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 * MIT License
 * Copyright (c) 2014 - 2024 LoboEvolution
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
 * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
 * Contact info: ivan.difrancesco@yahoo.it

package com.jtattoo.plaf;

import lombok.Data;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.loboevolution.common.Strings;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Properties;

import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource;
import javax.swing.plaf.FontUIResource;
import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalTheme;

 * <p>Abstract AbstractTheme class.</p>
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
public abstract class AbstractTheme extends MetalTheme {
    /** Constant TEXT_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT=0 */
    public static final int TEXT_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT = 0;
    /** Constant TEXT_ANTIALIAS_GRAY=1 */
    public static final int TEXT_ANTIALIAS_GRAY = 1;
    /** Constant TEXT_ANTIALIAS_HRGB=2 */
    public static final int TEXT_ANTIALIAS_HRGB = 2;
    /** Constant TEXT_ANTIALIAS_HBGR=3 */
    public static final int TEXT_ANTIALIAS_HBGR = 3;
    /** Constant TEXT_ANTIALIAS_VRGB=4 */
    public static final int TEXT_ANTIALIAS_VRGB = 4;
    /** Constant TEXT_ANTIALIAS_VBGR=5 */
    public static final int TEXT_ANTIALIAS_VBGR = 5;
    /** Constant DIALOG="Dialog" */
    public static final String DIALOG = "Dialog";

    /** Constant RED */
    public static final ColorUIResource RED = new ColorUIResource(255, 0, 0);
    /** Constant GREEN */
    public static final ColorUIResource GREEN = new ColorUIResource(0, 255, 255);
    /** Constant CYAN */
    public static final ColorUIResource CYAN = new ColorUIResource(0, 255, 255);
    /** Constant WHITE */
    public static final ColorUIResource WHITE = new ColorUIResource(255, 255, 255);
    /** Constant SUPER_LIGHT_GRAY */
    public static final ColorUIResource SUPER_LIGHT_GRAY = new ColorUIResource(248, 248, 248);
    /** Constant EXTRA_LIGHT_GRAY */
    public static final ColorUIResource EXTRA_LIGHT_GRAY = new ColorUIResource(232, 232, 232);
    /** Constant LIGHT_GRAY */
    public static final ColorUIResource LIGHT_GRAY = new ColorUIResource(196, 196, 196);
    /** Constant GRAY */
    public static final ColorUIResource GRAY = new ColorUIResource(164, 164, 164);
    /** Constant DARK_GRAY */
    public static final ColorUIResource DARK_GRAY = new ColorUIResource(148, 148, 148);
    /** Constant EXTRA_DARK_GRAY */
    public static final ColorUIResource EXTRA_DARK_GRAY = new ColorUIResource(96, 96, 96);
    /** Constant BLACK */
    public static final ColorUIResource BLACK = new ColorUIResource(0, 0, 0);
    /** Constant ORANGE */
    public static final ColorUIResource ORANGE = new ColorUIResource(255, 200, 0);
    /** Constant LIGHT_ORANGE */
    public static final ColorUIResource LIGHT_ORANGE = new ColorUIResource(255, 220, 96);
    /** Constant YELLOW */
    public static final ColorUIResource YELLOW = new ColorUIResource(255, 255, 196);
    /** Constant BLUE */
    public static final ColorUIResource BLUE = new ColorUIResource(0, 128, 255);
    /** Constant DARK_BLUE */
    public static final ColorUIResource DARK_BLUE = new ColorUIResource(0, 64, 128);

    /** Constant internalName="Default" */
    private static String internalName = "Default";
    /** Constant windowDecoration=false */
    private boolean windowDecoration = false;
    /** Constant macStyleWindowDecoration=false */
    private boolean macStyleWindowDecoration = false;
    /** Constant centerWindowTitle=false */
    private boolean centerWindowTitle = false;
    /** Constant linuxStyleScrollBar=false */
    private boolean linuxStyleScrollBar = false;
    /** Constant macStyleScrollBar=false */
    private boolean macStyleScrollBar = false;
    /** Constant dynamicLayout=false */
    private boolean dynamicLayout = false;
    /** Constant textShadow=false */
    protected boolean textShadow = false;
    /** Constant textAntiAliasing=true */
    private boolean textAntiAliasing = true;
    /** Constant textAntiAliasingMode=TEXT_ANTIALIAS_HRGB */
    protected static int textAntiAliasingMode = TEXT_ANTIALIAS_HRGB;
    /** Constant backgroundPattern=true */
    protected boolean backgroundPattern = true;
    /** Constant brightMode=false */
    private boolean brightMode = false;
    /** Constant showFocusFrame=false */
    protected boolean showFocusFrame = false;
    /** Constant drawSquareButtons=false */
    private boolean drawSquareButtons = false;
    /** Constant toolbarDecorated=true */
    private boolean toolbarDecorated = true;

