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Test Coverage
**🚨Note: The original Haven OnDemand service is not currently operational. This package will NOT work🚨**

While Daven OnDemand is down, this package will no longer work. If MicroFocus (the buyer of Haven OnDemand) provides support for the original Haven OnDemand again, I will update this module accordingly, to get it working again.

In the meantime, [IBM Watson](, [Microsoft Azure]( and [Google Cloud]( offers similar  text analysis products, and are free to use for small / personal projects.

Alternativley if it's just sentiment analysis your after, I have written my own stand-alone, AFINN-111 based package, here: [sentiment-analysis]( Hope that helps!


# haven-sentiment-analysis
> Node.js client for HP Haven OnDemand Sentiment Analysis

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## Install
npm install git://

## Usage
var sentimentAnalysis =  require('haven-sentiment-analysis');
var string = 'dinosaurs are awesome and I love ice cream';

sentimentAnalysis(string, apiKey, function(results){
    console.log(results); // Do some awesome stuff with sentiment data!

There is also the option of passing a JSON object rather than a String as the first paramater, in order to specify additional options. See the [Haven OnDemand documentation]( for full list of paramater options. 

## Example Output
  "positive": [
      "sentiment": "awesome",
      "topic": "dinosaurs",
      "score": 0.8952832264587852,
      "original_text": "dinosaurs are awesome",
      "original_length": 21,
      "normalized_text": "dinosaurs are awesome",
      "normalized_length": 21
      "sentiment": "love",
      "topic": "icecream",
      "score": 0.8053406931054015,
      "original_text": "I love icecream",
      "original_length": 15,
      "normalized_text": "I love icecream",
      "normalized_length": 15
  "negative": [],
  "aggregate": {
    "sentiment": "positive",
    "score": 0.8503119597820934

## Obtaining an API Key
Head over to [HP Haven OnDemand](, log in or sign up and then navigate to the 'My Keys' page. 
API Keys are free for under 50,000 requests monthly. (at the time of writing this)

## Development 
See gulpfile.js for automated build tasks

## License
MIT © [Alicia Sykes](