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package eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.util;

import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.Switch;

import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.Attachment;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.AttachmentsType;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.Attribute;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.ClassesType;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.Comment;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.CommentsType;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.DocumentRoot;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.HistorySummary;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.HistoryType;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.Link;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.LinkCollection;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.ObjectSummary;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.ObjectsType;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.Page;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.PageSummary;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.PagesType;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.PropertiesType;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.Property;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.SearchResult;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.SearchResultsType;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.Space;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.SpacesType;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.Syntaxes;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.Tag;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.TagsType;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.Translation;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.Translations;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.Wiki;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.WikisType;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.XWiki;
import eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.XwikiPackage;

 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
 * The <b>Switch</b> for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
 * It supports the call {@link #doSwitch(EObject) doSwitch(object)}
 * to invoke the <code>caseXXX</code> method for each class of the model,
 * starting with the actual class of the object
 * and proceeding up the inheritance hierarchy
 * until a non-null result is returned,
 * which is the result of the switch.
 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
 * @see eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.XwikiPackage
 * @generated
public class XwikiSwitch<T> extends Switch<T> {
     * The cached model package
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @generated
    protected static XwikiPackage modelPackage;

     * Creates an instance of the switch.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @generated
    public XwikiSwitch() {
        if (modelPackage == null) {
            modelPackage = XwikiPackage.eINSTANCE;

     * Checks whether this is a switch for the given package.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @parameter ePackage the package in question.
     * @return whether this is a switch for the given package.
     * @generated
    protected boolean isSwitchFor(EPackage ePackage) {
        return ePackage == modelPackage;

     * Calls <code>caseXXX</code> for each class of the model until one returns a non null result; it yields that result.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @return the first non-null result returned by a <code>caseXXX</code> call.
     * @generated
    protected T doSwitch(int classifierID, EObject theEObject) {
        switch (classifierID) {
            case XwikiPackage.ATTACHMENT: {
                Attachment attachment = (Attachment)theEObject;
                T result = caseAttachment(attachment);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(attachment);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.ATTACHMENTS_TYPE: {
                AttachmentsType attachmentsType = (AttachmentsType)theEObject;
                T result = caseAttachmentsType(attachmentsType);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(attachmentsType);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.ATTRIBUTE: {
                Attribute attribute = (Attribute)theEObject;
                T result = caseAttribute(attribute);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(attribute);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.CLASS: {
                eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.Class class_ = (eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.Class)theEObject;
                T result = caseClass(class_);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(class_);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.CLASSES_TYPE: {
                ClassesType classesType = (ClassesType)theEObject;
                T result = caseClassesType(classesType);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(classesType);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.COMMENT: {
                Comment comment = (Comment)theEObject;
                T result = caseComment(comment);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(comment);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.COMMENTS_TYPE: {
                CommentsType commentsType = (CommentsType)theEObject;
                T result = caseCommentsType(commentsType);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(commentsType);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.DOCUMENT_ROOT: {
                DocumentRoot documentRoot = (DocumentRoot)theEObject;
                T result = caseDocumentRoot(documentRoot);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.HISTORY_SUMMARY: {
                HistorySummary historySummary = (HistorySummary)theEObject;
                T result = caseHistorySummary(historySummary);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(historySummary);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.HISTORY_TYPE: {
                HistoryType historyType = (HistoryType)theEObject;
                T result = caseHistoryType(historyType);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(historyType);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.LINK: {
                Link link = (Link)theEObject;
                T result = caseLink(link);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.LINK_COLLECTION: {
                LinkCollection linkCollection = (LinkCollection)theEObject;
                T result = caseLinkCollection(linkCollection);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.OBJECT: {
                eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.Object object = (eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.Object)theEObject;
                T result = caseObject(object);
                if (result == null) result = caseObjectSummary(object);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(object);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.OBJECTS_TYPE: {
                ObjectsType objectsType = (ObjectsType)theEObject;
                T result = caseObjectsType(objectsType);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(objectsType);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.OBJECT_SUMMARY: {
                ObjectSummary objectSummary = (ObjectSummary)theEObject;
                T result = caseObjectSummary(objectSummary);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(objectSummary);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.PAGE: {
                Page page = (Page)theEObject;
                T result = casePage(page);
                if (result == null) result = casePageSummary(page);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(page);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.PAGES_TYPE: {
                PagesType pagesType = (PagesType)theEObject;
                T result = casePagesType(pagesType);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(pagesType);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.PAGE_SUMMARY: {
                PageSummary pageSummary = (PageSummary)theEObject;
                T result = casePageSummary(pageSummary);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(pageSummary);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.PROPERTIES_TYPE: {
                PropertiesType propertiesType = (PropertiesType)theEObject;
                T result = casePropertiesType(propertiesType);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(propertiesType);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.PROPERTY: {
                Property property = (Property)theEObject;
                T result = caseProperty(property);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(property);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.SEARCH_RESULT: {
                SearchResult searchResult = (SearchResult)theEObject;
                T result = caseSearchResult(searchResult);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(searchResult);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.SEARCH_RESULTS_TYPE: {
                SearchResultsType searchResultsType = (SearchResultsType)theEObject;
                T result = caseSearchResultsType(searchResultsType);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(searchResultsType);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.SPACE: {
                Space space = (Space)theEObject;
                T result = caseSpace(space);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(space);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.SPACES_TYPE: {
                SpacesType spacesType = (SpacesType)theEObject;
                T result = caseSpacesType(spacesType);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(spacesType);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.SYNTAXES: {
                Syntaxes syntaxes = (Syntaxes)theEObject;
                T result = caseSyntaxes(syntaxes);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(syntaxes);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.TAG: {
                Tag tag = (Tag)theEObject;
                T result = caseTag(tag);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(tag);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.TAGS_TYPE: {
                TagsType tagsType = (TagsType)theEObject;
                T result = caseTagsType(tagsType);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(tagsType);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.TRANSLATION: {
                Translation translation = (Translation)theEObject;
                T result = caseTranslation(translation);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(translation);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.TRANSLATIONS: {
                Translations translations = (Translations)theEObject;
                T result = caseTranslations(translations);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(translations);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.WIKI: {
                Wiki wiki = (Wiki)theEObject;
                T result = caseWiki(wiki);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(wiki);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.WIKIS_TYPE: {
                WikisType wikisType = (WikisType)theEObject;
                T result = caseWikisType(wikisType);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(wikisType);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            case XwikiPackage.XWIKI: {
                XWiki xWiki = (XWiki)theEObject;
                T result = caseXWiki(xWiki);
                if (result == null) result = caseLinkCollection(xWiki);
                if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
                return result;
            default: return defaultCase(theEObject);

