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# Include relevant node modules
FetchTweets = require 'fetch-tweets'
sentiment   = require 'sentiment-analysis'
removeWords = require 'remove-words'
twitterKey  = require('../config/keys').twitter
Tweet       = require '../models/Tweet'

module.exports = (searchTerm, callback) ->

  if searchTerm == '' then Tweet.getAllTweets (results) ->
    format results, callback

  else (new FetchTweets twitterKey).byTopic searchTerm, (results) ->
    format results, callback

  format = (results, callback) ->

    # Assign Sentiments
    for tweet in results then tweet.sentiment = sentiment tweet.body

    # Assign keywords
    for tweet in results then tweet.keywords = removeWords tweet.body

    # Find average sentiment
    total =  0
    for tweet in results then total += tweet.sentiment
    averageSentiment = total / results.length
    averageSentiment = Math.round(averageSentiment*100)/100

    # Done, call callback with results and sentiment average
    callback results, averageSentiment