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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
 * information regarding copyright ownership.
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
 * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.

<xwikidoc version="1.2" reference="LPUI.BaseElementSheet" locale="">
#set ($discard = $xwiki.ssx.use('LPUI.BaseElementSheet'))
#set ($discard = $xwiki.jsx.use('LPUI.BaseElementSheet'))
#set ($artifactObject = $doc.getObject('LPCode.BaseElementClass'))
#set ($modelsetid = $artifactObject.getProperty('modelsetid').value)
#set ($modelid = $artifactObject.getProperty('modelid').value)
#set ($modelidNumber = $modelid.split("\.").get(1))
#set ($modelSetReference = $services.model.createDocumentReference($xcontext.database, 'CoreRepository', ${modelsetid}))
#set ($attachmentName = "${modelsetid}.ADOXX")
#set ($attachmentReference = $services.model.createAttachmentReference($modelSetReference, $attachmentName))
#set ($attachmentPath = "attach:${services.model.serialize($attachmentReference, 'default')}")
#set ($artifactid = $artifactObject.getProperty('id').value)
#set ($artifactTitle = $artifactObject.getProperty('name').value)
#set ($artifactType = $artifactObject.getProperty('type').value)
#set ($artifactDocumentation = $artifactObject.getProperty('documentation').value)
#set ($collaborateReference = $services.model.createDocumentReference("CD", ${doc.documentReference.lastSpaceReference}))
#set ($queryString = "modelsetid=$modelsetid&amp;modelid=$modelid&amp;artifactid=$artifactid")
#set ($collaborateMode = "view")
#set ($collaborateIsNew = $xwiki.getDocument($collaborateReference).isNew())
#if ($collaborateIsNew)
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  #set ($collaborateMode = "edit")
#set ($collaborateURL = $xwiki.getURL($collaborateReference, "${collaborateMode}", ${queryString}))
#set ($imageName = "${modelidNumber}.png")
#set ($imagePath = "${attachmentPath}/${imageName}")
## Image
(% class="row" %)(((
#if ($niotool.isRegularFile($imagePath, null))
  (% class="col-xs-12" %)(((
    (% id="boxesContainer" data-modelsetid="$modelsetid" data-modelidnumber="$modelidNumber" data-artifactid="$artifactid" %) (((
    [[image:path:$services.vfs.url($imagePath)|| class="learnpad-modelImg" usemap="#modelmap" alt="Image of the model"]]
## Buttons
(% class="row" %)(((
  (% class="col-xs-12 col-md-3" %)(((
    [[${services.localization.render('LPUI.BaseElementSheet.button.contribute')}&gt;&gt;path:${collaborateURL}||class="btn btn-block btn-contribute"]]
## Documentation
(% class="row text-center description" %)(((
  (% class="col-xs-12" %)(((
(% class="row" %)(((
  (% class="col-xs-12 col-md-8 col-md-offset-2" %)(((
    #if ($artifactType.startsWith('bpmn'))
    {{baseelementdisplaybpmn /}}
    #elseif ($artifactType.startsWith('omm'))
    {{baseelementdisplayomm /}}
    #elseif ($artifactType.startsWith('bmm'))
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    #elseif ($artifactType.startsWith('dkm'))
    {{baseelementdisplaydkm /}}
    #elseif ($artifactType.startsWith('cm'))
    {{baseelementdisplaycm /}}
(% class="row" %)(((
  (% class="col-xs-12" %)(((
    {{feedbackbutton /}}
        <prettyName>Caching policy</prettyName>
        <separator> </separator>
        <separators>|, </separators>
        <prettyName>Parse content</prettyName>
        <prettyName>Use this extension</prettyName>
        <separator> </separator>
        <separators>|, </separators>
      <code>require(['jquery'], function ($) {

    var debug = () =&gt; {};
    //debug = function (msg) { console.log(msg); }

    var parsePosition = function (pos) {
        var xywh = {};
        pos.split(' ').forEach(function (x) {
            x.replace(/^([xywh]):([0-9\.]+)cm$/, function (all, _xywh, num) {
                xywh[_xywh] = Number(num);
        if (!xywh.h &amp;&amp; !xywh.w) {
            xywh.h = 2;
            xywh.w = 2;
        if (!xywh.x || !xywh.y || !xywh.w || !xywh.h) {
            throw new Error("failed to parse " + pos);
        return xywh;

