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 * MIT License
 * Copyright (c) 2014 - 2024 LoboEvolution
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
 * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
 * Contact info: ivan.difrancesco@yahoo.it

package com.jtattoo.plaf;

import java.awt.AlphaComposite;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Composite;
import java.awt.GradientPaint;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.geom.Area;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;

import javax.swing.AbstractButton;
import javax.swing.ButtonModel;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem;
import javax.swing.plaf.UIResource;

 * <p>BaseIcons class.</p>
 * Author Michael Hagen
public class BaseIcons {

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private final static class CheckBoxIcon implements Icon {

        private static final int GAP = 2;
        private static final Icon SMALL_CHECK_ICON = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/check_symbol_10x10.png");
        private static final Icon SMALL_CHECK_DISABLED_ICON = new LazyImageIcon(
        private static final Icon MEDIUM_CHECK_ICON = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/check_symbol_12x12.png");
        private static final Icon MEDIUM_CHECK_DISABLED_ICON = new LazyImageIcon(
        private static final Icon LARGE_CHECK_ICON = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/check_symbol_14x14.png");
        private static final Icon LARGE_CHECK_DISABLED_ICON = new LazyImageIcon(

        public int getIconHeight() {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                return 15;
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                return 17;
            } else {
                return 19;

        public int getIconWidth() {
            final int w;
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                w = 15;
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                w = 17;
            } else {
                w = 19;
            return w + GAP;

        public void paintIcon(final Component c, final Graphics g, final int iconX, final int y) {
            int x = iconX;
            if (!JTattooUtilities.isLeftToRight(c)) {
                x += GAP;
            final int w = getIconWidth() - GAP;
            final int h = getIconHeight();
            final AbstractButton button = (AbstractButton) c;
            final ButtonModel model = button.getModel();
            if (c instanceof JCheckBoxMenuItem) {
                g.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
                if (button.isEnabled()) {
                } else {
                    g.setColor(ColorHelper.brighter(AbstractLookAndFeel.getFrameColor(), 40));
                g.drawRect(x, y, w, h);
            } else {
                if (button.isEnabled()) {
                    if (button.isRolloverEnabled() && model.isRollover()) {
                        JTattooUtilities.fillHorGradient(g, AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getRolloverColors(), x, y, w,
                    } else {
                        if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().doShowFocusFrame() && button.hasFocus()) {
                            JTattooUtilities.fillHorGradient(g, AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getFocusColors(), x, y,
                                    w, h);
                        } else {
                            JTattooUtilities.fillHorGradient(g, AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getCheckBoxColors(), x,
                                    y, w, h);
                        if (!model.isPressed()) {
                            g.drawLine(x + 1, y + 1, x + 1, y + h - 2);
                            g.drawLine(x + w - 1, y + 1, x + w - 1, y + h - 2);
                    if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().doShowFocusFrame() && button.hasFocus()) {
                        final Color hiColor = ColorHelper.brighter(AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getFocusFrameColor(), 30);
                        final Color loColor = ColorHelper.darker(AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getFocusFrameColor(), 20);
                        g.drawRect(x - 1, y - 1, w + 2, h + 2);
                        g.drawRect(x, y, w, h);
                    } else {
                        g.drawRect(x, y, w, h);
                } else {
                    JTattooUtilities.fillHorGradient(g, AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getDisabledColors(), x, y, w, h);
                    g.setColor(ColorHelper.brighter(AbstractLookAndFeel.getFrameColor(), 40));
                    g.drawRect(x, y, w, h);

            final Icon checkIcon;
            final Icon checkDisabledIcon;
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                checkIcon = SMALL_CHECK_ICON;
                checkDisabledIcon = SMALL_CHECK_DISABLED_ICON;
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                checkIcon = MEDIUM_CHECK_ICON;
                checkDisabledIcon = MEDIUM_CHECK_DISABLED_ICON;
            } else {
                checkIcon = LARGE_CHECK_ICON;
                checkDisabledIcon = LARGE_CHECK_DISABLED_ICON;
            final int xi = x + (w - checkIcon.getIconWidth()) / 2 + 1;
            final int yi = y + (h - checkIcon.getIconHeight()) / 2 + 1;
            if (model.isPressed() && model.isArmed()) {
                final Color bc = AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getSelectionBackgroundColor();
                final Color fc = ColorHelper.darker(bc, 40);
                g.drawRect(x + 3, y + 3, w - 6, h - 6);
                g.fillRect(x + 4, y + 4, w - 7, h - 7);
            } else if (model.isSelected()) {
                if (button.isEnabled()) {
                    checkIcon.paintIcon(c, g, xi, yi);
                } else {
                    checkDisabledIcon.paintIcon(c, g, xi, yi);

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public static class CloseSymbol implements Icon {

        private Color foregroundColor = null;
        private Color shadowColor = null;
        private Color rolloverColor = null;
        private Color inactiveForegroundColor = null;
        private Color inactiveShadowColor = null;
        private Insets insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0);

        public CloseSymbol(final Color foregroundColor, final Color shadowColor, final Color rolloverColor) {
            this.foregroundColor = foregroundColor;
            this.shadowColor = shadowColor;
            this.rolloverColor = rolloverColor;
            this.inactiveForegroundColor = foregroundColor;
            this.inactiveShadowColor = shadowColor;

        public CloseSymbol(final Color foregroundColor, final Color shadowColor, final Color rolloverColor, final Color inactiveForegroundColor,
                           final Color inactiveShadowColor, final Insets insets) {
            this.foregroundColor = foregroundColor;
            this.shadowColor = shadowColor;
            this.rolloverColor = rolloverColor;
            this.inactiveForegroundColor = inactiveForegroundColor;
            this.inactiveShadowColor = inactiveShadowColor;
            this.insets = insets;

        public CloseSymbol(final Color foregroundColor, final Color shadowColor, final Color rolloverColor, final Insets insets) {
            this.foregroundColor = foregroundColor;
            this.shadowColor = shadowColor;
            this.rolloverColor = rolloverColor;
            this.insets = insets;
            this.inactiveForegroundColor = foregroundColor;
            this.inactiveShadowColor = shadowColor;

        public int getIconHeight() {
            return 16;

        public int getIconWidth() {
            return 16;

        public void paintIcon(final Component c, final Graphics g, final int iconX, final int iconY) {
            final Graphics2D g2D = (Graphics2D) g;
            g2D.translate(insets.left, insets.top);
            final int w = c.getWidth() - insets.left - insets.right;
            final int h = c.getHeight() - insets.top - insets.bottom;
            final boolean active = JTattooUtilities.isActive((JComponent) c);
            Color color = foregroundColor;
            if (!active) {
                color = inactiveForegroundColor;
            if (c instanceof AbstractButton) {
                if (((AbstractButton) c).getModel().isRollover() && rolloverColor != null) {
                    color = rolloverColor;
            // int lw = (w / 12) + 1;
            final int lw = h > 22 ? 3 : 2;
            final int dx = w / 5 + 2;
            final int dy = dx;

            final Stroke savedStroke = g2D.getStroke();
            final Object savedRederingHint = g2D.getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING);
            g2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);

            g2D.setStroke(new BasicStroke(lw, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL));
            if (shadowColor != null) {
                if (!active) {
                } else {
                g2D.drawLine(dx + 1, dy + 1, w - dx + 1, h - dy + 1);
                g2D.drawLine(w - dx + 1, dy + 1, dx + 1, h - dy + 1);
            g2D.drawLine(dx, dy, w - dx, h - dy);
            g2D.drawLine(w - dx, dy, dx, h - dy);

            g2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, savedRederingHint);
            g2D.translate(-insets.left, -insets.top);

