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Test Coverage
%YAML 1.2
# - phases are identified by a universally unique identifier (UUID, version 4)
# - you can use a tool to generate them safely: https://www.uuidgenerator.net
# - they MUST be version 4!
# - this UUID is on the left-hand side of the colon for each question
# - when modifying, it's important that you don't change the UUID
# - to add a new item, you'll need to generate a new UUID
# - you should never replace an item completely while keeping the UUID the same
# - if you don't know what you're doing, ask!
  id: e9548492-6106-4b06-bb54-a42d9479efb1
  number: 2
  name: Foundations
  channelName: phase-foundations
  id: 80c22650-b0e4-4223-a073-fa0004e8785d
  number: 3
  name: Practice
  channelName: phase-practice
  id: ab4e7c93-1ce3-4c15-81a4-69f92e23854f
  number: 4
  name: Apprenticeship
  channelName: phase-apprenticeship