    /** Constant menuOpaque=true */
    protected boolean menuOpaque = true;
    /** Constant menuAlpha=0.9f */
    protected static float menuAlpha = 0.9f;
    /** Constant logoString="JTattoo" */
    private String logoString = "JTattoo";
    /** Constant controlFont */
    protected static FontUIResource controlFont = null;
    /** Constant systemFont */
    protected static FontUIResource systemFont = null;
    /** Constant userFont */
    protected static FontUIResource userFont = null;
    /** Constant smallFont */
    protected static FontUIResource smallFont = null;
    /** Constant menuFont */
    protected static FontUIResource menuFont = null;
    /** Constant windowTitleFont */
    protected static FontUIResource windowTitleFont = null;
    /** Constant foregroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource foregroundColor = null;
    /** Constant backgroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource backgroundColor = null;
    /** Constant backgroundColorLight */
    protected static ColorUIResource backgroundColorLight = null;
    /** Constant backgroundColorDark */
    protected static ColorUIResource backgroundColorDark = null;
    /** Constant alterBackgroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource alterBackgroundColor = null;
    /** Constant disabledForegroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource disabledForegroundColor = null;
    /** Constant disabledBackgroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource disabledBackgroundColor = null;
    /** Constant inputBackgroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource inputBackgroundColor = null;
    /** Constant inputForegroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource inputForegroundColor = null;
    /** Constant selectionForegroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource selectionForegroundColor = null;
    /** Constant selectionBackgroundColorLight */
    protected static ColorUIResource selectionBackgroundColorLight = null;
    /** Constant selectionBackgroundColorDark */
    protected static ColorUIResource selectionBackgroundColorDark = null;
    /** Constant selectionBackgroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource selectionBackgroundColor = null;
    /** Constant rolloverForegroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource rolloverForegroundColor = null;
    /** Constant rolloverColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource rolloverColor = null;
    /** Constant rolloverColorLight */
    protected static ColorUIResource rolloverColorLight = null;
    /** Constant rolloverColorDark */
    protected static ColorUIResource rolloverColorDark = null;
    /** Constant pressedForegroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource pressedForegroundColor = null;
    /** Constant pressedBackgroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource pressedBackgroundColor = null;
    /** Constant pressedBackgroundColorLight */
    protected static ColorUIResource pressedBackgroundColorLight = null;
    /** Constant pressedBackgroundColorDark */
    protected static ColorUIResource pressedBackgroundColorDark = null;
    /** Constant focusColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource focusColor = null;
    /** Constant focusCellColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource focusCellColor = null;
    /** Constant focusFrameColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource focusFrameColor = null;
    /** Constant focusBackgroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource focusBackgroundColor = null;
    /** Constant focusForegroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource focusForegroundColor = null;
    /** Constant frameColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource frameColor = null;
    /** Constant gridColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource gridColor = null;
    /** Constant shadowColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource shadowColor = null;
    /** Constant buttonForegroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource buttonForegroundColor = null;
    /** Constant buttonBackgroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource buttonBackgroundColor = null;
    /** Constant buttonColorLight */
    protected static ColorUIResource buttonColorLight = null;
    /** Constant buttonColorDark */
    protected static ColorUIResource buttonColorDark = null;
    /** Constant controlForegroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource controlForegroundColor = null;
    /** Constant controlBackgroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource controlBackgroundColor = null;
    /** Constant controlHighlightColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource controlHighlightColor = null;
    /** Constant controlShadowColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource controlShadowColor = null;
    /** Constant controlDarkShadowColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource controlDarkShadowColor = null;
    /** Constant controlColorLight */
    protected static ColorUIResource controlColorLight = null;
    /** Constant controlColorDark */
    protected static ColorUIResource controlColorDark = null;
    /** Constant windowTitleForegroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource windowTitleForegroundColor = null;
    /** Constant windowTitleBackgroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource windowTitleBackgroundColor = null;
    /** Constant windowTitleColorLight */
    protected static ColorUIResource windowTitleColorLight = null;
    /** Constant windowTitleColorDark */
    protected static ColorUIResource windowTitleColorDark = null;
    /** Constant windowBorderColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource windowBorderColor = null;
    /** Constant windowIconColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource windowIconColor = null;
    /** Constant windowIconShadowColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource windowIconShadowColor = null;
    /** Constant windowIconRolloverColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource windowIconRolloverColor = null;

    /** Constant windowInactiveTitleForegroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource windowInactiveTitleForegroundColor = null;
    /** Constant windowInactiveTitleBackgroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource windowInactiveTitleBackgroundColor = null;
    /** Constant windowInactiveTitleColorLight */
    protected static ColorUIResource windowInactiveTitleColorLight = null;
    /** Constant windowInactiveTitleColorDark */
    protected static ColorUIResource windowInactiveTitleColorDark = null;
    /** Constant windowInactiveBorderColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource windowInactiveBorderColor = null;
    /** Constant menuForegroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource menuForegroundColor = null;
    /** Constant menuBackgroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource menuBackgroundColor = null;
    /** Constant menuSelectionForegroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource menuSelectionForegroundColor = null;
    /** Constant menuSelectionBackgroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource menuSelectionBackgroundColor = null;
    /** Constant menuSelectionBackgroundColorLight */
    protected static ColorUIResource menuSelectionBackgroundColorLight = null;
    /** Constant menuSelectionBackgroundColorDark */
    protected static ColorUIResource menuSelectionBackgroundColorDark = null;
    /** Constant menuColorLight */
    protected static ColorUIResource menuColorLight = null;
    /** Constant menuColorDark */
    protected static ColorUIResource menuColorDark = null;
    /** Constant toolbarForegroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource toolbarForegroundColor = null;
    /** Constant toolbarBackgroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource toolbarBackgroundColor = null;
    /** Constant toolbarColorLight */
    protected static ColorUIResource toolbarColorLight = null;
    /** Constant toolbarColorDark */
    protected static ColorUIResource toolbarColorDark = null;
    /** Constant tabAreaBackgroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource tabAreaBackgroundColor = null;
    /** Constant tabSelectionForegroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource tabSelectionForegroundColor = null;
    /** Constant desktopColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource desktopColor = null;
    /** Constant tooltipForegroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource tooltipForegroundColor = null;
    /** Constant tooltipBackgroundColor */
    protected static ColorUIResource tooltipBackgroundColor = null;
    /** Constant tooltipBorderSize=6 */
    protected static int tooltipBorderSize = 6;
    /** Constant tooltipShadowSize=6 */
    protected static int tooltipShadowSize = 6;
    /** Constant tooltipCastShadow=false */
    private boolean tooltipCastShadow = false;

    /** Constant DEFAULT_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] DEFAULT_COLORS = null;
    /** Constant HIDEFAULT_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] HIDEFAULT_COLORS = null;
    /** Constant ACTIVE_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] ACTIVE_COLORS = null;
    /** Constant INACTIVE_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] INACTIVE_COLORS = null;
    /** Constant ROLLOVER_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] ROLLOVER_COLORS = null;
    /** Constant SELECTED_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] SELECTED_COLORS = null;
    /** Constant SELECTION_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] SELECTION_COLORS = null;
    /** Constant FOCUS_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] FOCUS_COLORS = null;
    /** Constant MENU_SELECTION_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] MENU_SELECTION_COLORS = null;
    /** Constant PRESSED_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] PRESSED_COLORS = null;
    /** Constant DISABLED_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] DISABLED_COLORS = null;
    /** Constant WINDOW_TITLE_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] WINDOW_TITLE_COLORS = null;
    protected static Color[] WINDOW_INACTIVE_TITLE_COLORS = null;
    /** Constant TOOLBAR_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] TOOLBAR_COLORS = null;
    /** Constant MENUBAR_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] MENUBAR_COLORS = null;
    /** Constant BUTTON_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] BUTTON_COLORS = null;
    /** Constant CHECKBOX_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] CHECKBOX_COLORS = null;
    /** Constant TAB_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] TAB_COLORS = null;
    /** Constant COL_HEADER_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] COL_HEADER_COLORS = null;
    /** Constant TRACK_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] TRACK_COLORS = null;
    /** Constant THUMB_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] THUMB_COLORS = null;
    /** Constant SLIDER_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] SLIDER_COLORS = null;
    /** Constant PROGRESSBAR_COLORS */
    protected static Color[] PROGRESSBAR_COLORS = null;

    /** Constant textureSet="Default" */
    private String textureSet = "Default";
    /** Constant darkTexture=true */
    private boolean darkTexture = true;
    /** Constant windowTexture */
    private Icon windowTexture = null;
    /** Constant backgroundTexture */
    private Icon backgroundTexture = null;
    /** Constant alterBackgroundTexture */
    private Icon alterBackgroundTexture = null;
    /** Constant selectedTexture */
    private Icon selectedTexture = null;
    /** Constant rolloverTexture */
    private Icon rolloverTexture = null;
    /** Constant pressedTexture */
    private Icon pressedTexture = null;
    /** Constant disabledTexture */
    private Icon disabledTexture = null;
    /** Constant menubarTexture */
    private Icon menubarTexture = null;