    } // end of class CloseSymbol
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public static class IconSymbol implements Icon {

        private Color foregroundColor = null;
        private Color shadowColor = null;
        private Color inactiveForegroundColor = null;
        private Color inactiveShadowColor = null;
        private Color rolloverColor = null;
        private Insets insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0);

        public IconSymbol(final Color foregroundColor, final Color shadowColor, final Color rolloverColor) {
            this.foregroundColor = foregroundColor;
            this.shadowColor = shadowColor;
            this.rolloverColor = rolloverColor;
            this.inactiveForegroundColor = foregroundColor;
            this.inactiveShadowColor = shadowColor;

        public IconSymbol(final Color foregroundColor, final Color shadowColor, final Color rolloverColor, final Color inactiveForegroundColor,
                          final Color inactiveShadowColor, final Insets insets) {
            this.foregroundColor = foregroundColor;
            this.shadowColor = shadowColor;
            this.rolloverColor = rolloverColor;
            this.inactiveForegroundColor = inactiveForegroundColor;
            this.inactiveShadowColor = inactiveShadowColor;
            this.insets = insets;

        public IconSymbol(final Color foregroundColor, final Color shadowColor, final Color rolloverColor, final Insets insets) {
            this.foregroundColor = foregroundColor;
            this.shadowColor = shadowColor;
            this.rolloverColor = rolloverColor;
            this.inactiveForegroundColor = foregroundColor;
            this.inactiveShadowColor = shadowColor;
            this.insets = insets;

        public int getIconHeight() {
            return 16;

        public int getIconWidth() {
            return 16;

        public void paintIcon(final Component c, final Graphics g, final int iconX, final int iconY) {
            final Graphics2D g2D = (Graphics2D) g;
            g2D.translate(insets.left, insets.top);
            final int w = c.getWidth() - insets.left - insets.right;
            final int h = c.getHeight() - insets.top - insets.bottom;
            final boolean active = JTattooUtilities.isActive((JComponent) c);
            Color color = foregroundColor;
            if (!active) {
                color = inactiveForegroundColor;
            if (c instanceof AbstractButton) {
                if (((AbstractButton) c).getModel().isRollover() && rolloverColor != null) {
                    color = rolloverColor;
            // int lw = (w / 12) + 1;
            final int lw = h > 22 ? 3 : 2;

            final int dx = w / 5 + 2;
            final int dy = dx;

            final Stroke savedStroke = g2D.getStroke();
            g2D.setStroke(new BasicStroke(lw, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER));
            if (shadowColor != null) {
                if (!active) {
                } else {
                g2D.drawLine(dx + 1, h - dy, w - dx + 1, h - dy);
            g2D.drawLine(dx, h - dy - 1, w - dx, h - dy - 1);
            g2D.translate(-insets.left, -insets.top);

    } // end of class IconSymbol
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public static class MacCloseIcon implements Icon, UIResource {

        public int getIconHeight() {
            return 24;

        public int getIconWidth() {
            return 24;

        public void paintIcon(final Component c, final Graphics g, final int iconX, final int iconY) {
            int x;
            int y;
            final AbstractButton btn = (AbstractButton) c;
            final ButtonModel model = btn.getModel();
            final int w = c.getWidth();
            final int h = c.getHeight();
            final Icon closerIcon;
            Icon pearlIcon;
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                closerIcon = CLOSER_SMALL;
                pearlIcon = PEARL_RED_SMALL;
                if (!JTattooUtilities.isActive(btn)) {
                    pearlIcon = PEARL_GREY_SMALL;
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                closerIcon = CLOSER_MEDIUM;
                pearlIcon = PEARL_RED_MEDIUM;
                if (!JTattooUtilities.isActive(btn)) {
                    pearlIcon = PEARL_GREY_MEDIUM;
            } else {
                closerIcon = CLOSER_LARGE;
                pearlIcon = PEARL_RED_LARGE;
                if (!JTattooUtilities.isActive(btn)) {
                    pearlIcon = PEARL_GREY_LARGE;
            x = (w - pearlIcon.getIconWidth()) / 2;
            y = (h - pearlIcon.getIconHeight()) / 2;
            pearlIcon.paintIcon(c, g, x, y);
            if (model.isRollover()) {
                x += (pearlIcon.getIconWidth() - closerIcon.getIconWidth()) / 2;
                y += (pearlIcon.getIconHeight() - closerIcon.getIconHeight()) / 2;
                closerIcon.paintIcon(c, g, x, y);

    } // end of class MacCloseIcon

    public static class MacIconIcon implements Icon, UIResource {

        public int getIconHeight() {
            return 24;

        public int getIconWidth() {
            return 24;

        public void paintIcon(final Component c, final Graphics g, final int iconX, final int iconY) {
            int x;
            int y;
            final AbstractButton btn = (AbstractButton) c;
            final ButtonModel model = btn.getModel();
            final int w = c.getWidth();
            final int h = c.getHeight();
            final Icon iconizerIcon;
            Icon pearlIcon;
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMacStyleWindowDecorationOn()) {
                if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                    iconizerIcon = ICONIZER_SMALL;
                    pearlIcon = PEARL_YELLOW_SMALL;
                    if (!JTattooUtilities.isActive(btn)) {
                        pearlIcon = PEARL_GREY_SMALL;
                } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                    iconizerIcon = ICONIZER_MEDIUM;
                    pearlIcon = PEARL_YELLOW_MEDIUM;
                    if (!JTattooUtilities.isActive(btn)) {
                        pearlIcon = PEARL_GREY_MEDIUM;
                } else {
                    iconizerIcon = ICONIZER_LARGE;
                    pearlIcon = PEARL_YELLOW_LARGE;
                    if (!JTattooUtilities.isActive(btn)) {
                        pearlIcon = PEARL_GREY_LARGE;