    var getWidthHeightMultiplier = function (xml, modelNum, imageDiv) {
        var area = $(xml).find('MODEL[id="mod.' + modelNum + '"] ATTRIBUTE[name="World area"]').text();
        if (!area) { throw new Error("Failed to get 'World area'"); }
        var wh = {};
        area.split(' ').forEach(function (x) {
            x.replace(/^([wh]):([0-9\.]+)cm$/, function (all, _wh, num) { wh[_wh] = Number(num); });
        if (!wh.w || !wh.h) { throw new Error("failed to parse " + area); }

        debug("w:" + imageDiv.children().width());
        debug("h:" + imageDiv.children().height());

        debug("nw:" + imageDiv.children()[0].naturalWidth);
        debug("nh:" + imageDiv.children()[0].naturalHeight);

        return {
            widthPixPerCm: imageDiv.children().width() / wh.w,
            heightPixPerCm: imageDiv.children().height() / wh.h

    var handleXML = function (xml, modelNum, imageDiv) {
        var whm = getWidthHeightMultiplier(xml, modelNum, imageDiv);

        var pattern = /(\/mod\.\d+\/)(.+)/;
        var currentElmt = $(imageDiv).attr('data-artifactid');

        var parentUrl = window.docviewurl.replace(pattern, '$1');

        var image = $(imageDiv).find('img');
        $(image).parent().on('click', function () {
            window.location.href = parentUrl;
        $(image).css({"cursor" : "pointer"});

        $(xml).find('MODEL[id="mod.' + modelNum + '"] INSTANCE').each(function (i, el) {
        if (['Pool','Lane'].indexOf($(el).attr('class')) &gt; -1) { return; }
            var pos = parsePosition($(el).find('ATTRIBUTE[name="Position"]').text());

            var posX = pos.x - (pos.w / 2);
            var posY = pos.y - (pos.h / 2);
            var redirectElmt = window.docviewurl.replace(pattern, '$1')+$(el).attr('id');
            var box = $(
                '&lt;a href="' + redirectElmt + '" ' +
                    'title="' + $(el).attr('name') + '"' +
                    'class="learnpad-clickable-map" ' +
                    'style="' +
                        'left:' + ( posX * whm.widthPixPerCm) + 'px;' +
                        'top:' + ( posY * whm.heightPixPerCm) + 'px;' +
                        'width:' + (pos.w * whm.widthPixPerCm) + 'px;' +
                        'height:' + (pos.h * whm.heightPixPerCm) + 'px;"&gt;' +

            if($(el).attr('id') === currentElmt) {
                $(box).attr('href', '#');

    var start = function() {

        var imageDiv = $('#boxesContainer');

        // Set the image maximum height to 500px and maximum width to 100%
        var image = $(imageDiv).find('img');
        var imageWidth = $(image).width();
        var maxWidth = $('#xwikicontent').width();
        if (imageWidth &gt; maxWidth) {
            var imageHeight = $('#boxesContainer').find('img').height();
            imageHeight *= maxWidth/imageWidth;
            imageWidth = maxWidth;

        var obj = $(imageDiv).attr('data-modelidnumber');
        var modelsetId = $(imageDiv).attr('data-modelsetid');
        var url = 'learnpad-modelset-'+modelsetId;
        if (localStorage[url]) {
            handleXML(localStorage[url], obj, imageDiv);
        } else {
            $.ajax("/xwiki/rest/learnpad/cw/corefacade/getmodel/"+modelsetId+"?type=ADOXX", { dataType: "text" }).success(function (xml) {
                localStorage[url] = xml;
                handleXML(xml, obj, imageDiv);
            }).error(function (x, y, z) {
                throw new Error(z);


        <prettyName>Caching policy</prettyName>
        <separator> </separator>
        <separators>|, </separators>
        <prettyName>Content Type</prettyName>
        <separator> </separator>
        <separators>|, </separators>
        <prettyName>Parse content</prettyName>
        <prettyName>Use this extension</prettyName>
        <separator> </separator>
        <separators>|, </separators>
      <code>.xdocLastModification {
  display: none;

.learnpad-modelImg {
    max-width: 100%;
    max-height: 500px

.learnpad-clickable-map:hover {
    background: red;
.learnpad-clickable-map {
    position: absolute;
    opacity: 0.3;
    z-index: 9000;
.learnpad-clicked-map {
    background: green;
    opacity: 0.3;
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 9000;

#boxesContainer {
    position: relative;
    border: 0px;
    margin: 0px auto;