import React, {Component, PropTypes} from 'react'import {connect} from 'react-redux'import {push} from 'react-router-redux'import {Link} from 'react-router'import FontIcon from 'react-toolbox/lib/font_icon' import TabbedContentTable from 'src/common/components/TabbedContentTable'import {showLoad, hideLoad} from 'src/common/actions/app'import {findPhaseSummaries} from 'src/common/actions/phase' import styles from './index.scss' const tableModel = { memberName: {title: 'Name', type: String}, memberHandle: {title: 'Handle', type: String}, projectName: {title: 'Project', type: String}, projectArtifact: {title: 'Artifact?', type: String},} class PhaseListContainer extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = {selectedTabIndex: 0} this.handleSelectTab = this.handleSelectTab.bind(this) } componentDidMount() { this.props.showLoad() this.props.fetchData() } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if (!nextProps.isBusy && nextProps.loading) { this.props.hideLoad() } } handleSelectTab(selectedTabIndex) { this.setState({selectedTabIndex}) } render() { const {isBusy, tabs, tableSources} = this.props const selectedTabIndex = this.state.selectedTabIndex const tableSource = isBusy ? null : tableSources[selectedTabIndex] return isBusy ? null : ( <TabbedContentTable title="Phases" tabs={tabs} selectedTabIndex={selectedTabIndex} tableSource={tableSource} tableModel={tableModel} onSelectTab={this.handleSelectTab} onClickImport={this.handleClickImport} /> ) }} PhaseListContainer.propTypes = { tabs: PropTypes.array.isRequired, tableSources: PropTypes.array.isRequired, isBusy: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, loading: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, fetchData: PropTypes.func.isRequired, navigate: PropTypes.func.isRequired, showLoad: PropTypes.func.isRequired, hideLoad: PropTypes.func.isRequired,} PhaseListContainer.fetchData = fetchData function fetchData(dispatch) { dispatch(findPhaseSummaries())} Function `mapStateToProps` has 62 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.function mapStateToProps(state) { const {app, phaseSummaries} = state const {phaseSummaries: phaseSummariesByPhaseId} = phaseSummaries const phaseSummaryList = Object.values(phaseSummariesByPhaseId) phaseSummaryList.sort((summaryA, summaryB) => (summaryA.phase.number - summaryB.phase.number)) Function `tableSources` has 50 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. const tableSources =, i) => { const projectsByMemberId = phaseSummary.currentProjects.reduce((result, project) => { project.memberIds.forEach(memberId => { result[memberId] = project }) return result }, {}) return phaseSummary.currentMembers .sort((memberA, memberB) => ( )) .map(phaseMember => { let projectName = null let projectArtifact = null const project = projectsByMemberId[] if (project) { projectName = ( <Link key={`${phaseMember.handle}_${}_name_${i}`} to={`/projects/${}`} > {} </Link> ) projectArtifact = project.artifactURL ? ( <Link key={`${phaseMember.handle}_${}_artifact_${i}`} to={project.artifactURL} target="_blank" > <FontIcon className={styles.fontIcon} value="open_in_new"/> </Link> ) : null } const memberName = ( <Link to={`/users/${phaseMember.handle}`}> {} </Link> ) const memberHandle = ( <Link to={`/users/${phaseMember.handle}`}> {phaseMember.handle} </Link> ) return { memberName, memberHandle, projectName, projectArtifact, } }) }) return { isBusy: phaseSummaries.isBusy, loading: app.showLoading, tabs: => ({label: String(})), tableSources, }} function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return { navigate: path => dispatch(push(path)), showLoad: () => dispatch(showLoad()), hideLoad: () => dispatch(hideLoad()), fetchData: props => { return () => fetchData(dispatch, props) }, }} function mergeProps(stateProps, dispatchProps, ownProps) { const stateAndOwnProps = {...stateProps, ...ownProps} return { ...dispatchProps, ...stateAndOwnProps, fetchData: dispatchProps.fetchData(stateAndOwnProps), }} export default connect( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, mergeProps)(PhaseListContainer)