            } else {
                if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                    iconizerIcon = ICONIZER_SMALL;
                    pearlIcon = PEARL_GREEN_SMALL;
                    if (!JTattooUtilities.isActive(btn)) {
                        pearlIcon = PEARL_GREY_SMALL;
                } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                    iconizerIcon = ICONIZER_MEDIUM;
                    pearlIcon = PEARL_GREEN_MEDIUM;
                    if (!JTattooUtilities.isActive(btn)) {
                        pearlIcon = PEARL_GREY_MEDIUM;
                } else {
                    iconizerIcon = ICONIZER_LARGE;
                    pearlIcon = PEARL_GREEN_LARGE;
                    if (!JTattooUtilities.isActive(btn)) {
                        pearlIcon = PEARL_GREY_LARGE;
            x = (w - pearlIcon.getIconWidth()) / 2;
            y = (h - pearlIcon.getIconHeight()) / 2;
            pearlIcon.paintIcon(c, g, x, y);
            if (model.isRollover()) {
                x += (pearlIcon.getIconWidth() - iconizerIcon.getIconWidth()) / 2;
                y += (pearlIcon.getIconHeight() - iconizerIcon.getIconHeight()) / 2;
                iconizerIcon.paintIcon(c, g, x, y);

    } // end of class MacIconIcon

    public static class MacMaxIcon implements Icon, UIResource {

        public int getIconHeight() {
            return 24;

        public int getIconWidth() {
            return 24;

        public void paintIcon(final Component c, final Graphics g, final int iconX, final int iconY) {
            int x;
            int y;
            final AbstractButton btn = (AbstractButton) c;
            final ButtonModel model = btn.getModel();
            final int w = c.getWidth();
            final int h = c.getHeight();
            final Icon maximizerIcon;
            Icon pearlIcon;
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMacStyleWindowDecorationOn()) {
                if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                    maximizerIcon = MAXIMIZER_SMALL;
                    pearlIcon = PEARL_GREEN_SMALL;
                    if (!JTattooUtilities.isActive(btn)) {
                        pearlIcon = PEARL_GREY_SMALL;
                } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                    maximizerIcon = MAXIMIZER_MEDIUM;
                    pearlIcon = PEARL_GREEN_MEDIUM;
                    if (!JTattooUtilities.isActive(btn)) {
                        pearlIcon = PEARL_GREY_MEDIUM;
                } else {
                    maximizerIcon = MAXIMIZER_LARGE;
                    pearlIcon = PEARL_GREEN_LARGE;
                    if (!JTattooUtilities.isActive(btn)) {
                        pearlIcon = PEARL_GREY_LARGE;
            } else {
                if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                    maximizerIcon = MAXIMIZER_SMALL;
                    pearlIcon = PEARL_YELLOW_SMALL;
                    if (!JTattooUtilities.isActive(btn)) {
                        pearlIcon = PEARL_GREY_SMALL;
                } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                    maximizerIcon = MAXIMIZER_MEDIUM;
                    pearlIcon = PEARL_YELLOW_MEDIUM;
                    if (!JTattooUtilities.isActive(btn)) {
                        pearlIcon = PEARL_GREY_MEDIUM;
                } else {
                    maximizerIcon = MAXIMIZER_LARGE;
                    pearlIcon = PEARL_YELLOW_LARGE;
                    if (!JTattooUtilities.isActive(btn)) {
                        pearlIcon = PEARL_GREY_LARGE;
            x = (w - pearlIcon.getIconWidth()) / 2;
            y = (h - pearlIcon.getIconHeight()) / 2;
            pearlIcon.paintIcon(c, g, x, y);
            if (model.isRollover()) {
                x += (pearlIcon.getIconWidth() - maximizerIcon.getIconWidth()) / 2;
                y += (pearlIcon.getIconHeight() - maximizerIcon.getIconHeight()) / 2;
                maximizerIcon.paintIcon(c, g, x, y);

    } // end of class MacMaxIcon

    public static class MacMinIcon implements Icon, UIResource {

        public int getIconHeight() {
            return 24;

        public int getIconWidth() {
            return 24;

        public void paintIcon(final Component c, final Graphics g, final int iconX, final int iconY) {
            int x;
            int y;
            final AbstractButton btn = (AbstractButton) c;
            final ButtonModel model = btn.getModel();
            final int w = c.getWidth();
            final int h = c.getHeight();
            final Icon minimizerIcon;
            Icon pearlIcon;
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMacStyleWindowDecorationOn()) {
                if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                    minimizerIcon = MINIMIZER_SMALL;
                    pearlIcon = PEARL_GREEN_SMALL;
                    if (!JTattooUtilities.isActive(btn)) {
                        pearlIcon = PEARL_GREY_SMALL;
                } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                    minimizerIcon = MINIMIZER_MEDIUM;
                    pearlIcon = PEARL_GREEN_MEDIUM;
                    if (!JTattooUtilities.isActive(btn)) {
                        pearlIcon = PEARL_GREY_MEDIUM;
                } else {
                    minimizerIcon = MINIMIZER_LARGE;
                    pearlIcon = PEARL_GREEN_LARGE;
                    if (!JTattooUtilities.isActive(btn)) {
                        pearlIcon = PEARL_GREY_LARGE;
            } else {
                if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                    minimizerIcon = MINIMIZER_SMALL;
                    pearlIcon = PEARL_YELLOW_SMALL;
                    if (!JTattooUtilities.isActive(btn)) {
                        pearlIcon = PEARL_GREY_SMALL;
                } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                    minimizerIcon = MINIMIZER_MEDIUM;
                    pearlIcon = PEARL_YELLOW_MEDIUM;
                    if (!JTattooUtilities.isActive(btn)) {
                        pearlIcon = PEARL_GREY_MEDIUM;
                } else {
                    minimizerIcon = MINIMIZER_LARGE;
                    pearlIcon = PEARL_YELLOW_LARGE;
                    if (!JTattooUtilities.isActive(btn)) {
                        pearlIcon = PEARL_GREY_LARGE;
            x = (w - pearlIcon.getIconWidth()) / 2;
            y = (h - pearlIcon.getIconHeight()) / 2;
            pearlIcon.paintIcon(c, g, x, y);
            if (model.isRollover()) {
                x += (pearlIcon.getIconWidth() - minimizerIcon.getIconWidth()) / 2;
                y += (pearlIcon.getIconHeight() - minimizerIcon.getIconHeight()) / 2;
                minimizerIcon.paintIcon(c, g, x, y);

