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# cache-required-actions-authenticator

## description

This authenticator is used to cache and restore required actions. When using
direct grants, it is not possible for the user to process any required actions
(such as UPDATE_PASSWORD) so the attempt at obtaining a token via direct grant
will fail.

By adding this authenticator in a pair-wise way (to the _Direct Grant_ flow and
also to the _Browser_ flow), it is possible

- to cache (in the Direct Grant flow) any required actions so that the attempt
  at obtaining a token via direct grant succeeds, and

- to restore (in the Browser flow) the cached required actions so that the user
  is forced to process them.

## usage

1. copy the JAR to the deployment directory
2. add this authenticator to
   - _Direct Grant_ flow with _restore_ set to false (default)
   - _Browser_ flow, with _restore_ set to true


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