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const {Connection, Database, Table, Key} = require('./generic');

const fs = require('fs');
const Promise = require('bluebird');

const debug = require('debug')('database:json');

 * Options for a {@link JSONConnection}.
 * @typedef {Object} JSONConnectionOptions
 * @property {String} filePath The file path to a JSON file. Encoding must be UTF-8.
 * Options for a {@link JSONDatabase}.
 * @typedef {Object} JSONDatabaseOptions
 * @property {JSONTable[]} tables The tables in this database.
 * Options for a {@link JSONTable}.
 * @typedef {Object} JSONTableOptions
 * @property {String} name The name of the table.
 * @property {JSONKey[]} keys The keys in this table.
 * Options for a {@link JSONKey}.
 * @typedef {Object} JSONKeyOptions
 * @property {String} name The name of the key.
 * @property {Any} value The value of the key.

 * A connection to a JSON file.
 * @extends Connection
module.exports.JSONConnection = class JSONConnection extends Connection {
     * Creates a new {@link JSONConnection}.
     * @param {JSONConnectionOptions} options The options for this connection.
    constructor(options) {
        debug('debugging is enabled');

     * Loads the JSON file.
     * @returns {Promise<JSONDatabase>} A promise that, when resolves, returns the JSONDatabase object. Rejects on error with an error object.
    connect() {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            fs.readFile(this.options.filePath, {encoding: 'utf-8'}, (err, data) => {
                if (err) {
                    debug('error occured while loading database, rejecting promise');
                // load json
                debug('loading JSON');
                let json = JSON.parse(data);
                // create temp arrays
                let tempTables = [];
                let tempKeys = [];
                // read the JSON and get tables
                // this does a similar thing to JSONDatabase#toJSON, but goes from JSON to the classes.
                Object.keys(json).forEach(table => {
                    debug('loading table ' + table);
                    // get all keys in this table
                    Object.keys(json[table]).forEach(key => {
                        // push to a temp array for later
                        debug('loading key ' + key);
                        tempKeys.push(new exports.JSONKey({
                            name: key,
                            value: json[table][key]
                    // use tempKeys to build a JSONTable object and push that to the tempTables array
                    debug('adding table to the final table array with keys');
                    tempTables.push(new exports.JSONTable({
                        name: table,
                        keys: tempKeys
                    // rinse and repeat
                // create database
                debug('creating database');
                this.options.database = new exports.JSONDatabase({
                    tables: tempTables
                // resolve!

     * Saves the data.
     * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves if the data saved successfully. Rejects if there was an error.
    save() {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            debug('saving data');
            fs.writeFile(this.options.filePath, this.options.database.toJSON(), err => {
                if (err) reject(err);
                debug('saved data');

 * A database stored in a JSON file.
 * @extends Database
module.exports.JSONDatabase = class JSONDatabase extends Database {
     * Creates a new {@link JSONDatabase}.
     * @param {JSONDatabaseOptions} options The options for this database.
    constructor(options) {

     * Gets the tables in this database. See {@link JSONTable}
    get tables() {
        return this.options.tables;

     * Gets a table in this database.
     * @param {String} name The name of the table.
     * @returns {JSONTable|null} The table, if found. Otherwise, null.
    table(name) {
        for (let i = 0; i <= this.options.tables.length; i++) {
            if (this.options.tables[i].name === name) {
                return this.options.tables[i];
        return null;

     * Add a table to the database.
     * @param {JSONTable} table The table to add to this database.
    add(table) {

     * Gets the JSON string for this database.
     * @returns {String} The JSON string.
    toJSON() {
        // create a blank array to store the table data in
        var base = {};
        debug('converting database to JSON');
        this.tables.forEach(table => {
            debug('loading table ' + table.name);
            // create a blank object to store each key in
            let tableData = {};
            table.keys.forEach(key => {
                debug('loading key ' + key.name);
                // add a key to the data
                tableData[key.name] = key.value;
            // push the table data to the array
            debug('table data for table ' + table.name + ' is ' + require('util').inspect(tableData));
            debug('writing table');
            base[table.name] = tableData;
            // rinse and repeat
        return JSON.stringify(base);

 * A table.
 * @extends Table
module.exports.JSONTable = class JSONTable extends Table {
     * Creates a new {@link JSONTable}.
     * @param {JSONTableOptions} options The options for this table.
    constructor(options) {

     * Gets the name of the table.
    get name() {
        return this.options.name;

     * Gets the keys in this table. See {@link JSONKey}.
    get keys() {
        return this.options.keys;

     * Gets a key in this table.
     * @param {String} name The name of the key.
     * @returns {JSONKey|null} The key, if found. Otherwise, null.
    key(name) {
        for (let i = 0; i <= this.options.keys.length; i++) {
            if (this.options.keys[i].name === name) {
                return this.options.keys[i];
        return null;

     * Add a key to the table.
     * @param {JSONKey} key The key to add to this table.
    add(key) {

 * A key.
 * @extends Key
module.exports.JSONKey = class JSONKey extends Key {
     * Creates a new {@link JSONKey}.
     * @param {JSONKeyOptions} options The options for this key.
    constructor(options) {

     * Gets the name of the key.
    get name() {
        return this.options.name;