     * <p>createColor.</p>
     * @param colorStr a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @param color a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    protected static ColorUIResource createColor(final String colorStr, final ColorUIResource color) {
        String colorProp = colorStr;
        if (colorProp != null && colorProp.trim().length() >= 5) {
            colorProp = colorProp.trim();
            int r = color.getRed();
            int g = color.getGreen();
            int b = color.getBlue();
            try {
                int p1 = 0;
                int p2 = colorProp.indexOf(' ');
                if (p2 > 0) {
                    r = Integer.parseInt(colorProp.substring(p1, p2));
                    p1 = p2 + 1;
                    p2 = colorProp.indexOf(' ', p1);
                    if (p2 > 0) {
                        g = Integer.parseInt(colorProp.substring(p1, p2));
                        b = Integer.parseInt(colorProp.substring(p2 + 1));
                return new ColorUIResource(r, g, b);
            } catch (final NumberFormatException ex) {
                log.error("Exception while parsing color property: {} ", colorProp);
        return color;

     * <p>createFont.</p>
     * @param fontProp a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.FontUIResource} object.
    protected static FontUIResource createFont(final String fontProp) {
        if (fontProp != null && fontProp.trim().length() > 5) {
            return new FontUIResource(Font.decode(fontProp));
        return null;

     * <p>createInt.</p>
     * @param intProp a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @param defaultValue a {@link java.lang.Integer} object.
     * @return a {@link java.lang.Integer} object.
    protected static int createInt(final String intProp, final int defaultValue) {
        int val = defaultValue;
        try {
            val = Integer.parseInt(intProp);
        } catch (final NumberFormatException ex) {
            log.error("Exception while parsing color property: {} ", intProp);
        return val;

     * <p>Constructor for AbstractTheme.</p>
    public AbstractTheme() {

     * <p>doDrawSquareButtons.</p>
     * @return a boolean.
    public boolean doDrawSquareButtons() {
        return drawSquareButtons;

     * <p>doShowFocusFrame.</p>
     * @return a boolean.
    public boolean doShowFocusFrame() {
        return showFocusFrame;

     * <p>getActiveColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getActiveColors() {
        return ACTIVE_COLORS;

     * <p>Getter for the field alterBackgroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getAlterBackgroundColor() {
        return alterBackgroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field backgroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getBackgroundColor() {
        return backgroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field backgroundColorDark.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getBackgroundColorDark() {
        return backgroundColorDark;

     * <p>Getter for the field backgroundColorLight.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getBackgroundColorLight() {
        return backgroundColorLight;

     * <p>Getter for the field buttonBackgroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getButtonBackgroundColor() {
        return buttonBackgroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field buttonColorDark.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getButtonColorDark() {
        return buttonColorDark;

     * <p>Getter for the field buttonColorLight.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getButtonColorLight() {
        return buttonColorLight;

     * <p>getButtonColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getButtonColors() {
        return BUTTON_COLORS;

     * <p>Getter for the field buttonForegroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getButtonForegroundColor() {
        return buttonForegroundColor;

     * <p>getCheckBoxColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getCheckBoxColors() {
        return CHECKBOX_COLORS;

     * <p>getColHeaderColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getColHeaderColors() {
        return COL_HEADER_COLORS;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public ColorUIResource getControl() {
        return controlBackgroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field controlBackgroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getControlBackgroundColor() {
        return controlBackgroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field controlColorDark.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getControlColorDark() {
        return controlColorDark;

     * <p>Getter for the field controlColorLight.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getControlColorLight() {
        return controlColorLight;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public ColorUIResource getControlDarkShadow() {
        return controlDarkShadowColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field controlDarkShadowColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getControlDarkShadowColor() {
        return controlDarkShadowColor;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public ColorUIResource getControlDisabled() {
        return controlShadowColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field controlForegroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getControlForegroundColor() {
        return controlForegroundColor;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public ColorUIResource getControlHighlight() {
        return controlHighlightColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field controlHighlightColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getControlHighlightColor() {
        return controlHighlightColor;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public ColorUIResource getControlInfo() {
        return controlForegroundColor;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public ColorUIResource getControlShadow() {
        return controlShadowColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field controlShadowColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getControlShadowColor() {
        return controlShadowColor;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public ColorUIResource getControlTextColor() {
        return controlForegroundColor;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public FontUIResource getControlTextFont() {
        if (controlFont == null) {
            if (JTattooUtilities.isLinux() && JTattooUtilities.isHiresScreen()) {
                controlFont = new FontUIResource(DIALOG, Font.BOLD, 14);
            } else {
                controlFont = new FontUIResource(DIALOG, Font.PLAIN, 12);
        return controlFont;

     * <p>getDefaultColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getDefaultColors() {
        return DEFAULT_COLORS;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public ColorUIResource getDesktopColor() {
        return desktopColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field disabledBackgroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getDisabledBackgroundColor() {
        return disabledBackgroundColor;

     * <p>getDisabledColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getDisabledColors() {
        return DISABLED_COLORS;

     * <p>Getter for the field disabledForegroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getDisabledForegroundColor() {
        return disabledForegroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field focusBackgroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getFocusBackgroundColor() {
        return focusBackgroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field focusCellColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getFocusCellColor() {
        return focusCellColor;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public ColorUIResource getFocusColor() {
        return focusColor;

     * <p>getFocusColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getFocusColors() {
        return FOCUS_COLORS;

     * <p>Getter for the field focusForegroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getFocusForegroundColor() {
        return focusForegroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field focusFrameColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getFocusFrameColor() {
        return focusFrameColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field foregroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getForegroundColor() {
        return foregroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field frameColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getFrameColor() {
        return frameColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field gridColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getGridColor() {
        return gridColor;

     * <p>getHiDefaultColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getHiDefaultColors() {
        return HIDEFAULT_COLORS;

     * <p>getInActiveColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getInActiveColors() {
        return INACTIVE_COLORS;

     * <p>Getter for the field inputBackgroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getInputBackgroundColor() {
        return inputBackgroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field inputForegroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getInputForegroundColor() {
        return inputForegroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field logoString.</p>
     * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object.
    public String getLogoString() {
        return Strings.isNotBlank(logoString) ? logoString : null;

     * <p>Getter for the field menuAlpha.</p>
     * @return a float.
    public float getMenuAlpha() {
        return menuAlpha;

     * <p>Getter for the field menuBackgroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getMenuBackgroundColor() {
        return menuBackgroundColor;

     * <p>getMenuBarColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getMenuBarColors() {
        return MENUBAR_COLORS;

     * <p>Getter for the field menuColorDark.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getMenuColorDark() {
        return menuColorDark;

     * <p>Getter for the field menuColorLight.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getMenuColorLight() {
        return menuColorLight;