    } // end of class MacMinIcon
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public static class MaxSymbol implements Icon {

        private Color foregroundColor = null;
        private Color shadowColor = null;
        private Color rolloverColor = null;
        private Color inactiveForegroundColor = null;
        private Color inactiveShadowColor = null;
        private Insets insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0);

        public MaxSymbol(final Color foregroundColor, final Color shadowColor, final Color rolloverColor) {
            this.foregroundColor = foregroundColor;
            this.shadowColor = shadowColor;
            this.rolloverColor = rolloverColor;
            this.inactiveForegroundColor = foregroundColor;
            this.inactiveShadowColor = shadowColor;

        public MaxSymbol(final Color foregroundColor, final Color shadowColor, final Color rolloverColor, final Color inactiveForegroundColor,
                         final Color inactiveShadowColor, final Insets insets) {
            this.foregroundColor = foregroundColor;
            this.shadowColor = shadowColor;
            this.rolloverColor = rolloverColor;
            this.inactiveForegroundColor = inactiveForegroundColor;
            this.inactiveShadowColor = inactiveShadowColor;
            this.insets = insets;

        public MaxSymbol(final Color foregroundColor, final Color shadowColor, final Color rolloverColor, final Insets insets) {
            this.foregroundColor = foregroundColor;
            this.shadowColor = shadowColor;
            this.rolloverColor = rolloverColor;
            this.inactiveForegroundColor = foregroundColor;
            this.inactiveShadowColor = shadowColor;
            this.insets = insets;

        public int getIconHeight() {
            return 16;

        public int getIconWidth() {
            return 16;

        public void paintIcon(final Component c, final Graphics g, final int x, final int y) {
            final Graphics2D g2D = (Graphics2D) g;
            g2D.translate(insets.left, insets.top);
            final int w = c.getWidth() - insets.left - insets.right;
            final int h = c.getHeight() - insets.top - insets.bottom;
            final boolean active = JTattooUtilities.isActive((JComponent) c);
            Color color = foregroundColor;
            if (!active) {
                color = inactiveForegroundColor;
            if (c instanceof AbstractButton) {
                if (((AbstractButton) c).getModel().isRollover() && rolloverColor != null) {
                    color = rolloverColor;
            final int lw = h > 22 ? 2 : 1;

            final int dx = w / 5 + 1;
            final int dy = h / 5 + 2;

            final Stroke savedStroke = g2D.getStroke();
            g2D.setStroke(new BasicStroke(lw, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER));
            if (shadowColor != null) {
                if (!active) {
                } else {
                g2D.drawRect(dx + 1, dy + 1, w - 2 * dx, h - 2 * dy);
                g2D.drawLine(dx + 1, dy + lw + 1, w - dx, dy + lw + 1);
            g2D.drawRect(dx, dy, w - 2 * dx, h - 2 * dy);
            g2D.drawLine(dx + 1, dy + lw, w - dx, dy + lw);

            g2D.translate(-insets.left, -insets.top);

    } // end of class MaxSymbol
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public static class MinSymbol implements Icon {

        private Color foregroundColor = null;
        private Color shadowColor = null;
        private Color rolloverColor = null;
        private Color inactiveForegroundColor = null;
        private Color inactiveShadowColor = null;
        private Insets insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0);

        public MinSymbol(final Color foregroundColor, final Color shadowColor, final Color rolloverColor) {
            this.foregroundColor = foregroundColor;
            this.shadowColor = shadowColor;
            this.rolloverColor = rolloverColor;
            this.inactiveForegroundColor = foregroundColor;
            this.inactiveShadowColor = shadowColor;

        public MinSymbol(final Color foregroundColor, final Color shadowColor, final Color rolloverColor, final Color inactiveForegroundColor,
                         final Color inactiveShadowColor, final Insets insets) {
            this.foregroundColor = foregroundColor;
            this.shadowColor = shadowColor;
            this.rolloverColor = rolloverColor;
            this.inactiveForegroundColor = inactiveForegroundColor;
            this.inactiveShadowColor = inactiveShadowColor;
            this.insets = insets;

        public MinSymbol(final Color foregroundColor, final Color shadowColor, final Color rolloverColor, final Insets insets) {
            this.foregroundColor = foregroundColor;
            this.shadowColor = shadowColor;
            this.rolloverColor = rolloverColor;
            this.inactiveForegroundColor = foregroundColor;
            this.inactiveShadowColor = shadowColor;
            this.insets = insets;

        public int getIconHeight() {
            return 16;

        public int getIconWidth() {
            return 16;

        public void paintIcon(final Component c, final Graphics g, final int iconX, final int iconY) {
            final Graphics2D g2D = (Graphics2D) g;
            g2D.translate(insets.left, insets.top);
            int w = c.getWidth() - insets.left - insets.right;
            int h = c.getHeight() - insets.top - insets.bottom;

            final int lw = h > 22 ? 2 : 1;
            final int delta = w / 4;

            w = Math.min(w, h) - 6;
            h = w;

            final int x1 = 3;
            final int y1 = 3;
            final int w1 = w - delta;
            final int h1 = h - delta;

            final int x2 = delta + 2;
            final int y2 = Math.max(delta + 2, y1 + 2 * lw + 1);
            final int w2 = w - delta;
            final int h2 = h - delta;

            final boolean active = JTattooUtilities.isActive((JComponent) c);
            Color ic = foregroundColor;
            Color sc = shadowColor;
            if (!active) {
                ic = inactiveForegroundColor;
                if (sc != null) {
                    sc = inactiveShadowColor;
            if (c instanceof AbstractButton) {
                if (((AbstractButton) c).getModel().isRollover() && rolloverColor != null) {
                    ic = rolloverColor;

            final Shape savedClip = g2D.getClip();
            final Stroke savedStroke = g2D.getStroke();
            g2D.setStroke(new BasicStroke(lw, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER));
            final Area clipArea = new Area(savedClip);
            clipArea.subtract(new Area(new Rectangle2D.Double(x2, y2, w2, h2)));
            paintRect(g2D, x1, y1, w1, h1, lw, ic, sc);
            paintRect(g2D, x2, y2, w2, h2, lw, ic, sc);

            g2D.translate(-insets.left, -insets.top);

        private void paintRect(final Graphics2D g2D, final int x, final int y, final int w, final int h, final int lw, final Color iconColor, final Color shadowColor) {
            if (shadowColor != null) {
                g2D.drawRect(x + 1, y + 1, w, h);
                g2D.drawLine(x + 1, y + lw + 1, x + w + 1, y + lw + 1);
            g2D.drawRect(x, y, w, h);
            g2D.drawLine(x, y + lw, x + w, y + lw);


