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        h2.grey-text.text-darken-2 Real-time analysis of social opinions

        p.flow-text Tap one of the links below to get started"document.location.href ='/now'")

            i.material-icons.pull-left public
            h3.bold.flow-text.inline World Sentiment Now
                | The world according to Twitter is currently
                | <b> #{Math.round(averageSentiment * 100)}%</b> positive. View the real-time twitter sentiment feed
                | <br>
                | <a href='/now'> Find out more...</a>"$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $('#part-2').offset().top}, 1200);")
            i.material-icons.pull-left blur_on
            h3.bold.flow-text.inline Browse Data Charts
            p.flow-text(onClick="$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $('#part-2').offset().top}, 1200);")
                | Interactive data visualisations with sentiment results calculated in real-time
                | <br>
                |  <a href='#part-2'> View now...</a>"document.location.href ='/search'")
            i.material-icons.pull-left search
            h3.bold.flow-text.inline Custom Search
                | Generate the latest results from fresh Twitter data by entering a topic,
                | person, location, brand or object
                | <br>
                |  <a href='/search'> Make a search now...</a>"$('#aboutMore').slideDown('fast'); $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $('#aboutMore').offset().top}, 1200);")
            i.material-icons.pull-left info
            h3.bold.flow-text.inline Learn More about this App
                | Want to know more about what Sentiment Sweep is, what it can be used for and how it works?
                | <br>
                | <a href='#aboutMore'>Learn more...</a>
            | Your missing out on half the fun!
            | Sentiment Sweep is best viewed in a desktop browser, or on a larger device

.row(style='display: none')#aboutMore
            h3 Introduction to Sentiment Sweep
            p Sentiment Sweep aims to captcha the mood of the internet, either
                | overall or towards a specific topic.
                | It does this by analysing real-time Twitter data, and calculating
                | how positive or negative each Tweet it.

            p A series of dynamic data visualisations are then used to
                | illustrate the results, and find trends between sentiment and
                | other factors such as time of day, location, topic, country, people etc

            p It's open sauce, and the code and documentation can be viewed
                | on <a href=''>GitHub</a>

            .row: br hr(style='opacity: 0.6; margin: 2em 1em; border: none; border-top: 1px solid #9e9e9e;')