     * <p>Getter for the field menuForegroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getMenuForegroundColor() {
        return menuForegroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field menuSelectionBackgroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getMenuSelectionBackgroundColor() {
        return menuSelectionBackgroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field menuSelectionBackgroundColorDark.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getMenuSelectionBackgroundColorDark() {
        return menuSelectionBackgroundColorDark;

     * <p>Getter for the field menuSelectionBackgroundColorLight.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getMenuSelectionBackgroundColorLight() {
        return menuSelectionBackgroundColorLight;

     * <p>getMenuSelectionColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getMenuSelectionColors() {

     * <p>Getter for the field menuSelectionForegroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getMenuSelectionForegroundColor() {
        return menuSelectionForegroundColor;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public FontUIResource getMenuTextFont() {
        if (menuFont == null) {
            if (JTattooUtilities.isLinux() && JTattooUtilities.isHiresScreen()) {
                menuFont = new FontUIResource(DIALOG, Font.BOLD, 14);
            } else {
                menuFont = new FontUIResource(DIALOG, Font.PLAIN, 12);
        return menuFont;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String getName() {
        return internalName;

     * <p>Getter for the field pressedBackgroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getPressedBackgroundColor() {
        return pressedBackgroundColor;

     * <p>getPressedColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getPressedColors() {
        return PRESSED_COLORS;

     * <p>Getter for the field pressedForegroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getPressedForegroundColor() {
        return pressedForegroundColor;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected ColorUIResource getPrimary1() {
        return foregroundColor;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected ColorUIResource getPrimary2() {
        return desktopColor;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected ColorUIResource getPrimary3() {
        return selectionBackgroundColor;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public ColorUIResource getPrimaryControl() {
        return EXTRA_LIGHT_GRAY;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public ColorUIResource getPrimaryControlDarkShadow() {
        return GRAY;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public ColorUIResource getPrimaryControlHighlight() {
        return WHITE;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public ColorUIResource getPrimaryControlInfo() {
        return DARK_GRAY;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public ColorUIResource getPrimaryControlShadow() {
        return LIGHT_GRAY;

     * <p>getProgressBarColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getProgressBarColors() {
        return PROGRESSBAR_COLORS;

     * <p>getPropertyFileName.</p>
     * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object.
    public String getPropertyFileName() {
        return "JTattooTheme.properties";

     * <p>Getter for the field rolloverColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getRolloverColor() {
        return rolloverColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field rolloverColorDark.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getRolloverColorDark() {
        return rolloverColorDark;

     * <p>Getter for the field rolloverColorLight.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getRolloverColorLight() {
        return rolloverColorLight;

     * <p>getRolloverColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getRolloverColors() {
        return ROLLOVER_COLORS;

     * <p>Getter for the field rolloverForegroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getRolloverForegroundColor() {
        return rolloverForegroundColor;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected ColorUIResource getSecondary1() {
        return frameColor;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected ColorUIResource getSecondary2() {
        return controlBackgroundColor;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected ColorUIResource getSecondary3() {
        return backgroundColor;

     * <p>getSelectedColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getSelectedColors() {
        return SELECTED_COLORS;

     * <p>Getter for the field selectionBackgroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getSelectionBackgroundColor() {
        return selectionBackgroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field selectionBackgroundColorDark.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getSelectionBackgroundColorDark() {
        return selectionBackgroundColorDark;

     * <p>Getter for the field selectionBackgroundColorLight.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getSelectionBackgroundColorLight() {
        return selectionBackgroundColorLight;

     * <p>getSelectionColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getSelectionColors() {
        return SELECTION_COLORS;

     * <p>Getter for the field selectionForegroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getSelectionForegroundColor() {
        return selectionForegroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field shadowColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getShadowColor() {
        return shadowColor;

     * <p>getSliderColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getSliderColors() {
        return SLIDER_COLORS;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public FontUIResource getSubTextFont() {
        if (smallFont == null) {
            if (JTattooUtilities.isLinux() && JTattooUtilities.isHiresScreen()) {
                smallFont = new FontUIResource(DIALOG, Font.BOLD, 12);
            } else {
                smallFont = new FontUIResource(DIALOG, Font.PLAIN, 10);
        return smallFont;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public ColorUIResource getSystemTextColor() {
        return foregroundColor;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public FontUIResource getSystemTextFont() {
        if (systemFont == null) {
            if (JTattooUtilities.isLinux() && JTattooUtilities.isHiresScreen()) {
                systemFont = new FontUIResource(DIALOG, Font.BOLD, 14);
            } else {
                systemFont = new FontUIResource(DIALOG, Font.PLAIN, 12);
        return systemFont;

     * <p>Getter for the field tabAreaBackgroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getTabAreaBackgroundColor() {
        return tabAreaBackgroundColor;

     * <p>getTabColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getTabColors() {
        return TAB_COLORS;

     * <p>Getter for the field tabSelectionForegroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getTabSelectionForegroundColor() {
        return tabSelectionForegroundColor;

     * <p>getTextAntiAliasingHint.</p>
     * @return a {@link java.lang.Object} object.
    public Object getTextAntiAliasingHint() {
        if (isTextAntiAliasingOn()) {
            switch (textAntiAliasingMode) {
            case TEXT_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT:
                return RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT;
            case TEXT_ANTIALIAS_HRGB:
                return RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_HRGB;
            case TEXT_ANTIALIAS_HBGR:
                return RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_HBGR;
            case TEXT_ANTIALIAS_VRGB:
                return RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_VRGB;
            case TEXT_ANTIALIAS_VBGR:
                return RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_VBGR;
                return RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON;
        return RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_OFF;

     * <p>Getter for the field textAntiAliasingMode.</p>
     * @return a {@link java.lang.Integer} object.
    public int getTextAntiAliasingMode() {
        return textAntiAliasingMode;

     * <p>getThumbColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getThumbColors() {
        return THUMB_COLORS;

     * <p>Getter for the field toolbarBackgroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getToolbarBackgroundColor() {
        return toolbarBackgroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field toolbarColorDark.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getToolbarColorDark() {
        return toolbarColorDark;

     * <p>Getter for the field toolbarColorLight.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getToolbarColorLight() {
        return toolbarColorLight;

     * <p>getToolBarColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getToolBarColors() {
        return TOOLBAR_COLORS;

     * <p>Getter for the field toolbarForegroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getToolbarForegroundColor() {
        return toolbarForegroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field tooltipBackgroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getTooltipBackgroundColor() {
        return tooltipBackgroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field tooltipBorderSize.</p>
     * @return a {@link java.lang.Integer} object.
    public int getTooltipBorderSize() {
        return Math.max(0, Math.min(8, tooltipBorderSize));

     * <p>Getter for the field tooltipForegroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getTooltipForegroundColor() {
        return tooltipForegroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field tooltipShadowSize.</p>
     * @return a {@link java.lang.Integer} object.
    public int getTooltipShadowSize() {
        return Math.max(0, Math.min(8, tooltipShadowSize));