    } // end of class MinSymbol
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private final static class RadioButtonIcon implements Icon {

        private static final int GAP = 2;

        public int getIconHeight() {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                return 14;
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                return 16;
            } else {
                return 18;

        public int getIconWidth() {
            final int w;
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                w = 14;
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                w = 16;
            } else {
                w = 18;
            return w + GAP;

        public void paintIcon(final Component c, final Graphics g, final int iconX, final int y) {
int x = iconX;
            if (!JTattooUtilities.isLeftToRight(c)) {
                x += GAP;
            final int w = getIconWidth() - GAP;
            final int h = getIconHeight();
            final Graphics2D g2D = (Graphics2D) g;
            final AbstractButton button = (AbstractButton) c;
            final ButtonModel model = button.getModel();
            Color cHi = Color.white;
            Color cLo = Color.white;
            if (!(c instanceof JRadioButtonMenuItem)) {
                final Color[] colors;
                if (button.isEnabled()) {
                    if (button.isRolloverEnabled() && model.isRollover() || model.isPressed() && model.isArmed()) {
                        colors = AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getRolloverColors();
                    } else {
                        if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().doShowFocusFrame() && button.hasFocus()) {
                            colors = AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getFocusColors();
                        } else {
                            colors = AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getCheckBoxColors();
                } else {
                    colors = AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getDisabledColors();
                cHi = colors[0];
                cLo = colors[colors.length - 1];
            final Paint savedPaint = g2D.getPaint();
            g2D.setPaint(new GradientPaint(0, 0, cHi, 0, h, cLo));
            g2D.fillOval(x, y, w, h);

            final Shape savedClip = g.getClip();
            // Area clipArea = new Area(new Ellipse2D.Double(x + 1, y + 1, w - 1, h - 1));
            final Area clipArea = new Area(new Ellipse2D.Double(x, y, w + 1, h + 1));
            if (savedClip != null) {
                clipArea.intersect(new Area(savedClip));
            if (c instanceof JRadioButtonMenuItem) {
                g.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
            } else {
                if (button.isEnabled()) {
                    if (button.isRolloverEnabled() && model.isRollover() || model.isPressed() && model.isArmed()) {
                        JTattooUtilities.fillHorGradient(g, AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getRolloverColors(), x, y, w,
                    } else {
                        if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().doShowFocusFrame() && button.hasFocus()) {
                            JTattooUtilities.fillHorGradient(g, AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getFocusColors(), x, y,
                                    w, h);
                        } else {
                            JTattooUtilities.fillHorGradient(g, AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getCheckBoxColors(), x,
                                    y, w, h);
                } else {
                    JTattooUtilities.fillHorGradient(g, AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getDisabledColors(), x, y, w, h);

            final Object savedRederingHint = g2D.getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING);
            g2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
            if (!model.isRollover()) {
                final Composite savedComposite = g2D.getComposite();
                final AlphaComposite alpha = AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.6f);
                g2D.drawOval(x + 1, y + 1, w - 2, h - 2);
            if (button.isEnabled()) {
                if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().doShowFocusFrame() && button.hasFocus()) {
                    final Color hiColor = ColorHelper.brighter(AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getFocusFrameColor(), 30);
                    final Color loColor = ColorHelper.darker(AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getFocusFrameColor(), 20);
                    g.drawOval(x - 1, y - 1, w + 2, h + 2);
                    g2D.drawOval(x, y, w, h);
                } else {
                    g2D.drawOval(x, y, w, h);
            } else {
                g.setColor(ColorHelper.brighter(AbstractLookAndFeel.getFrameColor(), 40));
                g2D.drawOval(x, y, w, h);

            if (model.isSelected()) {
                if (button.isEnabled()) {
                    final Color fc = AbstractLookAndFeel.getForegroundColor();
                    if (ColorHelper.getGrayValue(cLo) < 128) {
                        if (ColorHelper.getGrayValue(fc) < 128) {
                        } else {
                    } else {
                        if (ColorHelper.getGrayValue(fc) > 128) {
                        } else {
                } else {
                if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                    g2D.fillOval(x + 4, y + 4, w - 7, h - 7);
                } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                    g2D.fillOval(x + 4, y + 4, w - 7, h - 7);
                } else {
                    g2D.fillOval(x + 5, y + 5, w - 9, h - 9);
            g2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, savedRederingHint);

    } // end of class RadioButtonIcon

    /** Constant PEARL_RED_SMALL */
    public static final LazyImageIcon PEARL_RED_SMALL = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/pearl_red_24x24.png");
    /** Constant PEARL_YELLOW_SMALL */
    public static final LazyImageIcon PEARL_YELLOW_SMALL = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/pearl_yellow_24x24.png");

    /** Constant PEARL_GREEN_SMALL */
    public static final LazyImageIcon PEARL_GREEN_SMALL = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/pearl_green_24x24.png");
    /** Constant PEARL_GREY_SMALL */
    public static final LazyImageIcon PEARL_GREY_SMALL = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/pearl_grey_24x24.png");
    /** Constant PEARL_RED_MEDIUM */
    public static final LazyImageIcon PEARL_RED_MEDIUM = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/pearl_red_28x28.png");
    /** Constant PEARL_YELLOW_MEDIUM */
    public static final LazyImageIcon PEARL_YELLOW_MEDIUM = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/pearl_yellow_28x28.png");
    /** Constant PEARL_GREEN_MEDIUM */
    public static final LazyImageIcon PEARL_GREEN_MEDIUM = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/pearl_green_28x28.png");
    /** Constant PEARL_GREY_MEDIUM */
    public static final LazyImageIcon PEARL_GREY_MEDIUM = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/pearl_grey_28x28.png");
    /** Constant PEARL_RED_LARGE */
    public static final LazyImageIcon PEARL_RED_LARGE = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/pearl_red_32x32.png");
    /** Constant PEARL_YELLOW_LARGE */
    public static final LazyImageIcon PEARL_YELLOW_LARGE = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/pearl_yellow_32x32.png");
    /** Constant PEARL_GREEN_LARGE */
    public static final LazyImageIcon PEARL_GREEN_LARGE = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/pearl_green_32x32.png");
    /** Constant PEARL_GREY_LARGE */
    public static final LazyImageIcon PEARL_GREY_LARGE = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/pearl_grey_32x32.png");
    /** Constant ICONIZER_SMALL */
    public static final LazyImageIcon ICONIZER_SMALL = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/iconizer_10x10.png");
    /** Constant MINIMIZER_SMALL */
    public static final LazyImageIcon MINIMIZER_SMALL = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/minimizer_10x10.png");

    /** Constant MAXIMIZER_SMALL */
    public static final LazyImageIcon MAXIMIZER_SMALL = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/maximizer_10x10.png");

