/* eslint-env mocha *//* global testContext *//* eslint-disable prefer-arrow-callback, no-unused-expressions */import React from 'react'import {mount} from 'enzyme'import {assert} from 'chai' import SurveyFormInputSliderGroup from 'src/common/components/SurveyFormInputSliderGroup' describe(testContext(__filename), function () { // let changed = false // let changedValue = null const props = { name: 'mahSliderGroupInput', hint: 'do all the things', sum: 200, options: [ { key: 'hey', label: 'hey', tooltip: 'Profile for Hey', url: '', }, { key: 'ho', label: 'ho', tooltip: 'Profile for Ho', url: '', }, ], value: [ {key: 'hey', value: 150}, ], onChange: (/* value */) => { // changed = true // changedValue = value } } const root = mount(<SurveyFormInputSliderGroup {...props}/>) const sliders = root.find('Slider') const sliderLabels = root.find('Chip') describe('props.hint', function () { it('renders the hint', function () { assert.isTrue(root.html().includes(props.hint)) }) }) describe('props.options', function () { it('renders as many radio buttons as provided options', function () { assert.equal(sliders.length, props.options.length) }) }) describe('props.options[n]', function () { it('renders a label using option.label, option.tooltip, and option.url prop values', function () { props.options.forEach((option, i) => { const sliderLabel = const sliderLabelHTML = sliderLabel.html() assert.isTrue(sliderLabelHTML.includes(option.label), 'Slider label does not include option label text') assert.isTrue(sliderLabelHTML.includes(option.tooltip), 'Slider label does not include option tooltip') assert.isTrue(sliderLabelHTML.includes(option.url), 'Slider label does not include option url') }) }) }) describe('props.value', function () { sliders.forEach((slider, i) => { const option = props.options[i] const optionValue = props.value.find(optionValue => optionValue.key === option.key) const sliderProps = slider.props() if (optionValue) { it('sets the option slider value if provided', function () { assert.equal(sliderProps.value, optionValue.value, 'Slider value is not set to the value privided for the option key') }) } else { it('sets the option slider value to 0 if not provided', function () { assert.equal(sliderProps.value, 0, 'Slider value is not set to 0 by default') }) } }) }) describe.skip('props.sum, props.onChange', function () {FIXME found // FIXME: having trouble figuring out how to properly get the // onChange event handler invoked. simulating a 'change' event // on a <Slider> component doesn't seem to cut it. it('passes value to provided callback') it('limits sum of value changes to no more than the specified sum') it('returns a value for every option, even if some options have a null or 0 value') })})