     * <p>getTrackColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getTrackColors() {
        return TRACK_COLORS;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public FontUIResource getUserTextFont() {
        if (userFont == null) {
            if (JTattooUtilities.isLinux() && JTattooUtilities.isHiresScreen()) {
                userFont = new FontUIResource(DIALOG, Font.BOLD, 14);
            } else {
                userFont = new FontUIResource(DIALOG, Font.PLAIN, 12);
        return userFont;

     * <p>Getter for the field windowBorderColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getWindowBorderColor() {
        return windowBorderColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field windowIconColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getWindowIconColor() {
        return windowIconColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field windowIconRolloverColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getWindowIconRolloverColor() {
        return windowIconRolloverColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field windowIconShadowColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getWindowIconShadowColor() {
        return windowIconShadowColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field windowInactiveBorderColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getWindowInactiveBorderColor() {
        return windowInactiveBorderColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field windowInactiveTitleBackgroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getWindowInactiveTitleBackgroundColor() {
        return windowInactiveTitleBackgroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field windowInactiveTitleColorDark.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getWindowInactiveTitleColorDark() {
        return windowInactiveTitleColorDark;

     * <p>Getter for the field windowInactiveTitleColorLight.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getWindowInactiveTitleColorLight() {
        return windowInactiveTitleColorLight;

     * <p>getWindowInactiveTitleColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getWindowInactiveTitleColors() {

     * <p>Getter for the field windowInactiveTitleForegroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getWindowInactiveTitleForegroundColor() {
        return windowInactiveTitleForegroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field windowTitleBackgroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getWindowTitleBackgroundColor() {
        return windowTitleBackgroundColor;

     * <p>Getter for the field windowTitleColorDark.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getWindowTitleColorDark() {
        return windowTitleColorDark;

     * <p>Getter for the field windowTitleColorLight.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getWindowTitleColorLight() {
        return windowTitleColorLight;

     * <p>getWindowTitleColors.</p>
     * @return an array of {@link java.awt.Color} objects.
    public Color[] getWindowTitleColors() {
        return WINDOW_TITLE_COLORS;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public FontUIResource getWindowTitleFont() {
        if (windowTitleFont == null) {
            if (JTattooUtilities.isLinux() && JTattooUtilities.isHiresScreen()) {
                windowTitleFont = new FontUIResource(DIALOG, Font.BOLD, 14);
            } else {
                windowTitleFont = new FontUIResource(DIALOG, Font.BOLD, 12);
        return windowTitleFont;

     * <p>Getter for the field windowTitleForegroundColor.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource} object.
    public ColorUIResource getWindowTitleForegroundColor() {
        return windowTitleForegroundColor;

     * <p>isBackgroundPatternOn.</p>
     * @return a boolean.
    public boolean isBackgroundPatternOn() {
        return backgroundPattern;

     * <p>isCenterWindowTitleOn.</p>
     * @return a boolean.
    public boolean isCenterWindowTitleOn() {
        return centerWindowTitle;

     * <p>isLargeFontSize.</p>
     * @return a boolean.
    public boolean isLargeFontSize() {
        return userFont.getSize() >= 16;

     * <p>isLinuxStyleScrollBarOn.</p>
     * @return a boolean.
    public boolean isLinuxStyleScrollBarOn() {
        return linuxStyleScrollBar;

     * <p>isMacStyleScrollBarOn.</p>
     * @return a boolean.
    public boolean isMacStyleScrollBarOn() {
        return macStyleScrollBar;

     * <p>isMacStyleWindowDecorationOn.</p>
     * @return a boolean.
    public boolean isMacStyleWindowDecorationOn() {
        return macStyleWindowDecoration;

     * <p>isMediumFontSize.</p>
     * @return a boolean.
    public boolean isMediumFontSize() {
        return userFont.getSize() >= 14 && userFont.getSize() < 16;

     * <p>isSmallFontSize.</p>
     * @return a boolean.
    public boolean isSmallFontSize() {
        return userFont.getSize() < 14;

     * <p>isTextAntiAliasingOn.</p>
     * @return a boolean.
    public boolean isTextAntiAliasingOn() {
        return textAntiAliasing;

     * <p>isTextShadowOn.</p>
     * @return a boolean.
    public boolean isTextShadowOn() {
        return textShadow;

     * <p>isTinyFontSize.</p>
     * @return a boolean.
    public boolean isTinyFontSize() {
        return userFont.getSize() < 12;

     * <p>isWindowDecorationOn.</p>
     * @return a boolean.
    public boolean isWindowDecorationOn() {
        return windowDecoration;

     * <p>loadProperties.</p>
    public void loadProperties() {
        final Properties props = new Properties();

     * <p>setProperties.</p>
     * @param props a {@link java.util.Properties} object.
    public void setProperties(final Properties props) {
        if (props != null) {
            if (props.getProperty("windowDecoration") != null) {
                windowDecoration = props.getProperty("windowDecoration").trim().equalsIgnoreCase("on");
            if (props.getProperty("macStyleWindowDecoration") != null) {
                macStyleWindowDecoration = props.getProperty("macStyleWindowDecoration").trim().equalsIgnoreCase("on");
            if (props.getProperty("centerWindowTitle") != null) {
                centerWindowTitle = props.getProperty("centerWindowTitle").trim().equalsIgnoreCase("on");
            if (props.getProperty("linuxStyleScrollBar") != null) {
                linuxStyleScrollBar = props.getProperty("linuxStyleScrollBar").trim().equalsIgnoreCase("on");
            if (props.getProperty("macStyleScrollBar") != null) {
                macStyleScrollBar = props.getProperty("macStyleScrollBar").trim().equalsIgnoreCase("on");
            if (props.getProperty("dynamicLayout") != null) {
                dynamicLayout = props.getProperty("dynamicLayout").trim().equalsIgnoreCase("on");
            if (props.getProperty("textShadow") != null) {
                textShadow = props.getProperty("textShadow").trim().equalsIgnoreCase("on");
            if (props.getProperty("textAntiAliasing") != null) {
                textAntiAliasing = props.getProperty("textAntiAliasing").trim().equalsIgnoreCase("on");
            if (props.getProperty("textAntiAliasingMode") != null) {
                final String mode = props.getProperty("textAntiAliasingMode");
                if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("default")) {
                    textAntiAliasingMode = TEXT_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT;
                if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("gray")) {
                    textAntiAliasingMode = TEXT_ANTIALIAS_GRAY;
                if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("hrgb")) {
                    textAntiAliasingMode = TEXT_ANTIALIAS_HRGB;
                if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("hbgr")) {
                    textAntiAliasingMode = TEXT_ANTIALIAS_HBGR;
                if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("vrgb")) {
                    textAntiAliasingMode = TEXT_ANTIALIAS_VRGB;
                if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("vbgr")) {
                    textAntiAliasingMode = TEXT_ANTIALIAS_VBGR;
            if (props.getProperty("backgroundPattern") != null) {
                backgroundPattern = props.getProperty("backgroundPattern").trim().equalsIgnoreCase("on");
            if (props.getProperty("brightMode") != null) {
                brightMode = props.getProperty("brightMode").trim().equalsIgnoreCase("on");
            if (props.getProperty("showFocusFrame") != null) {
                showFocusFrame = props.getProperty("showFocusFrame").trim().equalsIgnoreCase("on");
            if (props.getProperty("drawSquareButtons") != null) {
                drawSquareButtons = props.getProperty("drawSquareButtons").trim().equalsIgnoreCase("on");
            if (props.getProperty("toolbarDecorated") != null) {
                toolbarDecorated = props.getProperty("toolbarDecorated").trim().equalsIgnoreCase("on");
            if (props.getProperty("menuOpaque") != null) {
                menuOpaque = props.getProperty("menuOpaque").trim().equalsIgnoreCase("on");
            if (props.getProperty("logoString") != null) {
                logoString = props.getProperty("logoString").trim();
            if (props.getProperty("controlTextFont") != null) {
                controlFont = createFont(props.getProperty("controlTextFont"));
            if (props.getProperty("systemTextFont") != null) {
                systemFont = createFont(props.getProperty("systemTextFont"));
            if (props.getProperty("userTextFont") != null) {
                userFont = createFont(props.getProperty("userTextFont"));
            if (props.getProperty("menuTextFont") != null) {
                menuFont = createFont(props.getProperty("menuTextFont"));
            if (props.getProperty("windowTitleFont") != null) {
                windowTitleFont = createFont(props.getProperty("windowTitleFont"));
            if (props.getProperty("subTextFont") != null) {
                smallFont = createFont(props.getProperty("subTextFont"));

