/* eslint-env mocha *//* global testContext *//* eslint-disable prefer-arrow-callback, no-unused-expressions */ /**FIXME found * FIXME: Temporarily disabling tests that require a full mount due to: * */import React from 'react'import {shallow, mount} from 'enzyme'import {assert} from 'chai' import SurveyForm from 'src/common/components/SurveyForm' describe(testContext(__filename), function () { describe('props.title', function () { it('title is rendered', function () { const props = getProps({title: 'look at mah title'}) const root = shallow(<SurveyForm {...props}/>) assert.isTrue(root.html().includes(props.title)) }) }) describe.skip('props.fields[n].type: TEXT', function () { before(function () { const radioField = getField('TEXT') this.props = getProps({fields: [radioField]}) this.root = mount(<SurveyForm {...this.props}/>) this.textInput = root.find('SurveyFormInputText') }) it('renders a <SurveyFormInputText> element', function () { assert.equal(this.textInput.length, 1) }) it('passes all expected props to <SurveyFormInputText>', function () { const originalProps = this.props.fields[0] const passedProps = this.textInput.props() const expectedProps = ['name', 'hint', 'value'] _checkProps(originalProps, passedProps, expectedProps) }) }) describe.skip('props.fields[n].type: RADIO', function () { before(function () { const textField = getField('RADIO') this.props = getProps({fields: [textField]}) this.root = mount(<SurveyForm {...this.props}/>) this.radioInput = root.find('SurveyFormInputRadio') }) it('renders a <SurveyFormInputRadio> element', function () { assert.equal(this.radioInput.length, 1) }) it('passes all expected props to <SurveyFormInputRadio>', function () { const originalProps = this.props.fields[0] const passedProps = this.radioInput.props() const expectedProps = ['name', 'options', 'value'] _checkProps(originalProps, passedProps, expectedProps) }) }) describe.skip('props.fields[n].type: NUMERIC', function () { before(function () { const textField = getField('NUMERIC') this.props = getProps({fields: [textField]}) this.root = mount(<SurveyForm {...this.props}/>) this.numericInput = root.find('SurveyFormInputNumeric') }) it('renders a <SurveyFormInputNumeric> element', function () { assert.equal(this.numericInput.length, 1) }) it('passes all expected props to <SurveyFormInputNumeric>', function () { const originalProps = this.props.fields[0] const passedProps = this.numericInput.props() const expectedProps = ['name', 'hint', 'value'] _checkProps(originalProps, passedProps, expectedProps) }) }) describe.skip('props.fields[n].type: SLIDER_GROUP', function () { before(function () { const sliderGroupField = getField('SLIDER_GROUP') this.props = getProps({fields: [sliderGroupField]}) this.root = mount(<SurveyForm {...this.props}/>) this.sliderGroupInput = root.find('SurveyFormInputSliderGroup') }) it('renders a <SurveyFormInputSliderGroup> element', function () { assert.equal(this.sliderGroupInput.length, 1) }) it('passes all expected props to <SurveyFormInputSliderGroup>', function () { const originalProps = this.props.fields[0] const passedProps = this.sliderGroupInput.props() const expectedProps = ['name', 'hint', 'sum', 'options', 'value'] _checkProps(originalProps, passedProps, expectedProps) }) }) describe('props.submitLabel', function () { it('is displayed', function () { const props = getProps({submitLabel: 'Submit This Thang'}) const root = shallow(<SurveyForm {...props}/>) assert.isTrue(root.html().includes(props.submitLabel)) }) }) describe.skip('props.onSave', function () { it('is called when the submit button is clicked', function () { let submitted = false const onSave = () => { submitted = true } const props = getProps({onSave}) const root = mount(<SurveyForm {...props}/>) const submitButton = findSubmitButton(root) submitButton.simulate('click') assert.isTrue(submitted) }) }) describe.skip('props.disabled', function () { it('disables the submit button when true', function () { const props = getProps({disabled: true}) const root = mount(<SurveyForm {...props}/>) const submitButton = findSubmitButton(root) assert.isTrue(submitButton.props().disabled) }) })}) function getProps(props) { return Object.assign({}, { title: undefined, fields: [], onClose: undefined, submitLabel: undefined, disabled: undefined, invalid: undefined, submitting: undefined, onSave: undefined, handleSubmit: submit => submit, }, props || {})} Function `getField` has 34 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.function getField(type) { switch (type) { case 'TEXT': return { type: 'TEXT', name: 'text name', hint: 'text hint', value: 'text value', } case 'NUMERIC': return { type: 'NUMERIC', name: 'text name', hint: 'text hint', value: 99, } case 'RADIO': return { type: 'RADIO', name: 'radio name', options: [], value: 50, } case 'SLIDER_GROUP': return { type: 'SLIDER_GROUP', name: 'slidergrp name', hint: 'slidergrp hint', sum: 100, options: [], value: [], } default: return null }} function findSubmitButton(wrapper) { return wrapper.findWhere(node => { return === 'Button' && node.props().type === 'submit' }).first()} function _checkProps(originalProps, passedProps, expectedProps) { expectedProps.forEach(expectedProp => { assert.isTrue(typeof originalProps[expectedProp] !== 'undefined', `Invalid assertion for prop ${expectedProp}`) assert.isTrue(passedProps[expectedProp] === originalProps[expectedProp], `Did not pass prop ${expectedProp}`) })}