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Django Mailchimp AMP embedded subscription form

Django app for easy embedding of the Mailchimp subscription form to AMP pages.

Quick start

#. Install ``django-mailchimp-amp``:

    .. code-block:: bash

        pip install django-mailchimp-amp

    or from sources

    .. code-block:: bash

        pip install git+https://github.com/letme/django-mailchimp-amp

#. Add ``django-mailchimp-amp`` to ``INSTALLED_APPS`` in your Django ``settings.py``. Also make sure you add your
   MailChimp api key, username and listids

    .. code-block:: python

        INSTALLED_APPS = [
        MAILCHIMP_API = 'yourmailchimpapikey'
        MAILCHIMP_USERNAME = 'yourmailchimp@mail'
        MAILCHIMP_LISTID = 'mailchimplistid'

#. Add ``django-mailchimp-amp`` to ``urlpatterns`` in your project ``urls.py``:

    .. code-block:: python

        urlpatterns = [
            path('mailchimp/', include('django-mailchimp-amp.urls')),

#. Add template tags to your templates where you want subscription form to be presented:

    .. code-block:: html+django

            <!-- if you did not include amp-form and amp-mustache for anything else -->
            {% include "django-mailchimp-amp/scripts_form.html" %}

            <style amp-custom>
            /* Include default form style template */
            {% include "django-mailchimp-amp/style_form.css" %}
            <!-- Include the subscription form where pre_subscribe_text appears above/before the subscription form -->
            {% include "django-mailchimp-amp/subscribe_form.html" with mailchimp_pre_subscribe_text="If you want to receive our awesome stuff you can subscribe to our newsletter:" %}


Any contribution is welcome as well as reporting issues/bugs or requesting features. Do not be shy and open a pull
request and I will do my best to help you include your contribution into the repository. Keep in mind that reporting a
bug or requesting a feature is also considered as contribution, even if you do not have development skills to implement

Development setup

To run tests and checks we use tox.

.. code-block:: bash

    # to install tox
    pip3 install tox

    # to run tests