    /** Constant CLOSER_SMALL */
    public static final LazyImageIcon CLOSER_SMALL = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/closer_10x10.png");
    /** Constant ICONIZER_MEDIUM */
    public static final LazyImageIcon ICONIZER_MEDIUM = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/iconizer_12x12.png");
    /** Constant MINIMIZER_MEDIUM */
    public static final LazyImageIcon MINIMIZER_MEDIUM = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/minimizer_12x12.png");
    /** Constant MAXIMIZER_MEDIUM */
    public static final LazyImageIcon MAXIMIZER_MEDIUM = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/maximizer_12x12.png");
    /** Constant CLOSER_MEDIUM */
    public static final LazyImageIcon CLOSER_MEDIUM = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/closer_12x12.png");
    /** Constant ICONIZER_LARGE */
    public static final LazyImageIcon ICONIZER_LARGE = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/iconizer_12x12.png");
    /** Constant MINIMIZER_LARGE */
    public static final LazyImageIcon MINIMIZER_LARGE = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/minimizer_12x12.png");
    /** Constant MAXIMIZER_LARGE */
    public static final LazyImageIcon MAXIMIZER_LARGE = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/maximizer_12x12.png");

    /** Constant CLOSER_LARGE */
    public static final LazyImageIcon CLOSER_LARGE = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/closer_12x12.png");
    /** Constant EMPTY_8x8 */
    public static final LazyImageIcon EMPTY_8x8 = new LazyImageIcon("icons/empty_8x8.png");
    /** Constant checkBoxIcon */
    protected static Icon checkBoxIcon = null;
    /** Constant menuCheckBoxIcon */
    protected static Icon menuCheckBoxIcon = null;
    /** Constant radioButtonIcon */
    protected static Icon radioButtonIcon = null;
    /** Constant menuRadioButtonIcon */
    protected static Icon menuRadioButtonIcon = null;
    /** Constant optionPaneErrorIcon */
    protected static Icon optionPaneErrorIcon = null;
    /** Constant optionPaneWarningIcon */
    protected static Icon optionPaneWarningIcon = null;

    /** Constant optionPaneInformationIcon */
    protected static Icon optionPaneInformationIcon = null;
    /** Constant optionPaneQuestionIcon */
    protected static Icon optionPaneQuestionIcon = null;
    /** Constant fileChooserUpFolderIcon */
    protected static Icon fileChooserUpFolderIcon = null;
    /** Constant fileChooserHomeFolderIcon */
    protected static Icon fileChooserHomeFolderIcon = null;
    /** Constant fileChooserNewFolderIcon */
    protected static Icon fileChooserNewFolderIcon = null;

    /** Constant fileChooserListViewIcon */
    protected static Icon fileChooserListViewIcon = null;
    /** Constant fileChooserDetailViewIcon */
    protected static Icon fileChooserDetailViewIcon = null;

    /** Constant fileViewComputerIcon */
    protected static Icon fileViewComputerIcon = null;
    /** Constant fileViewFloppyDriveIcon */
    protected static Icon fileViewFloppyDriveIcon = null;
    /** Constant fileViewHardDriveIcon */
    protected static Icon fileViewHardDriveIcon = null;
    /** Constant treeOpenedIcon */
    protected static Icon treeOpenedIcon = null;

    /** Constant treeClosedIcon */
    protected static Icon treeClosedIcon = null;
    /** Constant treeLeafIcon */
    protected static Icon treeLeafIcon = null;
    /** Constant treeExpandedIcon */
    protected static Icon treeExpandedIcon = null;
    /** Constant treeCollapsedIcon */
    protected static Icon treeCollapsedIcon = null;
    /** Constant paletteCloseIcon */
    protected static Icon paletteCloseIcon = null;
    /** Constant menuIcon */
    protected static Icon menuIcon = null;
    /** Constant iconIcon */
    protected static Icon iconIcon = null;
    /** Constant maxIcon */
    protected static Icon maxIcon = null;
    /** Constant minIcon */
    protected static Icon minIcon = null;
    /** Constant closeIcon */
    protected static Icon closeIcon = null;
    /** Constant upArrowIcon */
    protected static Icon upArrowIcon = null;
    /** Constant upArrowInverseIcon */
    protected static Icon upArrowInverseIcon = null;
    /** Constant downArrowIcon */
    protected static Icon downArrowIcon = null;
    /** Constant downArrowInverseIcon */
    protected static Icon downArrowInverseIcon = null;
    /** Constant leftArrowIcon */
    protected static Icon leftArrowIcon = null;
    /** Constant leftArrowInverseIcon */
    protected static Icon leftArrowInverseIcon = null;
    /** Constant rightArrowIcon */
    protected static Icon rightArrowIcon = null;
    /** Constant rightArrowInverseIcon */
    protected static Icon rightArrowInverseIcon = null;
    /** Constant menuArrowIcon */
    protected static Icon menuArrowIcon = null;

    /** Constant splitterUpArrowIcon */
    protected static Icon splitterUpArrowIcon = null;

    /** Constant splitterDownArrowIcon */
    protected static Icon splitterDownArrowIcon = null;

    /** Constant splitterLeftArrowIcon */
    protected static Icon splitterLeftArrowIcon = null;

    /** Constant splitterRightArrowIcon */
    protected static Icon splitterRightArrowIcon = null;

    /** Constant splitterHorBumpIcon */
    protected static Icon splitterHorBumpIcon = null;

    /** Constant splitterVerBumpIcon */
    protected static Icon splitterVerBumpIcon = null;

    /** Constant thumbHorIcon */
    protected static Icon thumbHorIcon = null;

    /** Constant thumbVerIcon */
    protected static Icon thumbVerIcon = null;

    /** Constant thumbHorIconRollover */
    protected static Icon thumbHorIconRollover = null;

    /** Constant thumbVerIconRollover */
    protected static Icon thumbVerIconRollover = null;

     * <p>Getter for the field checkBoxIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getCheckBoxIcon() {
        if (checkBoxIcon == null) {
            checkBoxIcon = new CheckBoxIcon();
        return checkBoxIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field closeIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getCloseIcon() {
        if (closeIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMacStyleWindowDecorationOn()) {
                closeIcon = new MacCloseIcon();
            } else {
                final Color iconColor = AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getWindowIconColor();
                final Color iconRolloverColor = AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getWindowIconRolloverColor();
                closeIcon = new CloseSymbol(iconColor, null, iconRolloverColor);
        return closeIcon;

    // ComboBox
     * <p>getComboBoxIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getComboBoxIcon() {
        return getDownArrowIcon();

     * <p>getComboBoxInverseIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getComboBoxInverseIcon() {
        return getDownArrowInverseIcon();

