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Test Coverage
# Enable language redirect
config.tx_locate = 1
config.tx_locate {
    # Set this param if you do not want to execute the redirect
    dryRun = 0

    # Whether bots should be excluded from the behavior of the extension.
    excludeBots = 1

    # If this option is enabled, the verdict will be saved in a session and will not be evaluated again.
    sessionHandling = 1

    # If this option is enabled, it is possible to overwrite the verdict stored in the session.
    overrideSessionValue = 1

    # URL Parameter which has to be true when overrideCookie is allowed within action and cookieHandling is enabled
    overrideQueryParameter = setLang

    # Simulate your IP address for countryByIP fact provider (for test purposes only), is a french IP address
    simulateIp =

    verdicts {
        redirectToMainlandChina = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Verdict\Redirect
        redirectToMainlandChina.url = https://www.example.cn

        redirectToUS = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Verdict\Redirect
        redirectToUS.sys_language = 12

        redirectToDE = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Verdict\Redirect
        redirectToDE.sys_language = 29

        redirectToPageFR = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Verdict\Redirect
        redirectToPageFR {
            sys_language = 19
            page = 89

        redirectToEN = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Verdict\Redirect
        redirectToEN.sys_language = 0

    facts {
        browserAcceptLanguage = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\FactProvider\BrowserAcceptedLanguage
        countryByIP = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\FactProvider\IP2Country

    judges {
        # Users from mainland China should be redirected to a specific URL.
        100 = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Judge\Condition
        100 {
            verdict = redirectToMainlandChina
            fact = countryByIP
            prosecution = cn

        # Users with the American English browser language should be redirected to a specific language version of the current page.
        200 = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Judge\Condition
        200 {
            verdict = redirectToUS
            fact = browserAcceptLanguage
            prosecution = en-us

        # Users with the browser language German shall be redirected to the German language version of the current page.
        300 = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Judge\Condition
        300 {
            verdict = redirectToDE
            fact = browserAcceptLanguage
            prosecution = de

        # Users with the French browser language should be redirected to the French language version of another page.
        300 = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Judge\Condition
        300 {
            verdict = redirectToPageFR
            fact = browserAcceptLanguage
            prosecution = fr

        # All other users should be redirected to the English language version of the current page.
        999999 = Leuchtfeuer\Locate\Judge\Fixed
        999999.verdict = redirectToEN