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Attachment</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Attachment</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseAttachment(Attachment object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Attachments Type</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Attachments Type</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseAttachmentsType(AttachmentsType object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Attribute</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Attribute</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseAttribute(Attribute object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Class</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Class</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseClass(eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.Class object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Classes Type</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Classes Type</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseClassesType(ClassesType object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Comment</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Comment</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseComment(Comment object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Comments Type</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Comments Type</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseCommentsType(CommentsType object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Document Root</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Document Root</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseDocumentRoot(DocumentRoot object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>History Summary</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>History Summary</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseHistorySummary(HistorySummary object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>History Type</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>History Type</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseHistoryType(HistoryType object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Link</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Link</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseLink(Link object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Link Collection</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Link Collection</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseLinkCollection(LinkCollection object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Object</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Object</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseObject(eu.learnpad.transformations.metamodel_corpus.xwiki.Object object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Objects Type</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Objects Type</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseObjectsType(ObjectsType object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Object Summary</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Object Summary</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseObjectSummary(ObjectSummary object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Page</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Page</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T casePage(Page object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Pages Type</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Pages Type</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T casePagesType(PagesType object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Page Summary</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Page Summary</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T casePageSummary(PageSummary object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Properties Type</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Properties Type</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T casePropertiesType(PropertiesType object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Property</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Property</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseProperty(Property object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Search Result</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Search Result</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseSearchResult(SearchResult object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Search Results Type</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Search Results Type</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseSearchResultsType(SearchResultsType object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Space</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Space</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseSpace(Space object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Spaces Type</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Spaces Type</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseSpacesType(SpacesType object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Syntaxes</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Syntaxes</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseSyntaxes(Syntaxes object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Tag</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Tag</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseTag(Tag object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Tags Type</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Tags Type</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseTagsType(TagsType object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Translation</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Translation</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseTranslation(Translation object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Translations</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Translations</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseTranslations(Translations object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Wiki</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Wiki</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseWiki(Wiki object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Wikis Type</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Wikis Type</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseWikisType(WikisType object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>XWiki</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>XWiki</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
     * @generated
    public T caseXWiki(XWiki object) {
        return null;

     * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EObject</em>'.
     * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
     * This implementation returns null;
     * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch, but this is the last case anyway.
     * <!-- end-user-doc -->
     * @param object the target of the switch.
     * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EObject</em>'.
     * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)
     * @generated
    public T defaultCase(EObject object) {
        return null;

} //XwikiSwitch