     * <p>Getter for the field downArrowIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getDownArrowIcon() {
        if (downArrowIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                downArrowIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/arrow_down_7x4.png");
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                downArrowIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/arrow_down_9x6.png");
            } else {
                downArrowIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/arrow_down_11x8.png");
        return downArrowIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field downArrowInverseIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getDownArrowInverseIcon() {
        if (downArrowInverseIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                downArrowInverseIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/arrow_down_inverse_7x4.png");
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                downArrowInverseIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/arrow_down_inverse_9x6.png");
            } else {
                downArrowInverseIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/arrow_down_inverse_11x8.png");
        return downArrowInverseIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field fileChooserDetailViewIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getFileChooserDetailViewIcon() {
        if (fileChooserDetailViewIcon == null) {
            fileChooserDetailViewIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/view_detail_22x22.png");
        return fileChooserDetailViewIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field fileChooserHomeFolderIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getFileChooserHomeFolderIcon() {
        if (fileChooserHomeFolderIcon == null) {
            fileChooserHomeFolderIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/home_22x22.png");
        return fileChooserHomeFolderIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field fileChooserListViewIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getFileChooserListViewIcon() {
        if (fileChooserListViewIcon == null) {
            fileChooserListViewIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/view_list_22x22.png");
        return fileChooserListViewIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field fileChooserNewFolderIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getFileChooserNewFolderIcon() {
        if (fileChooserNewFolderIcon == null) {
            fileChooserNewFolderIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/folder_new_22x22.png");
        return fileChooserNewFolderIcon;

    // FileChooser
     * <p>Getter for the field fileChooserUpFolderIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getFileChooserUpFolderIcon() {
        if (fileChooserUpFolderIcon == null) {
            fileChooserUpFolderIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/folder_up_22x22.png");
        return fileChooserUpFolderIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field fileViewComputerIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getFileViewComputerIcon() {
        if (fileViewComputerIcon == null) {
            fileViewComputerIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/computer_16x16.png");
        return fileViewComputerIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field fileViewFloppyDriveIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getFileViewFloppyDriveIcon() {
        if (fileViewFloppyDriveIcon == null) {
            fileViewFloppyDriveIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/floppy_drive_16x16.png");
        return fileViewFloppyDriveIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field fileViewHardDriveIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getFileViewHardDriveIcon() {
        if (fileViewHardDriveIcon == null) {
            fileViewHardDriveIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/hard_drive_16x16.png");
        return fileViewHardDriveIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field iconIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getIconIcon() {
        if (iconIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMacStyleWindowDecorationOn()) {
                iconIcon = new MacIconIcon();
            } else {
                final Color iconColor = AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getWindowIconColor();
                final Color iconRolloverColor = AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getWindowIconRolloverColor();
                iconIcon = new IconSymbol(iconColor, null, iconRolloverColor);
        return iconIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field leftArrowIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getLeftArrowIcon() {
        if (leftArrowIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                leftArrowIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/arrow_left_4x7.png");
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                leftArrowIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/arrow_left_6x9.png");
            } else {
                leftArrowIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/arrow_left_8x11.png");
        return leftArrowIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field leftArrowInverseIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getLeftArrowInverseIcon() {
        if (leftArrowInverseIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                leftArrowInverseIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/arrow_left_inverse_4x7.png");
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                leftArrowInverseIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/arrow_left_inverse_6x9.png");
            } else {
                leftArrowInverseIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/arrow_left_inverse_8x11.png");
        return leftArrowInverseIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field maxIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getMaxIcon() {
        if (maxIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMacStyleWindowDecorationOn()) {
                maxIcon = new MacMaxIcon();
            } else {
                final Color iconColor = AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getWindowIconColor();
                final Color iconRolloverColor = AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getWindowIconRolloverColor();
                maxIcon = new MaxSymbol(iconColor, null, iconRolloverColor);
        return maxIcon;

    // MenuIcons
     * <p>Getter for the field menuArrowIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getMenuArrowIcon() {
        if (menuArrowIcon == null) {
            menuArrowIcon = new LazyMenuArrowImageIcon("icons/MenuRightArrow.gif", "icons/MenuLeftArrow.gif");
        return menuArrowIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field menuCheckBoxIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getMenuCheckBoxIcon() {
        if (menuCheckBoxIcon == null) {
            menuCheckBoxIcon = new CheckBoxIcon();
        return menuCheckBoxIcon;

    // TitlePane icons
     * <p>Getter for the field menuIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getMenuIcon() {
        if (menuIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                menuIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/cup_16x16.png");
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                menuIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/cup_20x20.png");
            } else {
                menuIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/cup_24x24.png");
        return menuIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field menuRadioButtonIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getMenuRadioButtonIcon() {
        if (menuRadioButtonIcon == null) {
            menuRadioButtonIcon = new RadioButtonIcon();
        return menuRadioButtonIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field minIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getMinIcon() {
        if (minIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMacStyleWindowDecorationOn()) {
                minIcon = new MacMinIcon();
            } else {
                final Color iconColor = AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getWindowIconColor();
                final Color iconRolloverColor = AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().getWindowIconRolloverColor();
                minIcon = new MinSymbol(iconColor, null, iconRolloverColor);
        return minIcon;

    // OptionPane
     * <p>Getter for the field optionPaneErrorIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getOptionPaneErrorIcon() {
        if (optionPaneErrorIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                optionPaneErrorIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/error_32x32.png");
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                optionPaneErrorIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/error_32x32.png");
            } else {
                optionPaneErrorIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/error_48x48.png");
        return optionPaneErrorIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field optionPaneInformationIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getOptionPaneInformationIcon() {
        if (optionPaneInformationIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                optionPaneInformationIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/information_32x32.png");
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                optionPaneInformationIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/information_32x32.png");
            } else {
                optionPaneInformationIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/information_48x48.png");
        return optionPaneInformationIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field optionPaneQuestionIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getOptionPaneQuestionIcon() {
        if (optionPaneQuestionIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                optionPaneQuestionIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/question_32x32.png");
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                optionPaneQuestionIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/question_32x32.png");
            } else {
                optionPaneQuestionIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/question_48x48.png");
        return optionPaneQuestionIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field optionPaneWarningIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getOptionPaneWarningIcon() {
        if (optionPaneWarningIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                optionPaneWarningIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/warning_32x32.png");
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                optionPaneWarningIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/warning_32x32.png");
            } else {
                optionPaneWarningIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/warning_48x48.png");
        return optionPaneWarningIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field paletteCloseIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getPaletteCloseIcon() {
        if (paletteCloseIcon == null) {
            paletteCloseIcon = new CloseSymbol(Color.black, null, Color.red);
        return paletteCloseIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field radioButtonIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getRadioButtonIcon() {
        if (radioButtonIcon == null) {
            radioButtonIcon = new RadioButtonIcon();
        return radioButtonIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field rightArrowIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getRightArrowIcon() {
        if (rightArrowIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                rightArrowIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/arrow_right_4x7.png");
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                rightArrowIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/arrow_right_6x9.png");
            } else {
                rightArrowIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/arrow_right_8x11.png");
        return rightArrowIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field rightArrowInverseIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getRightArrowInverseIcon() {
        if (rightArrowInverseIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                rightArrowInverseIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/arrow_right_inverse_4x7.png");
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                rightArrowInverseIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/arrow_right_inverse_6x9.png");
            } else {
                rightArrowInverseIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/arrow_right_inverse_8x11.png");
        return rightArrowInverseIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field splitterDownArrowIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getSplitterDownArrowIcon() {
        if (splitterDownArrowIcon == null) {
            splitterDownArrowIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/SplitterDownArrow.gif");
        return splitterDownArrowIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field splitterHorBumpIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getSplitterHorBumpIcon() {
        if (splitterHorBumpIcon == null) {
            splitterHorBumpIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/SplitterHorBumps.gif");
        return splitterHorBumpIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field splitterLeftArrowIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getSplitterLeftArrowIcon() {
        if (splitterLeftArrowIcon == null) {
            splitterLeftArrowIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/SplitterLeftArrow.gif");
        return splitterLeftArrowIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field splitterRightArrowIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getSplitterRightArrowIcon() {
        if (splitterRightArrowIcon == null) {
            splitterRightArrowIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/SplitterRightArrow.gif");
        return splitterRightArrowIcon;