            if (props.getProperty("foregroundColor") != null) {
                foregroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("foregroundColor"), foregroundColor);
            if (props.getProperty("backgroundColor") != null) {
                backgroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("backgroundColor"), backgroundColor);
            if (props.getProperty("backgroundColorLight") != null) {
                backgroundColorLight = createColor(props.getProperty("backgroundColorLight"), backgroundColorLight);
            if (props.getProperty("backgroundColorDark") != null) {
                backgroundColorDark = createColor(props.getProperty("backgroundColorDark"), backgroundColorDark);
            if (props.getProperty("alterBackgroundColor") != null) {
                alterBackgroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("alterBackgroundColor"), alterBackgroundColor);
            if (props.getProperty("disabledForegroundColor") != null) {
                disabledForegroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("disabledForegroundColor"),
            if (props.getProperty("disabledBackgroundColor") != null) {
                disabledBackgroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("disabledBackgroundColor"),
            if (props.getProperty("inputForegroundColor") != null) {
                inputForegroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("inputForegroundColor"), inputForegroundColor);
            if (props.getProperty("inputBackgroundColor") != null) {
                inputBackgroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("inputBackgroundColor"), inputBackgroundColor);
            if (props.getProperty("selectionForegroundColor") != null) {
                selectionForegroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("selectionForegroundColor"),
            if (props.getProperty("selectionBackgroundColor") != null) {
                selectionBackgroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("selectionBackgroundColor"),
            if (props.getProperty("selectionBackgroundColorLight") != null) {
                selectionBackgroundColorLight = createColor(props.getProperty("selectionBackgroundColorLight"),
            if (props.getProperty("selectionBackgroundColorDark") != null) {
                selectionBackgroundColorDark = createColor(props.getProperty("selectionBackgroundColorDark"),
            if (props.getProperty("frameColor") != null) {
                frameColor = createColor(props.getProperty("frameColor"), frameColor);
            if (props.getProperty("gridColor") != null) {
                gridColor = createColor(props.getProperty("gridColor"), gridColor);
            if (props.getProperty("shadowColor") != null) {
                shadowColor = createColor(props.getProperty("shadowColor"), shadowColor);
            if (props.getProperty("focusColor") != null) {
                focusColor = createColor(props.getProperty("focusColor"), focusColor);
            if (props.getProperty("focusCellColor") != null) {
                focusCellColor = createColor(props.getProperty("focusCellColor"), focusCellColor);
            if (props.getProperty("focusFrameColor") != null) {
                focusFrameColor = createColor(props.getProperty("focusFrameColor"), focusFrameColor);
            if (props.getProperty("focusBackgroundColor") != null) {
                focusBackgroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("focusBackgroundColor"), focusBackgroundColor);
            if (props.getProperty("focusForegroundColor") != null) {
                focusForegroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("focusForegroundColor"), focusForegroundColor);

            if (props.getProperty("rolloverForegroundColor") != null) {
                rolloverForegroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("rolloverForegroundColor"),
            if (props.getProperty("rolloverColor") != null) {
                rolloverColor = createColor(props.getProperty("rolloverColor"), rolloverColor);
            if (props.getProperty("rolloverColorLight") != null) {
                rolloverColorLight = createColor(props.getProperty("rolloverColorLight"), rolloverColorLight);
            if (props.getProperty("rolloverColorDark") != null) {
                rolloverColorDark = createColor(props.getProperty("rolloverColorDark"), rolloverColorDark);
            if (props.getProperty("pressedForegroundColor") != null) {
                pressedForegroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("pressedForegroundColor"),
            if (props.getProperty("pressedBackgroundColor") != null) {
                pressedBackgroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("pressedBackgroundColor"),
            if (props.getProperty("pressedBackgroundColorLight") != null) {
                pressedBackgroundColorLight = createColor(props.getProperty("pressedBackgroundColorLight"),
            if (props.getProperty("pressedBackgroundColorDark") != null) {
                pressedBackgroundColorDark = createColor(props.getProperty("pressedBackgroundColorDark"),

            if (props.getProperty("buttonForegroundColor") != null) {
                buttonForegroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("buttonForegroundColor"), buttonForegroundColor);
            if (props.getProperty("buttonBackgroundColor") != null) {
                buttonBackgroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("buttonBackgroundColor"), buttonBackgroundColor);
            if (props.getProperty("buttonColorLight") != null) {
                buttonColorLight = createColor(props.getProperty("buttonColorLight"), buttonColorLight);
            if (props.getProperty("buttonColorDark") != null) {
                buttonColorDark = createColor(props.getProperty("buttonColorDark"), buttonColorDark);

            if (props.getProperty("controlForegroundColor") != null) {
                controlForegroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("controlForegroundColor"),
            if (props.getProperty("controlBackgroundColor") != null) {
                controlBackgroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("controlBackgroundColor"),
            if (props.getProperty("controlColorLight") != null) {
                controlColorLight = createColor(props.getProperty("controlColorLight"), controlColorLight);
            if (props.getProperty("controlColorDark") != null) {
                controlColorDark = createColor(props.getProperty("controlColorDark"), controlColorDark);
            if (props.getProperty("controlHighlightColor") != null) {
                controlHighlightColor = createColor(props.getProperty("controlHighlightColor"), controlHighlightColor);
            if (props.getProperty("controlShadowColor") != null) {
                controlShadowColor = createColor(props.getProperty("controlShadowColor"), controlShadowColor);
            if (props.getProperty("controlDarkShadowColor") != null) {
                controlDarkShadowColor = createColor(props.getProperty("controlDarkShadowColor"),

