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# extended-cookie-authenticator

## description

This _Browser_ authenticator extends the delivered _Cookie_ authenticator by
overriding the `authenticate` method such that, if the user session notes
contain `IMPERSONATOR_ID`, then the impersonator is validated to have been
assigned at least one client role that is composited, however deeply, from

If so, then the list of such assigned client roles is added as a
`IMPERSONATOR_ROLES` user session note (for later use with the client _User
Session Note Mapper_) and impersonation is granted.

If not, then impersonation is denied.

## usage

1. copy the JAR to the deployment directory
2. create a copy of the delivered browser flow and replace _Cookie_ with _Extended Cookie_
3. configure the client to use that flow rather than the delivered flow
4. create client role(s) that are directly or indirectly, however deeply, composited
   with __realm-management.impersonation__; for example:
   - direct: client role __impersonator__ composited with
     - __realm-management.impersonation__
     - __realm-management.view-users__
   - indirect: client role __impersonator__ composited with
     - realm role __impersonator__ composited with
       - __realm-management.impersonation__
       - __realm-management.view-users__
5. assign the client role(s) to users who should be granted the ability to impersonate a
   user into the client


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