    // Splitter
     * <p>Getter for the field splitterUpArrowIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getSplitterUpArrowIcon() {
        if (splitterUpArrowIcon == null) {
            splitterUpArrowIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/SplitterUpArrow.gif");
        return splitterUpArrowIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field splitterVerBumpIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getSplitterVerBumpIcon() {
        if (splitterVerBumpIcon == null) {
            splitterVerBumpIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/SplitterVerBumps.gif");
        return splitterVerBumpIcon;

    // Slider
     * <p>Getter for the field thumbHorIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getThumbHorIcon() {
        if (thumbHorIcon == null) {
            thumbHorIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/thumb_hor.gif");
        return thumbHorIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field thumbHorIconRollover.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getThumbHorIconRollover() {
        if (thumbHorIconRollover == null) {
            thumbHorIconRollover = new LazyImageIcon("icons/thumb_hor_rollover.gif");
        return thumbHorIconRollover;

     * <p>Getter for the field thumbVerIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getThumbVerIcon() {
        if (thumbVerIcon == null) {
            thumbVerIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/thumb_ver.gif");
        return thumbVerIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field thumbVerIconRollover.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getThumbVerIconRollover() {
        if (thumbVerIconRollover == null) {
            thumbVerIconRollover = new LazyImageIcon("icons/thumb_ver_rollover.gif");
        return thumbVerIconRollover;

     * <p>Getter for the field treeClosedIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getTreeClosedIcon() {
        if (treeClosedIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                treeClosedIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/folder_closed_16x16.png");
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                treeClosedIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/folder_closed_20x20.png");
            } else {
                treeClosedIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/folder_closed_24x24.png");
        return treeClosedIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field treeCollapsedIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getTreeCollapsedIcon() {
        if (treeCollapsedIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                treeCollapsedIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/tree_collapsed_9x9.png");
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                treeCollapsedIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/tree_collapsed_11x11.png");
            } else {
                treeCollapsedIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/tree_collapsed_14x14.png");
        return treeCollapsedIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field treeExpandedIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getTreeExpandedIcon() {
        if (treeExpandedIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                treeExpandedIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/tree_expanded_9x9.png");
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                treeExpandedIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/tree_expanded_11x11.png");
            } else {
                treeExpandedIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/tree_expanded_14x14.png");
        return treeExpandedIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field treeLeafIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getTreeLeafIcon() {
        if (treeLeafIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                treeLeafIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/document_16x16.png");
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                treeLeafIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/document_20x20.png");
            } else {
                treeLeafIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/document_24x24.png");
        return treeLeafIcon;

// Tree
     * <p>Getter for the field treeOpenedIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getTreeOpenedIcon() {
        if (treeOpenedIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                treeOpenedIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/folder_opened_16x16.png");
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                treeOpenedIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/folder_opened_20x20.png");
            } else {
                treeOpenedIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/folder_opened_24x24.png");
        return treeOpenedIcon;

// ArrowIcons
     * <p>Getter for the field upArrowIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getUpArrowIcon() {
        if (upArrowIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                upArrowIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/arrow_up_7x4.png");
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                upArrowIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/arrow_up_9x6.png");
            } else {
                upArrowIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/arrow_up_11x8.png");
        return upArrowIcon;

     * <p>Getter for the field upArrowInverseIcon.</p>
     * @return a {@link javax.swing.Icon} object.
    public static Icon getUpArrowInverseIcon() {
        if (upArrowInverseIcon == null) {
            if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isSmallFontSize()) {
                upArrowInverseIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/small/arrow_up_inverse_7x4.png");
            } else if (AbstractLookAndFeel.getTheme().isMediumFontSize()) {
                upArrowInverseIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/medium/arrow_up_inverse_9x6.png");
            } else {
                upArrowInverseIcon = new LazyImageIcon("icons/large/arrow_up_inverse_11x8.png");
        return upArrowInverseIcon;

     * <p>initDefaults.</p>
    public static void initDefaults() {
        checkBoxIcon = null;
        menuCheckBoxIcon = null;
        radioButtonIcon = null;
        menuRadioButtonIcon = null;
        optionPaneErrorIcon = null;
        optionPaneWarningIcon = null;
        optionPaneInformationIcon = null;
        optionPaneQuestionIcon = null;
        fileChooserUpFolderIcon = null;
        fileChooserHomeFolderIcon = null;
        fileChooserNewFolderIcon = null;
        fileChooserListViewIcon = null;
        fileChooserDetailViewIcon = null;
        fileViewComputerIcon = null;
        fileViewFloppyDriveIcon = null;
        fileViewHardDriveIcon = null;
        treeOpenedIcon = null;
        treeClosedIcon = null;
        treeLeafIcon = null;
        treeExpandedIcon = null;
        treeCollapsedIcon = null;
        paletteCloseIcon = null;
        menuIcon = null;
        iconIcon = null;
        maxIcon = null;
        minIcon = null;
        closeIcon = null;
        upArrowIcon = null;
        upArrowInverseIcon = null;
        downArrowIcon = null;
        downArrowInverseIcon = null;
        leftArrowIcon = null;
        leftArrowInverseIcon = null;
        rightArrowIcon = null;
        rightArrowInverseIcon = null;
        menuArrowIcon = null;
        splitterUpArrowIcon = null;
        splitterDownArrowIcon = null;
        splitterLeftArrowIcon = null;
        splitterRightArrowIcon = null;
        splitterHorBumpIcon = null;
        splitterVerBumpIcon = null;
        thumbHorIcon = null;
        thumbVerIcon = null;
        thumbHorIconRollover = null;
        thumbVerIconRollover = null;

} // end of class BaseIcons