            if (props.getProperty("windowTitleForegroundColor") != null) {
                windowTitleForegroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("windowTitleForegroundColor"),
            if (props.getProperty("windowTitleBackgroundColor") != null) {
                windowTitleBackgroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("windowTitleBackgroundColor"),
            if (props.getProperty("windowTitleColorLight") != null) {
                windowTitleColorLight = createColor(props.getProperty("windowTitleColorLight"), windowTitleColorLight);
            if (props.getProperty("windowTitleColorDark") != null) {
                windowTitleColorDark = createColor(props.getProperty("windowTitleColorDark"), windowTitleColorDark);
            if (props.getProperty("windowBorderColor") != null) {
                windowBorderColor = createColor(props.getProperty("windowBorderColor"), windowBorderColor);
            if (props.getProperty("windowIconColor") != null) {
                windowIconColor = createColor(props.getProperty("windowIconColor"), windowIconColor);
            if (props.getProperty("windowIconShadowColor") != null) {
                windowIconShadowColor = createColor(props.getProperty("windowIconShadowColor"), windowIconShadowColor);
            if (props.getProperty("windowIconRolloverColor") != null) {
                windowIconRolloverColor = createColor(props.getProperty("windowIconRolloverColor"),

            if (props.getProperty("windowInactiveTitleForegroundColor") != null) {
                windowInactiveTitleForegroundColor = createColor(
                        props.getProperty("windowInactiveTitleForegroundColor"), windowInactiveTitleForegroundColor);
            if (props.getProperty("windowTitleBackgroundColor") != null) {
                windowInactiveTitleBackgroundColor = createColor(
                        props.getProperty("windowInactiveTitleBackgroundColor"), windowInactiveTitleBackgroundColor);
            if (props.getProperty("windowInactiveTitleColorLight") != null) {
                windowInactiveTitleColorLight = createColor(props.getProperty("windowInactiveTitleColorLight"),
            if (props.getProperty("windowInactiveTitleColorDark") != null) {
                windowInactiveTitleColorDark = createColor(props.getProperty("windowInactiveTitleColorDark"),
            if (props.getProperty("windowInactiveBorderColor") != null) {
                windowInactiveBorderColor = createColor(props.getProperty("windowInactiveBorderColor"),

            if (props.getProperty("menuForegroundColor") != null) {
                menuForegroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("menuForegroundColor"), menuForegroundColor);
            if (props.getProperty("menuBackgroundColor") != null) {
                menuBackgroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("menuBackgroundColor"), menuBackgroundColor);
            if (props.getProperty("menuSelectionForegroundColor") != null) {
                menuSelectionForegroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("menuSelectionForegroundColor"),
            if (props.getProperty("menuSelectionBackgroundColor") != null) {
                menuSelectionBackgroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("menuSelectionBackgroundColor"),
            if (props.getProperty("menuSelectionBackgroundColorLight") != null) {
                menuSelectionBackgroundColorLight = createColor(props.getProperty("menuSelectionBackgroundColorLight"),
            if (props.getProperty("menuSelectionBackgroundColorDark") != null) {
                menuSelectionBackgroundColorDark = createColor(props.getProperty("menuSelectionBackgroundColorDark"),
            if (props.getProperty("menuColorLight") != null) {
                menuColorLight = createColor(props.getProperty("menuColorLight"), menuColorLight);
            if (props.getProperty("menuColorDark") != null) {
                menuColorDark = createColor(props.getProperty("menuColorDark"), menuColorDark);

            if (props.getProperty("toolbarForegroundColor") != null) {
                toolbarForegroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("toolbarForegroundColor"),
            if (props.getProperty("toolbarBackgroundColor") != null) {
                toolbarBackgroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("toolbarBackgroundColor"),
            if (props.getProperty("toolbarColorLight") != null) {
                toolbarColorLight = createColor(props.getProperty("toolbarColorLight"), toolbarColorLight);
            if (props.getProperty("toolbarColorDark") != null) {
                toolbarColorDark = createColor(props.getProperty("toolbarColorDark"), toolbarColorDark);

            if (props.getProperty("tabAreaBackgroundColor") != null) {
                tabAreaBackgroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("tabAreaBackgroundColor"),
            } else {
                tabAreaBackgroundColor = backgroundColor;
            if (props.getProperty("tabSelectionForegroundColor") != null) {
                tabSelectionForegroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("tabSelectionForegroundColor"),

            if (props.getProperty("desktopColor") != null) {
                desktopColor = createColor(props.getProperty("desktopColor"), desktopColor);
            if (props.getProperty("tooltipForegroundColor") != null) {
                tooltipForegroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("tooltipForegroundColor"),
            if (props.getProperty("tooltipBackgroundColor") != null) {
                tooltipBackgroundColor = createColor(props.getProperty("tooltipBackgroundColor"),
            if (props.getProperty("tooltipBorderSize") != null) {
                tooltipBorderSize = createInt(props.getProperty("tooltipBorderSize"), tooltipBorderSize);
            if (props.getProperty("tooltipShadowSize") != null) {
                tooltipShadowSize = createInt(props.getProperty("tooltipShadowSize"), tooltipShadowSize);
            if (props.getProperty("tooltipCastShadow") != null) {
                tooltipCastShadow = props.getProperty("tooltipCastShadow").trim().equalsIgnoreCase("on");

            if (props.getProperty("textureSet") != null) {
                textureSet = props.getProperty("textureSet");
            if (props.getProperty("darkTexture") != null) {
                darkTexture = props.getProperty("darkTexture").trim().equalsIgnoreCase("on");
            if (props.get("windowTexture") != null) {
                final Object texture = props.get("windowTexture");
                if (texture instanceof Icon) {
                    windowTexture = (Icon) texture;
            if (props.get("backgroundTexture") != null) {
                final Object texture = props.get("backgroundTexture");
                if (texture instanceof Icon) {
                    backgroundTexture = (Icon) texture;
            if (props.get("alterBackgroundTexture") != null) {
                final Object texture = props.get("alterBackgroundTexture");
                if (texture instanceof Icon) {
                    alterBackgroundTexture = (Icon) texture;
            if (props.get("selectedTexture") != null) {
                final Object texture = props.get("selectedTexture");
                if (texture instanceof Icon) {
                    selectedTexture = (Icon) texture;
            if (props.get("rolloverTexture") != null) {
                final Object texture = props.get("rolloverTexture");
                if (texture instanceof Icon) {
                    rolloverTexture = (Icon) texture;
            if (props.get("pressedTexture") != null) {
                final Object texture = props.get("pressedTexture");
                if (texture instanceof Icon) {
                    pressedTexture = (Icon) texture;
            if (props.get("disabledTexture") != null) {
                final Object texture = props.get("disabledTexture");
                if (texture instanceof Icon) {
                    disabledTexture = (Icon) texture;
            if (props.get("menubarTexture") != null) {
                final Object texture = props.get("menubarTexture");
                if (texture instanceof Icon) {
                    menubarTexture = (Icon) texture;

