File `index.jsx` has 281 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring./* global window */ import React, {Component, PropTypes} from 'react'import {connect} from 'react-redux'import {push} from 'react-router-redux'import {reduxForm} from 'redux-form' import {showLoad, hideLoad} from 'src/common/actions/app'import { getWorkPlanSurvey, findProjectsWithWorkPlans, saveWorkPlanSurveyResponses, submitSurvey, setSurveyGroup,} from 'src/common/actions/workPlanSurvey'import { groupSurveyQuestions, formFieldsForQuestionGroup, questionResponsesForFormFields,} from 'src/common/util/survey' import WorkPlanSurveyForm from 'src/common/components/WorkPlanSurveyForm' const FORM_NAME = 'workPlanSurvey' class WorkPlanSurveyContainer extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.getRef = this.getRef.bind(this) this.handleClose = this.handleClose.bind(this) this.handleClickSubmit = this.handleClickSubmit.bind(this) this.handleClickBack = this.handleClickBack.bind(this) this.handleClickProject = this.handleClickProject.bind(this) this.handleClickConfirm = this.handleClickConfirm.bind(this) } componentDidMount() { this.props.showLoad() this.props.fetchData() } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if (nextProps.isBusy) { return } if (nextProps.loading) { this.props.hideLoad() } } getRef(node) { this.node = node } handleClickProject(project) { return () => this.props.navigate(`/workplan/${}`) } handleClickSubmit(surveyFormValues) { try { // merge submitted form values with fuller field types const mergedFields = => ( {...field, value: surveyFormValues[]} )) const {currentUser, surveyId, surveyGroupIndex} = this.props const defaults = {surveyId, respondentId:} const responses = questionResponsesForFormFields(mergedFields, defaults) return this.props.saveWorkPlanSurveyResponses(responses, { onSuccess: () => { this.props.setSurveyGroup(surveyGroupIndex + 1) if (this.node) { this.node.scrollIntoView() } } }) } catch (err) { console.error('Survey response parse error:', err) } } handleClickConfirm() { this.props.submitSurvey(this.props.surveyId) this.handleClose() } handleClickBack() { this.props.setSurveyGroup(this.props.surveyGroupIndex - 1) } handleClose() { if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.parent) { window.parent.postMessage('closeWorkPlanSurvey', '*') } window.location = '/workplan' } Function `render` has 47 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. render() { const { showSurvey, showNoWorkPlan, surveyTitle, surveyShortTitle, surveyFieldGroups, surveyGroupIndex, surveyFields, handleSubmit, isBusy, submitting, invalid, } = this.props if (showSurvey) { return ( <WorkPlanSurveyForm surveyTitle={surveyTitle} surveyShortTitle={surveyShortTitle} formName={FORM_NAME} surveyFieldGroups={surveyFieldGroups} surveyGroupIndex={surveyGroupIndex} surveyFields={surveyFields} handleSubmit={handleSubmit} isBusy={isBusy} submitting={submitting} invalid={invalid} onClickSubmit={this.handleClickSubmit} onClickConfirm={this.handleClickConfirm} onClickBack={this.handleClickBack} getRef={this.getRef} /> ) } if (isBusy) { return null } if (showNoWorkPlan) { return ( <div> <br/> <h3>No work plans here...</h3> </div> ) } return ( <div>Loading Work Plan...</div> ) }} WorkPlanSurveyContainer.propTypes = { currentUser: PropTypes.object, isBusy: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, loading: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, showSurvey: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, showNoWorkPlan: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, surveyId: PropTypes.string, surveyTitle: PropTypes.string, surveyShortTitle: PropTypes.string, surveyGroupIndex: PropTypes.number, surveyFields: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({ name: PropTypes.string.isRequired, type: PropTypes.string.isRequired, label: PropTypes.string, hint: PropTypes.string, value: PropTypes.any, options: PropTypes.array, validate: PropTypes.object, })), surveyFieldGroups: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.array), surveyError: PropTypes.object, showProjects: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, projects: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({ name: PropTypes.string, cycle: PropTypes.shape({ cycleNumber: PropTypes.number, }), })), handleSubmit: PropTypes.func.isRequired, fetchData: PropTypes.func.isRequired, navigate: PropTypes.func.isRequired, showLoad: PropTypes.func.isRequired, hideLoad: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setSurveyGroup: PropTypes.func.isRequired, saveWorkPlanSurveyResponses: PropTypes.func.isRequired, submitSurvey: PropTypes.func.isRequired, invalid: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, submitting: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,} WorkPlanSurveyContainer.fetchData = fetchData function fetchData(dispatch, props) { if (props.params.projectName) { dispatch(getWorkPlanSurvey(props.params.projectName)) } else { dispatch(findProjectsWithWorkPlans()) }} function parseSurvey(survey) { if (survey && survey.questions) { const surveyQuestionGroups = groupSurveyQuestions(survey.questions) if (surveyQuestionGroups) { return => ( formFieldsForQuestionGroup(questionGroup) )) } }} Function `mapStateToProps` has 71 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Function `mapStateToProps` has a Cognitive Complexity of 13 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.function mapStateToProps(state) { const { surveys: { isBusy, isSubmitting, data: surveys, groupIndex: surveyGroupIndex, }, } = state let showSurvey = true let showNoWorkPlan = false let surveyId = null let surveyTitle = null let surveyShortTitle = null let surveyFields = null let surveyFieldGroups = null let surveyError = null let initialValues = null let showProjects = false let projects = null TODO found // TODO: make more performant by parsing survey only when data changes if (surveys.length === 1) { try { const survey = surveys[0] surveyId = surveyFieldGroups = parseSurvey(survey) surveyFields = surveyFieldGroups[surveyGroupIndex] surveyTitle = 'Work Plan' surveyShortTitle = surveyTitle if (state.form.workPlanSurvey) { if (!state.form.workPlanSurvey.values) { initialValues = surveyFields.reduce((result, field) => { result[] = field.value return result }, {}) } else { initialValues = state.form.workPlanSurvey.values } } } catch (err) { console.error(err) surveyError = err } } else { surveyShortTitle = 'Work Plan' showSurvey = false if (surveys.length > 1) { showProjects = true projects = => r.project).sort((p1, p2) => ( (p1.cycle || {}).cycleNumber - (p2.cycle || {}).cycleNumber )) } else { showNoWorkPlan = true } } return { currentUser: state.auth.currentUser, loading:, isBusy, isSubmitting, showSurvey, showNoWorkPlan, showProjects, projects, surveyId, surveyTitle, surveyShortTitle, surveyFields, surveyFieldGroups, surveyGroupIndex, surveyError, initialValues, }} function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch, props) { return { fetchData: () => fetchData(dispatch, props), showLoad: () => dispatch(showLoad()), hideLoad: () => dispatch(hideLoad()), navigate: path => dispatch(push(path)), setSurveyGroup: groupIndex => dispatch(setSurveyGroup(groupIndex)), saveWorkPlanSurveyResponses: (responses, options) => dispatch(saveWorkPlanSurveyResponses(responses, options)), submitSurvey: surveyId => dispatch(submitSurvey(surveyId)), }} const formOptions = { form: FORM_NAME, enableReinitialize: true, keepDirtyOnReinitialize: true, destroyOnUnmount: false,} export default connect( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(reduxForm(formOptions)(WorkPlanSurveyContainer))