/** * SurveyForm * A dumb component that akes an array of fields, renders an appropriate * input for each field's type, and passes a new array of the same fields * fields with modified values on submission. */import React, {PropTypes} from 'react'import Button from 'react-toolbox/lib/button'import FontIcon from 'react-toolbox/lib/font_icon'import {Field} from 'redux-form' import {FORM_INPUT_TYPES} from 'src/common/util/survey' import {Flex} from 'src/common/components/Layout'import SurveyFormInputText from 'src/common/components/SurveyFormInputText'import SurveyFormInputNumeric from 'src/common/components/SurveyFormInputNumeric'import SurveyFormInputRadio from 'src/common/components/SurveyFormInputRadio'import SurveyFormInputSliderGroup from 'src/common/components/SurveyFormInputSliderGroup'import {validateText, validateNumber, validateNumberGroup} from 'src/common/validations' import styles from './index.css' class SurveyForm extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.renderFieldInput = this.renderFieldInput.bind(this) } validateFieldInput(field) { if (field) { switch (field.type) { case FORM_INPUT_TYPES.TEXT: return value => validateText(value, field.validate) case FORM_INPUT_TYPES.NUMERIC: case FORM_INPUT_TYPES.PERCENTAGE: case FORM_INPUT_TYPES.RADIO: return value => validateNumber(value, field.validate) case FORM_INPUT_TYPES.SLIDER_GROUP: return items => { const values = (items || []).map(item => item.value) return validateNumberGroup(values, field.validate) } default: return value => validateText(value, field.validate) } } } Function `renderFieldInput` has 44 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Function `renderFieldInput` has a Cognitive Complexity of 7 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. renderFieldInput(field) { const {input: {onChange: handleChange}} = field switch (field.type) { case FORM_INPUT_TYPES.TEXT: return ( <SurveyFormInputText name={} hint={field.hint} value={field.input.value || ''} onChange={handleChange} /> ) case FORM_INPUT_TYPES.NUMERIC: case FORM_INPUT_TYPES.PERCENTAGE: return ( <SurveyFormInputNumeric name={} hint={field.hint} value={isNaN(field.input.value) ? null : field.input.value} onChange={handleChange} /> ) case FORM_INPUT_TYPES.RADIO: return ( <SurveyFormInputRadio name={} options={field.options} value={isNaN(field.input.value) ? null : field.input.value} onChange={handleChange} /> ) case FORM_INPUT_TYPES.SLIDER_GROUP: return ( <SurveyFormInputSliderGroup sum={100} name={} hint={field.hint} options={field.options} value={field.input.value || []} onChange={handleChange} /> ) default: return null } } renderFields() { return ( <Flex flexDirection="column" width="100%" className={styles.body}> {, i) => { return ( <div key={i} className={styles.fieldWrapper}> <h6 className={styles.fieldLabel}>{field.label}</h6> <Field name={} component={this.renderFieldInput} validate={this.validateFieldInput(field)} props={field} /> </div> ) })} </Flex> ) } Function `render` has 43 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. render() { const { name, title, handleSubmit, submitLabel, submitDisabled, onClickSubmit, backLabel, backDisabled, onClickBack, showBackButton, invalid, submitting, } = this.props const disableSubmit = submitDisabled || invalid || submitting const backButton = showBackButton ? ( <Button disabled={backDisabled} onClick={onClickBack} raised> <FontIcon value="keyboard_arrow_left"/> <span className={styles.backButtonText}>{backLabel || 'Back'}</span> </Button> ) : null return ( <Flex width="100%" flexDirection="column" className={styles.container}> <form id={name} onSubmit={handleSubmit ? handleSubmit(onClickSubmit) : onClickSubmit}> <h5>{title || ''}</h5> {this.props.fields ? this.renderFields() : this.props.content} <Flex width="100%" className={styles.footer} justifyContent={backButton ? 'space-between' : 'flex-end'} > {backButton} <Button type="submit" label={submitLabel || 'Submit'} disabled={disableSubmit} raised primary /> </Flex> </form> </Flex> ) }} SurveyForm.propTypes = { name: PropTypes.string, title: PropTypes.string, fields: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({ name: PropTypes.string.isRequired, type: PropTypes.string.isRequired, label: PropTypes.string, hint: PropTypes.string, value: PropTypes.any, options: PropTypes.array, validate: PropTypes.object, })), content: PropTypes.any, handleSubmit: PropTypes.func, submitLabel: PropTypes.string, submitDisabled: PropTypes.bool, onClickSubmit: PropTypes.func, backLabel: PropTypes.string, backDisabled: PropTypes.bool, onClickBack: PropTypes.func, showBackButton: PropTypes.bool, invalid: PropTypes.bool, submitting: PropTypes.bool,} export default SurveyForm