     * <p>setUpColor.</p>
    public void setUpColor() {
        windowDecoration = true;
        macStyleWindowDecoration = JTattooUtilities.isMac();
        centerWindowTitle = JTattooUtilities.isWindows() && JTattooUtilities.getOSVersion() >= 6.2
                && JTattooUtilities.getOSVersion() < 10.0;
        linuxStyleScrollBar = !JTattooUtilities.isWindows();
        macStyleScrollBar = JTattooUtilities.isMac();
        dynamicLayout = true;
        textShadow = false;
        textAntiAliasing = true;
        textAntiAliasingMode = TEXT_ANTIALIAS_HRGB;
        backgroundPattern = true;
        brightMode = false;
        showFocusFrame = false;
        drawSquareButtons = false;
        toolbarDecorated = true;
        menuOpaque = true;
        menuAlpha = 0.9f;
        logoString = "JTattoo";

        controlFont = null;
        systemFont = null;
        userFont = null;
        smallFont = null;
        menuFont = null;
        windowTitleFont = null;

        foregroundColor = BLACK;
        backgroundColor = EXTRA_LIGHT_GRAY;
        backgroundColorLight = WHITE;
        backgroundColorDark = EXTRA_LIGHT_GRAY;
        alterBackgroundColor = LIGHT_GRAY;
        disabledForegroundColor = GRAY;
        disabledBackgroundColor = SUPER_LIGHT_GRAY;
        inputBackgroundColor = WHITE;
        inputForegroundColor = BLACK;
        selectionForegroundColor = BLACK;
        selectionBackgroundColor = LIGHT_GRAY;
        selectionBackgroundColorLight = EXTRA_LIGHT_GRAY;
        selectionBackgroundColorDark = LIGHT_GRAY;
        focusColor = ORANGE;
        focusCellColor = ORANGE;
        focusFrameColor = new ColorUIResource(230, 191, 116);
        focusBackgroundColor = new ColorUIResource(255, 250, 212);
        focusForegroundColor = BLACK;
        frameColor = DARK_GRAY;
        gridColor = GRAY;
        shadowColor = new ColorUIResource(0, 24, 0);

        rolloverForegroundColor = BLACK;
        rolloverColor = EXTRA_LIGHT_GRAY;
        rolloverColorLight = WHITE;
        rolloverColorDark = EXTRA_LIGHT_GRAY;

        pressedForegroundColor = BLACK;
        pressedBackgroundColor = LIGHT_GRAY;
        pressedBackgroundColorLight = new ColorUIResource(ColorHelper.brighter(pressedBackgroundColor, 20));
        pressedBackgroundColorDark = new ColorUIResource(ColorHelper.darker(pressedBackgroundColor, 4));

        buttonForegroundColor = BLACK;
        buttonBackgroundColor = LIGHT_GRAY;
        buttonColorLight = WHITE;
        buttonColorDark = LIGHT_GRAY;

        controlForegroundColor = BLACK;
        controlBackgroundColor = LIGHT_GRAY;
        controlHighlightColor = WHITE;
        controlShadowColor = LIGHT_GRAY;
        controlDarkShadowColor = DARK_GRAY;
        controlColorLight = WHITE;
        controlColorDark = LIGHT_GRAY;

        windowTitleForegroundColor = BLACK;
        windowTitleBackgroundColor = BLUE;
        windowTitleColorLight = EXTRA_LIGHT_GRAY;
        windowTitleColorDark = LIGHT_GRAY;
        windowBorderColor = LIGHT_GRAY;
        windowIconColor = BLACK;
        windowIconShadowColor = WHITE;
        windowIconRolloverColor = RED;

        windowInactiveTitleForegroundColor = BLACK;
        windowInactiveTitleBackgroundColor = EXTRA_LIGHT_GRAY;
        windowInactiveTitleColorLight = WHITE;
        windowInactiveTitleColorDark = EXTRA_LIGHT_GRAY;
        windowInactiveBorderColor = EXTRA_LIGHT_GRAY;

        menuForegroundColor = BLACK;
        menuBackgroundColor = EXTRA_LIGHT_GRAY;
        menuSelectionForegroundColor = BLACK;
        menuSelectionBackgroundColor = LIGHT_GRAY;
        menuSelectionBackgroundColorLight = EXTRA_LIGHT_GRAY;
        menuSelectionBackgroundColorDark = LIGHT_GRAY;
        menuColorLight = EXTRA_LIGHT_GRAY;
        menuColorDark = LIGHT_GRAY;

        toolbarForegroundColor = BLACK;
        toolbarBackgroundColor = LIGHT_GRAY;
        toolbarColorLight = WHITE;
        toolbarColorDark = LIGHT_GRAY;

        tabAreaBackgroundColor = backgroundColor;
        tabSelectionForegroundColor = selectionForegroundColor;
        desktopColor = DARK_BLUE;
        tooltipForegroundColor = BLACK;
        tooltipBackgroundColor = YELLOW;
        tooltipBorderSize = 6;
        tooltipShadowSize = 6;
        tooltipCastShadow = false;

        textureSet = "Default";
        darkTexture = true;

     * <p>setUpColorArrs.</p>
    public void setUpColorArrs() {
        DEFAULT_COLORS = ColorHelper.createColorArr(controlColorLight, controlColorDark, 20);
        HIDEFAULT_COLORS = ColorHelper.createColorArr(ColorHelper.brighter(controlColorLight, 40),
                ColorHelper.brighter(controlColorDark, 40), 20);
        ROLLOVER_COLORS = ColorHelper.createColorArr(rolloverColorLight, rolloverColorDark, 20);
        SELECTION_COLORS = ColorHelper.createColorArr(selectionBackgroundColorLight, selectionBackgroundColorDark, 20);
        FOCUS_COLORS = ColorHelper.createColorArr(ColorHelper.brighter(focusBackgroundColor, 20),
                ColorHelper.darker(focusBackgroundColor, 10), 20);
        MENU_SELECTION_COLORS = ColorHelper.createColorArr(menuSelectionBackgroundColorLight,
                menuSelectionBackgroundColorDark, 20);
        PRESSED_COLORS = ColorHelper.createColorArr(pressedBackgroundColorDark, pressedBackgroundColorLight, 20);
        WINDOW_TITLE_COLORS = ColorHelper.createColorArr(windowTitleColorLight, windowTitleColorDark, 20);
        WINDOW_INACTIVE_TITLE_COLORS = ColorHelper.createColorArr(windowInactiveTitleColorLight,
                windowInactiveTitleColorDark, 20);
        TOOLBAR_COLORS = ColorHelper.createColorArr(toolbarColorLight, toolbarColorDark, 20);
        MENUBAR_COLORS = ColorHelper.createColorArr(menuColorLight, menuColorDark, 20);
        BUTTON_COLORS = ColorHelper.createColorArr(buttonColorLight, buttonColorDark, 20);
        TRACK_COLORS = ColorHelper.createColorArr(new Color(220, 220, 220), Color.white, 20);

} // end of class AbstractTheme