this.getProfileLink,
                'link:file'     : this.getFileLink,
                'link'          : this.getLink,
                'get:current'   : this.getRoute,
            }, this);

        checkProfile: function() {
            if (this.getProfile() !== this.profile) {

         * Navigate to url
        navigate: function(uri, options) {
            options = options || {};
            if (typeof options.trigger === 'undefined') {
                options.trigger = true;

            // Build URL to notes list or a note
            if (_.isObject(uri)) {
                uri = (uri.model || uri.options) ? uri : {options: uri};
                uri = this.getLink(uri.options, uri.model);

            // Include profile link
            if (options.includeProfile) {
                uri = this.getProfileLink(uri);
                options.includeProfile = null;

            Backbone.history.navigate(uri, options);

        navigateBack: function(url) {
            var history = window.history;
            if (history.length === 0) {
                return this.navigate(url || '/notes', arguments[1]);

         * Generate file URL.
        getFileLink: function(model, blob) {
            // Just generate pseudo URL
            if (!blob) {
                return '#file:' +;

            var url = window.URL || window.webkitURL,
                src = (model.src || model.get('src'));

            return url.createObjectURL(src);

         * Generates a link to a profile
        getProfileLink: function(uri, profile) {
            profile = profile || this.getProfile();
            uri     = (uri[0] !== '/' ? '/' + uri : uri);

            return !profile ? uri : '/p/' + profile + uri.replace(/\/?p\/[^/]*\//, '/');

         * Returns current profile's name
        getProfile: function() {
            var profile = document.location.hash.match(/\/?p\/([^/]*)\//);
            return (!profile ? profile : profile[profile.index]);

         * Returns current route
        getRoute: function() {
            return Backbone.history.fragment;

         * Generates a link from provided options
        getLink: function(options, model) {
            options = _.extend({}, options || {});
            var url = '/notes',
                filters = {
                    filter  : '/f/',
                    query   : '/q/',
                    page    : '/p'

   = isNaN( ? 0 :;

            _.each(filters, function(value, filter) {
                if (_.has(options, filter) && options[filter]) {
                    url += value + options[filter];

            url += model ? '/show/' + : '';
            return this.getProfileLink(url, options.profile);


     * Add a new initializer
    Radio.request('init', 'add', 'app:before', function() {
        new Uri();

    return Uri;