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Language Utilities for TYPO3

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This TYPO3 extension provides some functions to **assign a suitable language** version of your website to the website user or to 
**deny access to configurable pages** in configurable countries (geo blocking).

The full documentation for the latest releases can be found [here](https://docs.typo3.org/p/leuchtfeuer/locate/master/en-us/).

## Requirements

We are currently supporting following TYPO3 versions:<br><br>

| Extension Version | TYPO3 v12 Support | TYPO3 v11 Support | TYPO3 v10 Support | TYPO3 v9 Support |
| 12.x              | x                 | -                 | -                 | -                |
| 11.x              | -                 | x                 | x                 | -                |
| 10.x              | -                 | -                 | x                 | x                |

### IPv6 Support

For an accurate IPv6 support, your PHP needs to support either `gmp` or `bcmath`. It also has to be compiled  without the 
`--disable-ipv6` option. The determination of IP addresses is also possible without these packages, but it is less precise.

## Contributing

You can contribute by making a **pull request** to the master branch of this repository. Or just send us some **beers**...

This site or product includes IP2Location LITE data available from [https://lite.ip2location.com](https://lite.ip2location.com>).